My top 5 most boring wrestlers of all time.


Occasional Pre-Show
5. Randy Orton. Has there ever been a more boring champion then Randy Orton? Okay maybe Chris Beniot or the guy I have at 2. But still this guy has never entertained me even when he was the legend killer his legend killer gimmick was annoying. But his viper gimmick was much worse especially during that 2007/2008 phase I mean my god this guy just bored me to tears there was nothing special about him at all just like there’s nothing special about him today, and I get people that say oh your being harsh on orton, blah blah I only have him at number 5 there’s other guys even more boring believe it or not. Seriously I’ve been To house shows where the venu is tarped off because nobody wants to see him. The crowd will pop for his music and the rko but that’s it there’s nothing intresting about him and I’m tired of the iwc defending this clown. At least Cena has some redeeming quality’s to not bore me to tears as overrated as I find Cena at least he has some type of charisma.

4. Vladamir kozlov. this guy was just flat out boring he had the personality of paint drying whoever decided to give this guy a push in 2008 should be ashamed of themselves.

3. Beniot.. while this guy may have been a great wrestler he had absolutely zero charisma. You know he showed all that anger and agression on his family while he was committing that horrendous act Where was that personality and agression while you were on the roster Beniot? And yes I know I got the nickname toothless agression from Beniot but dammit all you were boring dude.

2. Bret Hart. Sorry but what did he do that was so impressive? He was a great wrestler? Wow but what about his charisma zero zero zero zero!! This guy had the personality of a toad stool and the mic skills of a block of wood yes there was a cure for insomnia in the 90s and it was Bret Hart.

1. Alberto del rio. My god whenever this guy came on tv it was like drinking a nice cool cup of NyQuil has del rio tried asmr? He doesn’t need to whisper because his presence alone could put people to sleep, if your having a rough night just go back and watch some good ol del rio promos, I don’t think there’s ever been anyone more boring then this guy and he was even more boring in the ring as well... there’s a reason why the company never let him main event, and his matches for the title were always in the middle of the card or at the beginning because nobody wanted to see him.

Honorable mentions,

Bobby lashley. No charisma what so ever just so boring. And a boring worker to.

Great khali. couldn’t speak English and on top of that was one of the worst wrestlers the company ever had.

Jack swagger. Just watch a jack swagger promo I dont need to explain.
I knew who the author was of this post before I even had to click it. Is there anything that Toothlessagression1980 doesn't complain about?
Wow, have you even watched wrestling before the year 2000? You have a lot of learning to do, especially having Bret Hart on your silly list. Bret is not only technically one of the best, but his in-ring storytelling and psychology were also great. So he wasn't always great on the mic, so what? He certainly wasn't boring, unless maybe you don't like the actual wrestling part of the show.

The WWF had little going for it between the Hogan and Austin eras. The main thing that kept it going in between that time were the great matches Bret put on from 92-97. Any WWE fan should have nothing but respect for Bret. He was one of the best talents they ever had.
*FYI, I started watching WWE at the very end of '99. I do know wrestlers from the 80's and 90's but those are the guys with charisma like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, The Rock,HBK, Triple H, Bret Hart, Mick Foley, Stone Cold, and 'Taker.

Here's my list in no particular order...

Brock Lesnar- What the heck can I say about this jacked idiot......he has ZERO charisma, is a crappy pro wrestler, may have been good in the amateurs, but as far as pro wrestling goes, he sucks majorly. Why they keep putting that red Universal tile around him is beyond me. And I'm glad Paul E does his talking 'cause Brock sounds either like a PMSing girl or a boy who fully never went through puberty. It's fine to be soft spoken. I'm very soft spoken, one of my best guy friends who is in my chorus (he is our accompanist) has a higher, soft spoken vocal tone, but when you're that jacked up, that huge, and have that tiny of a voice, it kinda doesn't match. (all vocal stuff aside) He just goes in the ring does like 1 or 2 F5's or Suplex City and an F5, and it's over. Never makes anyone look good, never puts anyone over, has no respect, he's just boring and his opponents have to do all the work to make his matches exciting. (if the matches are actually clean and don't have any stipulations)

Batista- He did have a couple good moves in his arsenal, but he was so boring to watch. He couldn't wrestle worth a crap, no charisma....glad he went off to Hollywood.

Alexa Bliss- This girl really needs to learn how to wrestle. She is so bad in the ring it's not even funny. She's better at running her mouth than wrestling in a ring.

Jinder Mahal- Lacks charisma and in ring skill. Sucks on the mic.

Mojo Rawley- Watching him wrestle is like watching a major league botchfest. I liked him when he was with Zack Ryder, but as a singles competitor, he really got boring.

Honorable Mentions.... John Cena, Elias, Eva Marie, Samoa Joe, Great Khali
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If you go top 5 boring wrestlers of all time for me, it's kinda of easy as most of them are from this era of wwe.

5. Johnny gargano: nothing against him as a wrestler as he's a great technical wrestler but personality wise, i rather watch paint dry then watch him cut a promo.

4. Cesaro: again great worker, boring personality

3. Finn balor: again, just nothing personality wise

2. Lex luger: For me, i never got what made luger so special. He was really nothing in the ring and promo wise wasn't that great

1. John Morrison: again somebody that i really loved as a heel and then turn babyface and was just plain boring to watch. His promo were horrible and his in ring were so repetitve that i got just plain boring to watch.
In no particular order...

1. Randy Orton - save for the whole "RKO outta nowhere" thing, I really don't get what people see in him. I audibly groan whenever he is interjected into a match or ends up in the main event of any show. I get that his style is supposed to be slow and methodical, striking when it's opportune, but his execution just comes off as boring.

2. Finn Balor - another one that I don't understand the draw. Yes, he's technically sound but his personality and charisma is duller than dishwater. The "demon" is fine in small doses, but a once or twice a year attraction does not a great wrestler make. The other 95% of the time, he truly is the most extra ordinary guy on the roster.

3. The Great Khali - great look, decent intensity pre-match, all fell apart bell-to-bell. He wasn't just a bad wrestler, it was arguably painful to watch him go with the moves he could consistently pull off. Always looked like he was running in slow motion, often looked like he had to mentally process each move before pulling it off. A wrestler I wanted to really like but just couldn't.

4. Heavy Machinery - or as I've come to refer to them as, Too Cool XL. A boring team with a boring premise that might've done ok during the "New Generation" mid-90's when every wrestler had a second job. In 2019 though, I struggle to come up with a reason why these two are on the main roster, let alone competing in tag-title matches. Is it because Otis does the caterpillar and Caterpillar is a brand of farm equipment? Perhaps another comparison is Jessie and Festus 2.0... biscuits and gravy indeed.

5. Greg "the hammer" Valentine - was he a slightly better version of Buddy Landell or a (very) low-rent version of Ric Flair? Watching his matches, particularly solo encounters, was tantamount to watching paint dry on a cold day. His 1999 "Heroes of Wrestling" match against George Steele stands as The Hammer's magnum opus in my mind.
Firstly disagree with Benoit, Hart, Samoa Joe and even Balor on here. I enjoy great wrestling and they can wrestle. Now my top 5

1) Randy Orton— dull on the mic and in the ring he’s in slow motion. I hope he leaves WWE soon

2) The Great Khali— he’s the worst in ring wrestler that I’ve seen. He had humor, but it was not anything perfect.

3) Jinder Mahal— when the most entertainment I get from a wrestler is by his music then you know he’s on here. Jinder is dreadful.

4) Buff Bagwell— I couldn’t stand him, he looked good, but that’s it. His lame character as a face or heel was groanful.

5) Jason Jordan— the guy has no mic skills to pass off as a singles star which is why he’s best in a tag team. In the ring he can go, but his mic skills blah. Finn can speak if given freedom to speak, Don’t know if Jason can

Honorable mention: Elias (cause his gimmick isn’t main event worthy to me, plus he’s not great in the ring to me).....Corbin (blame it on his gimmick, get him a wardrobe change ASAP)...Apollo Crews (needs to improve his promos). That’s all I write about, some can improve like Elias and Corbin which is why they aren’t heel. Same with Balor, who I think should be in AJ’s spot as a heel leader of The Club. Sometimes it’s all about booking. The top 4 in my list, I feel booking can’t fix.
5. Randy Orton. Has there ever been a more boring champion then Randy Orton? Okay maybe Chris Beniot or the guy I have at 2. But still this guy has never entertained me even when he was the legend killer his legend killer gimmick was annoying. But his viper gimmick was much worse especially during that 2007/2008 phase I mean my god this guy just bored me to tears there was nothing special about him at all just like there’s nothing special about him today, and I get people that say oh your being harsh on orton, blah blah I only have him at number 5 there’s other guys even more boring believe it or not. Seriously I’ve been To house shows where the venu is tarped off because nobody wants to see him. The crowd will pop for his music and the rko but that’s it there’s nothing intresting about him and I’m tired of the iwc defending this clown. At least Cena has some redeeming quality’s to not bore me to tears as overrated as I find Cena at least he has some type of charisma.

4. Vladamir kozlov. this guy was just flat out boring he had the personality of paint drying whoever decided to give this guy a push in 2008 should be ashamed of themselves.

3. Beniot.. while this guy may have been a great wrestler he had absolutely zero charisma. You know he showed all that anger and agression on his family while he was committing that horrendous act Where was that personality and agression while you were on the roster Beniot? And yes I know I got the nickname toothless agression from Beniot but dammit all you were boring dude.

2. Bret Hart. Sorry but what did he do that was so impressive? He was a great wrestler? Wow but what about his charisma zero zero zero zero!! This guy had the personality of a toad stool and the mic skills of a block of wood yes there was a cure for insomnia in the 90s and it was Bret Hart.

1. Alberto del rio. My god whenever this guy came on tv it was like drinking a nice cool cup of NyQuil has del rio tried asmr? He doesn’t need to whisper because his presence alone could put people to sleep, if your having a rough night just go back and watch some good ol del rio promos, I don’t think there’s ever been anyone more boring then this guy and he was even more boring in the ring as well... there’s a reason why the company never let him main event, and his matches for the title were always in the middle of the card or at the beginning because nobody wanted to see him.

Honorable mentions,

Bobby lashley. No charisma what so ever just so boring. And a boring worker to.

Great khali. couldn’t speak English and on top of that was one of the worst wrestlers the company ever had.

Jack swagger. Just watch a jack swagger promo I dont need to explain.
Orton, Benoit, Hart, cmon said boring wrestlers. Here are my order, no explanation they speak for themselves.....

Dino Bravo, Ken Patera, Crush, Great Khali and Bad News Brown.
Beniot was a great wrestler but let’s be honest he sucked on the mic,

Orton has always bored me.

And Bret was the same as Beniot a great wrestler but sucked on the mic.
5. IRS - There are not many more dull gimmicks than a tax collector wrestler. By himself he was not fun to watch at all for me.

4. Jason Jordan - Just could never get behind this guy, possibly because of poor writing and no real charisma ever.

3. Jinder Mahal - Such a generic moveset and a stereotypical non-american villain persona, went from jobber to champion ruining him being any bit intimidating at all.

2. Darren Young - nothing could make him great again, this guy was a bore to watch.

1. Baron Corbin - This constable gimmick is ridiculous. He is pushed as a villain but has been beaten so many times by almost everyone (similar to Bray Wyatt) that he doesnt even come across as a threat anymore. Not bad in ring ability but the whole character is just super boring.
1. Daniel Bryan- ugh run and kick ,repeat
2.Somoa Joe - Ugh bore me to death with headlocks
3.Jinder Mahal ugh everything
4.The Miz - Ugh worst Wwe Champ Ever
5.Becky Lynch - Worst Female Wrestler Ever
The most boring wrestlers to watch when they are in the ring actually having a match and who are on the current roaster:
1. The Miz
2. Zack Ryder
3. Mojo Rawley
4. Titus O'Neil
5. Elias (sorry, you had your chances)

The runner-ups are:
1. Bray Wyatt (still anticipating his fist match after his repackaging)
2. The Usos (gone stale and repetitive)
Loving this thread, I think this is a very interesting discussion
Loving this thread, I think this is a very interesting discussion

This is the greatest discussion in the history of time! I AM SO EXCITED TO REVEAL WHO I FIND TO BE BORING!

5. Nick Bockwinkel. The dorkiest dork to dork-up prowrestling. This guy was the equivalent to your bible-thumping neighbor.

4. Big John Studd. Your name is Big John Studd? No shit, thanks for reminding us. His promos would usually start with "I'M BIG JOHN STUDD!" His only mildly remarkable moments were during his feud with Andre, and that feud was probably Andre's least memorable.

3. Lance Storm. He was great in the ring, and he was even better at putting us to sleep with his promos. While in WCW and while in WWE, his mundaneness was actually incorporated into his gimmick. Celebrating being boring doesn't make you less boring.

2. Mr. Kennedy. I never understood this dude's appeal, and for the life of me I've never met someone on or offline that recognizes Mr. Kennedy as a good wrestler. Somehow he was pushed to being a world champion contender, while thankfully never being granted that brass ring in the WWE. His promos got old the second I saw them, and I don't think that anyone has ever been as vanilla as him in the ring.

1. Greg Gagne. His "awakening" came too little too late. This dude had all the potential in the world. He was tall enough to stare Bruiser Brody down, and he was the son of a prominent promoter. And yet, this guy could make an insomniac meth addict pass out from boredom. I recall his angle where Sergeant Slaughter was training him by having him throw wood around.
1 & 2. Apollo and his new henchman these guys are just unwatchable. Extremely boring, bland and incredibly offensive. If WWE did something that offensive with a Chinese guy, WW3 will start the next day.
3. Big E- As much as i want to see him succeed, his separation from New Day has exposed his character weakness. Mid card for life.
4. Corbin- Just painfully boring. I like his in ring work, he's a very talented wrestler, but for God's sake don't let him be on tv except when he's wrestling.
5. Drew- Yeah, sorry, I know everyone roots for the underdog and drew was an underdog for a long time. But his character weakness is just offputting.
On a side note- the most interesting wrestlers in that order as on date- Roman Reigns, SFRN, Strowman, Alexa Bl8ss and Rhea Ripley.
Bossman. Limited in ring ability, I can't really remember him on the mic, obviously didn't gain my attention.

Jim Duggan. Same as Bossman. I can't remember Duggan having any standout matches. Looking back at it, WCW had Duggan defeat Stunning Steve Austin for the US Title. What were they thinking?

Shawn Stasiak - How he lasted as long as he did in WCW and WWE still has me scratching my head. Just looked awkward in the ring.

The Great Khali. Probably the worst WWE Champion in history. Ridiculous that they did it, criminal that they even thought about it.

Mr Hughes - No different to the others mentioned, horrible in ring ability, stupid look, never really went anywhere.

Honourable mentions - Droz, Orlando Jordan, William Regal.
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