My Idea For Bound for Glory


Getting Noticed By Management
Ok, I know that Bound For Glory is only a few short months away. More than likely it will be completely different but this is how I would build it up. I am expecting criticism since it would be a huge build in only a few short months and would be difficult to book. Here it goes:

Angle and Anderson are scheduled to be the next World Title match but Sting has a rematch clause and comes out saying he would like to exercise that clause and make it a triple threat at Destination X.

Hulk Hogan comes out... with Gunner. "Now wait just a minute, Stinger. You want your little rematch, you've got it but don't think it will just be a triple threat. Gunner has been mightily impressive brother. You beat you and Anderson two Thursdays in a row. I don't see why that shouldn't warrant a title shot."

In truth, while Gunner has beaten Sting and Anderson, Hogan cannot resist feeding his massive ego. It has to be about him. It has to be about Immortal. It isn't enough he controls the company, he wants to relive the glory days of Immortal when they really did run the show and their guy was champion. Hogan will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He absolutely cannot wait for Bound For Glory. He has to have it and he has to have it now.

Gunner continues to impress in the Bound For Glory series, winning a few matches. Anderson continues his heelish persona but doesn't need anybody and is timid of defending his title, in a four way no less.

Meanwhile, Sting also is concentrating on defeating Immortal and Kurt Angle also wants to make sure that that belt never gets near anything that has to do with Jeff Jarrett and that he never could stand Anderson the Asshole.

Hogan is extremely confident that Gunner will become champion and that his secret plan will come true at Destination X. Gunner comes oh so close as the fatal four way match is rated quite well but just as Gunner hits the F5 like move on the man who has to beat Immortal but as Angle is out like a light, Anderson comes out of no where and gets Gunner off of Sting and throws Gunner out of the ring and steals the victory to retain the title. Hogan's plan backfired.

He really thought he had it. But oh well, he called Anderson into his office that Thursday to congratulate him on his victory. He really liked how Anderson has changed. He's still an asshole but now he likes this kind of asshole that Anderson is. He then invites him to join Immortal once again. Anderson once again declines, saying he doesn't need anybody. He then exits Hogan's office. Offended, Hogan calls up Bully Ray: "Get ready brother, you've got a title match tonight."

Though not a fan of Anderson, A.J. Styles cannot fathom Bully Ray becoming World Heavyweight Champion. With the referee knocked down, Styles hits the Styles Clash on Bully Ray and then Styles exits via barricade with Anderson retaining.

Hogan is furious A.J. got in his way. So he sets up a handicap match against Bully Ray and Matt Hardy the next week. That taught A.J. for sure.

Anderson cut a promo at the end of the show about he is the greatest total nonstop champion in history and that nobody is taking his title.

Hogan then came out. "You think nobody is going to take that title from you? I know somebody who will gladly do so at Hardcore Justice. He is the Freak, Rob Terry." The show ended with Terry, Gunner, Murphy, Bully Ray, Abyss and Matt Hardy all beating down the champion.

Bookers note: There is no way Rob Terry is title material and I absolutely hope he never gets near the belt; but from a KAYFABE perspective, Hogan is enamored with Terry's physique and is almost certain he'll crush Anderson in no time.

The beatdown is a common theme for the next few weeks leading up to the PPV. Hogan is almost certain that Terry is taking the belt that night. Anderson is not 100%. Terry is. Despite this awful match (Neither are very good wrestlers, this is only for storyline purposes) Terry tries each and every time to Anderson away but just cannot pull the trigger. A low blow and a mic check to retain as Anderson slithers away with the belt.

Hogan is furious, AGAIN, that Immortal failed to capture the belt. So the PPV ended with members of Immortal surrounding the ring ala Nexus style and beat Anderson into his own pool of blood.

"You see Ken, this is going to keep on happening week after week after week. The only way this stops is Immortal will take the belt from you or you will join Immortal. Immortal WILL have control of that World Heavyweight Championship belt, brother. What's it gonna be?"

Anderson, barely conscious at all, give a faintful "yes" due to the fact that he's in it for himself and that he'll do anything to keep the belt on him. It was too much for him not to give in. Hogan smiles and starts clapping. Anderson is passed out and he is carried out of the Impact Zone like a sacrificial lamb. Hogan triumps holding the belt up high amidst crowd boos.

A kayfabe injury to Devon takes him out of the Bound For Glory series. Knowing that the fans love Sting, Hogan decides to name Sting his replacement but he knows Sting has no chance because Devon is last in the Bound For Glory series and way behind the leader, the still undefeated Crimson.

As the series points increases, Sting pulls out all the stops, going on fire the next month or so. Anderson retained with Immortal's help at Unbreakable against Rob Van Dam and again against A.J. Styles at No Surrender.

The main event of No Surrender was, however, the finals. During this time, Sting caught up to Crimson in points, who had not been on TV in a couple of weeks since it seemed like he had it locked up. Sting and Crimson is a battle of respect, both vowing to defeat Immortal. Remember, Crimson led the Fortune raid earlier in the year.

The undefeated Crimson goes over the legendary Sting at No Surrender.

That Thursday, Hogan is more than confident Anderson will retain. Hogan ran the company. His guys had Anderson's back. Then all of a sudden, he is interrupted by Sting and Crimson, who come on down, saying they have each had enough of Immortal's games.

"You know something, I'm sick of you two on MY SHOW, thinking you can defeat us. There is no way you will beat us and you have been a thorn in my side for the very last time. WHEN Anderson beats Crimson at Bound For Glory, you two will be gone from this company forever. But good luck thinking you can beat Immortal. I am so confident you won't that I'll disband Immortal if you do! This will be a no disqualification match."

That idea excited Sting and Crimson, with the #1 contender agreeing to the stipulation. Numerous segments and vignettes air over the next few weeks hyping Bound For Glory. The whole (face) lockeroom is rooting for Crimson because they don't like Immortal but they warn him how all the pressure is on him. It's all up to him. If Sting and he could not defeat Immortal, then Immortal could be just as such.

However, it's not an easy road as Crimson has had to face the likes of Gunner, Bully Ray, Rob Terry and Abyss on the road to Bound For Glory. Each and every one of them fell to Crimson but after each match, Immortal ganged up on Crimson before Sting cleared the ring with a baseball bat.

Sting is attacked backstage by Immortal at Bound For Glory before the match. They knew he would get involved. Stinger is taken out on a stretcher.

The main event of the match is actually not a bad match and Immortal doesn't get involved until later on. It was a back and forth battle between the Asshole and the Undefeated Crimson. About 30 minutes into the match, Immortal came out, beating down Crimson and holding him for Anderson to take jabs. It looked like Anderson was going to retain.

Just then, "FORTUNE FOUR!!!!!" The crowd goes absolutely INSANE as Fortune- Styles, Daniels, Kaz and Beer Money, who managed to stay together afterall gun for the ring and take out Immortal. Crimson and Anderson are both laid all over. The two factions brawl into the crowd with TNA chants throughout the arena. But wait, Anderson has the belt and is ready to nail Crimson with it but Crimson ducks and manages to attack Anderson from behind, hitting his finisher. The crowd is hot like crazy.

The whole arena. "ONE.....TWO.....THREE" Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

"Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner and NEW Heavyweight Champion of the World, Crimson."

Fans rejoice that Immortal is gone and a crying Hulk Hogan is on the titantron, on both of his knees, crying out "WHY!!!! WHY!!!!"

Good always trumphs evil.

I know it was a lot of reading and that it would be hard to book but I would love to see this happen. It's only an idea.
No offense here, but i stopped reading after the first two paragraphs when you threw out the biggest plot hole in any story that i have personally ever read. obviously you are not keeping up with Impact, because if yopu were, you would realize that destination x is an all x division pay per view this year as it should be every year. without that apparently vital match at destination x, your story has not enough time to book and is not going to work.
Yea, Sting get his shot at the next set of Impact Tapings, Destination X is being headlined by Samoa Joe vs Daniels vs Aj Styles, and Bound For Glory's Main Event is being determined by a round robin tournament that will conclude a month before Bound For Glory.

There was no reason to read after the first paragraph because everything you said there was already booked another way which makes it obvious you are not watching the program.
Bound for Glory headlined by Crimson and Anderson for the
World Heavyweight Championship..?
... Oh boy, I hope not...

What I wanna see headline is AJ Styles taking on Mr. Anderson for the
World Heavyweight Title at BFG.
Also like to see Bobby Roode and James Storm go at it.
A huge thing with Sting and Hogan. AND finally
a big match with Kurt Angle.

OH and a Five Star X-Division match. Ok thats all.
I would like to see Anderson drop the belt to Morgan before hand I know he in the series but I would like to see Morgan Styles TNA World Title match at BFG
Bound for Glory headlined by Crimson and Anderson for the
World Heavyweight Championship..?
... Oh boy, I hope not...

What I wanna see headline is AJ Styles taking on Mr. Anderson for the
World Heavyweight Title at BFG.
Also like to see Bobby Roode and James Storm go at it.
A huge thing with Sting and Hogan. AND finally
a big match with Kurt Angle.

OH and a Five Star X-Division match. Ok thats all.

I think that this will be a springboard for Robert Roode, I think that Bobby Roode will win the four way and head off to face Anderson. I think the final four will be Crimson, Bobby Roode, Gunner, and RVD.

Gunner is a rising star and held the NWA National Heavyweight Championship for two years, he has experience holding and winning championships. He only dropped the belt after he signed with TNA who the NWA are not on good terms with.

Crimson is another rising star that needs showcased. This tournament will do just that, showcase both him and Gunner as well as their abilities in the ring.

RVD is a no brainer. He isn't in a feud, he isn't doing anything else ATM, there are no plans anytime soon for him to do much from what I have seen, and he is an established star that can put guys over. He is an essential part since you always need that one established guy.

Then Bobby Roode, no reason to leave him out of the match. Hogan has been hyping him everywhere as the next big star, Bischoff is high on him, the Beer Money run is coming to a close, it would be the opportune time for Roode to get his shot.

Roode wins the belt from Anderson at Bound For Glory with Fourtune having his back. James Storm goes off and does his own thing, and Fourtune is rolling.
I think that this will be a springboard for Robert Roode, I think that Bobby Roode will win the four way and head off to face Anderson. I think the final four will be Crimson, Bobby Roode, Gunner, and RVD.

Gunner is a rising star and held the NWA National Heavyweight Championship for two years, he has experience holding and winning championships. He only dropped the belt after he signed with TNA who the NWA are not on good terms with.

Crimson is another rising star that needs showcased. This tournament will do just that, showcase both him and Gunner as well as their abilities in the ring.

RVD is a no brainer. He isn't in a feud, he isn't doing anything else ATM, there are no plans anytime soon for him to do much from what I have seen, and he is an established star that can put guys over. He is an essential part since you always need that one established guy.

Then Bobby Roode, no reason to leave him out of the match. Hogan has been hyping him everywhere as the next big star, Bischoff is high on him, the Beer Money run is coming to a close, it would be the opportune time for Roode to get his shot.

Roode wins the belt from Anderson at Bound For Glory with Fourtune having his back. James Storm goes off and does his own thing, and Fourtune is rolling.

I'd love to see Bobby Roode main event BFG for the World Heavyweight Championship.

I'm wondering how there gonna get this years BFG together, and exciting about it. Especially after this weeks episode.
I'd love to see Bobby Roode main event BFG for the World Heavyweight Championship.

I'm wondering how there gonna get this years BFG together, and exciting about it. Especially after this weeks episode.

I know, right now TNA are doing things right and that I think comes from Bischoff being promoted and Hogan realizing that things couldnt keep going with just RVD, Anderson, and Sting. I love all three of those guys but they dominated the main event for too long, three months should be max per combination, not five, makes things get stale.

I love how they are pushing some young guys, I think everything is looking up right now. Insert Bobby Roode as World Champ, AJ and Daniels into the Tag Title Race, and have Kaz work the mid card. I dont know how many remember AJ and Daniels as a Tag Team but they were awesome together.
AJ and Daniels we're an amazing tag team. I liked there match with AMW at
Slammiversary '06. Also there matches against LAX were good too!
It seems there not that match tag teams right now.
Beer Money is splitting. Chris Sabin is injured, soooo no MCMG's till 2012.
And Jesse Neal is hurt. So that leaves British Invasion and Young & Jordan.

They need some tag teams.
All I said was this was how *I* would do it. And the way I see it, what the hell is a PPV without a World Title match? You guys stopped reading after one paragraph but you didn't bother to read the rest of it at all.
Without factual accuracies already in place there is no real relevance. Now if you had added in the beginning what was already in place and built around that it would have made more sense. I did skim through it and like the Bound for Glory series added but what about the other stuff?

Now I know you put some hard work into it, and it was a nice fantasy booking other than disregarding the majority of the current product. I mean that is a lot for a starter, it just seems lacking without the current happenings.

As for Crimson, Crimson isnt nearly ready to hold the Heavyweight Championship. I see Gunner getting a shot before Crimson.
If TNA is serious about pushing Crimson then we very well could see a reign this year. I truly believe Immortal needs to end. How can I get this to work? Hogan wants the World Title in Immortal, cannot get it off of Anderson, basically forcing him to join Immortal via beatdown. I want to keep the belt on him for a while. Hence the dropping at Bound For Glory.

As far as Crimson goes, I want to see a new challenger and Sting pass the torch to somebody. Crimson facing an Immortal Anderson has somewhat build up due to Crimson's history with Immortal, not just they're coming but the Abyss feud. It makes sense because a young guy with a history would do it. Very well could've been any of the Fortune guys as I think Styles, Kaz and Roode all would make great champs but Crimson has momentum. Roode doesn't. Kaz is lost in the X Division and Styles the midcard.
I agree that Crimson could be champ by the end of the year but he is a lot more raw than Gunner, and Roode. He needs more time in the ring and on the mic before being passed the torch.
I just love my wrestling i dont know about tapings and timelines for storys, I know thet dont happen over a couple of weeks thou, normaly a couple of ppv's from what ive seen but ....
Id love to see Hogan and Bischoff start to have diffrences, and have Bischoff take Imortal with him week by week, Rod Terry-Matt Hardey-Abyss-Bully Ray. Leaving Hogan on his own and it all going to mayhem every week while Bischoff and his crew run riot and Hogan getting in the **** with the network. Hogan biggin up Gunner for what hes done last few weeks ect. so he stays by Hogan.
Then Hogan puts him a tripple threat against anderson and sting but his plan backfired Gunner wins the title, celabrates in the ring with Hogan, Hogan raises his hand then smashes him in the head with the title. And a All New Imortal ( Diffrent Name ) comes out With Bischoff clapping, and them all hugging Gunner. and then Bischoff throws a contract down at Hogan saying 50/50.
Then following couple of weeks Hogan/Sting. Sting saying I told you so, I knew this was going too happen. "Look What You've Done Hogan"
Then Hogan Asks Sting to Help Him fix things

Could carry on but dont want it to be to much of an headache and people lose intrest ;);););)
I just love my wrestling i dont know about tapings and timelines for storys, I know thet dont happen over a couple of weeks thou, normaly a couple of ppv's from what ive seen but ....
Id love to see Hogan and Bischoff start to have diffrences, and have Bischoff take Imortal with him week by week, Rod Terry-Matt Hardey-Abyss-Bully Ray. Leaving Hogan on his own and it all going to mayhem every week while Bischoff and his crew run riot and Hogan getting in the **** with the network. Hogan biggin up Gunner for what hes done last few weeks ect. so he stays by Hogan.
Then Hogan puts him a tripple threat against anderson and sting but his plan backfired Gunner wins the title, celabrates in the ring with Hogan, Hogan raises his hand then smashes him in the head with the title. And a All New Imortal ( Diffrent Name ) comes out With Bischoff clapping, and them all hugging Gunner. and then Bischoff throws a contract down at Hogan saying 50/50.
Then following couple of weeks Hogan/Sting. Sting saying I told you so, I knew this was going too happen. "Look What You've Done Hogan"
Then Hogan Asks Sting to Help Him fix things

Could carry on but dont want it to be to much of an headache and people lose intrest ;);););)

I actually think a Bischoff/Hogan feud COULD work if done right because those two have been tied at the hip for 18 years. With Sting going ape shit, getting Hogan to listen, and Bischoff actually being the Executive Producer of TNA Programming, it COULD work.

And I think Gunner COULD be that centerpiece for Immortal. He has to work on his presence though. You see that Hogan, Sting, Flair, Anderson, AJ, Robert Roode, Kurt Angle, then go to WWE and you see Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena, Edge and see why these guys main event it's because when you see them you see the buzz around them, you see the confidence, the presence they bring, that is what is holding Gunner back.

Gunner has IT, but Gunner has to find IT. If Gunner is placed in a program and works with someone like Robert Roode in the ring and Sting out of it he could find it rather quickly.

There was a guy in 1985 by the name of Marty Lund down in Georgia Championship Wrestling who was a good talker and very aggressive while having a great look. The World Heavyweight Champion, when there actually was one of those went down to scout new talent for Mid-South Championship Wrestling. Mr. Lund was in a match where the ring rope broke, and he fell out on his head, spent the night in the hospital. The World Champ spent the night with the young kid, in the hospital. That Champ was Ric Flair and the kid became Arn Anderson. Arn had IT, and with the help of Ole Anderson in the ring and working with Ric Flair outside of the ring Arn was able to find IT.

If Gunner can get into a program with someone who can help him find IT in the ring I think he could be a TNA Centerpiece. Let's face it, Sting only came back because he wanted to work with Flair again, Angle is going to train for the olympics, and Ric Flair doesnt work in the ring much anymore. THREE spots in the main event picture could come open in the next year, Bobby Roode has one locked up, one of the other two could easily go to Gunner if he is worked right.
I actually think a Bischoff/Hogan feud COULD work if done right because those two have been tied at the hip for 18 years. With Sting going ape shit, getting Hogan to listen, and Bischoff actually being the Executive Producer of TNA Programming, it COULD work.

And I think Gunner COULD be that centerpiece for Immortal. He has to work on his presence though. You see that Hogan, Sting, Flair, Anderson, AJ, Robert Roode, Kurt Angle, then go to WWE and you see Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena, Edge and see why these guys main event it's because when you see them you see the buzz around them, you see the confidence, the presence they bring, that is what is holding Gunner back.

Gunner has IT, but Gunner has to find IT. If Gunner is placed in a program and works with someone like Robert Roode in the ring and Sting out of it he could find it rather quickly.

There was a guy in 1985 by the name of Marty Lund down in Georgia Championship Wrestling who was a good talker and very aggressive while having a great look. The World Heavyweight Champion, when there actually was one of those went down to scout new talent for Mid-South Championship Wrestling. Mr. Lund was in a match where the ring rope broke, and he fell out on his head, spent the night in the hospital. The World Champ spent the night with the young kid, in the hospital. That Champ was Ric Flair and the kid became Arn Anderson. Arn had IT, and with the help of Ole Anderson in the ring and working with Ric Flair outside of the ring Arn was able to find IT.

If Gunner can get into a program with someone who can help him find IT in the ring I think he could be a TNA Centerpiece. Let's face it, Sting only came back because he wanted to work with Flair again, Angle is going to train for the olympics, and Ric Flair doesnt work in the ring much anymore. THREE spots in the main event picture could come open in the next year, Bobby Roode has one locked up, one of the other two could easily go to Gunner if he is worked right.
One of the more educated and well argumented posts on this forum. I really have nothing else to add, mark this as spam if you're feeling like a prick today. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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