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Name the Best Match of Each Wrestlemania


Pre-Show Stalwart
yes, i'm talking about 1 match that was the best in your opinion out of each wrestlemania from I - 24 and why? example: wrestlemania III - Ricky Steamboat Vs. Randy Savage - everything was spot on in this match, and the timing was great not to mention the non stop action that is labeled a classic and never gets old.
WM 1 - Meh, there wasn't any great matches, more just a bunch of short matches on a mega card filled with superstars. I guess I'll go with Hogan & Mr. T vs. Orndorff and Piper. It was by far the most interesting, and it is what sold the show.

WM 2 - Once again, I'll go with the Hulk Hogan match, mostly by default. Nothing to spectacular here.

WM 3 - Without a doubt Steamboat vs. Savage. This is probably the greatest match in the history of wrestling.

WM 4 - I'll go with Savage vs. DiBiase, but to be fair, I haven't seen this show as much as I have a lot of the others. Tournaments are just boring.

WM 5 - Definitely Savage vs. Hogan. Very good match, with great build.

WM 6-24 to come later.
WM10 - Tough one to call between Bret vs Owen and HBK vs. Razor Ramon. Personally, I like the first one better.

WM12 - Without a doubt, the Iron Man Match. The only two wrestlers at the time that could've pulled this off.

WM13 - Austin vs. Bret. No question here. If it wasn't for this match, we wouldn't even remember Wrestlemania 13.

WM17 - Oh. Tough tough tough. I'd have to go with the main event, but I know there's a lot of good arguments for this one.

WM19 - Toss up between HBK vs. Jericho and Lesnar vs. Angle. I personally like HBK vs. Jericho better but I think most people would say the main event stole the show.

WM20 - Goldberg vs. Lesnar, without a doubt. haha JK The main event. Those three men tore the house down. Guerrero vs. Angle was a good match too from what i can remember of it.

WM21 - Angle vs. HBK. Nuff said. My favorite match in my 14 years of watching wrestling.
WM 1 - Not a spectacular card, and it comes down to Andre vs Big John Studd and Hogan/Mr. T vs Piper/Orndorff. I guess I'll go with the tag match, because it was fun. Can't help but think Hogan vs Piper one on one for the title would have been so much better.

WM 2 - I'm actually going to go with the British Bulldogs vs the Dream Team here. Very good tag team match, the longest match on the card, and a sub main event. Pretty good stuff.

WM 3 - It's definitely Savage vs Steamboat. Hogan/Andre as an actual match has nothing on this, just notable for the one cool moment at the finish. As a whole, this match was pure excellence.

WM 4 - Kind of comes down to Demolition vs Strike Force and Savage vs DiBiase for me. I think I'll go with Savage vs DiBiase, as it was a pretty good match and there was a lot of emotion in the title win.

WM 5 - Nothing on the card is even close to the main event. The Mega Powers exploded in a fantastic match. Hogan vs Savage is top notch.

WM 6 - Hogan vs Warrior, with DiBiase vs Jake Roberts getting mention as the second best match as well. Hogan vs Warrior was lots of fun, good match, and great moment for Warrior.

WM 7 - I'll go with Warrior vs Savage. The main event was good, but more notable for the end when Hogan won the big one for his country. Warrior vs Savage was just a great match all together compared to Slaughter vs Hogan.

WM 8 - Would have to be Savage vs Flair. Should have been Hogan vs Flair, but ah well. Politics. Savage/Flair was better than Hogan/Justice.

WM 9 - Eesh. I have to pick one? I think I'll go with Money. Inc vs the Mega Maniacs. It's pretty good and better than Hart/Yokozuna, anyhow.

WM 10 - Hard to pick between Owen vs Bret and Michaels vs Ramon, but I have to pick the ladder match, because it's a historic, landmark match, and probably just that little bit better.

WM 11 - Well, it would have to be Michaels vs Diesel. Most everything else sucked.

WM 12 - Michaels vs Hart in the Iron Man match. Boring bits, but good, and hell of a moment at the end.

WM 13 - Hart vs Austin in the submission match. 'Taker/Sid was actually good, but Hart vs Austin is awesome, and legendary for a good reason.

WM 14 - Austin vs Shawn. Pretty good match despite the injury, and a historic match for Austin's first title reign.

WM 15 - Austin vs Rock. Top rate match and one of the better of all their encounters.

WM 2000 (16) - Triple H vs Big Show vs Rock vs Mick Foley. Wild match, but solid, and entertaining.

WM 17 - Hard to pick between TLC, 'Taker/HHH and Austin/Rock. I guess I'll eliminate Austin/Rock since it's been done three times at WM. I think I'll pick TLC, Edge/Christian, Hardys, and Dudleys. Great match.

WM 18 - Rock vs Hogan. Dream match, legends clash, etc., etc. Great match.

WM 19 - Lesnar vs Angle, in a tough one. Some good stuff on this card. I like Lesnar vs Angle a lot though, and it's a top notch match.

WM 20 - Chris Benoit vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H. Was a very solid match and had a lot of emotion with Benoit's title win.

WM 21 - Kurt vs Shawn for sure. Excellent match.

WM 22 - Cena vs Triple H, I suppose. Edge vs Foley was great as well.

WM 23 - Cena vs HBK, hands down. Awesome match, as is every time they wrestle.

WM 24 - Edge vs Undertaker, definitely. Really great match.
I'm gonna try to keep my explanations for each one short, so the post isnt too long.

WM1-Not many great matches on this so Hogan/Mr T vs. Piper/Orndorff gets it by default.

WM2-Battle Royal Much like the first one this didn't have many great matches, so this battle royal wasn't great but it's the most memorable match for me on the card.

WM3-Steamboat vs. SavageThere's not a whole lot else that needs to be said about this classic. Arguably the best Mania match ever, filled with excitement from start to finish.

WM4-Savage vs. Dibiase Wasn't a great match considering who the participants were but it was solid and the best on a card that didn't have many great matches.

WM5-Hogan vs. Savage I think I liked this match more than alot of people. This is actually one of my favorite Mania matches ever. The whole atmosphere around it was amazing, it seemed like a heavyweight boxing match with the buildup it had and names surrounding it.

WM6-Warrior vs. Hogan Much like Savage vs. Hogan this match was epic and filled with drama. The storytelling was top notch and it had you guessing the entire match. My personal favorite Mania main event match ever

WM7-Warrior vs. Savage retirement matchAwesome match, probably in my top 5 all time Mania matches. Nothing is more important than a career match and these guys made you truly believe that, they layed it all on the line and after the match with Savage and Elizabeth reuniting is one of the most emotional moments in Mania history

WM8-Flair vs. SavageProbably the best Flair match I ever seen, the buildup was great and Savage was his usual spectacular self

WM9-Bret Hart vs. YokozunaDidn't really like any of the matches on this one so this is another one that wins by default. Not a terrible match but wasn't great either.

WM10-Razor vs. HBK Ladder MatchI go back and forth on whether this or the Bret/Owen match is better but I'm gonna go with this right now. It was the first televised ladder match in WWE and both guys put on a show.

WM11-HBK vs. Diesel Another Mania that didn't have many great matches so this one wins by default. It wasn't a terrible match by no means but wouldn't have been match of the night on most Manias.

WM12-Bret Hart vs. HBK While I feel this match is overrated by many smarks I don't feel it is completely boring like some people feel. I thought this was a decent match for it going an hour plus and had a great buildup. The last few minutes of regulation were really exciting.

WM13-Bret Hart vs. Austin Submission MatchThis one is a sure fire one for me since it is my personal favorite match of all time. The whole psychology and the story told in this match was top notch. These guys executed the double swith to perfection.

Ok the next three Wrestlemanias are the ones I know the least about even though this was WWE's most popular time. They're the only ones I don't own and the only time I watched them were when they originally aired so I'm not gonna do those.

WM17-Edge Christian vs. Hardyz vs. Dudleys TLC This one was hard to choose because this was probably my favorite Mania. It was hard to put this over The Rock vs. Austin but I enjoyed this match too much. Normally I'm not huge on gimmick matches like this but this one was done differently. I thought it was more than just a spotfest(even though there were many great ones), I liked how each team had some outside interference to help them and since I was a Rhyno mark at that time it was nice to see him make an impact.

WM18-The Rock vs. Hogan This was a no brainer for me. While some may say this wasn't the best match in terms of quality in the ring, I beg to differ. I thought the match was awesome and just like any match with Hogan he had the crowd in the palm of his hand. Both of these guys did a great job of feeding off the crowd and playing to them. I'm sure that was difficult for them to do because of the way the crowd cheered the heel and booed the face but they both did a great job.

WM19-The Rock vs. Austin I feel that this match is really overlooked. Most people talk about the HBK/Y2J match and the Angle/Lesnar match but this was my personal favorite match. I thought this may have been the best match between the two and it made it more memorable since it was Austin's last match.

WM20-HBK vs. HHH vs. Benoit Simply put I loved this match. Outside of the triple threat match at Vengeance 02 this is my favorite triple threat. The thing that I liked about it is the fact that it was so unpredictable, you never really knew who was going to win and it was shocking to see Benoit pull it off.(to me atleast)

WM21-HBK vs. Angle This is one of my favorite Mania matches of all time and probably my favorite HBK match period which says alot since he's been in so many classic matches.

WM22-Edge vs. Foley This is another match that I think was overlooked. It seems like alot of people talk about the McMahon/HBK match and forget about this one but I feel that this one was much superior and both of these guys really made you believe that they hated one another. I loved this whole feud between them.

WM23-HBK vs. Cena Just like these two always seem to do when they get in the ring together they put on a show. Great match, may not be there best match between them but it was still pretty damn good.

WM24-Edge vs. Taker This another Mania that I only seen once so I really never got a chance to look at the matches really closely but from what I can remember this was the best match. Everybody talks about the Flair/Michaels match but I didn't think that was that great, it was just Flair's last match that made it seem better than it actually was.
Awesome Topic by the way

WM 1 - Greg Valentine vs. Junkyard Dog (Not much to choose from, but these guys were 2 of my dad and brothers favorite so I'm kind of stuck with them as well)

WM 2 - Piper vs. Mr.T (Boxing Match) (Piper was great this whole storyline and Orton in his corner helped alot as well and I really enjoyed the DQ finish.

WM 3 - Savage vs. Steamboat (The match isn't only great because of the in ring work, but it also told a great story with Steele and Liz involved as well. One of the all time greats)

WM 4 - Savage vs. Dibiase (Two of the best in ring workers of all time in my opinion. I loved the tournament idea here,but I felt like their were too many guys which took time away from other matches like this, but Savage winning the title is ok in my eyes)

WM 5 - Hogan vs. Savage (Savage is one of the few guys who can have a great match with almost everyone and it was the culmination of the Mega Powers storyline which has become one of my favorites even though I only know him from DVDs and such I feel like it was a groundbreaking storyline for WWE at the time)

WM 6 - Dibiase vs Jake (I still find it funny how much I loved the Hogan Warrior match as a kid and how big a Warrior fan I was, but this match was definitely the best on the card as ringwork goes and also the way Dibiase retained the belt.)

WM 7 - Savage vs. Warrior (I was tempted to say Rockers vs. Barbarian and Haku, but I'll go with this match just because of the story going in and Savage actually helped Warrior have a great match and watching Warrior kick out of all the elbow drops was pretty cool too)

WM 8 - Savage vs. Flair (Don't remember this macth as much as I'd liked to but I remember it being better than everything else on the card and I'm gonna try and watch it sometime soon)

WM 9 - Bret vs. Yokozuna (Could have been better and unfortunate it was just so Hogan can use his power to come in and steal the belt, but still good to see Yoko get some credit)

WM 10 - Razor vs HBK (I was staring at my computer screen for a couple minutes with no clue whether to pick this or Bret - Owen as both are probably equal, but I'll give it to this since it meant more to me at the time as HBK was my favorite and it also set the bar for future Ladder matches)

WM 11 - Diesel vs HBK (Not a great card and this match and the build up and the interference from Sid was all great to me at the time and still a descent match)

WM 12 - Bret vs. Shawn (One of my all time favorites and watching Shawn win the belt was well worth it itself, but the hour long match which was filled with each trying to best the other ultimately came down to Sudden Death in which Shawn won what he long deserved)

WM 13 - Austin vs. Bret (Only thing wrong with this match was Shamrock as referee, but these two tore the house down whenever they fought and they brought out eachothers best in my opinion and the finish is one of the most memorable images in wrestling history and what better way for Bret to win with Austin going over at the same time)

WM 14 - Austin vs. Shawn (Still amazing to watch that match and see the pain and anguish HBK was noticeably in eventhough I didn't see it at the time, but the performance they put on in the circumstances they were in was pretty surreal. Also the passing of the torch makes it memorable as well)

WM 15 - Austin vs. Rock (I was actually gonna go to this event, but I was 11 at the time and me and my friends couldn't find someone to take us, but besides this match we didnt miss out on anything. One of the worst Mania's in my opinion, but Austin Rock will always be memorable eventhough it was done 3 times.)

WM 2000 - Benoit vs. Jericho vs. Angle (First time these guys were able to showcase their stuff at Mania and it was a good match and also entertaining story having Angle lose both belts on seperate falls given his character at the time)

WM 17 - EC vs. Dudleys vs. Hardyz TLC (Austin - Rock and Taker - Hunter deserve Honorable Mention here, but the TLC match stole the show)

WM 18 - Rock vs. Hogan (I wanted to say Taker - Flair here, but watching this match and hearing the reactions they got from the crowd like the Hogan - Andre match makes this match a part of history)

WM 19 - Shawn Michaels vs. Jericho (Alot of great matches on this card, but this one is definitely the best although the only thing that kind of took away from this match was Jericho turning on HBK after the embrace at the end of the match, would have been nicer to finish with the embrace because WM is the one time its ok to see breaks in character in situations like that and I'll give Brock - Angle HM here)

WM 20 - Benoit vs. HBK vs. HHH (Unfortunately this match has been tarnished given the situation, but still a great triple threat match with Benoit getting the win amidst the HHH-HBK feud which was a big surprise at the time and then celebrating with Eddie and his family in the ring. Eddie - Angle definitely deserves HM and is up there with this one)

WM 21 - HBK vs. Angle (I may be biased when it comes to HBK, but eventhough he doesn't have the streak taker has and doesn't win every match he is Mr. Wrestlemania simply because he steals the show everytime and this is another example. MITB deserves some credit as well)

WM 22 - HBK vs. Vince (Again great build and great storyline here and many great spots in this match. Cena - HHH was good and cool to see Cena go over against Hunter, but I think the Edge - Foley match was 2nd just because of the true hatred they had toaward one another and the two work really well together, but have to give this one to HBK - Vince)

WM 23 - Cena - Shawn (Up until this match I never really gave Cena much credit but hes had my respect ever since HBK stealing the show yet again. Kennedy winning the MITB as very good as well and unfortunate he didnt get to hold on to it.)

Last, but not least
WM 24 - HBK vs. Flair (I'm not one of the biggest Flair fans you'll find, but you gotta give the man his dues and they definitely stole the show here and I'm sure everyone in the back would have said the said thing. I take nothing away from the two title matches though, Taker- Edge was a great match as well and one of Takers better Mania matches and I'm starting to like the finish with the Triangle choke eventhough I was disappointed with it at the time. Orton winning with the punt was one of the most entertaining finishes to a match in recent memory since I love the punt and the camera angle was great because you didn't see it coming, but in the end HBK vs.Flair is my pick)
Alrighty...Here we go with my favorite matches...

1) JYD V. Greg the hammer Valentine...By default...the card wasn't too exciting, main event was predictable
2) MR. T v. Piper in a boxing match...longest match on the card...looked pretty legit
3) Hart Foundation v. Bulldogs...Danny Davis and Tito Santana were in this match too, but the four mentored had great chemistry between em
4)Savage v. Dibease....great match, good ending...
5) Rick Rude v. Warrior....great buildup...good story line
6)Warrior V. Hogan...this match was one of the greatest ever...hard to create it again but it was...(Flair v. HBK)
7) Savage v. Warrior...nobody knew what to expect
8) Hart v. Piper....good ending, Piper was never pinned before this match
9) Tatank v. HBK...good young talent stealin the show
10) Ladder match...nothin else needed to say
11) HBK v. Diesel...horrible Mania, decent match
12) HBK v. Hart....2 greatest match ever in my opinion
13) Hart v. Austin...great chemistry
14) Hard to not say HBK V. Austin, but I really enjoyed watchin the Dumpster match with the New age Outlaws v. Foley/Funk...Just a good change of pace
15) Austin v. Rock....not a good mania, decent match
16) Triangle Ladder match....young talent doing new things...don't get much better
17) Undertaker v. Triple H...Good build up...good ending
18) Undertaker v. Flair...good storyline, taker play a good heel
19) Hogan v. McMahon...Match for the century...build was amazing
20) Eddie Guerrero v. Kurt Angle...two professionals doing what they're meant to do
21) HBK v. Angle....dream match, lived up to its potential
22) EDGE v. Foley...brought back the attitude era feeling...great finish
23) MITB...Lack of Angle, Mysterio, Triple H and Flair made the mania lack in talent...MITB brought alot of excitement, and high spots
24)The greatest match of all time...Ric Flair v. HBK It doesn't get any better than this match....
WM 1- Mr T and Hogan vs Piper and Orndorff by default
WM 2- Hogan vs Bundy again by default
WM 3- Savage vs Steamboat. One of the greatest wrestling matches ever.
WM 4- I'm actually going to go with the battle royal that started the show. Bret Hart started to turn face as a result of this, and the final three of JYD, Hart, and Bad News Brown was very entertaining.
WM 5- Savage vs Hogan. Great match from the WWE's two biggest stars at the time.
WM 6- Warrior vs Hogan. Same reason as Savage vs Hogan
WM 7- Slaughter vs Hogan. As good as Warrior vs Savage was, too many people pick that match because of the events that took place after the actual match was over.
WM 8- Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper. A very good ic title match with a great ending.
WM 9- HBK vs Tatanka. Tremendous match to open the show. The ending was a little anti-climatic, but this was easily the best match of the night.
WM 10- HBK vs Razor. First ladder match that is actually remembered. HBK stole the show and Razor got the victory.
WM 11- Diesel vs HBK. The only match that was any good.
WM 12- HBK vs Bret Hart. Great back and forth match that told a great story.
WM 13- Hart vs Austin. The match that sky rocketed Austins career.
WM 14- HBK vs Austin. Ended one era and started another
WM 15- Austin vs The Rock. Great match that started one of the best feuds in the WWE's history.
WM 16- Hardyz vs Dudleys vs E and C. Triple Threat Ladder match that stole the show.
WM 17- Rock vs Austin. Best match these two ever had against each other.
WM 18- Rock vs Hogan. Icon vs Icon. Tremendous moment in wrestling history and a great match.
WM 19- HBK vs Jericho. There were a lot of great matches on this show, but HBK and Jericho stole the show.
WM 20- Triple H vs HBK vs Benoit. Great back and forth main event.
WM 21- Kurt Angle vs HBK. Very good wrestling match much better then both title matches.
WM 22- HBK vs Mcmahon. Very entertaining and HBK actually made Mcmahon look good.
WM 23- Cena vs HBK- Both title matches were great, but I thought Cena and Michaels put on a slightly better match.
WM 24- Taker vs Edge. The MITB match was also very good, but Taker and Edge put on an amazing match.
WM 1 - Hulk Hogan & Mr. T v Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff - The best match on a bad card.

WM 2 - The British Bulldogs v The Dream Team - Again, not much competition.

WM 3 - Randy Savage v Ricky Steamboat - Not as great as most people say, but still easily match of the night by far.

WM 4 - Randy Savage v Ted Di Biase - Good match, but again a bad card, the early Wrestlemania's really did suck in terms of overall match quality.

WM 5 - Hulk Hogan v Randy Savage - One of Hogan's best matches.

WM 6 - Hulk Hogan v Ultimate Warrior - A lot better than it probably looked on paper,

WM 7 - Randy Savage v Ultimate Warrior - Savage steals the show again.

WM 8 - Ric Flair v Randy Savage - Good match on another not great card.

WM 9 - Shawn Michaels v Tatanka - Tatanka in the match of the night? Yes, this was arguably the worst Wrestlemania ever

WM 10 - Shawn Michaels v Razor Ramon - Bret v Owen was really good, but this was better.

WM 11 - Shawn Michaels v Diesel - Another winner by default because the rest of the card was so poor.

WM 12 - Shawn Michaels v Bret Hart - No question, I used to think this match was boring but then I saw it again recently and appreciated it more, definitely a great match.

WM 13 - Steve Austin v Bret Hart - Really good match.

WM 14 - Steve Austin v Shawn Michaels - Michaels did a great job putting Austin over.

WM 15 - The Rock v Steve Austin - My least favorite of their 3 WM matches, but still the best match on this card.

WM 16 - Edge & Christian v Hardys v Dudleys - I though their TLC matches were better than this ladder match, but on this card only Angle-Jericho-Benoit comes close.

WM 17 - Steve Austin v The Rock - The ultimate match in terms of build up, match quality and crowd reaction.

WM 18 - The Rock v Hulk Hogan - The crowd made this match of the night.

WM 19 - Shawn Michaels v Chris Jericho - One of the top 10 matches ever at WM.

WM 20 - Triple H v Chris Benoit v Shawn Michaels - Great match with a great ending, and Angle-Eddie was a disappointment.

WM 21 - Kurt Angle v Shawn Michaels - HHH-Batista and money in the bank were good, but this was great.

WM 22 - John Cena v Triple H - A toss up between this and Edge v Foley, this match gets the vote because I don't think Edge & Foley could have had as good a match without the chairs, tables, fire etc.

WM 23 - Batista v Undertaker - Cena v Michaels was kinda overrated, I liked this match better.

WM 24 - Edge v Undertaker - Probably Taker's greatest non-gimmick match, Michaels-Flair was great because of the significance of it, but it wasn't really all that good of a match.

WM 25 - Shawn Michaels v Undertaker - Is there any doubt?
I have only seen 11 of the past 24 Wrestlemanias, so I will name the best match from all 11 Wrestlemanias that I've seen.

WM III: ''Rowdy'' Roddy Piper vs. Adrian Adonis. I didn't really appreciate old wrestling back when I first watched it. If I were to watch in now, I would have appreciated it a lot more, but there was something about this match that really caught my eye. I think it was Piper's retirement match also.

WM IX: Hulk Hogan vs. Yokozuna. I know that this match only lasted about 20 seconds long, but you have to admit that it was 20 seconds worth watching. You had Mr. Fuji talking trash to Hogan, who retaliated by forcing Yokozuna to relinguish the title after only about 2 minutes. It still hurts me that Bret Hart never got his rematch though (against Hogan, I mean)... has Bret vs. Hulk ever happened before?

WM XI: Diesel vs. Shawn Michaels. I got to see two of Hollywood's sexiest woman in Pamela Anderson and Jenny McCarthy. It was a pretty solid 20+ minute match with a lot of turning points, but I still feel sad that HBK was forced to watch both Anderson and McCarthy leave with Diesel.

WM XII: I actually have 2. Of course, Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart in the ''Iron Man Match''. Two of WWF's greatest superstars at the time, lace up for 1+ hours... it was just great. The 2 minute overtime made it that much better. Also, i would say Undertaker vs. Diesel. A very competitive matchup between WWE's resident big men. After 2 ''Jacknife Powerbombs'', Undertaker still managed to improve his streak to 5-0.

WM 13: Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart. A classic match up that really put Stone Cold on the map. You didn't get many submission matches at the time, but this one really helped the Submission match grow. The site of Stone Cold bleeding profusely, while trapped in the Sharpshooter is still shown today.

WM XIV: Undertaker vs. Kane. Before the match, the promo that was shown to explain the bulidup to the match was just awesome. Paul Bearer at ringside just added that much more to the match. Undertaker took a very bad beating, but after 3 Tombstones, he finally defeated his younger brother.

WM XV: Steve Austin vs. The Rock. This was the first of three Wrestlemania matches between the two. It was a pretty back and forth match, but after 2 or 3 Stunners (that Rock obviously oversells), Stone Cold won the WWF Championship.

WM XIX: Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho. This WM was filled with MANY great matches, including Hogan vs. Vince, Rock vs. Austin, and Lesnar vs. Angle, but I just loved HBK vs. Y2J. Jericho was saying that as a child, he wanted to be the next HBK, but then later realized that he wanted to be the first Chris Jericho. The low-blow following the match was just devastating.

WM XX: Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H. Well, according to WWE, this match never happened. Anyone who saw the match would know that it was one of Wrestlemania's best. After 18 years, Chris Benoit FINALLY won the Big One. A title reign that no longer exists... such a shame.

WM 21: Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels. Their heated rivalry dated all the way back to Royal Rumble when HBK eliminated Angle from the Rumble after he was dominating. For several weeks, HBK and Angle would go to each other's shows and attack the other. The match was pretty much flawless, and as much as HBK wanted to retain his ''Mr. Wrestlemania'' moniker, he finally tapped out to the ''Ankle Lock'' after several seconds.

WM 22: Edge vs. Mick Foley. Mick Foley, the master of the ''Hardcore match'' and Edge who has shown that he has what it takes to battle the best in their own environment. This match sure did not disappoint in any way, and luckily at the end of the match where Edge speared Foley through a flaming table, we got to hear Joey Styles imfamous, ''OH MY GOD!!''
'Mania 1 : The Main Event. Hulk & Mr T versus Piper & Orndorff. By default. There was nothing great to compete.

'Mania 2: Only Maia Ive never seen so cant judge.

'Mania 3: Savage versus Steamboat. Awesome. Simply Awesome. 2 amazing talents in an amazing match up.

'Mania 4: Close between The Legend that was Rick Rude versus Jake The Snake or the final match up between Ted DiBiase and Randy Savage. Im going to go with Rude and Roberts though. Good match if not anything special between 2 amazing storytellers.

'Mania 5: i want to say Rude and Warrior. Being a big Rick Rude fan. And he was one of few men that could get a good match out of Warrior. But it has to be Hogan and Savage. In my opinion Hogans greatest wrestlemania performence.

'Mania 6: Warrior versus Hogan. Was a great event and a decent match. Very enjoyable. And just felt like history was really being made.

'Mania 7: Savage versus Warrior. Match that had it al emotionaly speaking. We all hated Savage at beginning but how amazing was it when Miss Elizibeth and him reunited.

'Mania 8: (First Wrestlemania i seen almost live. Saw it on video bout month after it happened) Bret Hart versus Piper. This match made me love the Hitman. And for that reason alone it will always be one of my favourite mania matches of all time.

'Mania 9: Bret Hart versus Yokozuna. Poor wrestlemania to be honest. So this wins by default. Forget bout Hogan coming out at end cause that was bullshit. But was a good match.

'Mania 10: Very close. Michaels versus Razor or Owen versus Bret. For third year running the real Mr Wrestlemania around the time Bret stole show. Bret and Owen were undenyably 2 of the greatest wrestlers to ever live put on a special match.

'Mania 11: Awh terrible wrestlemania. By default HBK and diesel. Not even going to talk about it.

'Mania 12: Again not great Mania. Most people say Bret and Shawn. And i will go along with that but only just. Because Piper versus Goldust was very enjoyable.

'Mania 13: Bret versus Austin. Simply one of the greatest matches of all time. Truly amazing match between 2 of wrestling greatest performers.

'Mania 14: Austin versus HBK. Again great match between 2 legends. Great way for Austin to get his hands on the gold.

'Mania 15: Rock versus Austin. Had no real competition but was good match anyway.

'Mania 16(2000): Benoit vs Angle vs Jericho. Underrated match. 3 gifted performers gave a really enjoyable match.

'Mania 17: Prob my favourite wrestlemania. Tough choice. TLC with Dudleys , Hardys and Edge and Christian wins it. Amazing match. Left me in awe. However Rock and Austin 2 had my favourite mania ending of all time. McMahon and Austin drinking beer together? What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Mania 18: Rock and Hogan. I actually got goosebumps. What more can u ask for.

'Mania 19: Angle versus Lesnar. Great matchup. And what a moment when Lesnar botched the moonsault. I thought he was dead.

'Mania 20: Triple Threat. Benoit versus HBK versus Triple H. Great match. 3 great men. And despite everything thats happened how amazing was it when Benout finally won the big one.

'Mania 21: The first Monaey In The Bank. And because of one man. Shelton Benjamin. If there has ever been a more underrated wrestler i have no idea who.

'Mania 22: Edge versus Mick Foley: Great match. And the match that proved me wrong about Edge. I didnt believe he was a Main Event talent. I was wrong.

'Mania 23: Cena versus Michaels. Best of a bad bunch in my opinion.

'Mania 24: Floyd Mayweather versus Big Show. Yeah i know not great match but was the reason i boughth the ppv. And i was suprised by the amount Mayweather did.
wm1- Hogan an Mr.T vs Mr. wonderful and piper- as previously stated by default

wm2- the British Bulldogs vs the dream team- Hogan vs Bundy in my opinion the worst main event of all time(yes even worst than bigelow vs LT) so this match is a obvious choice for me.

wm3- steamboat vs savage. was there any other possible pick an absolutely legendary match!

wm4- savage vs the million dollar man. was a good ending to the tournament plus i got to see the million dollar man and savage to of my fav superstars in a main event and didnt have to worry about hogan squashing them good moment for me.

wm5- savage vs Hogan. was epic i really enjoyed it i was pulling for savage.

wm6- Hogan vs Warrior- epic! it was the first fantasy match of all time for two belts and the warrior shocked the world!

wm7- Hogan vs Slaughter- match is infamous for me because i thought people were gonna assassinate Slaughter i mean they had to move the location of the event because of death threats now that heat.

wm8- savage vs flair. without an doubt should of had flair vs hogan but this was still a solid match. but man was hogan vs sid a horrible decision.

wm9- tatanka vs HBK. by default was a very weak card. the money inc match was also decent.

wm10- HBK vs Razor. classic is the match that turned me into a wrestling fan for life i was four when i watched that match with my dad and i rememberevery moment of it!!

wm11-HBK vs diesel. the only good match on an atrocious card. plus i thought it was a solid match.

wm12-HBK vs hart. my favorite main event in mania history was epic, i loved how it built to its climax!

wm13- Hart vs Austin. greatest match on the card without an doubt. was classic

wm14-HBK vs Austin- help make the attitude era official, even though the ground work was already in place.

wm15 The Rock vs Austin. the first tim, ten times better than anything else on the card.

wm16- the hardys vs the dudleys vs edge and christan triangle ladder match- revolutionary match that had me on the edge cof my seat!

wm17- The Rock vs Austin. i wanted to go with the tlc but Austin selling his soul to his arch enemy vince to beat the Rock was shocking as hell this heel turn shocked every one and capped of the ppv with an omfg moment!

wm18- Hogan vs The Rock- was there even any other matches to pick from/ was absolutely amazing!

wm19- HBK vs Jericho. a very solid match that was the mania return of mr. wrestlemania himself.

wm20- HHH vs HBK vs Benoit- was one of favorite moments ever and was one of the greatest matches of all time to me but the Benoit incident kinda shamed it for me.

wm21- HBK vs Kurt. one of vthe greatest matches of all time!

wm22 Money in the bank 2. was very entertaining to me Rvd got the win

wm23.-Batista vs taker and HBK vs Cena- its a toss up to me. taker vs Batista had more action but HBK vs Cena was amazing because the build up and the story telling was brilliant was the crispest ive seen Cena in the ring

wm24- HBK vs Flair- my favorite match of all time! i cry everytime i watch it it makes me so emotional i loved the promos and the storyline and that memories song always remind me of that match
WM1- Tag match with hogan and mr t vs. piper and mr. wondelrful. the card really kinda sucked

WM2-Hogan vs. Bundy. the card here kinda sucked too.

WM3- Savage vs. Steamboat. i really kinda hated technical wrestling until i watched this match. classic with a capital k.

WM4- all of savages matches

WM5- Savage vs Hogan-nuff said

WM6- Hogan vs Warrior. another great match that made me appreciate the sport of wrestling

WM7-Warrior vs. savage. clasic match with great action

WM8-Savage vs. Flair. My most favoritist flair match. oh yeah and his best

WM9-HBK vs. Tatanka. Man what a way to start a mania. too bad the rest of
the card didnt live up to this match

WM10-Razor Ramon vs. HBK- this is the match (i think) that started my obbsesion with ladder matches

WM11- HBK vs Diesel because the card sucked some major assage

WM12- HBK vs. Bret Hart. this match i think made HBK

WM13- Bret Hart vs. Stone cold- Man does bret have a way with making peoples carrers

Wm14-HBK vs. Austin. The start of the attitude era

WM15-Austin vs. rock. another sucky card

WM16- The Ladder match with EC/Dudlys/Hardyz. man what a match

WM17- TLC2 EC/Dudlys/Hardyz. these guys know how to steal the show

WM18- Hogan vs. Rock. the starpower in this match was enough to be the best on the card

WM19- Hard to pick between Y2J vs. HBK and Angle vs Lesner but ill pick Angle vs lesner

WM20- HBK vs. HHH. vs. Benoit. this match was amazing (also my first wwe live event)

WM21- Angle vs. HBK. the closest we'll get to Angle vs. Bret. man this match was good. very solid. overall a historic match(runner up has to be Undertaker vs. Orton. this match was one of takers best mania matches ever)

WM22- Edge vs. Foley. The buildup was great and Foley got his "Wrestlemania Moment"

WM23- HBK vs. Cena. this match made me respect cena. i didnt want to, but he just put on one hell of a show

WM24- Either Money in the bank or Edge vs. Undertaker. My choice is Edge vs. Undertaker. very good match, maybe one of undertakers best

And if your not down with that
Gonna start at Mania 5 just because i didnt think much to the 1st four (except Savage vs Steamboat)

Mania 5 - Rick Rude vs The Ultimate Warrior

Mania 6 - Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior

Mania 7 - Savage vs Ultimate Warrior

Mania 8 -Savage vs Flair

Mania 9 - Shawn Michaels vs Tatanka

Mania 10 - Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon (only just beating Owen/Bret)

Mania 11 - Shawn Michaels vs Diesel (terrible Wrestlemania)

Mania 12 - Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart

Mania 13 - Bret Hart vs Stone Cold

Mania 14 - Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold

Mania 15 - Stone Cold vs The Rock

Mania 16/2000 - Edge/Christian vs Hardys vs Dudleys

Mania 17 - Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

Mania 18 - DDP vs Christian (yeah i said it!!)

Mania 19 - Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho

Mania 20 - Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle

Mania 21 - Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle

Mania 22 -Shawn Michaels vs Vince McMahon

Mania 23 - Undertaker vs Batisa

Mania 24 - Undertaker vs Edge
I'm probably not going to do them all now, because I can't really be bothered.

Wrestlemania 1 - Wow, looking back the show that kicked off this huge thing was horrible. I'll go with the Hogan match at the end, probably the best of that show, but not particularly great in any way.

Wrestlemania 2 - The British Bulldogs vs. The Dream Team wasn't too bad I guess, so I'll go with that one. I haven't seen this Wrestlemania in forever, so I'm probably missing out something more important but I really don't care - the PPV was bad.

Wrestlemania 3 - I'll go with everyone else and say Savage/Steamboat, not one bad thing about it.

Wrestlemania 4 - Way too many pointless matches in this one, I wouldn't watch this PPV again I don't think. Savage and DiBiase was pretty good I guess.

Wrestlemania 5 - So, so tempted to say The Rockers, simply to honour the start of something great. But I can't go against Hogan here. Never thought I'd see the day I chose Hogan over Shawn, but the match was good.

Wrestlemania 6 - Wow the early Wrestlemania's were suckish. The Warrior/Hogan match wins by default.

Wrestlemania 7 - Warrior/Savage is incredibly underrated here, this is a really good match, much better than the main event in my opinion.

Wrestlemania 8 - Shawn Michaels/El Matador. Okay so this is solely to honour his first singles match at WM. But being serious I'd have to vote Bret Hart for the IC championship - the IC title has had a lot of good matches and this is one of them.

Wrestlemania 9 - This PPV was pretty bad, only the HBK and Hogan matches were any good.

Wrestlemania 10 - Razor Ramon/Shawn Michaels. One of my favourite matches of all time. It really had everything, and still now is thought of as one of the greatest ladder matches.

I'm bored now. All this has made me realise is that the early days of WM were bad. Slowly getting onto the good ones though, more from me later.

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