My wish for the Monday Night War


Completely Savage since 1980!'s pretty simple really. I started watching WWF/WWE when I was but a little hellion. So I am somewhat loyal to that paricular promotion. At the end of the day though, I'm a fan of any good wrestling. That being said, my wish for the new Monday Night Wars is for people to put thier "loyalty" to WWE aside and think about what would be ggod for wrestling in general. And what would be great for wrestling and for it's fans is for everyone to give TNA a chance and tune in. Don't think like a jaded Internet Smark and think like the kid in you that started watching wrestling whenever you did. Think about the first match that made you a fan...the match that still resonates in your memories to this day. What made wrestling great during the Monday Night wars of the 90's was the fact that people tuned into WCW. they gave it a chance, and upon giving it a chance and giving it ratings it made Vince and the WWE step thier respective game up! As a fan this is what I want to happen now. I want TNa to get ratings and force Vince to step it up again. This will lead to some GREAT wrestling again...much like it did in the 90's. But for this to happen we need to look at it from the fan point of view...from the point of view of the kid in us or teenager in us at very least, and not the jaded view you may have now. There needs to be changes made to both companies for sure but this is why it's important for TNA to be a threat per say. So my question is what chnages will/should be made and will you tune in to TNA to give it a chance to be as great as the war of the 90's?'s pretty simple really. I started watching WWF/WWE when I was but a little hellion. So I am somewhat loyal to that paricular promotion. At the end of the day though, I'm a fan of any good wrestling. That being said, my wish for the new Monday Night Wars is for people to put thier "loyalty" to WWE aside and think about what would be ggod for wrestling in general. And what would be great for wrestling and for it's fans is for everyone to give TNA a chance and tune in. Don't think like a jaded Internet Smark and think like the kid in you that started watching wrestling whenever you did. Think about the first match that made you a fan...the match that still resonates in your memories to this day. What made wrestling great during the Monday Night wars of the 90's was the fact that people tuned into WCW. they gave it a chance, and upon giving it a chance and giving it ratings it made Vince and the WWE step thier respective game up! As a fan this is what I want to happen now. I want TNa to get ratings and force Vince to step it up again. This will lead to some GREAT wrestling again...much like it did in the 90's. But for this to happen we need to look at it from the fan point of view...from the point of view of the kid in us or teenager in us at very least, and not the jaded view you may have now. There needs to be changes made to both companies for sure but this is why it's important for TNA to be a threat per say. So my question is what chnages will/should be made and will you tune in to TNA to give it a chance to be as great as the war of the 90's?

That right there is the benefit of this happening. I asked myself, when was the last time I got excited over WWE? Well after the fall of WCW, I was pretty pumped for a lot of things, but was always let down. The last big thing that surprised me was when nWo returned I thought - ok cool this is going to be good. Well unfortunately, the only cool moment was when Kevin Nash introduced Shawn Michaels as his return to RAW.

Unfortunately looking back on the past 5 years, theres not much to be excited about. I still love the Raw brand, but TNA has had some awesome matches - but I feel that they would have a more exciting product if they got ahold of Vince's checkbook to making some big time changes.

Really what I am hoping to get out of this is more water cooler surprises. The type of stuff that you cannot believe and have to talk about all week waiting for the next show to be on to see what happened. Right now, I don't care if I miss an episode and I hope this "war" brings that back.
The Monday Night Wars were the best thing to ever happen to Wrestling! The question is did Eric learn any new tricks while working for Vince or not. Also what does Vince have left esspecially that is PG. That is one thing that MUST change this PG era crap. The more more suprises done in the right way with the right PPV's will win. YES Eric PPV's not just Monday night.

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