My WWE precognition


Best in the World!
I'd like to start by stating that I'm not trolling in any manner and I just want to share my experience with all of you and hear your opinions. Again, I'M NOT TROLLING AND I REQUEST A SERIOUS DISCUSSION.

So, I've been watching WWE since the Summer of 2002 when Lesnar was running rampant all over the locker room with Heyman managing him and I was hooked! I also collected wwe cards and maintained my own ppv copies, bought several wwe vcds and whatnot. I'd a true passion for wrestling.
I had 3 dreams over the course of 3 years and I'd like to share them here.

1. I started buying wwe vcds in mid 2005. Sometime in late 2005, I ordered Survivor Series 2004 vcd at the shop. A few days later, I dreamt that while returning from school in school van, we passed by the shop and I saw a BLUE vcd on the wwe shelf, among several other wwe vcds.
The next day after school, I went to the shop and I learnt that he'd bought a copy for me, I looked at the shelf- The blue colored vcd cover was clearly visible, with portraits of several wwe superstars on it, which was the theme of that year's event!!

2. I could've forgotten that incident by deeming it a coincidence, but then in early 2006, this happened:
Royal Rumble was a few weeks away, and I dreamt one night that it's the No Way Out ppv and Boogeyman was running after JBL with worms in his hands, and JBL was trying to escape him, fearing the worms. Some days later, I learnt that Boogeyman had targeted JBL in reality and they were going to battle at the Royal Rumble. Another dream came true, with just the change of setting (Rumble instead of NWO).

3. The 2nd half of 2007 brought a terrible angle with it- Mr. Mcmahon's limo blast! I was actually thinking that it really happened! So a few days later, I'd this dream: Mr. Mcmahon was in his room with Jonathan Coachman beside him, and Vince was laughing in his evil manner, and bragging to Coach about how he fooled everyone!! A few days after that, I saw those 2 in the locker room on RAW in reality, which was probably the start of the illegitimate son angle.

So I'd these 3 dreams and all 3 of them turned to reality. For the 3rd time, I'm repeating that I'm not joking or anything of that kind. I just want to read what everyone thinks about these dreams and their aftermaths.
(On a lighter note, I'm hoping to have a dream of Bryan winning the title at Mania :) :) )
If parapsychological phenomena were as real as people claim or would otherwise like them to be, and if your precognition of these events had any serious gravitas, I'd also like you to think or believe that the mind can influence external reality to a degree that'd make the WWE change most of their storylines and decisions. Thus, I wish:-
Chris benoit and eddie guerrero were still alive
Mcmahon never foolishly brought back the ECW brand, and sent its greatest in-ring technician and performer(arguably, besides shawn michaels) Kurt Angle to it. (Has there ever been any decision so nasty and misbegotten? KURT ANGLE? In the same league as BALLS MAHONEY, TOMMY DREAMER AND THE SANDMAN?)
Rob Van Dam had become the heavyweight champion at least once in the terrible HHH-centric era from 2002-2005 and was not buried and then let go in 2007.
Sting was acquired long back.
Booker T, Mr. Anderson, MVP, etc. were not all let go, one by one.
The disaster that is Rock, never returned to beat Cena in an awful match(the contest comes nowhere near to being a WM spectacle such as Brock vs Angle, Angle vs Shawn Michaels, Taker vs Shawn Michaels, etc.), steal the spotlight for his petty paychecks, and ruin C.M. Punk's rightly deserved spot in the main event of WM .
I could go on, but you get my point.
I'd like to start by stating that I'm not trolling in any manner and I just want to share my experience with all of you and hear your opinions. Again, I'M NOT TROLLING AND I REQUEST A SERIOUS DISCUSSION.

So, I've been watching WWE since the Summer of 2002 when Lesnar was running rampant all over the locker room with Heyman managing him and I was hooked! I also collected wwe cards and maintained my own ppv copies, bought several wwe vcds and whatnot. I'd a true passion for wrestling.
I had 3 dreams over the course of 3 years and I'd like to share them here.

1. I started buying wwe vcds in mid 2005. Sometime in late 2005, I ordered Survivor Series 2004 vcd at the shop. A few days later, I dreamt that while returning from school in school van, we passed by the shop and I saw a BLUE vcd on the wwe shelf, among several other wwe vcds.
The next day after school, I went to the shop and I learnt that he'd bought a copy for me, I looked at the shelf- The blue colored vcd cover was clearly visible, with portraits of several wwe superstars on it, which was the theme of that year's event!!

2. I could've forgotten that incident by deeming it a coincidence, but then in early 2006, this happened:
Royal Rumble was a few weeks away, and I dreamt one night that it's the No Way Out ppv and Boogeyman was running after JBL with worms in his hands, and JBL was trying to escape him, fearing the worms. Some days later, I learnt that Boogeyman had targeted JBL in reality and they were going to battle at the Royal Rumble. Another dream came true, with just the change of setting (Rumble instead of NWO).

3. The 2nd half of 2007 brought a terrible angle with it- Mr. Mcmahon's limo blast! I was actually thinking that it really happened! So a few days later, I'd this dream: Mr. Mcmahon was in his room with Jonathan Coachman beside him, and Vince was laughing in his evil manner, and bragging to Coach about how he fooled everyone!! A few days after that, I saw those 2 in the locker room on RAW in reality, which was probably the start of the illegitimate son angle.

So I'd these 3 dreams and all 3 of them turned to reality. For the 3rd time, I'm repeating that I'm not joking or anything of that kind. I just want to read what everyone thinks about these dreams and their aftermaths.
(On a lighter note, I'm hoping to have a dream of Bryan winning the title at Mania :) :) )

I had a dream that I knew what this post was about and why it somehow made it to the Wrestlezone Forum. Then, while having that dream, I had a dream within a dream that I never read about your dream. The ending was better than Inception
As someone who went to school for psychology I hate to burst your bubble but this is all in your head(pun intended). It's 2014 and through the true miracle of science we actually know exactly what dreams are, where they come from, and why they occur. I can tell you that they do no indeed come from the magical nether to bring you the future of wrestling.
Don't take this the wrong way, but if you are dreaming about wrestling, even if its just 3 times over a 3 year span, you may want to consider finding other hobbies.
Don't take this the wrong way, but if you are dreaming about wrestling, even if its just 3 times over a 3 year span, you may want to consider finding other hobbies.

Wow, Ignorance at its absolute worst!! I have several hobbies to kill time which include writing daily peraonal diaries, studying classic Hollywood cinema, reading novels and stuff, playing cricket thrice a week etc.
Taking interest in wrestling and having a dream related to it doesn't mean that I don't have things to do and people to hang out with. Anybody can have dreams of any kind, it's sad that you still don't get it and think that having dreams while sleeping at night ( which is perfectly normal) makes someone a basement dwelling crrature who has nothing to do.

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