New Day heel turn idea.


Getting Noticed By Management
So now that the streak is over and New Day are no longer champs how about this idea? Xavier and Big E blame Kofi for the loss and they turn on him during a New Day segment. It may be time for a character change. Probably not going to be a popular idea but there it is
Holy crap stop.

Heels interfering in matches, cheating to win.....these are heel tactics, the new day have been heels for a long time the fans are the one who have highlighted them as babyfaces.

You want to take the longest reigning tag team champions and break them apart so they can all go back to their under carded, pathetic and worthless singles career they were in prior to New DAY?

All right Vince McMahon please don't come to the dirt sheets and tell us what you want.
If it happened I'd much rather see Big E as the face and Kingston as a heel. Kingston was boring as hell as a face before The New Day.

There's also no reason to really break them up at all. Not everything has to end with someone turning on each other. I'd like to see Big E step into the US title scene but still have an association and friendship with Woods and Kingston. Big E has a lot of upside. He could be in the main event in a year or so, no problem.

The tag division is weak enough as it is without breaking up the most over act.
As Kizzani said New Day were NEVER babyfaces. They are cool heels. The tactics used in the ring are heel tactics. True babyface teams don't use the freebird rule. They don't interfere with trombones. They were funny so they embrased the comedy side of themselves which makes them APPEAR as babyfaces, but they never actually were. This is one of the problems with modern professional wrestling, you can't actually tell true babyfaces from heels anymore.

Just because someone is cheered, doesn't mean they are a babyface
Just because someone is booed, doesn't mean he is a heel.

If you use the OPs logic that crowd reaction dictates what type of character you are then Roman Reigns would be considered one of the greatest heels on the card right now.
New Day are babyfaces.

They were paired off against heel teams in The Club, the Wyatts, the League of Nations with a clear face/heel dynamic to their feuds. After losing the titles they're congratulatory towards the face (Cesaro) but not to the heel (Sheamus).

They're faces, plain and simple. It's not about tactics or how they win or even crowd reaction. It's about basic protagonist/antagonist storytelling which is why they get booked against opposition who are clearly the bad guys.

Guerrero used heel tactics all the time as a face. So did Austin to an extent.
I'm all for it but I doubt it would happen any time soon. Failing to get the record would have been an opportune moment for the betrayal. New Day is probably still selling a lot of crap and Xavier has a website to promote. I even recently suggested they become Better Day after annexing Kofi or Big E or both. Maybe take on the black militant style many expected in the first place.

In the end while they aren't as fresh, funny, and interesting as they were six months ago, they are still one of the best parts of the show so while I would welcome a change I don't feel that strongly about it.
I don't think that New Day should split anytime before Wrestlemania 33. Or even after that.

Reason being, the tag division is only Cesaro/Sheamus, Enzo-Cass and Gallows-Anderson without New Day. That immediately makes the tag division shallow enough.

Not to forget that all these teams have yet to be as credible as New Day. Until, some team reaches New Day's level, I'm against their split in any form.
I'd like to see Big E step into the US title scene but still have an association and friendship with Woods and Kingston.

I like this idea. Alot actually.

Nothing freshens up both the New Day and Roman Reigns than a program between the two. I'll take it one step further and have the New Day win the WWE United States championship from Roman and invoke the freebird rule for a bit of comedic value. The New Day's chemistry is unmatched especially in today's WWE so there's no need for the New Day to split up.

As far as turning the New Day heels, I couldn't really care less as long as they're together. I would like to see more focus put on Big E who obviously seems to be the star/most charismatic of the group but the three man group just seems to good to break up. Tweak their characters, push Big E to the front of the group, do whatever; just keep them together.
The problem with the new day is pretty much the same as the shield had before the split. Together they are hugely over with the crowd but as soon as you split them up, they won't be over because they don'T have a big star between those 3.

The only guy that has potential as a single star at this point is Big e, Kofi is past is prime as a single star and should stay in tag team wrestling and Xavier is pretty much a manager that occasionally wrestles but coulddn'T get over on his own if his life depended on it.

So right now they are better as a unit, but to stay with the subject of the thread, i think the best way to turned them heel wolud be to have to get squash by sheamus and cesaro in their rematch. Then the following day on raw, they have a match against enzo and cass on raw and the lose again pretty quickly and they snap and beat up cass and enzo. So they get into a feud with the most over team on raw and then they cut a promo on the fans and how the hold them down and they have to go back to their cheating ways to actually wins

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