Nathan Jones Signs with TNA

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Dark Match Jobber
Nathan Jones has signed with TNA according to Pro Wrestling.Net. He was training in Thailand for a return to the United States. Then all of a sudden he was hit by a cement truck. Yeah thats right a cement truck sidewipeed him causing damage to his shoulder. He will be out for three months and will make the trip to the US then. Jones is a former WWE superstar who they once had high hopes for he left do too the extreme schedule. Jones is also he a very good friendship with Matt Morgan and Jeff Jarrett. Former WWA champion and former World's Strongest Man contest winner.

Wall Street Journal and Pro Wrestling Net
That is awesome......... I for one was a huge mark for Nathan Jones, he was massive, a freak of nature and could have been huge in this business, so hopefully that being said, he has gotten a better grasp on his wrestling skills and mic skills. If he has done that, I think he will still be huge in this business and TNA is a good spot for him right now. He will make a huge impact there, I'd love the idea of him teaming up with Matt Morgan, they'd dominate TNA. My only concern would be him getting lost in the overcrowded roster of TNA.
Jones has been working on his wrestling in Zero One USA with Otanti. I know I spelled his name wrong but I think Jones could be huge for TNA just promoting them in the mainstream. Jones was really good in WWA and NWA back in Europe he was a big draw there.

Now guys don't killl me here is another guy I thnk TNA should give cjance is Chris Masters. Now here me out Cornette said this guy with work would main event Wrestlemania. Masters have been working with Harley Race and improving each time I know Kaz was very impressed working him. Masters do understand he needs to work on somethings and is doing that I hope TNA gives him a hard look.
Haha, silly TNA, have they not learned from WWE's mistake for hiring the untrustworthy Nathan Jones? I'll give it to him, he has the look and size of a wrestler that can get far in the business, but he couldn't survive WWE for a couple of months and he was on the less-hectic Brand SmackDown, TNA may have a lighter schedule than the WWE, but they don't just go to Orlando Studios anymore, so their schedule is a bit more active than it was a couple of years ago. I just don't see Nathan staying commited to the company, he will have a short-lived career just like he did in the WWE, they might as well save their money.
Eh? Nathan Jones? The one that's not been involved with wrestling for more than 5 years? The guy who was almost as poor a wrestler as he was an MMA star? The only reason TNA would hire him is because they think he has some sort of name value because of all those films he's been in. But they must have forgotten that nobody saw those films for Nathan Jones, they saw them for Jet Li & Tony Jaa, even Steve Austin.
He was also in Troy with Brad Pitt, Nathan Jones could be a good monster he has the potential. I also think he has the athletic ability to be a decent wrestler thing is he has to want to get better. Him going to TNA would be best for him cause it is a much lighter schedule than any brand in the WWE.
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