New PPV names?

YOU choose the next PPV

  • WWE Champions

  • WWE Revolution

  • WWE Uprising

  • WWE Vengeance

Results are only viewable after voting.

Hourani777 gonna get GOT! is reporting that WWE has sent out a new PPV survey asking fans their thoughts on the following PPV names:

-WWE Champions

-WWE Revolution

-WWE Uprising

-WWE Vengeance

Ok so that is a poll on
Let's look at the names:

Wwe champions: could be where champions and number one contender face off against eachother.
Wwe revolution: could just be another PPV
Wwe uprising: upcoming superstars get there shot at a first title reign
Wwe vengeance: could just be like vengeance before it became defunct.

So my questions are:
1. Which is your favourite PPV name there?
2. What do you think it could be about?
3. If you could name a PPV what would it be?

For me I'd name a PPV, wwe Danger Zone, that's all I could think off at the top of my head :)

I prefer Night of Champions and New Years Revolution to the new WWE Champions and Revolution. WWE Uprising is ok..just another PPV name in the same ilk as many other new names the WWE come up with once in a while and Vengeance as been done before.

I would like to see some old WCW PPV names being used..mainly Halloween Havoc..I always liked that. The WWE needs less PPV's.
"Uprising" is a good name, and would serve as a great PPV for the younger guys to get noticed.

Not a fan at all of "Champions" or "Revolution". Keep it to what they are called currently.
Actually if I could choose two PPV's to get rid of it would be "Elimination Chamber" and "Hell In A Cell", they really need to save those kind of matches for special feuds/storylines.

Have always like "Vengeance" as a PPV. Would really like to see it brought back. And also agree with Poppycock, "Halloween Havoc" was one of my favorite PPV names and I would love to see it brought into WWE! Same goes with "Bash at the Beach".
They already have enough names from the past, cut the TLC/HIAC/Money in the bank theme'd PPVs, Night of Champions can stay though, and go back to the staple names, You have the main 4, then toss in Starcade, they have the rights to it, and they may as well use it sometime.

Of the ones listed, I'd go with the uprising, what better to push the last pieces of a youth movement together, than to have a PPV dedicated to rookies, and semi-rookies. They already had a WM Card that was devoted pretty heavily to the fresh faces, but let's see John Cena, HHH, and other Vet's stay completely out of the title picture for an entire PPV cycle.

Original name is a toughy, because alot of the good ones have been taken, but keeping away from the Gimmicks, I'd go with a corny name like WWE 5 Stars. Not as catchy as it sounded in my head.
I would like to see Money in the Bank, HIAC, EC, ER, and TLC all removed and given new names. Backlash was excellent name for after WM, you could still have Extreme Rules but just move it after Backlash. My thinking it This:

January: Royal Rumble
February: Uprising
March/April: WrestleMania
April/May: Backlash
June: Extreme Rules
July: Great American Bash
August: Summerslam
September: Themed to where it is located (ex: Capitol Punishment)
October: Night of Champions
November: Survivor Series
December: New Years Revolution

my suggested Sept. names could be fun and you'd have a new name every year. If its in Florida-"Bash at the Beach"
Texas- Execution
Las Vegas- All-in
I like Vengeance. Only because im a fan of the old school pay per view names. Backlash, Judgment Day, Armageddon etc....
It's just a PPV name. what's the point in doing it unless they're gonna live up to their name? I like those names. But I dunno what Vengeance would achieve. Maybe it could serve as the fallout from Wrestlemania rather than Backlash.
Wwe champions:
Wwe revolution:
Wwe uprising:
Wwe vengeance:

So my questions are:
1. Which is your favourite PPV name there?
Out of them only Uprising is new and fresh all the others in some way or form have been used and nothing special has ever came of them PPVs.

2. What do you think it could be about?
Simply do away with the 6 of the PPV's names, keep Night of Champions and Extreme Rules I generally believe they have potiental when used correctly to be top 6. Now the next 6 PPV's have them night Over the Limit, Capitol Punishment, Fully loaded, Breakdown.. just swap and change them on a yearly basis, have Hell in a cell matches on them but don't keep the PPV's confined to gimmick matches as it tends to be boring from my point of view anyways TLC being the exception 2009, when I was a kid I always looked forward to finding out the name of the next PPV I doubt I was the only one.

3. If you could name a PPV what would it be?

WWE Total Elimination (KOTR/Survivor Series/Elimination Chamber combine the three shows into one 4 man tourny and 2 elimination matches and 1 elimination chamber championship) just a new name for the show NOT the concepts. None conept PPV maybe WWE Final Conflict maybe to end a feud like Miz/Cena, Christian/Del Rio that has spanned months and is coming to a head.
I think it would be cool if the WWE adopted the way UFC names their PPVs. Like WWE Christian vs Del Rio or WWE Cena vs Miz II. Something like that. it wouldnt technically be a fresh idea since UFC does it this way but I don't think any wrestling companies use this type of naming for PPVs.
I think it would be cool if the WWE adopted the way UFC names their PPVs. Like WWE Christian vs Del Rio or WWE Cena vs Miz II. Something like that. it wouldnt technically be a fresh idea since UFC does it this way but I don't think any wrestling companies use this type of naming for PPVs.

I would not personally like that to happen at all. I already dislike the way the WWE is heading towards realism. I wouldn't mind something similar though like the In Your House shows they used to do like WWF In Your House 14:Revenge of the 'Taker.
I actually like the WWE Uprising name and the idea you suggested. It could be a very interesting ppv if done right. They could make it a PPV where all the championships are on the line but the number one contenders are always guys who have never won a title before. Basically a chance for the younger and lower tier superstars to step up and try to hang in there with the big boys. It could be interesting but WWE would probably mess it up.
I personally enjoyed Backlash, Judgement Day, No Way Out, and the old school Capital Carnage. The only new one I like is WWE Over the Limit and if they choose WWE Vengeance again. Uprising sounds bad and so does Revolution and Champions. Be more creative!!!!!
Not a fan at all of "Champions" or "Revolution". Keep it to what they are called currently.
Actually if I could choose two PPV's to get rid of it would be "Elimination Chamber" and "Hell In A Cell", they really need to save those kind of matches for special feuds/storylines.

Agreed completely. Get rid of the damn gimmick PPVs except Extreme Rules. ER was a good idea and then they just took it to the point of absurdity with the rest of the gimmicks. It makes me question: "is Vince aware at all of the law of diminishing marginal utility?" Too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

Now as per the questions:

1. I like "Uprising" the best. Vengeance has been done before and "Champions" just sounds like a stupid incomplete sentence.

2. It shouldn't be about anything. Just another PPV. No more gimmicks unless they mean something- and only use them sparingly.

3. I like the name "Fog of War" for a PPV. That's actually a name for a CPV in this CAW league I once had and might be doing again.
So I was looking at the new WWE survey and I was thinking each PPV has something diffrent about it and I wanted to see if you guys agree with it.
Note: I know this thread has nothing of importance at all I just wanted to make a thread on this.

-WWE Champions- I was thinking in this PPV its gonna be like night of champions pretty much with all the titles on the line or if night of champions is still here its gonna have all the champions compete in matches.

-WWE Revolution- I couldn't think of anything for this so im just guessing this is a fly by pay per view.

-WWE Uprising- I voted for this PPV because I think this will be the one PPV that's used for helping the young stars in wwe gain attention.

-WWE Vengeance- Didn't we have this already ?
They already have Night of Champions. And "this sunday at Champions" doesn't sound too good.

Already had "new year's revolution" and "revolution" doesn't sound too good either.

"Uprising" is such a generic term. Might as well say "redemption".

I laughed at them saying Vengeance. Do they forget 2001 to 2007?
This one is super easy. All but one have had PPV's named in one way or another. This is Vinces way to make you think your renaming a PPV. Uprising will be the clear cut winner and if not I will be surprised. This will be an easy way for them to advance either The Corre, Nexus, or maybe even the Raw GM storyline. Think about it, and it will come to you.
WWE: Brawl of Fame

A PPV where legends still connected with the WWE compete with current WWE superstars. Maybe used to get some up and coming stars gain more credibility. Not every match on the card could have legends involved..maybe just the matches where no belts are on the line. Also could include one of those battle royals with ex WWE superstars like Hacksaw Jim Duggan..Doink.. etc.. those matches always seem to get over with the fans.
Am I the only person that misses WWE Unforgiven on the PPV card? One of the better PPVs in WWE in the last decade was WWE Unforgiven 2006, maybe it's just me but that PPV was basically eliminated for no real reason.

Also, if they do bring in a new PPV, it should only be one thing...

WWE: War Games! Bring it back, its been over 12 years since we seen a War Games match.
I think all of those names are bad. WWE Revolution and WWE Uprising could litterally be anything. That's just as bad as Over the Limit, which seemed to have no theme whatsoever. WWE Champions sounds like a renaming of Night of Champions, which is one of the better shows. It does not need to be renamed. WWE Vengeance is the old name of Night of Champions, why bring that back? There's no theme I can think of that could possibly fit that. If I had to pick out of that list it would be Vengeance, under the process of elimination but all of the names are bad choices. It would probably just be Night of Champions going back to its old name, or perhaps a "revenge" themed show, but they already have a rematch show for Wrestlemania in Extreme Rules and practically every PPV these days carries over feuds from one to the next. If I could name a PPV.... I would bring back the Championship Scramble and call the show WWE Scramble. Why? Yes, those matches sucked, but unlike Over the Limit and every single one of the four choices in the poll, it would have an actual theme rather than just being another random PPV. I don't like any of the choices because none of them stick out.
1. Which is your favourite PPV name there?
Ans) WWE Uprising... "WWE Champions" has got to be the most boring name for a PPV (or even a TV show) I have ever heard... WWE Vengeance is OK, but it would only work if it was similar to Backlash, but after SummerSlam.

2. What do you think it could be about?
Like many have already stated, when I think of "WWE Uprising" I think of young talent getting a chance in the spotlight. It would be a good way to see guys who normally wouldn't be given a shot at a major title be contenders for those titles, even if it is just for one night.

3. If you could name a PPV what would it be?
WWE Halloween Havoc. To this day, I still love all the WCW Halloween Havocs (Halloween is like my Christmas, so I guess that's why...) Other than that, I wouldn't mind WWE (or WCW) Old School to be a PPV.
I voted for WWE - Revolution, but I don't really have any favorites. I don't really like any of the other names. I would get rid of the themed match PPVs like EC, TLC, MITB, HIAC. They never made sense to me and take away the value of said match. If I had to name a PPV it would probably be something like , WWE: Reconing. (Man that sounded better in my head)
It looks like a lot of us would like to see Halloween Havoc return. I think it would be a great idea. I know it's too late this yeah but it would of been a good moment to bring The Undertaker back (assuming he needs a while to recover)

The more I think about it the more I would love a return of the In Your House series with names relating to current events, matches, feuds.
It needs Alliteration, pop culture references or name it after wheres its held like baltimore beatdown or denver dream match. Just off the top of my head. Look at halloween havoc, summerslam and bash at the beach. All succesful and memorable. Utilise the english language vinnie!

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