Myspace IM Confessions...


[This Space for Rent]
Okay, I'm incredibly bored. So I just finished a great conversation with a friend, about her sister. Read on loyal viewers.. read on. :lmao:

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:52 PM): Be Happy, Have Faith, Believe That ALL Things Are Possible. Find your sister a nice girl to date.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:52 PM): ASS

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:52 PM): lol

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:52 PM): she's fucking a college guy

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:52 PM): I'm not in college.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:52 PM): emphasis on GUY

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:52 PM): i didnt say u were, u arent fucking her either, i hope

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:53 PM): i said she is fucking a college guy

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:53 PM): She'll never know love until she knows the sex-a-cutioner.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:53 PM): goodbye

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:53 PM): lol

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:53 PM): Tell her I send my love

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:53 PM): what?

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:53 PM): Also, I'm pretty good with licking.. not AS great as another female.. but I have long hair.. if that helps her imagine.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:54 PM): i will hurt u

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:54 PM): Make sure shes into anal. I'm sure she is, since lesbians don't have a lot to do with each other.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:54 PM): i really am gonna hurt u

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:54 PM): I'll wait for her to hurt me first.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:54 PM): "OIJG

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:54 PM): rapimh

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:54 PM): a[org

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:54 PM): pjogaw

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:54 PM): epojh

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:54 PM): Make sure she brings the equipment though.. whips, chains, plenty of condoms. Oh, and anal lube.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:55 PM): i just put a spell on u

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:55 PM): and i am gonna put on another one...'

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:55 PM): alajg'kja

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:55 PM): orgh

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:55 PM): oaeihjgoiurfgjhao'

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:55 PM): iregt

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:55 PM): aik

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:55 PM): jlkhgdauohrgt

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:55 PM): Was the spell something confirming me banging your sister? LMAO

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:55 PM): no

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:55 PM): Do you love how I used the words banging and "your sister" in the same sentence?

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:56 PM): it cursed u from having great sex for another 3 months. may ur dick go limp at the sight of a naked woman. u evil evil man

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:56 PM): You better hope that doesn't happen.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:56 PM): You know your sister would want me.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:56 PM): Why not let her be happy. lol

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:56 PM): GOODBYE, i need to go what u did early

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:57 PM): earlier

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:57 PM): You need to jackoff to pictures of your sister?

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:57 PM): DIE

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:57 PM): lol

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:57 PM): You can come along too..

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:57 PM): shower shit head

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:57 PM): two sisters..

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:57 PM): what?

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:57 PM): mmmm.. it could be nice. You can film it.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:57 PM): ew, i am so telling ur wife

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:58 PM): I'll tell her.. she can be there too.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:58 PM): Educational purposes.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:58 PM): my sister is illegal

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:58 PM): stay away

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:58 PM): hahahaha Like THATS stopped me.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:58 PM): lol

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:58 PM): um... it has, have u slept with anyone underage lately??

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:58 PM): technically, no.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:58 PM): see

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:59 PM): I was waiting for your sister.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:59 PM): She means that much to me.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:59 PM): I can't remember if shes hot..

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:59 PM): 'ildshgur]

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:59 PM): seriously.. I can't.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 01:59 PM): Some lesbians are.. some aren't. I don't wanna do anything with an illegal ugly manish girl.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 01:59 PM): AH

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:00 PM): Okay.. when we're all together, are YOU wanting the anal, or do you want your sister to take that bullet?

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:00 PM): i just received an email from girls gone wild

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:01 PM): They want your sister too.. don't let them have her before me.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:01 PM): I don't want used goods.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:02 PM): (link of a picture of the sister - has been removed)

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:02 PM): Tell your sister to add me.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:02 PM): did u look at the pic?

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:03 PM): ok i gotta go, shower shower shower

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:03 PM): thats her?

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:03 PM): yes

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:04 PM): why?

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:04 PM): It says "I know I'm beautiful, but you can't have me"

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:04 PM): so

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:04 PM): Shes lying. I know I could have her. Its all on whether or not she willingly accepts that.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:04 PM): goodbye perv

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:04 PM): lol wait, wait, wait.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:04 PM): what?

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:04 PM): did you tell her to add me yet?

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:05 PM): i need to go get naked then wet

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:05 PM): no i am not with her right now

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:05 PM): u add her

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:05 PM): me too.. but I don't know how to get ahold of her yet. You're cock blocking me. lol

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:05 PM): I can't.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:05 PM): I have to be smooth and sly..

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:05 PM): no

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:05 PM): she has to add me first..

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:05 PM): ur married

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:05 PM): so were you, but it didn't stop you.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:06 PM): from what?

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:06 PM): i didnt sleep with anyone else

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:06 PM): I don't know, what are you getting at with me being

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:06 PM): I'm not wanting to sleep with her.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:06 PM): then what do u want

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:06 PM): There would be absolutely no sleeping involved.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:06 PM): a friend? lol


MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:07 PM): seriously.. she needs to add me.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:07 PM): then add her

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:07 PM): good bye

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:07 PM): I can't add her. It looks clingy.. she needs to add me.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:08 PM): add her!

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:08 PM): lol I can't.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:08 PM): Seriously, the button isn't there.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:08 PM): whatever

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:08 PM): send her a message

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:08 PM): goodbye william

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:08 PM): What am I to say?

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:08 PM): i am a friend of ashleys, add me

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:08 PM): "Hey.. your sister said we could "sleep" together."

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): u'll think of something

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): Okay.. I'll use that

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): NO ASSHOLE

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): goodbye

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): Okay, I'll tell her you said not in the asshole though.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): jerk

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): bye

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): This conversation is fun.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): lol

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): i am logging off now, goodbye

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): remind her about me.

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): lol

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): Later.

micheals_girl2003: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): BYE

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:09 PM): she could be

MrSexyVersion1: (03/02/2008 02:10 PM): I'm still thinking lesbian.. but if anyone can switch her,
its me. lol
No, I was thinking I'd be the one with the webcam. For a pedo you don't have much of an imagination.

:lmao: Why the fuck would I wanna see you on a webcam? Sam, what we had was just a one night deal.. you said it yourself, you were experimenting, I was nothing to you.

I've learned to accept it. You should too. :p

Unless you have something you'd like to say, to change my mind.
I already told you the results were inconclusive, meaning we need to repeat the experiment as many times as possible.

Wait, what?
I already told you the results were inconclusive, meaning we need to repeat the experiment as many times as possible.

Wait, what?

I think what you're saying is.. you want to..



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