My Thoughts On FIFA And Sepp Blatter


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
So, just over a year has passed in the UK since the coalition government (or the Con-Demned government as I like to refer to them as) took over the running of the country, and in a complete shock, most of the country is worse off now than it was under Labour.

This is not supposed to be a political article in any way, its actually about football, but in the grand scheme of things, is there really much difference?
This year, Sepp Blatter and his band of merry idiots actually made a good choice in making Russia the hosts for the 2018 World Cup. Sure England blew their chance with the whole Panorama expose on FIFA and the alleged corruption in regards to vote favouring. As an Englishman, I get it, we don't like losing things, so to defend our losses, we blame vote rigging.

At first glance, I thought, and still do think that Russia made the best place to host the 2018 World Cup. They are a large country, will have excellent transportation connections, and have a stern take on troublemakers. At that point in the ceremony, I didn't think the Panorama story held any merit to what was actually going on. And then Blatter read the name of the host nation for the 2022 World Cup, and that single handedly changed my mind.

Sepp Blatter has been accused of being a very backward thinker in regards to football. His constant refusal to bring in goal line technology shows that he is an old man who does not want change. But in the same breath, this is a man who called the name of a country that had never before hosted a World Cup, and quite frankly, probably never regarded football as all that big of a deal. With the likes of Australia and eve the United States as viable options for 2022, Blatter and his cronies decided on Qatar.

A country that has very little footballing knowledge, and a country whom regards homosexuality as criminal. What message does that exactly send the world of football. Those who live and breath it. Blatter's excuse for this was that he wanted to bring football to new and exciting places.

All well and good, but a man who is so against taking football forward in the technology department, has a very different view when it comes to who hosts the biggest sports tournament in the world. Then, doubt crept into my mind. More recently, Lord Triesman has come out and said that the FIFA delegates reviewing the World Cup bids wanted all kinds of crazy things from the English contingent, in return for their votes. Knighthoods, and cash bribes were all thrown into the mix, and as crazy as it sounds, I agree with Lord Triesman.

Not because of our failed bid for the World Cup, but because FIFA are within themselves a group of old men who are on the verge of being found out. They have lived in the past for many years and the only reason that Blatter is still king is because he makes life easy for those under him. Elections within FIFA for presidency should be scrapped, because for as long as Blatter can do the job, he will have it. It reminds me of a dictatorship rather than a democracy.

Blatter, simply put is an embarrassment to the world of professional football, and continuously makes a mockery of his position of power. For the sake of football, him, and the 22 scum under him, need to be removed from their positions and FIFA needs to be completely transparent.

What are everyone's thoughts on the matter? Was FIFA right in their decision to give the 2022 World Cup to Qatar?

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