My heart just stopped

Hey, the Legends of Wrestling roundtables are damn good. It's the closest thing to a shoot we're ever going to get from the WWE, some of the stories told on those shows are pure gold. Definitely could use alot less Michael Hayes though. Mick Foley is really, really missed on those roundtables as well. Still, those are almost always worth watching.
I've bought a few from Best Buy. I've only watched a couple...they kind of got pushed to the back of my watch list, and haven't made their way back to the forefront.

But they are definitely interesting. And I kind of like Hayes, I just wish there was more Bischoff.
I've bought a few from Best Buy. I've only watched a couple...they kind of got pushed to the back of my watch list, and haven't made their way back to the forefront.

But they are definitely interesting. And I kind of like Hayes, I just wish there was more Bischoff.

Yeah whenever they get to talking about the old territory days, that's when they're the most entertaining. I don't mind Hayes, but he's on like every single damn episode, he can be a bit of a fucking jerk honestly, especially some of the stories he's told. Not like that's a shocking newflash or anything.

Totally agreed on Bischoff. I'd love to see him back in the WWE in any kind of on-screen role.
1. Becca, it will happen eventually...Get used to that idea.

2. I'm upset Shane is gone. It'll work to make me tune in though, and see what happens...
I'm extremely upset that Shane resigned. That means we're fucked basically, because this confirms that Steph will be next in line after Vince. So get ready for even more years of terrible, terrible, terrible booking.
I read somewhere that Steph was responsible for the booking of Michaels-Jericho last year. Let's not blame her for all evil in the world.

I also want to believe Trips is enough of an NWA mark that something decent will come from his reign of terror.

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