My Reigns 'Mania Idea


Dark Match Winner
I'll prefix this by saying I am in no way a Reigns "hater" (Christ I hate that word!) but I've had my fantasy booking hat on and have come up with a Reigns 'Mania story.

So, going by the arc that Bryan beats Reigns at Fast Lane, the next night on RAW sees a Reigns heel turn - and I mean a proper HEEL turn, no ambiguous tweener BS. The thread would be for him to not as much turn on the fans, but his family ie his family cost him his Rumble win (the clue to who I'd book him against at 'Mania).

So after his promo denouncing his Samoan blood brothers, the next week on RAW sees a backstage run in with The Usos. The usual backstage chin wag leads to Reigns attacking them in ring after they've had their match. The kicker to that The Usos are being tended to as Reigns is leaving the ring..he looks back and sees a concerned wife checking on Uso...Reigns sneaks back in and..SPEAR to Naomi!! Now the Samoan Sh!t is gonna hit the fan.

The next week it's time for a Rikishi beatdown after he does the talk-some-sense into-you promo.

The next week is when the match is made. After Uso's and Rikishi are disposed of, it's time for Dad and Brother, Sika and Rosey to do the TSSITY promo. BANG Rosey is S.H.I.T. out of luck and eats a spear. Just as Sika is in sight.."If Ya Smell..." and now your onto your Rock v Reigns build.

This would end up with Reigns going over Rock at 'Mania, and now there is a cocky, arrogant, don't give a funk heel set up for Bryan, Cena, Ziggler, Ambrose et al to work with.
I prefer Heyman turning on Lesnar to align with Reigns (and maybe even orchestrating the reunion of The Shield). Keep him heel for the year and have Reigns vs Rock at next year's Mania.
May as well throw my hat in the ring... and go in a vastly different route. This is based on the premise of WWE calling an Audible and sending Daniel Bryan to the championship match.

Leading up to Fast Lane, I take the budding angle of Reigns not caring about friend or foe and actually have him brush up against Ambrose on their respective ways to their own feuds, and generate some strife. It wouldn't take too much. Ambrose calling Reigns a coward for not having his back all those months ago. Reigns calling Ambrose an idiot for taking his eyes off the prize and losing his balls because he's now chasing titles instead of revenge. But the key thing is to break the last remaining bond in the Shield.

Fast Lane comes and the IC Title match between Dean Ambrose and Bad News Barrett comes with a shocking twist- Reigns comes in, spears Ambrose, and screws him from winning the title.

Later on, in the Main Event match against Reigns and Daniel Bryan, Ambrose comes in, somehow manages to screw Reigns without getting the match thrown out, and steals away the #1 contender spot.

What you get in the next couple of Raws and Smackdowns are the bad blood this mutual double-crossing has invoked. Run-ins, backstage beatdowns, angry promos(something I think Reigns could do if they don't micro-script the fucking things) and just outright animosity, something that the Authority would take GREAT delight in seeing. And not just for two babyface heroes taking themselves out of the equation.

It's also because Seth Rollins would enter the scene at this time, pouring sweet honey down both of their ears. Since Roman and Dean want each other dead, they are suddenly BOTH willing to sidle up to the Authority and Seth in particular to achieve that end. You can really work with Seth trying to 'Stockholm Syndrome' the idea of why he betrayed the Shield in the first place and why the Authority was a better move for him. You want him coaxing the both of them to the Dark Side.

At the same time this is happening, you have both Dean and Roman appealing to HHH about a grudge match at Wrestlemania. They both want the cell, and they both want to stop at nothing to see the other wrecked. But to do that, they need extra insurance in the cell... and Haitch has the idea.

So we go to the final Raw before Wrestlemania and we have Haitch in the ring with Dean and Roman as they quibble over their contract signing. But then Haitch has a surprise for the both of them. He calls out Seth Rollins, and informs him he has been added to the HiaC match, and shrugs off the inevitable protest, saying Rollins won't be in there as a competitor, but as the Special Guest Referee. After all, who better to oversee the final demise of the Shield but the man who started the ball rolling? (Backstage is another side to the story, as Haitch tells Seth in no uncertain terms that both of them will be sucking up to you to gain their favor, so you can screw who you want and the other will be indebted to you and the Authority. And in return, you take an easy night free of getting your head clubbed in, and leave you fresh just in case... a point to the Briefcase for emphasis.

Wrestlemania. 3rd to last match on the card. Hell in a Cell. Roman Reigns versus Dean Ambrose. Special Guest Referee Seth Rollins(who carries the Briefcase for no damn reason). They'll bill this something like 'The Fall of the Shield' or something equally melodramatic. Anyhow, the cell is lowered, all three members of the Shield are in the ring, alone(because Haitch is too confident this will go according to plan). And for the first fifteen to twenty minutes, it goes as normal as you'd expect. Roman and Dean beat the utter hell out of each other in a back and forth match while Seth watches and does a few heelish things, like secretly passing a weapon to one while the other isn't looking, or deliberately slow counts, or if rope rules are still in effect 'forgetting' the five-count because hey, this is the first time he's done this, tee hee!

But finally, Seth picks his spot, lays Dean low with a dirty move, puts him in a position to feed him the Curb Stomp while Roman cheers him on, selling the notion that he has gone full heel. Seth starts the run up and rope rebound to execute the finisher...

...only to run right into the Superman Punch.

That's right. A whole entire two month's worth of animosity and agony and feuding and sucking up and turning to the dark side... it was a complete and total ruse. All just to get their traitorous former brother alone in a cell with the two of them. The bell is rung, the match is thrown, and the Cell mysteriously cannot be lifted, as if SOMEONE wrecked the hydraulics mid-match.

Haitch and the Authority and anyone else will be rushing to the entrance to try and break their way in while Roman and Dean proceed to utterly payback Seth DOUBLE for what he did to them. You see him take a couple finishers from both guys, you see them put his freaking HEAD through that Briefcase(we've seen that freaking thing in Seth's hands so often I WANT to see that happen goddamnit!), and then, just for the coup de grace, just before the Authority can storm in... they make Seth eat a Double Curb Stomp.

This promises a major distraction for the Authority as they have to openly feud with Reigns and Ambrose as a result, it delays the MitB cash-in, potentially preserving a great Wrestlemania Ending in the process, and it gives the Shield feud a good and proper progression, making Rollins the hell-bent bastard wanting revenge, even if he has to subvert his masters in order to get that. Imagine that, Rollins betraying Haitch and the Authority to achieve his own ends- something that MIGHT be worth Rollins getting shat on at Wrestlemania.

As for Reigns, this does kinda subvert him from that Main Event hopeful, but with business settled to some extent you can always move him on up after WM and build him further. Or you could keep him with Dean and feud directly with the remnants of the Authority and keep him in juicy storylines as a means of getting him even higher with the fans.

(Thejock83, so sorry if I went and hijacked your thread. I figured it'd be commandeered as a general 'Reigns Wrestlemania Storyline' thread.)
I'll prefix this by saying I am in no way a Reigns "hater" (Christ I hate that word!) but I've had my fantasy booking hat on and have come up with a Reigns 'Mania story.

So, going by the arc that Bryan beats Reigns at Fast Lane, the next night on RAW sees a Reigns heel turn - and I mean a proper HEEL turn, no ambiguous tweener BS. The thread would be for him to not as much turn on the fans, but his family ie his family cost him his Rumble win (the clue to who I'd book him against at 'Mania).

So after his promo denouncing his Samoan blood brothers, the next week on RAW sees a backstage run in with The Usos. The usual backstage chin wag leads to Reigns attacking them in ring after they've had their match. The kicker to that The Usos are being tended to as Reigns is leaving the ring..he looks back and sees a concerned wife checking on Uso...Reigns sneaks back in and..SPEAR to Naomi!! Now the Samoan Sh!t is gonna hit the fan.

The next week it's time for a Rikishi beatdown after he does the talk-some-sense into-you promo.

The next week is when the match is made. After Uso's and Rikishi are disposed of, it's time for Dad and Brother, Sika and Rosey to do the TSSITY promo. BANG Rosey is S.H.I.T. out of luck and eats a spear. Just as Sika is in sight.."If Ya Smell..." and now your onto your Rock v Reigns build.

This would end up with Reigns going over Rock at 'Mania, and now there is a cocky, arrogant, don't give a funk heel set up for Bryan, Cena, Ziggler, Ambrose et al to work with.

Interesting idea. He definitely would get killer heat if he speared Naomi. I could even see a 2 on 1 handicap match where he dominates Usos. I'd love for him to be a Heyman guy while doing this though.
Holy crap, i swear to god that was what i was thinking while i was watchig the first segmant on raw but you just made it F'n Better with the Naiom spear thing and the Rikishi Usos thing holy mother of satin this is good amd already marking out about the Idea. This could seriously be the thing that cpuld get Reigns over. You should work for WWE Dude!!
May as well throw my hat in the ring... and go in a vastly different route. This is based on the premise of WWE calling an Audible and sending Daniel Bryan to the championship match.

Leading up to Fast Lane, I take the budding angle of Reigns not caring about friend or foe and actually have him brush up against Ambrose on their respective ways to their own feuds, and generate some strife. It wouldn't take too much. Ambrose calling Reigns a coward for not having his back all those months ago. Reigns calling Ambrose an idiot for taking his eyes off the prize and losing his balls because he's now chasing titles instead of revenge. But the key thing is to break the last remaining bond in the Shield.

Fast Lane comes and the IC Title match between Dean Ambrose and Bad News Barrett comes with a shocking twist- Reigns comes in, spears Ambrose, and screws him from winning the title.

Later on, in the Main Event match against Reigns and Daniel Bryan, Ambrose comes in, somehow manages to screw Reigns without getting the match thrown out, and steals away the #1 contender spot.

What you get in the next couple of Raws and Smackdowns are the bad blood this mutual double-crossing has invoked. Run-ins, backstage beatdowns, angry promos(something I think Reigns could do if they don't micro-script the fucking things) and just outright animosity, something that the Authority would take GREAT delight in seeing. And not just for two babyface heroes taking themselves out of the equation.

It's also because Seth Rollins would enter the scene at this time, pouring sweet honey down both of their ears. Since Roman and Dean want each other dead, they are suddenly BOTH willing to sidle up to the Authority and Seth in particular to achieve that end. You can really work with Seth trying to 'Stockholm Syndrome' the idea of why he betrayed the Shield in the first place and why the Authority was a better move for him. You want him coaxing the both of them to the Dark Side.

At the same time this is happening, you have both Dean and Roman appealing to HHH about a grudge match at Wrestlemania. They both want the cell, and they both want to stop at nothing to see the other wrecked. But to do that, they need extra insurance in the cell... and Haitch has the idea.

So we go to the final Raw before Wrestlemania and we have Haitch in the ring with Dean and Roman as they quibble over their contract signing. But then Haitch has a surprise for the both of them. He calls out Seth Rollins, and informs him he has been added to the HiaC match, and shrugs off the inevitable protest, saying Rollins won't be in there as a competitor, but as the Special Guest Referee. After all, who better to oversee the final demise of the Shield but the man who started the ball rolling? (Backstage is another side to the story, as Haitch tells Seth in no uncertain terms that both of them will be sucking up to you to gain their favor, so you can screw who you want and the other will be indebted to you and the Authority. And in return, you take an easy night free of getting your head clubbed in, and leave you fresh just in case... a point to the Briefcase for emphasis.

Wrestlemania. 3rd to last match on the card. Hell in a Cell. Roman Reigns versus Dean Ambrose. Special Guest Referee Seth Rollins(who carries the Briefcase for no damn reason). They'll bill this something like 'The Fall of the Shield' or something equally melodramatic. Anyhow, the cell is lowered, all three members of the Shield are in the ring, alone(because Haitch is too confident this will go according to plan). And for the first fifteen to twenty minutes, it goes as normal as you'd expect. Roman and Dean beat the utter hell out of each other in a back and forth match while Seth watches and does a few heelish things, like secretly passing a weapon to one while the other isn't looking, or deliberately slow counts, or if rope rules are still in effect 'forgetting' the five-count because hey, this is the first time he's done this, tee hee!

But finally, Seth picks his spot, lays Dean low with a dirty move, puts him in a position to feed him the Curb Stomp while Roman cheers him on, selling the notion that he has gone full heel. Seth starts the run up and rope rebound to execute the finisher...

...only to run right into the Superman Punch.

That's right. A whole entire two month's worth of animosity and agony and feuding and sucking up and turning to the dark side... it was a complete and total ruse. All just to get their traitorous former brother alone in a cell with the two of them. The bell is rung, the match is thrown, and the Cell mysteriously cannot be lifted, as if SOMEONE wrecked the hydraulics mid-match.

Haitch and the Authority and anyone else will be rushing to the entrance to try and break their way in while Roman and Dean proceed to utterly payback Seth DOUBLE for what he did to them. You see him take a couple finishers from both guys, you see them put his freaking HEAD through that Briefcase(we've seen that freaking thing in Seth's hands so often I WANT to see that happen goddamnit!), and then, just for the coup de grace, just before the Authority can storm in... they make Seth eat a Double Curb Stomp.

This promises a major distraction for the Authority as they have to openly feud with Reigns and Ambrose as a result, it delays the MitB cash-in, potentially preserving a great Wrestlemania Ending in the process, and it gives the Shield feud a good and proper progression, making Rollins the hell-bent bastard wanting revenge, even if he has to subvert his masters in order to get that. Imagine that, Rollins betraying Haitch and the Authority to achieve his own ends- something that MIGHT be worth Rollins getting shat on at Wrestlemania.

As for Reigns, this does kinda subvert him from that Main Event hopeful, but with business settled to some extent you can always move him on up after WM and build him further. Or you could keep him with Dean and feud directly with the remnants of the Authority and keep him in juicy storylines as a means of getting him even higher with the fans.

(Thejock83, so sorry if I went and hijacked your thread. I figured it'd be commandeered as a general 'Reigns Wrestlemania Storyline' thread.)

Holy sh*t, Zycho, that's an awesome storyline. Too bad it'll never happen. IF we're lucky we might see The Shield in a triple-threat match but nothing as awesome as that. But WWE's not gonna change their minds again. It would be effectively saying that they lost, and it would provide incentive for fans to crap all over whatever they want until they get what they want.
So after his promo denouncing his Samoan blood brothers, the next week on RAW sees a backstage run in with The Usos.

Well, it gives a partial answer to something I've been wondering; if Reigns loses to Daniel Bryan at Fast Lane.....what do you do with Roman then?

On the one hand, if they're doing all this to slow down Roman's push and let him "learn the ropes" a bit more before elevating him back to main event status, I suppose the plan you outline could be useful.

On the other hand, though, to go from a scheduled world title match with Brock Lesnar to beating up the Usos' and spearing Naomi seems like quite a comedown, no?

And yet, why not the Usos'? He's got to fight someone while he's waiting for his return to top level, right? Of course, beating up his family is a rather unusual way of handling things, yet if they want to solidify Roman Reigns as a full-fledged heel, that's one way to do it.

Hey! I wonder what Afa & Sika are doing nowadays.
If you read the whole thing - the Uso stuff is the start leading to Reigns v Rock, which is not a come down from Lesnar.
The fact that no one by now has even called out the absurdity of part of this storyline is amazing (they even praised it :disappointed:)

WWE is a PG program. How often do they promote male violence against women? Are you that stupid? Why don't you do it during the time they're promoting breast cancer awareness too? :wtf:

I hope you people have the WWE Network or a bunch of Attitude Era DVDs, because your head is clearly still up that era's ass.
After you've taken your head out your ass, tell me what the TV rating was when Stephanie was RKO'd? And when she was second rope DDT'd?

When you try and be a know it all, it helps if you actually know it all.
Just pipe down buddy. Bill is right there is no way WWE is having violence against women for a long time, because a feminist will bitch about it and then someone will link it to benoit or at least try to and the WWE does not want to deal with that turd sandwich

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