New TNA show


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OK so on alot of different post i have seen that people have said that TNA needs a new show.I agree with this because i would like to so good story line that aren't RUSHED.

But the reaL question i have is what would you call the new TNA show IF they got one.

What day would you have this new show.

How would you organize that roster.(e.g. Draft,'free agents")

Would you make new titles or make the champs defend it on both shows.

And would you have an athourity figure kinda like a GM.

Anyone remember when Chris Jericho left WcW for WWF? Who remember what he said?

Chris Jericho - WcW is a company with no organization at all, it was all black and white, and as soon as I opened the WWF door it was all colours.

This is the problem TNA have atm, weak storylines first of all, wich is a big aspect in the wrestling entertainment world. We don't just get amused by wrestling, but storylines aswell.
Tna got multiple talent, but no organization..

Me personally would re organize the whole show.
The problems that the company has will not be resolved by another show. You would just be spreading the problems over another couple of hours.

TNA needs revitalisation from top to bottom; the TV product, the talent, the backstage organisation, the entire creative process. This needs to result in TNA showing a much different side to the WWE-wannabe that we are seeing at the moment. There is so much potential within the core talent. But only this complete change will see TNA reach a mainstream audience because at the moment, they just are pissing it away one Thursday night at a time.
I personally feel they need to fix the show they have before they expand. I would really like to see TNA succeed, but I can barely sit through an entire 2 hours now without getting frustrated.

However, I don't wanna be the guy to rain on the parade, so I'll play along.

They would have to put it on Saturday. There is absolutely nothing on tv Saturday night for a lame, married father, like myself. I would keep the two hour time, probably even the same time slot (I like consistency!). No brand split, or GM needed. Let Hogan and Bischoff do their thing. I think it would create a great opportunity to focus more time on the X Division, Tag Teams, and younger guys, while still giving top talent their time.

The idea looks really good on paper, unfortunately, I feel a 2nd show would cripple TNA financially, and annoy talent who are there for the lighter work load.

But seriously, I need something to watch on Saturday night!!
Having 2 seperate brands could work!! i mean we got a lot of wrestlers hardly doing anything in TNA and it would be a way of getting them doing something..or simply fire them...

Another option I think would work is what wwe did back in 99, 00, 01, with all wresters appearing on both could be cool..the thing is, they will still be in the impact zone!!
I'm glad everyone read the question and went crazy on why another show wouldn't help TNA...

I think that if they do have a second show, it should be on Monday (or at least have impact back on Monday, and the second show on Thursday). The wrestling audience tunes in on Mondays. It doesn't have to be direct competition, but at least another option. Their ratings didn't go down from what they are on Thursdays, or at least not by a lot, so there was no difference. I personally enjoyed having the option.

I don't think the roster would have get split. Having two shows a week just allows for more storylines to take place. It'll give us 4 hours of Impact basically. This way everyone on the roster has time to prove themselves. Another way to divide it up, if dividing it up is the popular choice, is by title contenderships. Have the TNA, Global and Tag titles on one show, the X as the feature with the Knockout titles and perhaps create a sort of "hardcore" title. This way the X-division is in the spotlight on at least one of the shows. This sort of answered the next question too. The only title I would consider adding would be something like a Hardcore title*. With TNA trying to give another option from WWE, "real" ECW-type matches would be good for them. It'll also give about 5 guys on the current roster something to do.

I do like the authority figure type role, especially when it was Jim Cornette. I wouldn't mind Paul Heyman either "running things". What I would like to see is what Bischoff tried doing initially with nWo**, and that was to have nWo be the second show. They eventually split completely into two separate "companies" (but obviously under the same company). I find this to be an incredibly creative way of having two shows, and allows for true "brand superiority" rivalries. Having Hogan be in charge of Impact, and Bischoff in charge of the other show would have two popular guys in the wrestling world as the GMs of their shows.

*Not THE Hardcore title that WWE had. I can already tell that no one on this particular forum reads anything, they just go insane when they see trigger words (...New TNA show) and ignore the question or comments. A title that revolves around the Hardcore matches. No one should bring up how a title that is defended 24/7 is a good idea. It'll also be a nice thing to give Bubba and Devon something to do if both of them go the singles route. Give them a singles title to fight for.

**nWo is another trigger word. I'm not proposing that they do the nWo storyline again. Something LIKE WHAT BISCHOFF ORIGINALLY PLANNED TO DO. The starting plan can be the same with the entire thing looking different.
i dont think TNA is ready for another show as yet...they cant even manage to keep 1 show going properly, as much as I want them too I have been a fan of TNA since almost day 1 and wish it to succed more then anything

once they create some consistancy in there feuds and angles, continue building there roster, use the x-division and tag team div's properly and actually put on some better PPV's that arnt just in the impact zone (perhaps they could have used a show in the UK?) hell they have enough talent for 2 shows with the strong majority sitting on there asses

and i dont think that they should create a hardcore title just for 5 guys that arnt even used now anyway, they already have 6 belts (including team titles) going around as it is already

just to clear i dont mean to bash TNA, i enjoy it and want to see it achive the best
They SHould call the new show Xplosion, and make a big deal over the web show coming to TV. They would have a simple marketing campaign. We all know creative is not there strong point. They should use it an extension of Impact, and swap off who is on each show so they can flesh out story lines and not create new story lines, or move the global title over to it, Global=WOrld, sounds similar enough, just add to the prestige and have the big names feud over it. Maybe have Hogan try to do Commentary, he might not be bad and still be on TV. Or split up Bishoff and Hogan and have one on each show, and maybe ir can lead to a feud.
I think you're putting the cart before the horse. Before TNA has a second show, they need to get the hell out of the Impact Zone, and put Impact on live! I'm not against the idea of a second show, I would love it if TNA had more television time to develop story lines and showcase more talent.

If TNA were to have a second show in The Impact Zone, it would just look (and feel) like two episodes of Impact every week. They really need to start traveling like WWE does (and WCW did). It would help their credibility in the long-run, and would help them gain some new fans. Having different fans there every week will also help them gauge the "real" popularity of the wrestlers (*cough* Abyss *cough*), and help them sell more merch.

TNA also needs live episodes of Impact. At the very least, they should do a live show every other week (like they were doing before moving back to Thursdays). Bischoff said himself that wrestling-fans like spontaneity, and you can't achieve that "anything could happen" feeling in a "taped-environment".

The proposed second show wouldn't have to be live, it would be easier on the wrestlers to only have to do that once a week - just like WWE does with Smackdown.

Originally Posted by Ruthless-RKO
...Another option I think would work is what wwe did back in 99, 00, 01, with all wresters appearing on both brands...

If TNA was to have a second show, I think Ruthless-RKO's idea here is perfect. It's different than what WWE is currently doing, and I don't think TNA would benefit from a least not right now, because they don't have a big enough roster. A brand-split would just further their reputation as WWE-lite, and adding extra belts would just exacerbate their situation in general.

The main problem with going live, traveling and a second show is money. TNA doesn't have the same budget that WWE does, and obviously doesn't want to shell out the cash to get these ideas off the ground...although all of this would help the product IMMENSELY.

The second problem is the work-schedule. A lot of the wrestlers are with TNA because their schedule is so much more relaxed than the WWE's. The talent only has to fly to Orlando a few times a month, as opposed to being on the road for half the week. Adding a second show would mean less leisure-time for everyone involved.
I agree with that other dude, if TNA could make 1 program that is interesting and good week in and week out, i'd consider watching two. Problem is they're just making a crappy lame version of RAW. Besides, they already failed going head to head with raw, mondays aren't their thing. The Wrestling audience would tune in Wednesdays as well if they had a solid product.

Just because Mondays are the traditional day for wrestling, doesn't mean wrestling fans don't give a shit about wrestling the rest of the week. If they give us a reason to watch, we will!
hmm, not sure of how easily they could afford to do a second show but it would be good to see, i remember years ago when tna meant ages of quality each week but it seems to be much more talking nowadays. what would be nice to see would be one show for the heavyweight and global titles and the other show with primarily x-division, womens title and tag teams defending on both, maybe drop each show to 90 minutes but up the amount of wrestling. also gives opportunities with an x division star taking the heavyweight crown and having to defend it on the other show.
I personally feel they need to fix the show they have before they expand. I would really like to see TNA succeed, but I can barely sit through an entire 2 hours now without getting frustrated.

However, I don't wanna be the guy to rain on the parade, so I'll play along.

They would have to put it on Saturday. There is absolutely nothing on tv Saturday night for a lame, married father, like myself. I would keep the two hour time, probably even the same time slot (I like consistency!). No brand split, or GM needed. Let Hogan and Bischoff do their thing. I think it would create a great opportunity to focus more time on the X Division, Tag Teams, and younger guys, while still giving top talent their time.

The idea looks really good on paper, unfortunately, I feel a 2nd show would cripple TNA financially, and annoy talent who are there for the lighter work load.

But seriously, I need something to watch on Saturday night!!

Most of the top talent only works 2 days a month. Surely they could layover in orlando for an extra day or tape 3 matches instead of 2.and an extra talking segment. The best part about a second show is it would let us see more of the TNA original midcarders!
Anyone remember when Chris Jericho left WcW for WWF? Who remember what he said?

Chris Jericho - WcW is a company with no organization at all, it was all black and white, and as soon as I opened the WWF door it was all colours.

I felt EXACTLY like that when i turned to TNA from WWE.

But if TNA were to get another show, it should definitly be on Mondays against RAW, when Impact does come back for the second round they will have a better chance because the viewers would have had a glimpse of TNA already.
Titles: They All Will Be Shared
General Manager: Ric Flair (heel)
Announcers: Taz and Mike Tenay
Interview: Christy Hemme
Roster: AJ Styles, Kurt Angle,Samoa Joe, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, Abyss, Kaz, Matt Morgan, Motor City Machine Guns, Beer Money, Team 3D, The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky, Angelina Love and Maddison Rayne), ODB, Taylor Wilde and Hamada, Awsome Kong, Petey Williams

On X-plosion
Titles: Will All Be Shared
General Manager: Mick Foley (face)
Announcers: Don West and Jeremy Borash
Interview: So Cal Val
Roster: Desmond Wolfe/Chelsea, Jeff Jarrett, Douglas Williams,The Pope, Daniels (if he resigns) Mr Anderson,Brian Kendrick,Eric Young, Tomko (who I think should be EY's partner and be a remake of the Christain Coalition with just these two) Raven, Jay Lethal Amazing Red, Generation Me, Ink Inc, LAX (I know you all are pissed at Homicide for those comments he made on that radio station but LAX should be together) Roxxi,Sarita and Daffney Sara Del Ray, Sonjay Dutt, Alissa Flash

FLOATERS: Sting, Dixie Carter And Whoever Is A Champion

Releases: Kiyoshi, Rhino, Jimmy Hart, Lacy Von Eric, Shawn Waltman, Orlando Jordan, Dr Stevie Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Magnus, Rob Terry, Shark Boy, Vince Russo, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff

Resign/Sign: Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt, Awsome Kong, Sara Del Ray, Alissa Flash

PPV's: Their should only be five ppv's a year Bound For Glory, Slammiversary, Lockdown, Destination X (witch should be an all X-Division ppv) and Turning Point (The reason I said Tuning Point was because it was the best ppv in 2009 and getting rid of it would just be dumb keep the momentum going with this ppv) and on the months that you have no ppv do a 3 hour special and if Spike says no to that then find a program that will unless its a bad one and also you shouldn't be charging the same price for your ppv's as of the WWE you should charge about 30 to 40 dollars depending on how strong the card is and witch ppv it is
Having another show could be of a benefit to TNA. According to what I've read, TNA has about 70 wrestlers currently signed to its roster and most of them aren't used often for iMPACT!. I'm not really sure how many of them are regularly utilized even for house shows. Also, according to these reports, Dixie Carter doesn't really wanna release any talent as there's been talk of big budget cuts coming for the past few weeks. So, another show is one option. One question I've got is can TNA afford another show? Since TNA is a privately owned company, nobody but a handful of people knows what the overall state of TNA's finances are. I know that TNA has spent a lot of money in bringing in established names and from their live broadcasts against Raw.

However, simply having another brand isn't going to fix most of the problems in TNA. TNA has some very talented wrestlers on their roster and I think a lot of them are completely overshadowed by the big names or just plain aren't used enough. Some people believe that a lot of the wrong wrestlers are being pushed and that TNA has a lot of wrestlers in spots that they're really not suited for. And, at least to some degree, I think that I probably have to agree with that. For instance, I'm not buying into anything that TNA has been trying to do with Abyss for the longest time, but I definitely don't see Abyss as the TNA version of John Cena no matter how much Hulk Hogan wants it to be so.

If TNA did have another show, I don't believe that Spike is going to allow it to go anywhere near Monday nights for a long time, if ever. The cold, hard truth is that iMPACT! got its ass kicked by Raw in the ratings week in and week out. Overall, head to head against Raw, iMPACT! drew some of the worst numbers in its history. If TNA were to develop another brand, they'd have no chance of convincing Spike to move put it on Mondays until/unless they manage to increase their audience dramatically beyond what they're pulling now and show that they could sustain those numbers.
TNA and a second show huh? Well, they like everyone said before hand, they need to organize that first show before they do anything of that sorts. I'm still shocked no one got fired from the failed Monday Night Wars. But that's another thread.

TNA needs to get out of Impact, and take it to other cities, and go get that bigger audience. You can't stay in one spot 60 percent of the time, and tell everyone it's cheaper here.

Not also that, but it's not a big company. I don't know why they need a 2nd show. I understand WWE and at the time WCW getting a 2nd show, because they were and one of them still is a billion dollar machine. I don't even think TNA breaks 75 million a year, or even 30 million. It's too small of a company for a 2nd show.
If the likes of Dixie Carter doesn't want to release wrestlers when budgets need cutting, then you know the company is heading for a fall. A second show will not fix this, its a stupid idea to keep wrestlers who simply aren't needed.

If TNA wants to work, it should simply fix the product it has now. Sort out the issue it has too many wrestlers and try moving around the country. Try to grab the audience first before expanding otherwise it will end up expanding beyond its natural growth and die because of it. It's simple business, never over expand because it will come back to kick you in the ass.
I would like to see a second show on a tuesday slot to compete against NXT (soon to be smackdown).

I would call the show either IMPLODE, or EXPLODE.

I would change the show up, and not make it just another wrestling show.
It could be more like a wresling school style show. Have a couple of big names like Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Ric Flair etc.... guest host the show every week(changing the guests every week). They would come on the show each week, and help train, and give tips on wrestling to aspiring wrestlers. Each week they could have a couple of matches with the rookies with their trainer/favorite host in each of their corners.

I think that more people that have always aspired to become a wrestler would watch what it takes to become a wrestler from every aspect of the show.

The winner's of each match on the show get a chance to wrestler their choice of any wrestler on TNA roster on the TNA IMPACT show.

I would enjoy watching this type of show myself. IMO it could be a great concept , and a eye catcher for the yougner guys that want to be wrestlers..
TNA needs to focus on its current programming, not another TV show that gets low ratings. I don't know if you realize this, but it's entirely possible for Spike TV in the United States to not renew their deal with TNA or to buyout their deal and let them move on to another network.

Their ratings are not up to par with the timeslot they covet. They compete with many great shows on Thursdays and to be honest, not many people know about the show in general. Spike doesn't advertise iMPACT enough on their sister networks or on CBS, which would expose the brand to a different audience.

So a new TV show is an entirely bad idea all around. There's plenty of talent on the roster, but that doesn't mean you should put them all on TV. It means you have more to work with. And where would this new show go? What timeslot? What network? TNA has to worry about their main show and PPV's and go from there. With success comes another show.
Like someone previously stated, TNA needs to focus on making iMPACT! the best show they possibly can right now and improve iMPACT's ratings.

BUT, when they are ready and able for a new show, I would have them have a 1 hour B show, not a second brand. That is one thing I personally don't like about WWE.

I would have it be on Sunday nights from 6pm-7pm, very similar to WWF sunday night heat. I remember loving Sunday night heat back in 1998 and 1999. I would have them do it live the nights of ppvs, because I remeber really wanting to buy ppvs after watching sunday night heats where the ppv was right after it, so it would hopefully help make more people want to buy the ppv.

I would probably call it what the online show is called, TNA XPLOSION. Speaking of the online show, I think that is a good baby step into a second show. I would have it feature people who dont always get TV time( magnus, hamada, ect.) but also have a solid main event like (ex: anderson vs wolfe) so people would watch.

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