New Stable?


Dark Match Jobber
It seems like Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, and Dolph Ziggler are all feeling the wrath of the new Corporation in one form or another. Do you guys think its possible that they will join forces in some sort of "small man" faction to go against the new corporation?
Definitely possible. It would be nice if Rhodes and Ziggler are pushed now as top faces of the company right under CM Punk and Daniel Bryan.
I don't know if I'd go as far as saying there is a stable being built with these guys, but I certainly would say that I can see a traditional Survivor Series match going down with these people in particular against the V2 Corporation.
Yep. A small man faction. That's why Big Show is clearly being set up to lead it. :rolleyes:

The Shield are 3. Randy Orton is 1.

Show, DZ and Rhodes are 3. DB is 1. Common sense people.
They won't be a "stable" but the leaders of one side of the roster. They are building towards those who are against HHH and those who are with him. Rhodes, Big Show and Ziggler are three guys that are dependable that have been used to further the feud and make HHH look like a dictator.
I think it's already been said, for the most part. I don't see them forming some sort of true stable, only they'll just be a loosely knit alliance of wrestlers who have had the screws put to them by the new power structure.

Right now, any babyface that's being put into this angle is reaping the rewards. Show, Ziggler, Rhodes & even Miz have gotten strong babyface responses due to the heels generating so much heat and being such world class dicks. People want to see them get there comeuppance and are rallying behind anyone they're victimizing. By the time it's all said & done, I think there'll be other wrestlers added to both sides.

For instance, due to Mark Henry being injured, rumors going about say that it'll be the Prime Time Players who get the tag title shot at NOC against The Shield. As a result, they could be the next guys who wind up being screwed over by the powers that be, especially in light of Darren Young recently coming out. On the other side, I see Ryback most definitely hooking up with them corporate faction as another bully/enforcer of their will.
With this angle it feels that some how they are trying to bring back a new generation of the corporation with a few changes, with Triple H as the evil boss and Randy Orton as the favorite 3rd. generation superstar just like the Rock was for Vince McMahon, the shield to have the spot that the Big Bossman and Ken Shamrock had, Maddox is their stooge, and some how they are trying to build Daniel Bryan as a modern day Stone Cold, to overcome the odds and stick it to the boss, if they really do form a stable, the good guys should have someone from the attitude era to advised them how to beat the corporation, Stone Cold Steve Austin should be an ovious choice,but i was thinking that another candidate for that would be the Undertaker, because he has so much history with Triple H, and Triple H could never beat the Undertaker, Taker knows how to beat Triple H and he could advice the good guys how to get on his head, how to make him loose his cool, i remember the feuds they had on the attitude era, and in my opinion, those are some of the best storylines of all time, just check them out on you tube and you will see what i'm talking about, Taker could give Bryan advise on how to form a faction or stable, and can also advise him h0ow to stick it to Triple H and Orton.......
after reading the article, there is only one best choice to lead this at least storyline wise and that is Shane-O-Mac. the real son about the chosen son(in-law) over real control. last we saw from shane was the wcw invasion and he is a powerhouse in the ring himself with the daredevil style of rvd and it would be whats "best for business" to have this angle even if Shane has no real interest in returning to the company beyond just the storyline. Imagine the position vince would be in if Shane-O-Mac came back.
Wasn't Mark Henry and Big Show suppose to wrestle the Shield for the strap at King of Champions? I think you guys forget about that. Mark Henry was one of the people that the Shield have demolished.
After re-watching Raw (and this is slightly off topic) but the exchange between Heyman and HHH had me very interested.

Could it sensationally be that Heyman turns face and leads team Bryan against the big, bad corporation?

May sound silly, but the WWE has became a lot more 'real' lately. The personal exchanges between Vince, HHH and Bryan have such a personal feel between them. Throw into that Rhodes claiming that the Mcmahons have never respected the Rhodes' family etc, and we all know that Heyman and VKM don't really see eye to eye, could this be a chance to produce an amazing personal battle?

As I say, just a little thought I had, but imagine the passionate, real promos it would create and having team Heyman v team corporation would be immense IMO
What about HBK? DX was all about anti-authority and especially anti-corporation, now that HHH has become what DX despised it could be interesting to see how Shawn sees things. Would he stand with HHH or side with Bryan as his manager?
I believe this would be a great spot to bring up Zack Ryder!! They can easily do a you've held me back for years so whats to point of listening to you now type gimmick. He can turn manager and lead everyone in the wwe that creative doesn't have anything for... Which would be everyone that feels like they haven't been pushed...
after reading the article, there is only one best choice to lead this at least storyline wise and that is Shane-O-Mac. the real son about the chosen son(in-law) over real control. last we saw from shane was the wcw invasion and he is a powerhouse in the ring himself with the daredevil style of rvd and it would be whats "best for business" to have this angle even if Shane has no real interest in returning to the company beyond just the storyline. Imagine the position vince would be in if Shane-O-Mac came back.

Actually the last time we saw Shane was in the Triple H/Legacy Feud 10 years later.

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