Need A Little Vent Session


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Hey folks, I know this isn't normally my type of thing to do, and that it's a bit late, and I should be sleeping. But, well, hopefully this is meaningful.

I've been gone for the forums this weekend, not because of a want to be away from these forums, as they've actually become one of my absolute favorite places, and some of you are, in some weird and twisted way, becoming some of my favorite people I talk to on a frequent basis. X, that's looking right your way. Anyway, I also had an induction to do for Shockmaster, which SavageTaker stepped in, and hit right out of the park. His post might have actually been better than any that I've made in the JTMFTG. It was that good, and if you haven't read it yet, I suggest you do, because Savage could easily become the place's caretaker should I need to take another leave of abscence.

With that in mind, I made the drive from way yonder up north to Georgia, because my mother had quite the scare. For her, this has become the time in which she's no longer afraid to pass, as she's had quite the life to her credit, and has done everything she's wanted. Her only regret is that she has not had grandchildren, and she often jokes with me that at the rate my sisters are going, I'll be the first one to be giving her little grand kids of her own. A bit of a frightening thought, admittedly, but I'm not too scared just yet. The girl I'm seeing and I seem to be getting fairly attached, and certainly it's far too early to talk marriage... But this one's quite different, indeed.

Anyway, I made the drive, and it left me a lot of thoughts to focus on. Namely, how important my mother has been to me, and how much she's done for my sisters and I. My father passed away at an early age to heart disease, which happens to be what gave her the scare this weekend, and she pretty much raised us since I was ten all by herself. I thought of how scary it's going to be without her, and without her guiding hand to lead me through life. I owe so much of who I am to my mother, and it's so hard to think of life without her. She taught me so much about being a man, and yet I have so much to learn, yet. I don't know what will happen to me when she does pass. I also thought how much I really miss my dad. He was always the most gentle of beings, and admittedly, I became a wrestling fan because of the nights we spent watching Monday Nitro and Saturday Night together. I'll never forget how we used to play wrestle as kids, with me playing the role of Hulk Hogan, and him playing the role of Loch Ness. Consequently, when I do make my induction of Loch Ness into the JTMFTG, it will not be filled with jokes, but rather with stories about me and my dad. And that induction will come tomorrow/today. But it made me realize how much I miss my dad, and made me think of how he'd be right now if he could see me. How would he feel? What would he tell me? Would he be proud of me? Would he hug me? I struggle to say, but I'd give just about anything to see my father one more time. And I'm scared to think of a life without my mother.

On the plus side... There's a restaraunt back in Georgia, and it actually has that old Wrestlefest game in its arcade. I'm proud to say I closed down shop on that game, and me and Earthquake went through three battle royals. I still got the magic. And I watched SavageTaker take over the reins to JTMFTG, and do exceptional work. I just wanted to say I missed y'all, and wanted to know how everyone's doing, and let everyone know where I've been. I saw the forums crashed... Maybe CCS did actually get in a couple licks on the site :lmao:

Anyway, X, KB, Savage, everyone, just wanted to say hello, and see if anyone could help me out a bit. Should I be happy with how my momma is? Should I stay down here in Georgia. I have a summer course to attend, but I really don't know what to do. Someone, what should I do?
I've been gone for the forums this weekend, not because of a want to be away from these forums, as they've actually become one of my absolute favorite places, and some of you are, in some weird and twisted way, becoming some of my favorite people I talk to on a frequent basis. X, that's looking right your way.

Aw thanks bud, this place grows on you pretty quickly huh? I was addicted from day one.

With that in mind, I made the drive from way yonder up north to Georgia, because my mother had quite the scare. For her, this has become the time in which she's no longer afraid to pass, as she's had quite the life to her credit, and has done everything she's wanted. Her only regret is that she has not had grandchildren, and she often jokes with me that at the rate my sisters are going, I'll be the first one to be giving her little grand kids of her own. A bit of a frightening thought, admittedly, but I'm not too scared just yet. The girl I'm seeing and I seem to be getting fairly attached, and certainly it's far too early to talk marriage... But this one's quite different, indeed.

I have the same fears that you do man. My mother is getting old as well, and the thought of death looming in the future (pray to God no time soon) I find the thought bewildering. I can't imagine how strange life will be without any parents.

Anyway, I made the drive, and it left me a lot of thoughts to focus on. Namely, how important my mother has been to me, and how much she's done for my sisters and I. My father passed away at an early age to heart disease, which happens to be what gave her the scare this weekend, and she pretty much raised us since I was ten all by herself.

It's eerie how similar we seem to be Tenta. I too lost my father at a young age (13 to be exact) to heart failure(years of drugs and alcohol will do that to you)and have spent the majority of my life in my mother's care. In fact this Thursday is the anniversary of his death. Fortunately I live only blocks away from where he was buried and can visit anytime.

I thought of how scary it's going to be without her, and without her guiding hand to lead me through life. I owe so much of who I am to my mother, and it's so hard to think of life without her. She taught me so much about being a man, and yet I have so much to learn, yet. I don't know what will happen to me when she does pass. I also thought how much I really miss my dad. He was always the most gentle of beings, and admittedly, I became a wrestling fan because of the nights we spent watching Monday Nitro and Saturday Night together. I'll never forget how we used to play wrestle as kids, with me playing the role of Hulk Hogan, and him playing the role of Loch Ness. Consequently, when I do make my induction of Loch Ness into the JTMFTG, it will not be filled with jokes, but rather with stories about me and my dad. And that induction will come tomorrow/today. But it made me realize how much I miss my dad, and made me think of how he'd be right now if he could see me. How would he feel? What would he tell me? Would he be proud of me? Would he hug me? I struggle to say, but I'd give just about anything to see my father one more time. And I'm scared to think of a life without my mother.

I have the exact same feelings Tents. I miss my father every day as well, sometimes just wanting nothing more than to just have one last conversation with him, or just to give him one last big bear hug. All of my values in life I owe to him and my mother. Blame their hippie baby boomer ways for turning me into the Collectivist-Anarchist-Libertarian bastard I am today :D.

On the plus side... There's a restaraunt back in Georgia, and it actually has that old Wrestlefest game in its arcade. I'm proud to say I closed down shop on that game, and me and Earthquake went through three battle royals. I still got the magic. And I watched SavageTaker take over the reins to JTMFTG, and do exceptional work. I just wanted to say I missed y'all, and wanted to know how everyone's doing, and let everyone know where I've been. I saw the forums crashed... Maybe CCS did actually get in a couple licks on the site :lmao:

Things are okay here in the xfear Camp. It's getting late now and as most people here know, I become depressed as hell when the wee hours of the morning come by. I don't know why, but it always happens. I just poured my heart out in a thread I made in the music section called "Songs That Remind You of Your Ex (AKA The Hopeless Romantic Thread)" and it got me thinking again of past mistakes and love lost. I'm in a pretty strange and utterly bewildering time in my life right now, and I really don't know where I'm going to go from here. I always figured life would fall into place after I had straightened out my life and gone to college, but I find the grand scheme of life to be just as confusing and frightening as ever was. I won't hijack your thread into my own personal problems though mate.

The forum did crash while you were gone, something to do with the servers I believe. Was down for like 14 hours or something like that.

Anyways, I hope your mom gets better and that everything works out for you man.
Hey dude.

I haven't had too much interaction with you but I know who you are and your posts/discussions are great. Anyways, your post actually hit home for me and I felt compelled to post.

My mum raised me since I was 2 after my parents divorsed and I didn't leave home until I was 18 so suffice to say that we are close. Now, my mum never really moved on with anyone relationship wise and now she is 55 and talks about dieing alone and it breaks my heart to think about but really, that may be how she goes. I don't know how serious your mother's issues are but I sincerely hope you and your family all the best because I know as well as you how important your mother is in your life and the thought of not being able to ask advice or just talk to them is truely my worst nightmare, I'm NOT looking forward to that day.

I live in a different state to my mum so I only really get to see her once or twice a year but I probably speak to her 3-4 times a week to catch up, I'm all she's got. I really hope all is good mate and life is enjoyable and my best advice is spend as much time with her as you can because the prospect of ever losing a parent is almost unthinkable and you can never prepare for it.

Anyways, hope all is good dude.
First of all, I want to say that I truly I’m flattered.

Second of all, I think you should be happy with your mom. She has lived live to the fullest and it appears she has done some or all of the things she has dreamed about. Yes, she may be missing grandchildren but even when she passes away and if you haven’t had children she will be proud of you. Once you do have grandchildren she will be looking on from heaven and I think that once she passes away the thing that would make her happy is that you remember her.

You know, I dread the day my mother dies. I lost my dog about a month ago and I cried a lot. And I mean a lot. I still do have the need to cry and I’m still very sad over my dog dying but if I was that way with my dog passing away I can’t even imagine the way I’ll be when my mom passes. I know I’ll be older but I think that no matter your age it’s something that’s very hard to deal.

I also know to some extent how you feel since your dad died. Mines isn't dead but I haven't seen him in 8 years. I barely talk to him. I usually talk to him like once a month but there's been times where months have passed and we haven't talked. I've been raised basically by my mom and my grandma.

Anyways, I think that the thing you could do to always make your mom happy is make her proud. Even if she doesn’t have grandchildren yet, just make her proud and pray that she will still be living once you or your sisters decided to have kids.
Aw thanks bud, this place grows on you pretty quickly huh? I was addicted from day one.

You're telling me, man! I mean, I found it a bit painful to not be on these sites, LOL. I missed it quite a lot. I wasn't addicted from the first day, as it'll show I didn't really post that much to begin with. But you know, this place is pretty damn awesome, can't lie

I have the same fears that you do man. My mother is getting old as well, and the thought of death looming in the future (pray to God no time soon) I find the thought bewildering. I can't imagine how strange life will be without any parents.

X, you're going to be fine, sir. You, man, are a very intelligent being, and quite a lot to say. I feel like once she leaves, it'll somehow make me different. You see, you have many beliefs to stand for. Me? I don't know what I believe in yet, but hopefully what I believe in is me.

It's eerie how similar we seem to be Tenta. I too lost my father at a young age (13 to be exact) to heart failure(years of drugs and alcohol will do that to you)and have spent the majority of my life in my mother's care. In fact this Thursday is the anniversary of his death. Fortunately I live only blocks away from where he was buried and can visit anytime.

That is extremely eerie, LOL. It's like I have your journal in my hands.... *throws away X's journal in hands*.

Kidding, though. I know the feeling, though. I wish I could come by his grave like that. Unfortunately, he passed around Christmas, so that's never a jolly time to go to the cemetary. You seem to have ended up quite Well, sir. So I'd say your mom did a good job indeed.

I have the exact same feelings Tents. I miss my father every day as well, sometimes just wanting nothing more than to just have one last conversation with him, or just to give him one last big bear hug. All of my values in life I owe to him and my mother. Blame their hippie baby boomer ways for turning me into the Collectivist-Anarchist-Libertarian bastard I am today :D.

LOL.... I come from the same group, sir. My parents were total flower children, and though I was a bit balanced from coming from the conservative south, it still made me into that same mold as you, sir. It's that curiousity that makes you as intelligent as you are, man. Don't ever forget that. Always strive for truth. That's what my dad said.

Things are okay here in the xfear Camp. It's getting late now and as most people here know, I become depressed as hell when the wee hours of the morning come by. I don't know why, but it always happens. I just poured my heart out in a thread I made in the music section called "Songs That Remind You of Your Ex (AKA The Hopeless Romantic Thread)" and it got me thinking again of past mistakes and love lost. I'm in a pretty strange and utterly bewildering time in my life right now, and I really don't know where I'm going to go from here. I always figured life would fall into place after I had straightened out my life and gone to college, but I find the grand scheme of life to be just as confusing and frightening as ever was. I won't hijack your thread into my own personal problems though mate.

Man, all I can say is that you're going to be fine. I'm of the belief that there's always a guiding hand, showing you the way, sir. You're a smart man, and haven't seen you in person... But anyone that represents Spock has redeeming factors, LOL. I guess this comes to my theory that good people find good things. You sir are a good man, and I'm of the hope good things will happen. I'll take a read of it, man. I can only hope that it's as thought provoking as many of your others. I will not post in it, as I'm far too drained, and am prone to falling asleep any moment. But I will read it before I drift off to Dream Land (No, not the Kirby game)

Anyways, I hope your mom gets better and that everything works out for you man.

Thank you man, I can't tell you how much it meant that you were the first to respond. I look at myself as learning from many of you.... X, NorCal, KB, Will, all of you, I learn from. I find myself learning a lot from you sir. You ever want to talk, you know where to find me man. Thank you, X.
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Aw thanks bud, this place grows on you pretty quickly huh? I was addicted from day one.

I have the same fears that you do man. My mother is getting old as well, and the thought of death looming in the future (pray to God no time soon) I find the thought bewildering. I can't imagine how strange life will be without any parents.

It's eerie how similar we seem to be Tenta. I too lost my father at a young age (13 to be exact) to heart failure(years of drugs and alcohol will do that to you)and have spent the majority of my life in my mother's care. In fact this Thursday is the anniversary of his death. Fortunately I live only blocks away from where he was buried and can visit anytime.

I have the exact same feelings Tents. I miss my father every day as well, sometimes just wanting nothing more than to just have one last conversation with him, or just to give him one last big bear hug. All of my values in life I owe to him and my mother. Blame their hippie baby boomer ways for turning me into the Collectivist-Anarchist-Libertarian bastard I am today :D.

Things are okay here in the xfear Camp. It's getting late now and as most people here know, I become depressed as hell when the wee hours of the morning come by. I don't know why, but it always happens. I just poured my heart out in a thread I made in the music section called "Songs That Remind You of Your Ex (AKA The Hopeless Romantic Thread)" and it got me thinking again of past mistakes and love lost. I'm in a pretty strange and utterly bewildering time in my life right now, and I really don't know where I'm going to go from here. I always figured life would fall into place after I had straightened out my life and gone to college, but I find the grand scheme of life to be just as confusing and frightening as ever was. I won't hijack your thread into my own personal problems though mate.

The forum did crash while you were gone, something to do with the servers I believe. Was down for like 14 hours or something like that.

Anyways, I hope your mom gets better and that everything works out for you man.

I posted something for you in Teh NorCal thread bro
Just wanted to stop by and say thank you to everybody. as it is, I'm really drained, and the fact is that I take everyone's words to heart. I want to say this place has become a place of so much solace for me, and that I have grown fond to so many people here.

X, Savage, NorCal, Hardymark, KB, Sly, Shit everyone fucking here, I thank you all for making me feel like I belong somewhere. Thank you so much folks. Good night, y'all

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