My Ultimate TLC & Tables elimination match.


Dark Match Jobber
Ok so I'm going to have to expain this. The match starts off with all the teams in the ring. But its under the rules for a elimination tables match. Although you can still use all the stuff in and around the ring. the ring is set up for a TLC match, but it has extra tables for the frist part. After the number of combatants gets down to 2( just like in a elimination tables match if you go through a table your out).

The match changes to a TLC match. This is when the last two fight it out to climb the ladder( it doesn't matter if they are on the same team it just makes it easyer for them).

So I'm going to make this with anyone. fell fre to make your match with any one from any brand you want( or show).

8 way match. In a 8 sided ring.

  • The Hardyz
  • E&C
  • 3-D
  • AJ styles & Jamoa Joe
  • MCMG
  • LAX
  • Even bourne & koffie( but ake them a little crazyer kinda like Jeff hardy.
  • Sabu & RVD
Ok so maybe there are to many guys but this would be epic. put this on in a big arena with lots of space and things to jump off and this would be one of the best hard core matches ever.

So I want to see how you guys would do this. You can put in as many teams and how ever many sides to the ring.

I know this wold never hapen but this is just for fun so if you dont like it please don't comment saying this is bullshit it will never happen. Have some fun and just go crazy.
yea but foley is like a one trick poney he falls through things. He would be good but I think there ou could make him the special guest refere then some one could throw him through 18 flaming tables.

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