New Moon

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Shawn Michaels ❤

My Gosh, isn't this everywhere? You can't watch a TV show or go into the city centre without seeing it. But for good reason; I am SO excited. And I have tickets to the first midnight showing. Yes I know, "Twilights shit, Fangirl, blah blah" but I don't care. I absolutely love how addictive the books are and the first film wasn't that bad. In this film the tone completely changes and I cannot wait to see if they portray the books in the way they deserve.

I don't expect anyone else to be excited, most of the people I know who like it are teenage girls. But you can all be excited for me anyway.
I'm kind of sad that this is the first time I'm going to have to disagree with you. Twilight is awful, just... awful. A propagandist, middle American ode to celibacy. Vegetarian vampires? Are you fricken kidding me! They're supposed to be predators. The old mythology of the vampire came about because of warnings about "tall dark strangers" who would walk into town, steal your heart, your hymen and then leave. What is the point of making them as innocent as everyone else? Oh yeah, sulky emo teenage girls who like non-threatening boys and have this pasty white palid idea of romanticized love where "holding hands is like the bestest thing ever" and teenage boys are like Ken dolls, all smooth and asexual.
And from what I've seen of New Moon... ethnic werewolves are the bad guys? Yeah that's not questionable at all.
As you might have worked out from this mini rant, I fucking hate Twilight.
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The shock of us disagreeing over something has shaken me! I think you can look at it more of the evolution of the Vampire - they're simply being portrayed differently. It's not like this is ever going to be seen as a grea piece of literature, it's just something to make the fans like, and it does. I mean, the most unlikely part of the book isn't that the vampires eat animals, is it?

The werewolves aren't portrayed as the bad guys. They save Bella's life, and as the books continue they're generally always portrayed positively, unless it's how Edward sees Jake, who ahas feelings for Bella also.
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I could ignore Twilight if it wasn't so popular but when it takes attention away from something like Let The Right One In, I get riled. It's a dishonest evolution, purely for the reasons I've said above, to get girls to give up their pocket money and I've always hated anything that shallow and transparent.

The Currently Making Loveless Angry List

1. X Factor
2. Man Ure
3. Twilight
4. Jordan
5. Republicans
It's all about the target audience though; I don't think Meyer wrote these with you in mind. They're not the greatest books ever in terms of literary analysis, but when it comes to wanting to book to sit down and enjoy I definitely pick this series up.

Do dishonest evolutions exist with something as unreal as vampires anyway? Everything evolves over time, Meyer has simply given a new way to look at things. Of course it's not real, it's not supposed to be.

New Moon will be a good film from what I've seen of the trailers so far, I'm very very excited. The story changes so much from Twilight it'll be nice to see Jake, who's my favourite character, take a leading role.
I'm going to see it the day after it comes out for my friend's birthday. Not really looking forward to watching it but that could always change, think that annoys me though is how everyone keeps going on about it now just because of the film, yet when it was books they couldn't of cared less, plus I absoultely hate Robert Pattison so that's probably the main reason why I don't care for it.
I should know better than to argue with wimmens about Twilight really, I never win.
Vampires are supposed to be cool, scary, predatory, nasty bastards who only look at humans as lunch. Making them fey, pretty and toothless is just... wrong. Just like it was wrong to take the biggest badass in the galaxy (Darth Vader) and turn him into a blond haired, blue-eyed brat who said "Yippee!" They're destroying a legendary, morality tale with iconic mythology and the only reason it's being done is for cynical money making and furthering the right wing abstinence campaign, which disgusts me.
I don't think it's that as a book we 'couldn't care less', more that the films brought the books into the mainstream media. I'd never heard of Meyer or the Twilight series until I saw the film, but I got hooked on the books pretty soon afterwards. The books are bestsellers at the moment, which the film has brought on due to giving them such coverage. And New Moon will sell huge because of the success of the books - they work together.

Oh and you should be looking forward to it!
Oh and I forgot to add, the first film was an abomination and the second one looks even worse. The effects are straight-to-DVD bad
I should know better than to argue with wimmens about Twilight really, I never win.
Vampires are supposed to be cool, scary, predatory, nasty bastards who only look at humans as lunch. Making them fey, pretty and toothless is just... wrong. Just like it was wrong to take the biggest badass in the galaxy (Darth Vader) and turn him into a blond haired, blue-eyed brat who said "Yippee!"

The 'traditional' view of witches is that they're old and ugly with warts on their noses, yet Harry Potter changes this completely, is that bad as well?

They're destroying a legendary, morality tale with iconic mythology and the only reason it's being done is for cynical money making and furthering the right wing abstinence campaign, which disgusts me.

I love it when I hear stuff like that. Call me naive, but I just read them as books, as does everyone else I know. I don't think there's an ulterior motive regarding sex in any of the books.
Oh and I forgot to add, the first film was an abomination and the second one looks even worse. The effects are straight-to-DVD bad

You're making my head hurt :(. The first film wasn't bad. It wasn't amazing, but you don't expect them to be. I think they're entertaining enough to be sat through. I'll probably go see New Moon 2-3 times, because I'm an addict. But for the general population, I don't think the films are completely horrible.
I don't think it's that as a book we 'couldn't care less', more that the films brought the books into the mainstream media. I'd never heard of Meyer or the Twilight series until I saw the film, but I got hooked on the books pretty soon afterwards. The books are bestsellers at the moment, which the film has brought on due to giving them such coverage. And New Moon will sell huge because of the success of the books - they work together.

Oh and you should be looking forward to it!

I get where you're coming from but the people I know, are absolutely obsessed with it, even going as far as to have a party about it, maybe its the fact people go on about it so much is the reason I don't like to give it a chance, this film does seem better as that werewolf man is kind off cool.
I get where you're coming from but the people I know, are absolutely obsessed with it, even going as far as to have a party about it, maybe its the fact people go on about it so much is the reason I don't like to give it a chance, this film does seem better as that werewolf man is kind off cool.

Jake is amazing, and to be a girl, absolutely gorgeous! He's by far my favourite and I'm hoping the actor is good enough to portray the character Meyer has built him up to be in New Moon. While not 'deep' as such, there are things I think he gets across without Bella realising at first, so I hope he can do that, it'll make the film a lot better.

And a Twilight party? It's really sad that I want one of these. That's going to be Jess's birthday theme, thank you :)
Jake is amazing, and to be a girl, absolutely gorgeous! He's by far my favourite and I'm hoping the actor is good enough to portray the character Meyer has built him up to be in New Moon. While not 'deep' as such, there are things I think he gets across without Bella realising at first, so I hope he can do that, it'll make the film a lot better.

And a Twilight party? It's really sad that I want one of these. That's going to be Jess's birthday theme, thank you :)

I was waiting until some one says he was gorgeous, at least it was him not Robert Pattison who looked vile in the film in my oppinion. I haven't read the book so I wouldn't know how or what he does but this is making me want to watch it slightly more!

Oh nooo, what is the world coming to :lmao:
The 'traditional' view of witches is that they're old and ugly with warts on their noses, yet Harry Potter changes this completely, is that bad as well?

Yeah Harry Potter is a big pile of crap as well, although I don't care so much about that because wizards and magic have always been rubbish.

I love it when I hear stuff like that. Call me naive, but I just read them as books, as does everyone else I know. I don't think there's an ulterior motive regarding sex in any of the books.

Well I haven't read the books but it's absolutely blatant in the film. We have

Virginal teenage girls

"Dark" and moody teenage boys who would quite like to bite you neck and exchange some bodily fluid but are "vegetarian" (I'd call them Vagitarian personally) who are portrayed at the good guys.

We have the other teenage boys, who aren't vagitarians and would thinking nothing of preying on said teenage girl, who are portrayed as the bad guys.

You've also got ethnic werewolves, walking around without their t-shirts on but you're not supposed to like them because they're dark, instead of pasty, haired gelled wusses afraid of their own nature.

The whole sodding thing screams "Hey, we're sexy but we're also dangerous so hold my hand and run if I try and bite you"

As I'm giving you a headache I'll make this my last post in here, otherwise I'd rant on continually.
I was waiting until some one says he was gorgeous, at least it was him not Robert Pattison who looked vile in the film in my oppinion. I haven't read the book so I wouldn't know how or what he does but this is making me want to watch it slightly more!

Oh nooo, what is the world coming to :lmao:

I don't see the appeal of Edward, my little girl is 'in love' with him though. She has a 'Team Edward' Tshirt, about 10 sizes too big for her, mine's Team Jacob.

Read the books if you enjoy New Moon, while I obviously haven't seen it yet, I'm going off the basis that almost every film ever was better as a book if it started out as such. A lot more detail is paid to Jacob in this film as opposed to Twilight.

Yeah Harry Potter is a big pile of crap as well, although I don't care so much about that because wizards and magic have always been rubbish.


Well I haven't read the books but it's absolutely blatant in the film. We have

Virginal teenage girls

"Dark" and moody teenage boys who would quite like to bite you neck and exchange some bodily fluid but are "vegetarian" (I'd call them Vagitarian personally) who are portrayed at the good guys.

We have the other teenage boys, who aren't vagitarians and would thinking nothing of preying on said teenage girl, who are portrayed as the bad guys.

You've also got ethnic werewolves, walking around without their t-shirts on but you're not supposed to like them because they're dark, instead of pasty, haired gelled wusses afraid of their own nature.

The whole sodding thing screams "Hey, we're sexy but we're also dangerous so hold my hand and run if I try and bite you"

As I'm giving you a headache I'll make this my last post in here, otherwise I'd rant on continually.

Hahaha, this is the best take on the film ever. I legit LOL'd. I think everything's been moulded into what the critics want to be here. As in, instead of the film showing this, people have come up with an idea and stretched everything to fit around that one idea.

I'm not sure where you get the we're not supposed to like them, as the books go on (Spoiler - Obviously stop reading here if you're planning on wanting to read them) the werewolves play a very positive part in Bella and Edwards life, saving the Cullens and eventually ends up with their daughter.
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