Name your top 5 WWE wrestlers


Championship Contender
Everybody keeps argueing this guy should be tops or that guy should be tops...well if you could rank your top 5 favorite lets see who is just more populer...

1..Shawn Michaels..>Simpley the BEST, period..Da man behind DX, world champion, loved him since he first debuted a looong time ago...
2..Chis Jericho..I think as close to HBK as your gonna get. Hes an awosme worker and is doing great as a heel and was one of the best faces you could ask for..He interrupted the rock for christs sake..
3..The miz..The future of WWE...I think he will be world champion before this year is out..
4..Zach Ryder..This guys has the right music, ring skills, he just needs an opprotunity...a personal favorite.
5..Wade Barrett...See, The Miz...He is the future of WWE...

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Mine are:-

1: Chris Jericho: The real MVP... has basically become the one truly indispensible guy they have...which is ironic right now as he may be gone for a bit... he's the only guy WWE let go off on outside projects with no control from them... cos they know he is worth it on the mic and in the ring... and his potential as a top face is yet to be truly tapped... Y2J as a character could be a major factor of PG WWE working longer term, especially for the slightly older kids... Jericho is the guy who makes it ok for those over 11 to like WWE...

2: John Cena: He sells the shirts, DVD's and costumes that keep the machine running... In the ring he is the same as he ever will be, but he is as the glue that keeps things together... Without Cena over the last 5 years, WWE would not have survived the Benoit fallout... that they can say... "This is our guy, he's clean, wholesome and safe for your kids to watch" is invaluable, but Jericho is more important from the in-ring side...

Wade Barrett: This guy is excellent... within a year he has become the next big thing and he's done it in a new and unique way... but he looks not only like he belongs at the top, but like he has been there forever... Barrett is crucial to WWE's long term strategies overseas... a strong British heel who can work with the big names will sell out RAW's and hopefully PPV's in the UK... WWE will do Wembley again one day... cos a crowd of 100,000 is too much to resist and I am betting Barrett will be part of that main event...

Randy Orton: He has finally cracked the Austin code and seems to be getting a groove... but for live crowds, at the moment he is the one who sets the event off...

Big Show:- Has been around forever and probably will be... still looks the part on any level of the card and is the best all round mic worker other than Jericho...

John Morrison:- The last 8 weeks have been huge for him, the Parkour stuff and beard of all things are finally clicking with fans... all he needs is that one upset win like Bret Hart got...
Heres my top 5, this list is who`s currently in WWE KIND OF,this list shows who's the best in the mic, and in the ring, not the BS about he can make the most money.

1.Chris Jericho - He left WWE, but he`s WWE true MVP until now.
2.CM Punk - The guy is young, very talented wrestler and great on promos.
3.Alberto Del Rio - Arguably the next big thing. He`s had the most succesful debut since Kurt Angle.
4.John Motrrsion - He`s the most talented, chrismatic, entertaining wrestler I`ve seen since HBK.
5.Daniel Bryan - The man kills on promos and his in ring talent, he`s a bit new for the WWE, but thats not saying much.
If I had to pick any 5 from any era it would have to be more actual wrestling that just power houses

1)Chris Benoit

2)Dean Malenko

3)Kurt Angle

4)Brett Hart

5)Mr. Perfect
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1-BATISTA- no matter how corny this is, he caught my heart the first time I saw him wrestle in Kentucky back in 1999. From hearing about close and not so close friends meeting him, watching him with children, and recently his video about cancer,nothing, and I mean nothing in the wildest way possible will change my mind about him, and nothing ever will!

2- Randy Orton- Although I haven't been a huge fan of him his whole career, he has always sparked with me one way or another. I have always been known to pick the people who will be stars, hence everyone that is my favorites of all time.

3- Bret Hart- his name says it all, namely one of the most popular from the 90's, I watched him on and off for about 6 years, and all I can say is how much this guy really put into his work. Not only did he love his fans, but he made sure the company was in the right place before he did anything new.

4-Shawn Michaels- this is kind of the same with Bret, he loves his fans, and I get chills every time I hear his entrance music.

5- Chris Jericho- I do believe, and always will believe, he will be remembered as one of the best ever to wrestle in the WWE. With that said, a lot about Jericho stood out to me. From the guy who finally shut The Rock up, to one of the greatest heels of all time.

Favorites of the new superstars:
3-Daniel Bryan
4-John Morrison
5-Cody Rhodes
1. Randy Orton - I've been a huge fan of his since his Evolution days.

2. Chris Jericho - He's Chris Jericho what's not to like about him?

3. CM Punk - He's Straight Edge and he's one of the most deserved Superstars to be in the Main Event.

4. John Cena - Yes I am a fan you have a problem?

5. John Morrison - He's one of the few WWE superstars that is very underrated and deserves a world title shot.
Okay my favs would have to be

#1 Stone Cold Steve Austin: He was just awesome and that fued with Vince was as Ted Dibiase would say priceless. He always kept me entertained and I miss him dearly.

#2 Shawn Michales: A man that has done everything in the business and is remebered as one of the all time greats. Just like Stone Cold he kept me entertained I miss him to.

#3 Batista: My first favorite when I start watching WWE. He will always be one of my favs no matter what anyone says about him. To me he was interesting and exciting to watch just like HBK and Stone Cold I miss him.

#4 Edge: I love this guy as you can tell by my sig and he is the only one in my top five that is a current full time wrestler. He has also done everything in the buisness and is still going and is one of the best heels in WWE history. The day he retires I'm going to cry so much.

#5 Last but not least Bret the Hitman Hart: He is very entertaining like all of the other men on this list. He tends to show up on Raw every now ans again and he is great to watch.
My personal top 5

1. Chris Jericho - simply is the best at what he does..all around great entertainer, good as face or heel, great in the ring and can be anywhere on a card.

2. Randy Orton - see Chris Jericho

3. CM Punk - getting burried for whatever reason. great mic skills, talented in the ring and should be featured more heavily on Smackdown

4. John Morrison - Come on..WWE needs this guy in the main event and when they figure this out they will have a new HBK

5. The Miz - When he debuted i actually physically despised him..I agreed with JBL whenever he would bash him on the announce team..he has amazing mic skills, really coming around in the ring. TBH, if his match with Bryan last night wasnt so good he might not have made the list.
I guess you mean right now. And by top do you mean who I like, or who are the best?
1) Chris Jericho- no one in the WWE can compare to his skills. He has THE best promos in the WWE and with out a doubt, can deliver in the ring. Jericho can play a great heel or play a great face. Face or heel he gets the crowd going and in my opinion the best in the WWE. Even though yesterday was his "last" appearence.
2) Undertaker- the most respected. Great gimmick going and to me, wil never get stale. He can make a jobber look good and take on Santino and put on a five star match.
3) Daniel Bryan- his mic skills are suckish but he can get things done in the ring. He's one of the few, that are left that can actually wrestle. He might be a rookie in WWE's eyes but he's probably better then most "pro's" on the roster.
4) Edge- oh shit, really? Haha yep, like it or not the guy is gold. I don't know why everyone is saying he's stale. He's gold on the mic. Really! He hasn't really had many fueds in the last year or so, but just wait. When he moves to Smackdown, you'll see how truely amazing Edge really is.
5) John Cena- you may not like him but you gotta respect the hell out of this man. As do I. He delivers in his matches. He's main eventing PPVs and he is the face of the WWE. He may suck at acting but he's also putting out movies that are actually getting thw WWE into the main stream.

Others, Sheamus is young but a great main eventer. Randy Orton-getting the biggest pops at every live show. He is now WWE champion and has a ton of momentum.
1#HBK:This should be self explanatory but I will explain. Great in ring performer, awesome Mic skills, co founder of DX, sexy, awesome, amazing ahhhh too much to say
2#HHH:good wrestler, excellent mic skills, co founder of DX, as good as a heel as he is a face.
3#The Ultimate Warrior: Yeah Yeah I know he was really crap but we are talking popular and when I was 12/13/14 he was the most hyped up guy ever.
4#The Rock: Okay in the ring, awesome on the mic, hilarious, and the most electrifying man in sports entertainment ;)
5#:Cena: makes plenty of cash, good role model for kids,and from what I can gather an actual nice guy
all time: Kind of a weird one but thats the point of being FAVORITE!
Undertaker got me into wrestling,owen hart always a huge fan(RIP),HBK,Tommy Dreamer,Kurt Angle, and for some reason, Jeff Jarrett.

1.Matt Hardy-got me into wrestling RELIGIOUSLY
2.AJ Styles-Got me into TNA
3.CM Punk-Always been a big fan
4.Chris Jericho-Always liked him
5.Christopher Daniels-Same as AJ
I guess you mean right now. And by top do you mean who I like, or who are the best?
1) Chris Jericho- no one in the WWE can compare to his skills. He has THE best promos in the WWE and with out a doubt, can deliver in the ring. Jericho can play a great heel or play a great face. Face or heel he gets the crowd going and in my opinion the best in the WWE. Even though yesterday was his "last" appearence.
2) Undertaker- the most respected. Great gimmick going and to me, wil never get stale. He can make a jobber look good and take on Santino and put on a five star match.
3) Daniel Bryan- his mic skills are suckish but he can get things done in the ring. He's one of the few, that are left that can actually wrestle. He might be a rookie in WWE's eyes but he's probably better then most "pro's" on the roster.
4) Edge- oh shit, really? Haha yep, like it or not the guy is gold. I don't know why everyone is saying he's stale. He's gold on the mic. Really! He hasn't really had many fueds in the last year or so, but just wait. When he moves to Smackdown, you'll see how truely amazing Edge really is.
5) John Cena- you may not like him but you gotta respect the hell out of this man. As do I. He delivers in his matches. He's main eventing PPVs and he is the face of the WWE. He may suck at acting but he's also putting out movies that are actually getting thw WWE into the main stream.

Others, Sheamus is young but a great main eventer. Randy Orton-getting the biggest pops at every live show. He is now WWE champion and has a ton of momentum.

First off I have to say I love your sig it is awesome. Also yes I think Edge is amazing just like you. A lot of people do say he is stale but I don't see it he is an awesome talent and when he goes to SD he will just get more awesome.
my active favorites
2.Randy Orton
4.John Cena

All Time Favorites WWE
2.Jeff Hardy
3.Shawn Michaels
4.Doink the Clown
5.Randy Orton

Top 5 TNA Wrestlers it hard to pick only 5
1.Jeff Hardy
2.Samoa Joe
5."The Freak" Rob Terry
6."The Monster"Abyss
7."The Pope"D'Angelo Dinero
8.Jesse Neal
9.Kirt Angle
10.A.J Styles
#1. Shawn Michaels- Dont really see how anyone could see it any differently. He was clearly the greatest in ring performer of the last 25 years. That itself is enough to make a case, but he also did everything else well. He was great on the mic. He could be silly and cut funny promos/skits with DX, he could be intense and tell someone how he was gonna wipe the floor with them, he could be passionate and heartfelt, and ALL of it was completely believeable. He was innovative in that he helped the business move in the direction of more "wrestling based" matches, where he could lock up with Bret Hart or Kurt Angle and go technical, or go against bigger guys like Diesel or Undertaker and use his high flying ability and speed/agility. He could also match the styles of guys like Jeff Hardy or Chris Jericho. He competed in the first Hell in a Cell, the first Ladder match, the first elimination chamber, the first Iron man match, and oh yeah he won most of them. All of these matches are now staples of ppv main events. I could go on..

2. Bret Hart
- simply the most sound technical wrestler the WWE ever saw. He wasnt great on the mic but he got by. He really started the wave of real wrestling in WWE, after the cartoon characters and cheesy storylines of the 80's. Like Michaels, he consistently had the best matches on the card. He took such pride in his work and being the WWE champ that he truly made it special. His matches with HBK, Curt Hennig, his brother Owen, and Davey Boy Smith are timeless.

3. Triple H- The epitome of the term "professional wrestler" Another guy that could do it all. He was underrated as a technical performer, he has been entrenched in some of the greatest feuds of all time with the likes of HBK, Mick Foley, Randy Orton, Steve Austin, & The Rock. Was always great on the mic, like HBK he could be funny with DX, or intense and intimidating as anyone. Like Hart, took tremendous pride in being the WWE champ, and he had some tremendous reigns. Is responsible for creating more stars than any wrestler alive. John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista, and to an extent Jeff Hardy & Chris Benoit all owe him more than they can ever repay. Was beaten in 4 straight Wrestlemania main events putting over Benoit, Batista, Cena and Orton, even tapping out in back to back years. When Hulk Hogan returned and was getting beat by everyone like The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, & Undertaker, HHH dropped the undisputed title to him 1 month after winning it. Has a great mind for this business.

4. Kurt Angle- Probably the most complete wrestler besides HBK, as far as technical ability, selling, high flying, and just working a match. Made every opponent look like gold. Very intense competitor, his matches with Benoit in 03/04 are unparalleled. Had a goofy side that made him likable, the olympic gold medalist gimmick (not really a gimmick it was real) was great, and no one took more pride in their ability. From 2001 to 2005 was the greatest wrestler alive. Could have equally incredible matches with Rey Mysterio & Eddie Guerrero as he could with Undertaker & Kane. Just a brilliantly entertaining, world class athlete.

5. The Rock- What else can be said about him? The most entertaining, charasmatic man to ever hold a mic. He was underrated athletically, and always put on great matches. Had crowds of 70,000 eating from the palm of his hand. Equally entertaining as a face and a heel. Had some of the greatest matches of all time with HHH, Angle, Jericho and Hogan. Responsible along with Steve Austin for the greatest and most profitable period in the history of the sport. Had he stuck around a few more years, could be sitting at #2 behind HBK. He was what professional wrestling should be about.
1:Ric Flair: 16 time world champ. Styling and profiling, Jet flying, limosine riding, wheeling deeling, kiss stealing, son of a gun. WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2: Shawn Michaels: He is the Heart Break kid, The Showstopper, Mr. WrestleMania that says it all

3: Kurt Angle: Best in ring performer of all time

4: The Rock: Best on the mic of all time

5: Chris Jericho: he is almost as good as Kurt Angle in the ring and Rock on the mic

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