New Era?


Dark Match Winner
Are we heading into a new era of proffesional wrestling where the muscles and larger than life sizes aren't the features of the majority of wrestlers. If you look at the new generation of wrestlers, none of them are that big and muscular. THey are more focused on the basic grappling moves rather than the power that was common with cena or hhh.

For instance here are the sizes of some of these guys:

Jeff Hardy=6,1 225ibs
Ted Dibiase= 6,2 210ibs
MVP= 6,0 240ibs
Mr. Kennedy= 6,2 240ibs
CM Punk= 6,1 222ibs
Morrison=6,1 219ibs
Kofi Kingston= 6,0 218 ibs
Shelton Benjamin=6,2 240ibs
Evan Bourne= 5,10 183ibs
Jack Swagger= 6,6 263ibs
Matt Hardy= 6,2 230 ibs
Randy Orton=6,4 245ibs

So my question is how will this change wrestling and is this going to be how the future looks. No more giants like khali and big show and monsters like umaga.
Wrestling has changed. I don't think we are ever going to see giants in wrestling ever eliminated completely. However, today's fans are much more complex than that of the 70's, 80's and early 90's. You could just throw a big man out there and no matter how much he lacked talent, charisma, or in ring ability, the fans would cheer him because he was a face or boo him because he was a heel. Khali would have been a major draw in the 80's. But today he is seen by fans as slow, can't carry a promo, no charisma, and very limited wrestling ability. I am a huge 80's fan, but I don't want to see that style today. I can't watch a 30 minute match, were 15 minutes of it are of the face chasing the heel around or various wear down holds. Once in a while maybe, but not on a regular basis. People like a Hardys vs Edge/Christian style. People enjoy the little guys example being Rey. Also back then it was fun to watch for the larger than life characters and their gimmics. Today people watch more for the angles or for a few particular stars that they find amusing or interesting. It just takes a lot more today to get fans to watch than just being big.
Cena is not all the big either, at least not in terms of weight, at least not as far as Hogan, Rock, Warrior, Macho Man or any other of the "huge" main eventers of the past 30 years who were all 270+. He's only what, 6'4 240lbs according to the last SvR game.
I understand your point but this is what happened in the early 90's with the transition from huge built guys like Hogan and Warrior to smaller guys like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. But to say now is a different era and to list the stars you did is just wrong. We have gone from the Attitude Era and transitioned to the Cena Era. Is John Cena big? Yes. So what, alot of guys are big. He does not have that steroid look to him. We havent been in the larger than life size characters since Hogan since the early 90's so i dont get your point, outside of Cena. We went from Hart to HBK to Austin to Cena...with Cena being the only really big one. He started lifting at an early age, majored in this kind of thing in college, went pro with it, then jumped into wrestling. Added on his comments on steroids with his love for this industry he is being honest when he says he hasnt used in the past. He has to much of a love for this bus and Vince has invested in him way to much for him to be a fraud. I'm sure Vince has had a talk with Cena and asked him if he ever used. If he did i'm sure he wouldnt be pushed like he is cause Vince wouldnt want the backlash if Cena got caught. He is innocent, this is his era, he is the biggest and the best and all the rest are put into position to make John Cena look as good as possible.

To answer your question... the business always go through era's every so often and you can list all the stars you want but this is the John Cena Era and it is not going to change for quite a few years.
Cena is not all the big either, at least not in terms of weight, at least not as far as Hogan, Rock, Warrior, Macho Man or any other of the "huge" main eventers of the past 30 years who were all 270+. He's only what, 6'4 240lbs according to the last SvR game.

john cena fits perfectly into that group, as far as size goes, 6'4 240 is bigger than macho man was billed in his prime. The rock was never billed at more than 240 pounds FYI.

As for the question, the big man will never be completely phased out, guys like the big show are still main eventing wrestlemania.


This has nothing to do about being john cena's era, pleanty of threads to go around for that one, This is about "giants" "monsters" not your love for Johnathan Cena.
john cena fits perfectly into that group, as far as size goes, 6'4 240 is bigger than macho man was billed in his prime. The rock was never billed at more than 240 pounds FYI..

umm FYI The Rock Was billed at 275 pounds most of his career only towards the end of his carrer he was billed as 265 pounds and 250 pounds in his last match i think...
I think there will always be a mix of both kinds of wrestlers, there were just as many small guys in the attitude era as there are now, i think the small guys are usually more entertaining cause they can move around alot more and get the fans excited, you always know what to expect with Triple H and John Cena and it gets boring.
those arent even the true weights of those guys, like Jeff hes never weighed more than 200 lbs he goes around in weight from 180-200 lbs.
It looks like you're trying to go by billed height for some of those guys, so really they're another 1-2 inches shorter than that. Wrestling goes in cycles, it's getting smaller right now but in another 10-15 years it'll be big huge guys again.
I think we slowly entering an era where one mold wont cut it. You need Jeff Hardy. You need Triple H. You need Cena. You need Umaga. This era seems to be more inclusive of various styles and sizes.
john cena fits perfectly into that group, as far as size goes, 6'4 240 is bigger than macho man was billed in his prime. The rock was never billed at more than 240 pounds FYI.

As for the question, the big man will never be completely phased out, guys like the big show are still main eventing wrestlemania.


This has nothing to do about being john cena's era, pleanty of threads to go around for that one, This is about "giants" "monsters" not your love for Johnathan Cena.
you are awre that the rock was 275 at one point right? but yeah i agree there will always be a giant around at some point. yea Cena is the face of the company but right now is Orton's time case in point Orton came back one week before cena in November, and since that time raw has based around Orton and his quest to be build his legacy and become the wwe champion at wrestlemania Orton has had the most promos, main event matches on raw and done the most since that time so cena is having to share his so called era unlike hogan. but yeah back to the topic there will always be a giant around no matter what it always helps to have at least one on the roster
Well, wrestling in general has gotten much faster, you know. Especially if you look at what wrestling a hundred years ago. But in a lot of matches in the 80s, the guys didn't move fast at all. I sort of thought guys like Cena & Batista signaled an age of big guys again.

But I guess so. Those stats you gave, I've always thought that was the average anyways, but I guess they are getting smaller.

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