New CM Punk Interview - Talks Miz, Rock, Vince, and More

Damn I'm so tired of Punk it ain't funny. But I do understand where Punk is coming from only in the aspect that he's mad Rock prolly doesn't acknowledge the lockeroom. That would tick me off too if I worked there. Sure he has a big schedule, but that's a snuff @ the end of the day. Now Punk saying Rock didn't sell out these events he participated in is funny. The only reason Ima order WM28 is for the Rock. He's definately going to help them sell. Now if Austin takes on Punk I'll pay for that too.
I do kind of agree with Punk's Wrestlemania 27 point.. I mean who the hell would pay 50 dollars just to watch the Rock host WM? I bought WM 27 to watch Punk vs Orton, Take vs HHH etc etc. I get paying to see Rock in ring return at SS, and his match with Cena will be a big time money match. But I dont buy that people paid 50 dollars to watch him host WM 27.

But I'm sure Punk is a little jealous too. This was suppose to be his year. Their is no doubt he would of been in the main event at WM this year if not for Rock vs Cena. Not to mention SS would of been all about Punk winning the title. But it became secondary because of Rock's in ring return.

Punk does come off like a douchebag talking about Miz. I'm not really the biggest Miz fan.. But he is very over with the crowd as a heel.
Punk has a right to his opinions. But the more he says these things, the less respect I have for him.

He comments about the Miz. The Miz was a reality star before being a wrestler. Who fucking cares ? He has ability in that ring, can entertain on the mike. Like it or not Miz and Truth were probably the next biggest thing in the business in WWE after the Rock's return or CM Punk depending on who you ask. The fact is Miz took his shot and he did a damn fine job with what he was asked to do.

Now he goes to the Rock. Vince contacted the Rock, because WWE shareholders were less than pleased with the falling buyrates of the last two WMs and overall WWE profitability. Rock came back and it was back up. Yes, people bust their ass for the company, just as the Rock did when he was there. The fact is a lot of people work hard but not every one has the connection to the fans that the Rock has and the truth is, if Punk had that ability to do what Rock did in terms of ticket sales, dvd sales, ppv buyrates and merchandise, (or any one else on the roster for that matter) Rock wouldn't be there. Rock left the WWE for a chance to act. Let's say Rock refused Vince's offer, what would this idiot say then. He'd be crying about how Rock won't come back. Now he returns, people are finding some stupid shit to whine about. He won't say hi to me. Fuck you Punk. If you want to bash me, you'll eat shit before I shake your hand. When Rock was there he had issues with people in the lockerroom because of the attention he got. Now he returns and already people there are bitching about his return, wouldn't that make you a little hesitant to talk to the lockerroom ?

All these people like Punk and Orton need to stop fucking bitching about other performers. Their complaining won't make them any bigger stars, it just makes them sound like whiny, jealous little punk motherfuckers who are too insecure about their own abilities, that they have to make themselves feel better by attacking others. Rock can't hear them anyway over the screaming adoration of the fans and the cash hitting the registers.
Listen, The Rock is the man, he proved that last week. The man was gone for 7 years and wasn't rusty as well as still relevant. He's gotten bigger and hasn't lost any athleticism.

CM Punk may be a very good professional wrestler but Philip Brooks is a dick. He's supposed to be this rebellious figure and marches to the beat of his own drum but he just keeps up with this attention ****ing and tries to ridicule everyone for living their own lives.
"-The "Rocky Maivia" character bombed, true. When that happens, 99% of the time the guy loses all momentum and is either dropped or kept at the bottom. I made the point that the WWE(F) machine just kept pushing him. Am I saying he is not talented or that he didn't work hard? No. You made, my point for me. It takes a lot of time and opportunity to be able to turn it around. Rock is legendary for his work ethic and passion. Thousands of wrestlers had the same amount of passion and work ethic without a fraction of his ability. He made it easy for Vince, etc. to push him. As did Punk. Only Punk had to work doubly hard to overcome him being "minor league" or seen as less than marketable. He was neither, but it took a longer for him to get his major push. As soon as he was given the leeway that those megastars from Attitude era had, he skyrocketed. A few years back, Punk got heat from 'Taker because he didn't dress like a champion. Next thing you know, 'Taker is winning the title in a near-squash match. Nothing was ever said to "Jorts" John Cena. Punk has always had to fight hard to get around these pre-conceived thoughts."

You see, Rock was the perfect exmple of how a WWE superstar should be. He got the size, the speed, the height, the charisma, and the look, in other words, the total package.

-"I will repeat because obviously you plan on flaming me every chance you get. Punk is a better wrestler. Rock is a better showman. I said it, you said it. You bring up the Rock's size like that has any impact on his wrestling ability. Lesnar, 'Taker, and Swagger are all bigger than Rock and can all outwrestle him. Fun does not equate to ability. I am not talking about who can do the prettiest flips. By your argument of athleticism being more important than skill, JoMo should be on top of business. It is obvious that The Rock is a great total package and JoMo is no comparison. That is just an example of athleticism. I also severely disagree with you when you say Rock is a superior storyteller. With the mike, yes he is superior. In the ring his stories always have the same psychology. "I am a cocky, talented, walking catchphrase and I will kick your ass" or "I am a cocky, talented, walking catchphrase and I will get what is coming to me." Punk matches typically can have three to four different psychologies that can be used. Lately, he is getting stale in this department. He needs to improve that if he wants to continue to progress".

Swagger and Lesnar were amature wrestlers, they could outwrestle anybody with the exception of angle. Taker got the wrestling skills with over 2 decades of experience. 10yrs ago he couldn't wrestle to save his own life, he sucked big time. Superstars at rock size aren't supposed to be technicians. "In the ring his stories always have the same psychology" Oh really?! Have you watched rock-rikishi survivor seies match? What about Hogan-Rock WM? Mankind-Rock I quit match? Rock-Jericho on raw for the wcw title(Rock winning that title for the 2nd time)? I guess rock was telling the same story in all those matches, right?

- "I am noticing a trend where you bring up his first run with WWE(F). I am referring to his current run, as is Punk when he criticizes Rock. Rock is well-respected for putting over people at the right time. I cheered and was very proud of Rock and Foley when they put Evolution over. I am only referring to this most recent match. He can look strong and put over others. Look at 'Taker/ HBK I, II for an example of this. And please remember he has the stroke to influence the booking for the match. I think he would have looked much better if there was even a chance of him losing. I brought up how he takes bumps because they can look overdone. Vince loves when Rock does it, but all insider reports say that Cody Rhodes's push almost initially stalled when Vince thought he oversold. Ric Flair is my favorite wrestler ever. He has a few comedic ways that he takes bumps like falling face down. I think he can overdo this as well. Rock is good at taking bumps, not great".

Did you even read my post? Truth was doing some illegal shit, and he was about to get suspended, why would they award him the W?!

As for move selling, The only thing rock oversold is the stunner, but since austin liked it, I see no problem...hell, everybody started to oversell the stunner, after rock did.

At 8:15



At 14:09


At 4:35


Not great at taking bumps, huh?
IAnd I don't buy him not speaking to the other wrestlers. That's never been in his character. There's a difference between him not talking to YOU then him not talking to all the wrestlers in the back. And as far as I'm concern you don't really like all of those guys and gals, and I'm pretty sure you don't talk to everyone, so who are YOU to judge The Rock of all people? And even if that was the case, so what...none of those wrestlers are in his league. What's he gonna do? Sit there and waste his advice to the likes of Santino? Come on Punk. We love you but let it go. That's just a battle you can't ever win.

Why would Punk lie about that? It's a lie that would easily be refutable, and a lie that would give him some serious heat with both management and the boys.

Besides, while Punk has always been someone to see things from his perspective, he's never been known to be a liar.

If he says that the Rock is just going from limo to the ring and back, and not hanging out with the boys backstage... then I believe it.

Of course, that's Punk looking at things from his perspective... when you consider Rock right now is filming GI Joe, and is trying to squeeze WWE into his filming schedule. It's very likely most times he has been at RAW, he hasn't had time to do much more than exactly what Punk says he's been doing. Considering his filming schedule right now, I for one am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. In fact I hope that's all that is, since 10 years ago it would have been Rock speaking out about another guy acting as diva like that Punk says Rock is acting like today.

As for your last comment that even if Rocky's being a diva it doesn't matter, because none of these guys are in his league anyways? Are you kidding??? What does that have to do with anything? Wrestling is a brotherhood. Every single guy in the back, from the biggest named superstar, to the lowliest jobber all have to work together, trust each other, protect each other. There's always been guys with a diva like attitude that felt they were above the rest of the boys and didn't need to associate with them. They've also been some of the most hated guys by their peers because these guys have a very specific code that they live by.

From all indications, this was never the Rock. He was never a diva. He was never above putting someone else over. He always understood the traditions and codes that went with being a wrestler, and he was always one of the boys. This is another reason I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. People can change, and of course Dwayne Johnson's life in 2011 is so far removed from his life in 2001, that past and present Dwayne would probably have a hard time recognizing themselves in the other. But Rocky was always one of the boys. He wasn't a diva. It would be terribly disappointing if life has changed him so much that he is now.

Personally I'll chalk the whole thing up to bad communication on the Rocks part, as well as a certain level of resentment from the current workers like Punk, Orton, Miz and Cena that there is even a need to pop their product by bringing back old guys like Rocky for main event angles.
"-The "Rocky Maivia" character bombed, true. When that happens, 99% of the time the guy loses all momentum and is either dropped or kept at the bottom. I made the point that the WWE(F) machine just kept pushing him. Am I saying he is not talented or that he didn't work hard? No. You made, my point for me. It takes a lot of time and opportunity to be able to turn it around. Rock is legendary for his work ethic and passion. Thousands of wrestlers had the same amount of passion and work ethic without a fraction of his ability. He made it easy for Vince, etc. to push him. As did Punk. Only Punk had to work doubly hard to overcome him being "minor league" or seen as less than marketable. He was neither, but it took a longer for him to get his major push. As soon as he was given the leeway that those megastars from Attitude era had, he skyrocketed. A few years back, Punk got heat from 'Taker because he didn't dress like a champion. Next thing you know, 'Taker is winning the title in a near-squash match. Nothing was ever said to "Jorts" John Cena. Punk has always had to fight hard to get around these pre-conceived thoughts."

You see, Rock was the perfect exmple of how a WWE superstar should be. He got the size, the speed, the height, the charisma, and the look, in other words, the total package.

-"I will repeat because obviously you plan on flaming me every chance you get. Punk is a better wrestler. Rock is a better showman. I said it, you said it. You bring up the Rock's size like that has any impact on his wrestling ability. Lesnar, 'Taker, and Swagger are all bigger than Rock and can all outwrestle him. Fun does not equate to ability. I am not talking about who can do the prettiest flips. By your argument of athleticism being more important than skill, JoMo should be on top of business. It is obvious that The Rock is a great total package and JoMo is no comparison. That is just an example of athleticism. I also severely disagree with you when you say Rock is a superior storyteller. With the mike, yes he is superior. In the ring his stories always have the same psychology. "I am a cocky, talented, walking catchphrase and I will kick your ass" or "I am a cocky, talented, walking catchphrase and I will get what is coming to me." Punk matches typically can have three to four different psychologies that can be used. Lately, he is getting stale in this department. He needs to improve that if he wants to continue to progress".

Swagger and Lesnar were amature wrestlers, they could outwrestle anybody with the exception of angle. Taker got the wrestling skills with over 2 decades of experience. 10yrs ago he couldn't wrestle to save his own life, he sucked big time. Superstars at rock size aren't supposed to be technicians. "In the ring his stories always have the same psychology" Oh really?! Have you watched rock-rikishi survivor seies match? What about Hogan-Rock WM? Mankind-Rock I quit match? Rock-Jericho on raw for the wcw title(Rock winning that title for the 2nd time)? I guess rock was telling the same story in all those matches, right?

- "I am noticing a trend where you bring up his first run with WWE(F). I am referring to his current run, as is Punk when he criticizes Rock. Rock is well-respected for putting over people at the right time. I cheered and was very proud of Rock and Foley when they put Evolution over. I am only referring to this most recent match. He can look strong and put over others. Look at 'Taker/ HBK I, II for an example of this. And please remember he has the stroke to influence the booking for the match. I think he would have looked much better if there was even a chance of him losing. I brought up how he takes bumps because they can look overdone. Vince loves when Rock does it, but all insider reports say that Cody Rhodes's push almost initially stalled when Vince thought he oversold. Ric Flair is my favorite wrestler ever. He has a few comedic ways that he takes bumps like falling face down. I think he can overdo this as well. Rock is good at taking bumps, not great".

Did you even read my post? Truth was doing some illegal shit, and he was about to get suspended, why would they award him the W?!

As for move selling, The only thing rock oversold is the stunner, but since austin liked it, I see no problem...hell, everybody started to oversell the stunner, after rock did.

At 8:15



At 14:09


At 4:35


Not great at taking bumps, huh?

No offense, but those weren't the best examples you could have found if you're trying to make a case that the Rock is great at taking bumps.

Pay attention to him in them with a critical eye. He's always adding a little extra flair into each one. With the Angle Slam, he bounces up like he's on a trampoline, holds his back screaming before falling back like he's dead. When he's gored by Rhyno, he bounces back into a backward somersault. Even when taking a boot to the stomach by Booker T, he starts dancing around like he's about to pee himself.

His sellings not very realistic. He adds these little extras when he takes a bump that does make each move he takes look more impactful, which isn't bad at all. But then you also notice how quickly he recovers and goes right back into his bolo punches, which really just makes the little extras he does to put another move meaningless.

He has a showier style, and whatever. It's popular. People like it. But I personally think he'd be better in the ring if he either took out the little extras when taking a move, or do more to sell the effects of someones move after the fact. Don't make a move look like death, then pop up 10 seconds later like nothing happened.
I'll just say this. True, Punk has a right to his own opinion. That's true but he is WAY too focused on The Rock. Why does Dwayne have to stop and talk to everyone backstage? Yes, it'd be the very polite thing to do-but its not necessary especially since so many guys are upset with him being in the spotlight.

Dwayne is back and hes doing his job. Why don't you shut up and do the same? You're World Champ man--let everything else go.
We are supposed to believe a guy who came back to put over evolution, put over lesnar, jeff hardy, even hurricane is a jerk and don't care for future talent? I think these guys have a hard time accepting that dwayne has proven you can have a life outside of wrestling and your gimmick brother *cough* cough*. Grown ass men bitching cuz another grown man has a life and doesnt have to wrestle till he cant walk and snort cocaine all day
What is with this "beef" CM Punk has with The Rock all of the sudden? He comes back after seven years when everyone thought he never would, and he didn't even have to. It's certainly not about the money as I'm pretty sure he's doing well quite for himself in that department. Is it because he's in the "dream match" at WrestleMania with John Cena, and not his "idol" Steve Austin? His arguement whether it's "kayfabe" or not has so many holes through it because he comes off as a hypocritical, insecure cry-baby. If it was Stone Cold that came back to have his first match in years, we wouldn't hear such as a single word from CM Punk. I want to "like" him but he make's it so damn hard because he sounds like such a primadonna.
We are supposed to believe a guy who came back to put over evolution, put over lesnar, jeff hardy, even hurricane is a jerk and don't care for future talent? I think these guys have a hard time accepting that dwayne has proven you can have a life outside of wrestling and your gimmick brother *cough* cough*. Grown ass men bitching cuz another grown man has a life and doesnt have to wrestle till he cant walk and snort cocaine all day

Like I said above, I think it's probably a case of Rock needing to be in and out for TV because of his film schedule, and he just hasn't done a good job communicating that to the boys in the back, and that's rubbing some guys the wrong way. The newer ones like Punk that didn't know him before Hollywood might just be seeing him as a diva and reacting accordingly, without realizing that he's at the mercy of his schedule right now. Plus yeah, there likely is some resentment towards the Rock in general because he's the guy that got out of the business in a huge way, whereas most guys end up doing the grind for years after their bodies can handle it, and too often end up with nothing to show for it.

Or anything Punk is saying in the media about Rock could simply be Punk working. Remember, he is the guy at the forefront of the whole 'reality' era. If the Rock truly is 'back for good' and will be around in some capacity after Wrestlemania, he's going to need someone new to work with. Who better for his next program than Punk, and going with the whole reality concept, what better way to get it started than to plant some seeds in an otherwise standard interview?
No offense, but those weren't the best examples you could have found if you're trying to make a case that the Rock is great at taking bumps.

Pay attention to him in them with a critical eye. He's always adding a little extra flair into each one. With the Angle Slam, he bounces up like he's on a trampoline, holds his back screaming before falling back like he's dead. When he's gored by Rhyno, he bounces back into a backward somersault. Even when taking a boot to the stomach by Booker T, he starts dancing around like he's about to pee himself.

His sellings not very realistic. He adds these little extras when he takes a bump that does make each move he takes look more impactful, which isn't bad at all. But then you also notice how quickly he recovers and goes right back into his bolo punches, which really just makes the little extras he does to put another move meaningless.

He has a showier style, and whatever. It's popular. People like it. But I personally think he'd be better in the ring if he either took out the little extras when taking a move, or do more to sell the effects of someones move after the fact. Don't make a move look like death, then pop up 10 seconds later like nothing happened.

Thank you very much. That's what I was trying to say. He make moves look more impactful. Sometimes, he oversell simple moves like the kick you mentioned, but when it comes to bumps, there is no denying that he's a great bump taker(The chokeslam, the rock bottom). I can see where you're coming from with the "little extras" though.
Thank you very much. That's what I was trying to say. He make moves look more impactful. Sometimes, he oversell simple moves like the kick you mentioned, but when it comes to bumps, there is no denying that he's a great bump taker(The chokeslam, the rock bottom). I can see where you're coming from with the "little extras" though.

You missed the point though.

He makes moves look more impactful by selling them like death, but then he pops up a few seconds later like nothing happened, which kills his previous over sell. It's just bad psychology.

That's Rocky though, and it's just a way to put him over as a superman character (people hit him harder than they hit anyone else, but it really doesn't matter). I'd rather see him use more psychology though. If he wants to sell like that, then stay down longer, and let the heel get in more offense while he slowly works his way back onto the offense. Purposely move more sluggishly after overselling a move like he does to illustrate exactly how much more impactful it had to be against him, before gaining his second wind and going back into his Rocky offense.

If he did that, then his style of selling would be top notch. As it is, his style serves more to put himself over at the sake of his opponent.
On the WM27 point, i can agree and disagree with Punk....

It is true that if it wasn't for the Rock being there, then the PPV probably wouldn't have got as many buys, but then how would that make the superstars who bust their asses day in day out feel? Vince has too get Rock back to so people will purchase the event. It will make them feel useless! But at the same time, people who purchased the event do get to see these guys in action. Its a catch 22 situation....

People bitch and moan about Rock coming back and being the focus of WM, but if it wasnt for him being back, people wouldn't buy the event and then these superstars wouldn't get the exposure that they feel they deserve!

Yeah it more than likely made them feel like crap that Rock had to come in to get buy rates up, but it gave them the exposure!
You missed the point though.

He makes moves look more impactful by selling them like death, but then he pops up a few seconds later like nothing happened, which kills his previous over sell. It's just bad psychology.

That's Rocky though, and it's just a way to put him over as a superman character (people hit him harder than they hit anyone else, but it really doesn't matter). I'd rather see him use more psychology though. If he wants to sell like that, then stay down longer, and let the heel get in more offense while he slowly works his way back onto the offense. Purposely move more sluggishly after overselling a move like he does to illustrate exactly how much more impactful it had to be against him, before gaining his second wind and going back into his Rocky offense.

If he did that, then his style of selling would be top notch. As it is, his style serves more to put himself over at the sake of his opponent.

"He makes moves look more impactful by selling them like death, but then he pops up a few seconds later like nothing happened"

What moves are you talking about? I've never seen him pop up quickly after receiving a big move(The vid examples I post in my pervious post).

"That's Rocky though, and it's just a way to put him over as a superman character (people hit him harder than they hit anyone else, but it really doesn't matter). I'd rather see him use more psychology though. If he wants to sell like that, then stay down longer, and let the heel get in more offense while he slowly works his way back onto the offense."

Hey, wait...That's just BS, and you know that. If you wanna talk about being superman and dominating the whole match, then austin is your man. How many times have we seen rock put guys over clean who are not even in his league?(I'll be glad to post some vids if you want me to..) Rock received more than he gave, don't let the survivor series match fool you, we all know that the whole idea was to make rock look great, and that will only help build the cena-rock fued. Again, Rock receives more than he give, and that's a FACT.

"If he did that, then his style of selling would be top notch. As it is, his style serves more to put himself over at the sake of his opponent."

I'll say it again, that's BS!! One of rock's in-ring ability is to make his opponent look good. Just ask Hogan(Gave arguably the best performance in his career at WM X8), Lesnar, Jericho, Angle, Hurricane, and the list goes on. Jericho, angle, and lesnar, they all admitted that their matches with rock "made" them.

There is a reason why rock is in alot of superstars' "Favourite Opponents" list, including the people I mentioned above, with the addition of austin, foley, HHH, Dudleyz,...etc.
The rock works his ass off in the ring. Took the time to train so he doesn't stink up the joint after 7 years. And what does he get in return. Bunch ah bitching haters. Rock is the greatest wrestler, superstar, wateva u wanna call him in history. He set the bar so high, everyone is mad cuz they know they'll never reach it.
"He makes moves look more impactful by selling them like death, but then he pops up a few seconds later like nothing happened"

What moves are you talking about? I've never seen him pop up quickly after receiving a big move(The vid examples I post in my pervious post).

Ok, but please start with the only match that you posted, and not any of the angles where he was SUPPOSED to stay down after taking the big move.

The Rock oversells moves to make them appear like his opponent had to hit him harder to get him down, and then he shakes off the effects of these super moves within seconds. It's just the truth.

Rocky is by no means whatsoever bad in the ring. But he has never been the most authentic or believable either. There are A LOT of guys that are better workers than the Rock. He was able to overcome that and reach the heights he did because of his mike work.

"That's Rocky though, and it's just a way to put him over as a superman character (people hit him harder than they hit anyone else, but it really doesn't matter). I'd rather see him use more psychology though. If he wants to sell like that, then stay down longer, and let the heel get in more offense while he slowly works his way back onto the offense."

Hey, wait...That's just BS, and you know that. If you wanna talk about being superman and dominating the whole match, then austin is your man. How many times have we seen rock put guys over clean who are not even in his league?(I'll be glad to post some vids if you want me to..) Rock received more than he gave, don't let the survivor series match fool you, we all know that the whole idea was to make rock look great, and that will only help build the cena-rock fued. Again, Rock receives more than he give, and that's a FACT.

We're not talking about Austin (entirely different topic, and your also talking about a guy that physically couldn't take the bumps after what happened to his neck). We're also not talking about Rocky's willingness to put people over (which I always found to be his most admirable quality, and already mentioned as a reason I don't believe what Punk says about his diva type attitude today is as cut and dry as Punk made it out to be).

I'm strictly talking about the psychology he uses behind his bump taking, and his transitions from defense to offense.

"If he did that, then his style of selling would be top notch. As it is, his style serves more to put himself over at the sake of his opponent."

I'll say it again, that's BS!! One of rock's in-ring ability is to make his opponent look good. Just ask Hogan(Gave arguably the best performance in his career at WM X8), Lesnar, Jericho, Angle, Hurricane, and the list goes on. Jericho, angle, and lesnar, they all admitted that their matches with rock "made" them.

There is a reason why rock is in alot of superstars' "Favourite Opponents" list, including the people I mentioned above, with the addition of austin, foley, HHH, Dudleyz,...etc.

"Made them" because they were such epic encounters, or 'made them' because it was the Rock?

Once again, you're getting away from what I was actually talking about.

Listen, I understand you're a Rock fan. I am too. I have been ever since he first broke out in the NOD. I'm simply not a Rock fanboy that can't admit that the guy does have his faults... and his ring work has always been his weakness. It's not bad by any stretch, but there are aspects to it that he can improve... especially when he's working as a face.

Personally, I find his work as a heel far better, and in that sense, it's nice that Cena's forcing Rock to take the heel role in their feud... and please, before that comment is misunderstood, I understand the Rock's a face right now, and that he's far more over with the fans, and that Cena's the one getting booed out of the building against him. Rocky is still taking the heel role in this face/face encounter.
Ok, but please start with the only match that you posted, and not any of the angles where he was SUPPOSED to stay down after taking the big move.

The Rock oversells moves to make them appear like his opponent had to hit him harder to get him down, and then he shakes off the effects of these super moves within seconds. It's just the truth.

Rocky is by no means whatsoever bad in the ring. But he has never been the most authentic or believable either. There are A LOT of guys that are better workers than the Rock. He was able to overcome that and reach the heights he did because of his mike work.

We're not talking about Austin (entirely different topic, and your also talking about a guy that physically couldn't take the bumps after what happened to his neck). We're also not talking about Rocky's willingness to put people over (which I always found to be his most admirable quality, and already mentioned as a reason I don't believe what Punk says about his diva type attitude today is as cut and dry as Punk made it out to be).

I'm strictly talking about the psychology he uses behind his bump taking, and his transitions from defense to offense.

"Made them" because they were such epic encounters, or 'made them' because it was the Rock?

Once again, you're getting away from what I was actually talking about.

Listen, I understand you're a Rock fan. I am too. I have been ever since he first broke out in the NOD. I'm simply not a Rock fanboy that can't admit that the guy does have his faults... and his ring work has always been his weakness. It's not bad by any stretch, but there are aspects to it that he can improve... especially when he's working as a face.

Personally, I find his work as a heel far better, and in that sense, it's nice that Cena's forcing Rock to take the heel role in their feud... and please, before that comment is misunderstood, I understand the Rock's a face right now, and that he's far more over with the fans, and that Cena's the one getting booed out of the building against him. Rocky is still taking the heel role in this face/face encounter.

Oh, now I get it. You mean he's bad at selling injuries. Well, to be honest, he is not good when it comes to that. I can't remember the last time he sold an injury without "recovering" momets later.

I also prefer Rock as a heel. IMO, the heel persona brings the best out of him. Hell it is the main reason why people liked him in the first place.

And by the way, I don't consider myself a bias rock fan. I'll tell it the way I see it, whether it's rock or anybody else(e.g In my pervious post, I told you rock isn't a good mat wrestler).
You Rocky Fanboys are missing the picture here. This thread, the interview the whole thing is not about The Rock. Screw The Rock, let him go Dry-Hump Vin Diesel in Fast & The Furious 298. Or play Heman dress up with his Hollywood buddies. The story here is that the product is far different in this day and age. Punk is NOT ALLOWED to have an attitude in the PG era. Rocky was allowed to wow us all with his ability to talk in an era where the gloves could come off and stay off. Rock in the ring is great, best ever no, but great I'll give that. Same can be said for Punk. But please fanboys stop gargling on the rocks crunch berries, its unbecoming of you.

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