New Internet Championship! Could We See It On RAW?


TWITTER: @Son_Broku
On today's new episode of Z! True Long Island Story, Zack threw his old Internet Championship in the trash, before debuting a new, and very legitimate looking championship belt. This is the real thing folks. Leather, GOLD, custom spiked hair main plate! For those of you who haven't seen it, here's a picture.


Now lately we've seen Ryder get a bit more attention in other places besides the internet. (ex. Punk at Comic-Con, full entrance and victory on RAW)
I know he defended the old Internet Title against Primo at a house show a few weeks back, but my question now is.. with a legitimate championship belt, will we see Ryder defend, or at least carry the belt, on RAW? I'd really hate to think he purchased this belt for the sake of his internet show alone.

Listening to Punk's interview on the B.S. report on ESPN radio, they mentioned the internet a lot, how that demographic of the fans shouldn't be ignored, but rather embraced in a certain capacity. Could it be happening, could Ryder be getting a push?
I don't think we'll see that on RAW, or anywhere in the WWE. I mean, no offense to you Ryder fans, but I don't think he's anything special right now. Maybe I just don't like the gimmick.
It looked pretty legit, until i saw the Zack Ryder hair and shades on it. I mean you can put it on the line for lower mid card talent and they have to do weekly pod casts or something on like wwe(dot)com while they are the champion. Just a thought.

I probably wouldnt get my hopes up though. Its just a fun gag Ryder can use to seem more legit.
If the company were to run the idea, it would probably be a gimmick belt like the hardcore title. They would have to give specific details on what the belt means if he wants to defend it on tv.
I'd imagine it would be like a TV Championship; nothing important that lower/midcarders can go after to keep themselves relevant on the roster. If they would use it like that then I would have no real problem with it. However, it does have Ryder all over it. That's like putting Kofi Kingston's face on the Intercontinental or United States Championships. I do suppose it could be defended against the likes of Evan Bourne, Santino and the rest of the Superstars regulars. But I don't have high hopes for the Championship.
Wow. I read alot about how everyone cries and moans about WWE having too many belts already and you all want Ryder to defend this ugly piece of crap? Besides, Raw isn't the internet.. if that's the internet championship, I would think it should be defended on some internet show.. Plus, Ryder sucks. His gimmick sucks. And his webshow sucks. I still can't figure out why everyone loves him and thinks he needs a push. Let's give Yoshi Tatsu a huge push while we're at it. Ryder just needs to get back with Hawkins and reform their tag team. That's the only type of push he deserves.
1.) I still don't understand why Ryder is such a big deal on the internet. I'm not a hater by any stretch of the imagination. He's a young talent with lots of potential, that isn't sitting on his ass waiting to be handed an opportunity. Kudos, he's better than most of the roster because of that fact alone. But seriously...what is the HUGE deal?

2.) Wouldn't an internet championship, appearing on a televised episode of Monday Night Raw, defeat the point of the title? I mean, he could wear it for funzies and maybe get a slight face reaction, but there's no way it's going to get defended or become a legit title.

3.) Why not buy it JUST for his internet show. When you're bringing in 100,000 viewers with every video, you can afford to buy props...
The internet championship should be the main championship on superstars! Think about it, Ryder is a regular on the show, and the show is only on wwe's website. It only makes sense. Regardless on your opinion on Ryder, the internet title on a internet only show makes sense. Plus the show needs something to stay relevant. Giving the show some type of purpose would up the viewers even if the increase is very little. Why not do it? Then Ryder can come on RAW and brag about how he dominates the internet on superstars.
Legit? Are you fucking kidding me? This title is ******ed has hair for fuck's sake! Ryder sucks. The title is stupid. People only like him for his youtube show not what he does in the ring. He's good in a Santino type of way minus Santino's wrestling ability. Ryder will be lucky to hit the lower midcard and Ryder fans should be more than happy with that.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3301181 said:
3.) Why not buy it JUST for his internet show. When you're bringing in 100,000 viewers with every video, you can afford to buy props...

True, I forgot how much money YouTube pays you once you reach a certain amount of views. Oh wait...

I could see him wearing it on TV and referencing it, but I'd be surprised if he actually defended it. Think of the Million Dollar Championship here.
I So called this a few weeks ago in an Zack Ryder Thread. I do agree that keeping it on an internet show is more relevant. However thats no reason to keep it off raw and smackdown as it helps provide stories and new directions. Once ryder dropped the title it could easily be redesigned or it could be treated like a million dollar title or ftw belt. regardless I think its a fresh new modern take on a tv title and I like it. Innovative and creative.
Looks more legit, but it's still just a part of Ryder's gimmick as opposed to a real WWE championship. It's kinda like the Million Dollar belt. That doesn't mean that he isn't able to defend it, there can be a stipulation for any match whether it be a title, a fake title, a briefcase or even someone's hair. The thing is, who would really want it?

Im all for giving zack a push...but only because he's complete shit and everyone deserves a chance. Hes proven fuck all so far. He fucking sucks....but im willing to give him a chance.

Throw him in a tag match. Cena/zack/rey against punk/miz/r truth or something similar. So far all ive seen from him is him saying.... "woo woo woo, you know it".....and he had a couple 2 minute matches every 6 months. Why should i be excited for this asshole? Because he has a fucking youtube show? Fuck off.:lol:
I hope he does bring the title with him but not to defend it I guess more or less it could be a free way to set up a storyline for him with some less popular superstar trying to steal it from him out of jealousy or something like that and they can feud it will give them both time in the ring etc.
Honestly, I think it might be just a prop for his show. I thought about what if the WWE actually brought that title in to be defended on a weekly basis, and it just wouldn't work. As the above poster stated, if it's an internet championship why defend it on TV. They need to drop a few titles before they add one. If they ever do add a new title, I would love to see the TV title brought back and defended on every telecast. A way for the newbies to get their face out there.
This Internet Belt holds about as much signifigance as the European Title, Hardcore Title, TV Title...there is not real need for it. Especially when 1) there are enough belts to go around for both shows and 2) WWE is mainly a world-wide television entertainment conglomourate. The internet fans (IWC) hold no real value in the eyes of the WWE. I do like that fact that Zack Ryder did have it made for his show. This show initiative in his character building. But for the WWE Universer, the entertainers (aka wrestlers), and the business aspect to see any real monetary value in this particular type of belt, it's not feasible. But kuddos to Zack for doing this himself.
You don't need to understand the obsession with Zack Ryder, that's not a bad thing. I don't either, personally.

However the 100000 or so that due may as well get exploited.

But as for the belt, why not just keep it as a prop? Being on the internet more than any other superstar is really just a sign on being on the sidelines yhr most.
Considering how worthless the secondary titles (US & IC) are, can you imagine how irrelevant a tertiary one would be?
So no, it's fun for him to have it or "defend" it at house shows, but this title doesn't belong on the show. Besides, it's a custom Zack Ryder belt, complete with spiked hair. No one besides him could wear that belt.
Internet cult following or not, Ryder is not a big deal.For every fan who goes "Yaaay, finally they put him on TV" there are 100000 who go "Who is this guy again?" (That being said, I am one of those guys who went "yaay" last Monday.)
If it appears at all it will probably be like Ted Dibiase and the Million Dollar Championship. In other words it will go no further than to be a prop in Ryder's programs which isn't a bad idea. In its day the Million Dollar Title was held by Dibiase, Austin, and Virgil at different times. Also if it does catch on like the Hardcore Title did who says the belt design can't be customized like the Hardcore belt was? I think it will either be a running gag for Ryder's Youtube and house show appearances or it will be like what I posted above as a belt on RAW.
Legit? Are you fucking kidding me? This title is ******ed has hair for fuck's sake!

Yes, well, I think thats kind of the point.

The OP is the one suggesting this become a legitimate title, not Ryder. The "old" Internet Championship looked even worse, so saying that it looks stupid is pretty pointless as it's meant to be a joke title anyway.

All it amounts to really is a prop to signify his success on getting over through the internet, so it makes sense and was actually pretty clever if you ask me.

Ryder sucks.

You're entitled to your opinion, though I find him very refreshing.

The title is stupid.

We covered this, it's meant to be a joke, a prop.

People only like him for his youtube show not what he does in the ring.

Whats next, you wanna read my fortune? To assume that all Ryder fans enjoy him based purely on his "youtube show" is very very short sighted and moronic. I, for one, enjoyed him as an Edge-head and I find him to be pretty talented in the ring. The youtube videos? Those are just a bonus.

He's good in a Santino type of way minus Santino's wrestling ability.

Oh, yes, how I wish Ryder could take someone down with the "cobra"... though Santino DOES have wrestling ability he's a joke when he's in the ring, and when he puts in offensive moves it's almost made out to be shocking that he actually got a move off. If they would allow him to wrestle, instead of further his comedy act in the ring, then he'd be pretty good as we all saw during his initial run.

And as far as Ryder goes, I'd say he's right on par with Santino as far as wrestling ability goes. However, since as I explained above, Santino is more of a comedy act in-ring, i'd definitely put Ryder ahead of him in the wrestling category. The kids got talent, you can't deny that, and judging by your thinking that us Ryder fans only enjoy him because of his youtube show I would assume that you haven't actually seen him in a match... you know, unless you want to consider going against Cole as a litmus test. :rolleyes:

Ryder will be lucky to hit the lower midcard and Ryder fans should be more than happy with that.

This is a popular, and WRONG, misconception of us Ryder fans. We are not asking him to be put in a feud with John fucking Cena for the WWE Championship. We simply want to see him get his chance to be involved in a midcard feud, much like Evan Bourne.

Feature Ryder on TV enough and you WILL have reaction from the crowd, hell there already is reaction and he's been on RAW all of 2 times this year. To me, thats saying something. Give the kid a chance, thats all we Ryder supporters are asking for.
This looks very legit and I think it will be used to some capacity on TV. You dont just make a custom gold title to show off on the internet. I doubt hes going to be defending the title, he'll probably just wear it to his matches until someone else who is over on teh web challenges him for it and they scrap the title after that.
I'd be embarrassed if I had to wrestle Ryder for some fake cheesy belt like that. I'm going to get all negative rep again, but IMO it's the truth. A few people have said what I think, but I'll say it again.

Ryder is not good in the ring, his mic skills are not much better and he tries to be funny like Santino, but doesn't have that same charismatic personality as him. He's pretty much like Santino with average mic skills and below average wrestling ability.

Bash me all you want, but Ryder is nothing special. The fact that he's doing all this work to get his face out there is pointless because he will always be a mid carder.
I think a lot of people hate Zack Ryder is cause they see him as this cheap Jersey Shore wwe rip off he is not, his character is a wrestling mark, he is a good solid worker much better than Santino who has about 5 moves in his set Cobra, Postman head butt, arm drag, series of punches, and split legged stunner: Ive watched quite a bit Ryder and he is a good WWE worker and now hes face means he gets to wrestle, plus the guys only 26 and has a long time to perfect his craft.
This Belt Is prob just to cause gossip and talk and i believe has done that, however, i think its just for Ryder himself if youve listened to the Colt Cabanna pod cast with him on youd know he has a guy who make him figures and belts etc so i rekon he did it to further his long anticipated push.

The only thing worse than Ryder fans that think he should be pushed to the moon (and I'm not suggesting all of them think that way), is people who hate him just because he has a niche following. Lay off the guy. Who cares if a percentage of internet marks love him? Big freaking deal. Good for him, I guess. Personally, I'd like to see him get an opportunity due to his niche popularity - just to see if he has what it takes to capitalize on it.

As for the new belt...

Now lately we've seen Ryder get a bit more attention in other places besides the internet. (ex. Punk at Comic-Con, full entrance and victory on RAW)

I know he defended the old Internet Title against Primo at a house show a few weeks back, but my question now is.. with a legitimate championship belt, will we see Ryder defend, or at least carry the belt, on RAW? I'd really hate to think he purchased this belt for the sake of his internet show alone.

Listening to Punk's interview on the B.S. report on ESPN radio, they mentioned the internet a lot, how that demographic of the fans shouldn't be ignored, but rather embraced in a certain capacity. Could it be happening, could Ryder be getting a push?

I love the belt. I really do. I'm not suggesting he should be defending it on television, but if he carried it with him, it'd be cool. The WWE would further be acknowledging his internet popularity and I don't see anything wrong with that.

As for a push... Sorta. I think there will be a more concentrated effort to have him appear on television in some capacity(s). But that doesn't necessarily mean he'll be entering the U.S. Title race or anything like that - not that I would mind.
Jesus tits! Why is everyone getting so butthurt over Ryder. Look the man just did what anyone would do for a job they love; he took the initiative and paved his own way. In a few short months he's become surprisingly over all on his own. That's both impressive and commendable. Hater's gonna hate.

On to the title. What's so wrong with having Ryder appear on tv with it? DiBiase did it with the Million Dollar Championship, Taz did it with the FTW Championship, so why not Ryder with the Internet Championship. It doesn't have to have any significance other than to give Zack something more to add to his character and something more to generate audience recognition and peception of him. Does it look foolish? Yes, its supposed to and I would love for someone to argue that the current WWE Title (the reprsentation of the entire company) doesn't look like complete shit.

If this belt is used as an accessory rather than a legitimate goal, then I see no harm done. WWWYKI...bro

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