Mystique behind Bray Wyatt


Getting Noticed By Management
I've been reading a lot of the comments on the news' post on this site, and when there is something related to the Wyatts, most of the time, I see people complaining about how Bray Wyatt doesn't get in the ring / have a match, therefore making people a bit uninterested in him. He doesn't show what skills he has, how powerful he is etc.

From one point I understand that point of view. BUT, what if WWE actually wants Bray to get in the ring for a match when it is a BIG DEAL?

What I mean? The only times Bray entered the ring as part of a match were at Summerslam, when he fought Kane and at TLC, where he faced Daniel Bryan on a 3-on-1 situation. Go back and watch the semi-pop he received when he stood up from his chair to enter the match. This goes to show that:
-People care about him getting into the ring.
-There is a high stakes situation, so he will have to do things himself.

It is this kind of mystique that will force Bray to take things into his own hands. I think that the creative wants to book Bray as that guy, the guy who gets his hands dirty only when everything else fails. They want to make Bray getting in the ring a big deal.

Imagine if people want him to get in the ring, but he doesn't for a long time, then at some point eventually, he does get in. Imagine how semi-crazy the crowd will go. It will be something that we will want to see. Something that we might even have to pay to see, same (on a lower scale though) as Taker wrestling at Wrestlemania. It is a big deal, same as Bray getting in the ring should be.

What do you guys think? Do you think that this is the creative's idea for Bray? Is it something else?
I imagine as soon as he starts wrestling regularly, his mystique will disappear pretty quickly. Mostly because he's awful. A better character than he is worker.
Yeah. His character is cool. His promos are cool. His moves are Goldbergish, besides his finisher. He looked really sloppy at SummerSlam. Unless they're masking an injury, I see very limited wrestling ability. And today's crowd doesn't really tolerate shitty work. They'll let you know if they think husky can wrestle
Yeah. His character is cool. His promos are cool. His moves are Goldbergish, besides his finisher. He looked really sloppy at SummerSlam. Unless they're masking an injury, I see very limited wrestling ability. And today's crowd doesn't really tolerate shitty work. They'll let you know if they think husky can wrestle

Dolph Ziggler has proven that wrong.

Bray Wyatt isn't a bad worker, though. In fact, he's quite good, especially at the role he's playing now where he can come in and be an absolute wrecking ball for two or three minutes before tagging out and letting his partner do all the work.

That's one part of the appeal of Bray: we only get to see the offensive capabilities of this monster of a man for a few minutes at a time before we're forced to wait in great anticipation of his next round in the ring.

Of course, the main part of his appeal is the character he portrays. Bray Wyatt may have the most well defined character in wrestling right now, and at the end of the day the emotions he makes the audience feel are so strong that it's impossible to look away. The guy is a one-man horror movie, and the audiences seem to be loving it. He's like Michael Meyers or Jason: we're rooting for the good guys, but that doesn't mean we don't like watching the monster lay waste to everything in its path in the mean time.

The major appeal of Bray Wyatt is that he plays the character well. You look at him and, with the slightest suspension of disbelief, you actually believe he thinks that he's a cult leader down on the Bayou, trying to lead souls towards darkness. The way he looks, talks, moves... it all goes towards his character, and he plays it perfectly.
Bray Wyatt is a very interesting, charismatic and different wrestling personality. If WWE doesn't want him to wrestle all that often, preferring him in the role of a manager/mouthpiece, I'm personally not going to complain about it. Personally, I think Wyatt is a much better talker than a wrestler and it's not as if WWE has a shortage of guys with tons of in-ring ability.

The recipe for Bray Wyatt strikes me as a healthy mix of Charles Manson, Jake The Snake Roberts, Max Cady from the movie "Cape Fear" and a dash of charismatically passionate backwoods preacher. The result is a unique wrestling persona that stands out from every other manager or wrestler going today. I'd imagine some of that mystique will fade when/if he becomes more of an in-ring presence, but that doesn't interfere with my enjoyment of what he does.
For someone of his size,Bray Wyatt is a pretty good performer. His old man was pretty good a decent worker and Dad is not as big or as athletic as his son is. Bray Wyatt,i like the mystique of him,and yes his in-ring work could use some polishing,but for now he is just fine where hes at. I love the Max Cady reference rolled with Manson,and Roberts! Wyatt is indeed creppy and its a unique persona,in which we haven't seen. I enjoy Bray Wyatt
Dolph Ziggler has proven that wrong.

Bray Wyatt isn't a bad worker, though. In fact, he's quite good, especially at the role he's playing now where he can come in and be an absolute wrecking ball for two or three minutes before tagging out and letting his partner do all the work.

That's one part of the appeal of Bray: we only get to see the offensive capabilities of this monster of a man for a few minutes at a time before we're forced to wait in great anticipation of his next round in the ring.

Of course, the main part of his appeal is the character he portrays. Bray Wyatt may have the most well defined character in wrestling right now, and at the end of the day the emotions he makes the audience feel are so strong that it's impossible to look away. The guy is a one-man horror movie, and the audiences seem to be loving it. He's like Michael Meyers or Jason: we're rooting for the good guys, but that doesn't mean we don't like watching the monster lay waste to everything in its path in the mean time.

The major appeal of Bray Wyatt is that he plays the character well. You look at him and, with the slightest suspension of disbelief, you actually believe he thinks that he's a cult leader down on the Bayou, trying to lead souls towards darkness. The way he looks, talks, moves... it all goes towards his character, and he plays it perfectly.

You're nuts. Dolph Ziggler is one of the top 3 in-ring performers WWE has full time. Bray Wyatt on his best night can't TOUCH Ziggler on his worst. Bray Wyatt is boring and one of the worst wrestlers this side of Kizarny. He's another fad of the month who the fans will soon tire of and by this time next year he'll be jobbing on Superstars where he belongs. The only reason Dolph Ziggler isn't one of the top stars in WWE is because a concussion and Vince McMahon derailed his best chance to make it there. If that first concussion hadn't happened, Ziggler would have been as over as Daniel Bryan was in 2013, if not more, considering his crowd reaction when he won the World Heavyweight Championship was easily double what Bryan got for winning the WWE Championship.
You're nuts. Dolph Ziggler is one of the top 3 in-ring performers WWE has full time. Bray Wyatt on his best night can't TOUCH Ziggler on his worst. Bray Wyatt is boring and one of the worst wrestlers this side of Kizarny. He's another fad of the month who the fans will soon tire of and by this time next year he'll be jobbing on Superstars where he belongs. The only reason Dolph Ziggler isn't one of the top stars in WWE is because a concussion and Vince McMahon derailed his best chance to make it there. If that first concussion hadn't happened, Ziggler would have been as over as Daniel Bryan was in 2013, if not more, considering his crowd reaction when he won the World Heavyweight Championship was easily double what Bryan got for winning the WWE Championship.

Let's make a list of things that Bray Wyatt does better than Dolph Ziggler, shall we?

  1. Everything

Not much of a list, but then again, I'm not one for words.

The reason Dolph Ziggler never got bigger than his highest point is because he's not good. He's mediocre on the mic at best. He sells moves every match like Shawn Michaels sold in his match with Hogan, which is to say he sucks at selling. He wrestles a schizophrenic style that only works when he's in the ring with someone like Cena or Edge, someone that knows how to put together a good match.

Bray Wyatt is amazing on the mic. He sells exactly how his character should sell. All of his matches tell a fantastic story that is clear to anybody who watches them. Bray Wyatt succeeds everywhere Dolph Ziggler fails, and that's why he's one of the hottest stars in the WWE right now.
Well you know how games have bosses at the end of levels. Thats what Bray should be. And I have said this from as far back as July, make the fact that Bray is gonna wrestle! a big deal. His heavies look like they can take care o business themselves. I look forward to him teaming with Bryan and it is a BIG deal actually.

If Bray has to wrestle, make him wrestle next only at Mania.
Let's make a list of things that Bray Wyatt does better than Dolph Ziggler, shall we?

  1. Everything

Not much of a list, but then again, I'm not one for words.

The reason Dolph Ziggler never got bigger than his highest point is because he's not good. He's mediocre on the mic at best. He sells moves every match like Shawn Michaels sold in his match with Hogan, which is to say he sucks at selling. He wrestles a schizophrenic style that only works when he's in the ring with someone like Cena or Edge, someone that knows how to put together a good match.

Bray Wyatt is amazing on the mic. He sells exactly how his character should sell. All of his matches tell a fantastic story that is clear to anybody who watches them. Bray Wyatt succeeds everywhere Dolph Ziggler fails, and that's why he's one of the hottest stars in the WWE right now.

Wrong. Ziggler is a better talker and a FAR better wrestler than Wyatt will ever be. Wyatt's match at SummerSlam is possibly the worst match in WWE Pay-Per-View history. Ziggler hasn't had a bad match in almost 3 years, while Wyatt has never had a good one, ever. It's Ziggler who succeeds everywhere Wyatt fails. The only things holding Ziggler back are that he is apparently prone to injury, and that Vince has some sort of personal hatred for him. Wyatt is a flash in the pan who will be back to being an unimportant nobody not too long from now. I was right when I said it about Alex Riley (when everyone else said he was going to be the next top babyface), I was right when I said it about Brodus Clay (when everyone else said he was entertaining), I was right when I said it about Fandango (when everyone else said he was going to be a long-term top heel), I was right when I said it about Ryback (when those same mindless morons said he was going to beat CM Punk for the WWE Championship, then end The Streak, then destroy god and remake the universe in his image, etc. etc.), and I'm right about Bray Wyatt. Stop hopping on every bandwagon WWE puts in front of you. Bray Wyatt doesn't have the tools to be a long-term success. In another few months his popularity will peak, and then it will fade.
People probably said the same about The Undertaker, but look where he is now! You are just a bandwagon hater, mindless sheep!
Bray is not good in the ring - end of discussion. His moves look clumsy and he can't sell a move against him well enough to make it look like a contested fight. He's got a stupid finisher that basically requires his opponent to be out cold before he hits it anyway.

He cuts a good promo and offers something when he's outside the ring for Rowan and Harper matches because he's good at his character. If WWE decided to tear apart the Wyatt Family tomorrow though, I can't see Bray, Rowan or Harper making it as singles competitors.

P.S. to compare his in-ring work to Ziggler is insane. Dolph Ziggler makes any match he's in a good watch and pulls off all his moves with a lot of precision
He sells moves every match like Shawn Michaels sold in his match with Hogan, which is to say he sucks at selling. He wrestles a schizophrenic style that only works when he's in the ring with someone like Cena or Edge, someone that knows how to put together a good match..

Thank you.

I just don't get the Ziggler love to be honest. Like this guy says, Ziggler sells every move like he's been shot which looks great if you're just watching him getting hit with one move on a Youtube clip but in a match just doesn't work. There seems to be zero psychology behind what he sells, he just thinks if he can make every single move like great than he's done a great job. It works in this day and age of no in-ring psychology but it doesn't mean he's great.

Go watch a Ziggler match and then go watch a Christ Benoit match or a Bret Hart match and you'll see how his lack of psychology really does him no favours.
Thank you.

I just don't get the Ziggler love to be honest. Like this guy says, Ziggler sells every move like he's been shot which looks great if you're just watching him getting hit with one move on a Youtube clip but in a match just doesn't work. There seems to be zero psychology behind what he sells, he just thinks if he can make every single move like great than he's done a great job. It works in this day and age of no in-ring psychology but it doesn't mean he's great.

Go watch a Ziggler match and then go watch a Christ Benoit match or a Bret Hart match and you'll see how his lack of psychology really does him no favours.

If you have to ask why someone is good, or even wonder why people think he is good, then you're better off not knowing. Comparing him to Chris Benoit is pointless because it's not the same STYLE of wrestling. Benoit had a much more aggressive style (More than probably any other wrestler in history), where as Dolph clearly wants to be more flashy. People seem to be forgetting all the awesome matches this guy has had since 2009. He even had a terrific match with THE MIZ on Main Event. Sure he sells the s*** out of most moves, but to me... that makes a match more entertaining. I find myself getting frustrated when someone is hit with a move and didn't even look like it remotely hurt. We're supposed to suspend our disbelief as wrestling fans, but it's hard to do that when someone barely reacts to being punched in the face or slammed into the mat. Maybe it's because I didn't grow up with the old school style, but little details like that are what draw "boring" chants nowadays. People just can't tolerate slow-paced, low impact Wrestling anymore. So when you consider all of that, Ziggler is great at what he does. Showing the crowd what they want to see.

I don't know why I'm arguing. People are gonna believe what they want to believe. And right now that seems to be this idea that Dolph freaking Ziggler, out of all current WWE stars, isn't a good wrestler. Oh well. :icon_neutral:

As far as Bray Wyatt is concerned, we really haven't seen enough of him in the ring yet. It's too early to judge. He's clearly a lot faster and agile than most people with his physique. But has he had a single one-on-one match with someone yet that wasn't 5 minutes long? I'd say the creepy promos and mystique have been his saving grace so far.
That Dolph Ziggler is considered a top level wrestler by anyone is symptomatic of a lack of knowledge of what makes a good wrestler - something that WWE and TNA seems intent on nurturing in much of their fanbase.

As already mentioned, given the right opponent and the right kind of match, Ziggler can have good matches but in an ordinary one on one match where he is the senior talent or someone who is not a ring general, he show that he has very little understanding/ability to tell a story in the ring, which is what selling and psychology is all about. Some of his early matches with Kofi Kingston were absolute wrestling abortions.

He has demonstrated on most occasions that he does not know how/cannot put together a believable match by resorting to overselling everything. Now, he is nowhere near as bad as he was about 18 months ago but he still has a long way to go to be even considered a good wrestler.

As for Bray Wyatt, I think that his mystique should be played up more.

The game boss metaphor has already been used (I think PG stole that idea from me...) and I still think that that is the way to go with him, especially since it has been shown that he is not the greatest in the ring. Sells his character well and does some creepy things like Sister Abigail and the inverted spider walk but as an actual wrestler, he leaves a lot to be desired.

The character should be able to hide that though. If I had had my way, Wyatt would have wrestled maybe three times since he debuted. Any early feud with some one like Kofi would have ended with Rowan and Harper crushing Kingston before he got to Bray. Then the feud with Kane would have seen the Big Red Machine fighting his way through Rowan and Harper only for Bray to then absolutely massacre him on his own. A similar story against DBD except with Bryan getting more shots in.

That way you build up mystique. I also thought that there were a few missed opportunities to have Bray appear in the background of a Kane/Daniel Bryan interview down a hall, unseen by the interviewer, interviewee and with the camera failing to focus in on him and the commentators not mentioning him. Not quite in a Warrior appearing in a mirror that only Eric Bischoff cannot see but just have Wyatt seemingly watching over everything that is even remotely related to him.

Hint at there being something truly supernatural about him and Sister Abigail but without ever actually saying showing it.
Bray is a good wrestler for a big guy. He is a brawler, that is his style. People need to quit comparing everybody to Ziggler and HBK. They along with Flair are some of the best sellers of all time.

If anything they should play up the mystique more. Have him wrestle on occasion but he is brilliant as the leader.

Wrong. Ziggler is a better talker and a FAR better wrestler than Wyatt will ever be. Wyatt's match at SummerSlam is possibly the worst match in WWE Pay-Per-View history. Ziggler hasn't had a bad match in almost 3 years, while Wyatt has never had a good one, ever. It's Ziggler who succeeds everywhere Wyatt fails. The only things holding Ziggler back are that he is apparently prone to injury, and that Vince has some sort of personal hatred for him. Wyatt is a flash in the pan who will be back to being an unimportant nobody not too long from now. I was right when I said it about Alex Riley (when everyone else said he was going to be the next top babyface), I was right when I said it about Brodus Clay (when everyone else said he was entertaining), I was right when I said it about Fandango (when everyone else said he was going to be a long-term top heel), I was right when I said it about Ryback (when those same mindless morons said he was going to beat CM Punk for the WWE Championship, then end The Streak, then destroy god and remake the universe in his image, etc. etc.), and I'm right about Bray Wyatt. Stop hopping on every bandwagon WWE puts in front of you. Bray Wyatt doesn't have the tools to be a long-term success. In another few months his popularity will peak, and then it will fade.

:lol:It must suck to be right all the time. BTW I find it funny that you picked all jobbers and try to sound impressive and say you knew that would fail. Sorry to tell you but 90% of the people here knew they would fail. The gimmicks set them up to fail so no you are not that smart.

But fans like you who hate everything make me laugh. What is the point of being here and devoting so much time to something you hate so much?
The mystique is what we DON'T see out of Bray Wyatt: what he does in the ring. All we know is what he does outside the ring. But the bottom line is this. At some point, Bray Wyatt is going to have get his @$$ in the ring on a regular basis. WWE shouldn't expect the guy to sit around in the rocking chair forever and expect to remain as popular as he is right now. And when Wyatt does start to wrestle regularly, THAT is what's going to determine the stable's future.
The mystique is what we DON'T see out of Bray Wyatt: what he does in the ring. All we know is what he does outside the ring. But the bottom line is this. At some point, Bray Wyatt is going to have get his @$$ in the ring on a regular basis. WWE shouldn't expect the guy to sit around in the rocking chair forever and expect to remain as popular as he is right now. And when Wyatt does start to wrestle regularly, THAT is what's going to determine the stable's future.

Well, for the moment though, him getting in the ring should be a big deal. In my mind, people should blow off the roof if he ever gets up from his chair to get into the ring for a match. This is where it has to come down to. Him getting in the ring should be monumental. Of course, at some point, he will break out of this, but it can work pretty well for 1 year or so. Thing is, there might be problem as to how they can book him. He can't go after titles if he only wrestles once every 3 months and Rowan and Harper can't have titles either, because they are just henchmen. What I could see Bray working with is a storyline of him taking out the part timers, every once in a while. Starting with Jericho, then Rock (if he comes back) then Lesnar and Batista and Punk, if he decides to retire this summer. He can be the guy who will wrestle them in their final match or something like that. Imagine the 2 slaves doing all the work, destroying mid-carders on weeklies and at times attacking the part-timers, then, once every 2-3 months, after the part-timer has had enough, he requests a match with Bray. I can imagine the setup being similar to Bryan's gauntlet/handicap match, so that we get the sitting-up-from-the-chair thing. Then, Bray goes on to defeat the part timer, destroying him in the process. Then, for the next months, we get more destruction on mid carders, until there is a new part timer as a target and so on. This can last for 2 years I believe and will be huge for Bray, before they finally split or something.
Well, for the moment though, him getting in the ring should be a big deal. In my mind, people should blow off the roof if he ever gets up from his chair to get into the ring for a match. This is where it has to come down to. Him getting in the ring should be monumental. Of course, at some point, he will break out of this, but it can work pretty well for 1 year or so. Thing is, there might be problem as to how they can book him. He can't go after titles if he only wrestles once every 3 months and Rowan and Harper can't have titles either, because they are just henchmen. What I could see Bray working with is a storyline of him taking out the part timers, every once in a while. Starting with Jericho, then Rock (if he comes back) then Lesnar and Batista and Punk, if he decides to retire this summer. He can be the guy who will wrestle them in their final match or something like that. Imagine the 2 slaves doing all the work, destroying mid-carders on weeklies and at times attacking the part-timers, then, once every 2-3 months, after the part-timer has had enough, he requests a match with Bray. I can imagine the setup being similar to Bryan's gauntlet/handicap match, so that we get the sitting-up-from-the-chair thing. Then, Bray goes on to defeat the part timer, destroying him in the process. Then, for the next months, we get more destruction on mid carders, until there is a new part timer as a target and so on. This can last for 2 years I believe and will be huge for Bray, before they finally split or something.

You make a good point on everything except the idea of Harper and Rowan not being able to become WWE Tag Team Champions. They've already held the NXT Tag Team Championship for 2 months while part of the Wyatt Family. If it worked down in the developmental roster, I don't see why they couldn't have a short run with the straps on the main roster as well.

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