Nathan Jones to TNA

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Fun's my Chinese neighbour's name
It has been rumored for quite some time now that former WWE star Nathan Jones has signed a contract with TNA and will be debuting with the company. It's now being reported that Jones has indeed signed with TNA, and he is expected to be introduced either at the Genesis PPV in January or a short time after that. Although Jones has been signed for awhile now, his debut with TNA has been halted due to a motorcycle accident which took place while he was training for his US return. Jones was struck by a cement truck and suffered nerve damage in his arm, however is expected to recover fully and should be cleared to wrestle shortly.

So... Nathan Jones apparently is signed to TNA and is due to debut shortly. To be honest, I liked Nathan Jones in WWF and thought that despite the kryptonite greenness of the guy, he looked capable and athletic. Despite the fact that TNA is probably going to take abuse of hiring another ex-WWE guy, I don't think it's really the case. Sure, the guy was in the WWF, but really he did nothing in the company, and was more a training ground for the guy - Kinda like TNA hiring an OVW or FCW guy.

But will he fit? Can Nathan Jones prove to be a name TNA fans get behind, or will this be another failed experiement.

Personally, I'd like him to do well and think he has the build and skills to be a threat, but I worry he can't get over. Still, a reuniting with Matt Morgan and two big young powerhouses can't be a bad thing, and definately better than tagging with Abyss...
Actually, in all truthfulness, I would associate Nathan Jones with TNA more than I would WWE. Back before WWE signed Jones, he went on many tours with alot of the guys who helped to found TNA, including Jeff Jarrett. Many will be disgusted and say that TNA needs more homegrown talent but what TNA really needs is size diversity. Sam stated in another thread that TNA looks like it's a glorified indy fed. And I think that much of this has to do with the fact that much of the roster hovers around that 6 foot range, often below that. TNA needs some sizable guys who can give you that "David versus Goliath" feel like you get in WWE. If Jones has gotten past his emotional problems then I think that this has nothing but upside for Jones, who used to team with Morgan when they both were in the indies. Seeing this team reuite will be much more welcomed than the current Morgan/Abyss debacle and will hopefully lead the the return of the The Monster.
I'm really not sure what to think about Nathan Jones.

TNA have signed numerous former WWE guys in the past and they have made them out to be bigger names than they ever were in WWE, Christian Cage being a primary example.

On the other hand Nathan Jones was a bit of a failure at WWE and is nowhere near as well known as Christian was.

His success or failure in TNA depends on the booking and it will be interesting to see how TNA bring him in to the company.
I don't think I'm alone when I say I've been praying that half of Team Lesnar 2003 get together to form a tag team. Matt Morgan has needed direction for a long time, Nathan Jones is obviously the best option.

They could hype him up the same way they did the return of Abyss, which in itself was very similar to how Jones made his debut in WWE many moons ago.

Why are they hiring him? Because Brad Pitt killed him in Troy, you can't dispute this.
Nathan Jones last wrestled in WWE yes, but he did not start there, i remember before TNA Jeff Jarrett and Bret Hart toured the world with Konan, BG James, Jiventud Guerrera and a whole bunhc of other TNA guys in a company called NWA with Vince Russo, i dont know if thats TNA now but i remember when they came to my home town of adelaide in australia they had Nathan Jones smash Disco Inferno. So can you please not say TNA poaching former WWE star because im pretty sure he was having fueds with Jarrett before TNA so really WWE poached him from them, please fix this by taking "another former WWE star going TNA" off of Nathan Jones' Headline
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