My PS2 Just Died...


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
after roughly 10 yrs. of gaming bliss my PS2 has finally taken a shit on me, this deeply saddens me as it was my console of choice over the last decade, The gamcube, X-box, and Wii all had their time, and were all fun for awhile, but I always seemed to eventually gravitate back to my good ol' PS2

Now I'm pretty much just stuck with my Wii, which I have pretty much no games for because they were either stolen or my GF decided sell them, I could drag the X-box out for the time being...
Sorry for your loss. I still play with my PS2. I never thought I was cool enough to play with these consoles everyone plays with nowadays like the PS3 or 360. I even still play my Gamecube although hardly as much as my PS2.
My condolences. We will all be thinking of you in your time of need. The mourning process will be difficult but I am sure you will after a brief struggle find a way to move on with your life.
I will likely head out to a few pawn shops tomorrow and see if they got one for cheap, or if they have a PS3 for cheap I'll buy that instead
Save up money for a new console is the best thing I can tell ya. Or maybe you can find a new Ps2 on Ebay or something.

Either way, you may want to invest in a Ps3, although if you haven't bought one by now, it's either financial issues, or you're just not impressed. If you do buy one though, I'd buy one or two games for it, and then the console. Just pick the two games you'd play the most. Used Ps2's are going for 40$ on Amazon.

Cheapest you can get a PS3 for on is $300. You can get a used one from Amazon, but it's only a buck cheaper, so it's not worth it. Games for the ps3 usually go for 60 bucks a piece though. That's about $420 dollars you may want to save up if you intend to get that, and the games.

In my opinion, I'd get the 40$ playstation off Amazon, then save up for the PS3.
PS3 is the way to go, bro. That is, if you can't find a PS2 on the cheap. I do feel your pain, though. My X-Box (first gen) and PS2 just shat out on me a few months ago. Tragic stuff.

Will it be a Viking burial?
Yeah there's a store here that sells used game, dvds, cds, etc., I could get a used PS3 from them for like $250, a 360 would only cost $150 with a decent size hard drive
Justin.. this is a sign. You need to buy an Xbox 360, and join us.

I'd buy a 360 if it came with a blu-ray player, and the online shit was free...

Dammit, man, sometimes you have to give to get.

You want a blu-ray player? Buy a damn blu-ray player.

You want free online gaming? You have a cpu, google "vnes".

You want to join an amazing group of gamers, in playing great games, for one low yearly price of $60.00, then now is your opportunity to shine.
$60?!?! fuck that, if I buy a PS3 I could use that $60 to get a new game, which I would be able to play online with other people for free
I just realized I left my iPod at work... I sure hope it's still on my desk when I get in tomorrow...

I'm having a horriable night when it comes to electronics:disappointed:
Shame, the N64 I've had for nearly 16 years still works like new. I've been saving up for a PS3, and the only reason why I haven't pulled the trigger is that games (or at least the ones I want) still cost like 50+ dollars.

If I bought 3 games, I'd already be doubling what I'd pay for the console itself. Games for the N64 cost 5 bucks a piece.
Ah that's a shame Justin, PS2 is a truly great console.

If it's any consolation my 21 year old NES is still working :p
What the fuck? PSN is free? Had I known this I probably would have gotten a PS3 instead of a 360! Fuck me and my lack of research.

Then again, I do love my XBox. Watching Netflix on it is clutch.
You're killing me here Shocky. The last thing I can hold onto is the fact that my XBox was a lot cheaper than a PS3, but after paying to play online I don't know if it's been worth it.
I have both. The PS3 is a better machine, but the online isn't as good as the Xbox live, at least from what i've seen. I prefer the PS3, but I play the Xbox more because more people I know have one.

It all depends on your social circle.
I was ggonna give my PS2 to gamestop to help pay for my 360 but my brother got it stolen on accident.
I have both. The PS3 is a better machine, but the online isn't as good as the Xbox live, at least from what i've seen. I prefer the PS3, but I play the Xbox more because more people I know have one.

It all depends on your social circle.

See, I don't really do much gaming online, so for me spending $60 wouldn't be worth it at all, plus Microsoft and X-Box have a history of bad glitches in their consoles which makes me nervous, my PS2 survived 10 yrs. of getting the hell beaten out of it, tbh I'm surprised it lasted this long, the PS3 just seems like it would offer me more bang for my buck, it would give me a blu-ray player, and new gaming console, and the ability to watch netflix on it (which currently is about the ONLY thing I use my Wii for), I would then be able to move my Wii into the other room where my GF could watch fucking L& O: SVU till she turns blue in the face, and most of the games I want are available for both 360 and PS3

I was ggonna give my PS2 to gamestop to help pay for my 360 but my brother got it stolen on accident.

I was about to suggest a trade, instead of cash for that box of ROH DVDs you just send me your PS2, then I read the rest of your post...:suspic:

But anyway, They (gamestop) likely wouldn't have given you much for it, I remember I tried selling my Dreamcast to them, and they basically laughed in my face, I think that's at my Grandmas in the "Kids play room" about the only game I think anyone plays on it is Crazy Taxi
That's what I'm planning on doing, I get my tax return soon, and can get the 16 GB Slim for about $250 I believe, used of course
I was about to suggest a trade, instead of cash for that box of ROH DVDs you just send me your PS2, then I read the rest of your post...:suspic:

I'll buy one odds are a PS2 is cheaper than what you'd charge me. How expensive can they be? $40 pre-ownded is the cheapest

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