My Thoughts On WWE


Lord And Master
Staff member
I know. My opinion would mean shit. Yeah, fuck the lot of you. Most people know me as being TNA biased. But I don't recall ever giving any reason for disliking WWE today other than Pitbull showing up and Orton waltzing into Smackdown and taking the World title for the hell of it. But after years of watching nothing but WWE, you kinda start to crave for variety. Today's product has an abysmal midcard. The days of the guy fighting for the most meaningless belt in the company cutting promo's like this are long gone:



There's a reason these guys are major players. They don't act like it's all fight game and they have to win at all cost. They act as normal people with normal issues. Todays promo's are summed up with the utmost ease:


Creed's dull reaction is the same one I get when I hear most promo's by guys not named Christian, John Cena or CM Punk.

I absolutely hated what was done with the WWE title after MITB. The result of Cena lowering his head in shame when Punk showed up was priceless, but how we got to that point was just cringing. A tournament for the vacant title. OK. Miz vs Rey. OK. Rey wins and becomes WWE Champion. OK. Great even. Cena gets a random rematch. O...K? Cena wins back the title. I draw the line there. How could John Cena vs Rey Mysterio for the WWE Championship be misbooked? As good a match as it was, it made the gap between top dog Cena and second fiddle Rey look enormous. Rey is as big a star to many as Cena. Why console him and make it look like it was all a fluke? Why in the blue fucking hell is every Mysterio title run revolved around him being the underdog when that's never the case without a belt? Why was a match people craved for booked in such a manner? Couldn't wait 'till next week?

Basically, if you wanna like WWE, you gotta like the main event scene. Because it's the only thing they offer with structure. That sounds OK. But Christian and Orton's top notch performances every PPV are not making me watch Smackdown. And Del Rio and Rey becoming pawns of shock value does not make me want to see John Cena look sad and Punk come out to Cult Of Personality. Not to mention how the true purpose of all of this is so people can be made aware that Triple H has (almost) inherited the company.

Money In The Bank was a great PPV. But sadly, that doesn't make me want to watch Raw or Smackdown. Because matches won't be that good. And builds don't really exist. Beating up a guy is not telling story. If you put mood rings on all WWE superstars, they'll all be the same color I bet. I welcome people to correct me if they feel my opinion is wrong.
I'll admit I didn't read most of that, but you not liking the WWE because Orton walked into Smackdown and won the title is just silly. It's WWE, that stuff happens, not everybody has long title reigns, things happen. It has to happen sometimes, it doesn't happen often, but it happens.

A lot of people were pissed about that, but Orton deserves to be the face of Smackdown more. Not only has he put much more effort into getting that position, but he also didn't spend some time dancing around in other promotions either.
I have to agree here because the midcard in WWE leave a lot to be desired. The top storylines people tune into revolve around Punk and Cena, Orton and Christian to a lesser extent, and Triple H as the owner of Raw. I tune in to see what will happen next and usually could care less when it comes to Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston part 8 or Evan Bourne jobbing to Jack Swagger or Del Rio. The WWE tag team titles mean less then nothing considering you hardly ever see the Tag Team champions unless you are watching Superstars or they decide to show up on Smackdown.

Everyone in the Nexus and Corre are so bland that I had no idea who were tag team champions, only that guys from either Nexus or Corre were. For the longest time in the US title scene it has been either Kofi or Dolph. The matches on Raw and Smackdown aren't bad most of the time. Raw actually had a great main event even though it was for a meaningless championship.

Actually I will give credit to the Miz and Riley's brief altercation. It wasn't much but at least it was something different that made me care about something on Raw that didn't involve Punk and Cena. Smackdown seems like the same show every week with Orton and Christian arguing and Teddy Long booking separate matches for both men to wrestle. I.E. Orton vs. Kane and Christian vs. Sheamus.

I know Sheamus and Barrett are starting a storyline and I've heard good things about Big Show and Mark Henry's feud. I've seen it all before and just don't care enough to sit through it again. I can remember some of the most exciting angles in the past involved either the IC title or US Title. Ultimate Warrior and Rick Rude's feud for the IC title is an example. Austin vs. The Rock, Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon, Triple vs. The Rock. All started out with captivating feuds over the IC title. You don't see that much anymore.
I'll admit I didn't read most of that, but you not liking the WWE because Orton walked into Smackdown and won the title is just silly. It's WWE, that stuff happens, not everybody has long title reigns, things happen. It has to happen sometimes, it doesn't happen often, but it happens.

A lot of people were pissed about that, but Orton deserves to be the face of Smackdown more. Not only has he put much more effort into getting that position, but he also didn't spend some time dancing around in other promotions either.

The backstage aspect is what ticked me off. Orton says he liked going to Smackdown because it gave him the opportunity to be lockroom leader. They literally gave him a red carpet welcome. It would've been OK if it wasn't a blatant favor to Orton.
But a storyline thats stretched from Easter until the end of summer has developed because of that title win. Its not as if it was just to give Orton "his" show. It was to turn Christian and kick-start a major feud between the two, one that until recently, has been the best feud in either WWE or TNA.
The mid card sucks because there are now double the world titles meaning there has to be double the main eventers. The roster size hasn't really gotten any bigger even though there are two separate brands. Basically the mid card is being ravaged for the sake of the main event scene.
Two words: Cody Rhodes.


The 2 World Titles aren't hurting much, especially when on Smackdown you have had the same 2 guys main eventing for quite a while. It's given time to guys like DB, Henry, Barrett, Sheamus, and yes, Cody Rhodes to build their characters in the mid card. Sheamus & Henry are more over then they have been in quite a while, DB, Barrett, and Rhodes are vastly improving. I see no issue with the mid card on Smackdown.

Raw's a different story though. All of those guys are just firmly in the backseat because no one cares right now. Everyone is focused on the main event program.
Lack of variety and the pacing of everything is what kills it for me. People complain about the frenzy of impact. I'll take that any day over a show where I feel like I am watching an infomercial half the time.
I agree with the problems in the mid-card. Mid-card faces are especially a problem. The return of John Morrison should help since he is going to be a face and comes across as a quality wrestler who is nipping at the main eventer's heels.
Raw has one other guy who seems to be insanely over with the crowds, and that is Santino. The problem is that he is a comedy guy and is hard to sell as a credible threat in the upper mid-card. I recently saw him tape a tag team Superstars match and the house went nuts for the guy, but how do you book him higher up than he is without changing the character? "Is a puzzlement."
I also agree with OP that the Cena/Rey match should have been held one more week. The will he/won't he game with Punk was still going strong and the Miz/Rey match could have gone off well as the main event on RAW Monday past. They are making Cena look bad this way. He is a "paper champion" because he lost to Punk and has a different belt, but also, he beat a guy who had just wrestled for a title earlier in the evening. It makes him look like the powers that be are angling to keep the belt on him, which is not the way you want to go unless you are doing a heel turn.
I would have liked to have seen it this way. As they go off the air, Cena is celebrating with Rey and friends and then HHH walks in and says that Cena was excluded from tourney by Vince because of his imminent dismissal. But he belongs in the title picture, so Rey has to defend as main event next week. A handshake between the two combatants and then an awkward moment between the two of them. Cena excuses himself as not really belonging here right now and the celebration for Rey continues.
Then if they really wanted the two belt face-off between Cena and Punk, it should have ended the next RAW.
But what do I know? I thought a nice little run to Summer Slam with the belt on Rey would have been better, and I would have had Punk win to unify the title there and set up Punk/Cena II for the next PPV.
You probably missed every SmackDown since Randy Orton arrived.
The main event matches have been awesome.

But you are right about the midcard belts, I miss a promo and a good feud (sometimes better than the main event) for this titles, now they don't mean none.
Everyone talked about Rhodes, Barret and DB... but they didn't referenced the IC Champion, Zeke Jackson... Mid Cards have been put in random fights every single week.

But WWE is still a lot better than TNA, while you have AJ Styles and the old Angle, we have guys like Punk and DB...
WWE Talent is by far bigger than TNA Talent, but I give them props for trying to play with the big boy.

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