

Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Since you have experience in wrestling/business, let's see how smart you are. You made two predictions about Mania this year while saying the rest of us were all living in our parents basement and that we waste our lives by talking about wrestling on the internet (oh the irony) and that your opinion means more than ours.

Here's what we're going to do: if your predictions don't come true, I'm going to ban you. That way you won't have to subject yourself to reading our mindless postings anymore and you won't have to explain to us why you were wrong.

Oh and you're a dick that is probably fat and ugly and couldn't get a drunken crack****e if you offered her a lifetime supply.

And you suck.
Just saw his post - what a classy individual. Of course the probability that he's full of shit is close to near certainty, which makes me think it's not even worth the time and effort to dedicate a thread to his nonsense. Might be worth it for the amusement though, we'll see.
He comes off to me like someone that might have trained a bit as a wrestler and that's about it. There's a G-Mod here that was a wrestler for an indy company for awhile and is also involved in business. I think he might be able to out think this guy just a bit.
KB showing his authority?

I thought that was Sly's job.

Not that I blame you. That guy's a bitch...
I've never seen it before.

I love how someone can talk shit about people doing the exact same thing they're doing...
Wait...he's running people down yet he's posting himself? In fact he has 7 posts.

The [OFFICIAL] ScreaminNormanSmiley;2722359 said:
Why the interest in his penis?

Not an interest, just a good insult should he ever find this thread.
What it lacks in cleverness, it makes up for by being effective. Questioning the penis of guy with a double digit IQ actually hurts. Especially through the internet.
Hmmm i'd hate to see whatever outfit he's worked for if he thinks Jo Mo is gonna be champ at Wrestlemania, i'm hopeful the guy will pick up a big blowout fued at the rumble and run that through to mania so he's on the card, Barrett vs Punk maybe, but i don't think Barrett will turn face he's too good as a heel.
I dont quite get it,
This NaV guy calls us nerds that sit on the internet from out parents basement talking wrestling?

Then why is he here?
Fucking hypocrite.
His post is already wrong; Morrison is not, never was, and never will be "the next HBK".
Even if a person is staying with his parents why should he stay in their basement? I'm sure your parents will make sure that you stay in a room.
JoMo will win the title at Wrestlemania. They are building him up as an underdog who will always come close but never quite make it. He is the next HBK and his boyhood dream will be realized at mania against the miz who will keep the title until then.
He will win the title but never make it?... I don't even... he should of added the "until then" or something. am I right?
He appears dumb enough that if he has wrestling experience it is surely with the WWE. If they actually ran those main events it would be a business disaster.
Since you have experience in wrestling/business, let's see how smart you are. You made two predictions about Mania this year while saying the rest of us were all living in our parents basement and that we waste our lives by talking about wrestling on the internet (oh the irony) and that your opinion means more than ours.

Here's what we're going to do: if your predictions don't come true, I'm going to ban you. That way you won't have to subject yourself to reading our mindless postings anymore and you won't have to explain to us why you were wrong.

Oh and you're a dick that is probably fat and ugly and couldn't get a drunken crack****e if you offered her a lifetime supply.

And you suck.

I always can never find my pot and kettle when I need them.

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