My heart just stopped


Shawn Michaels ❤
I clicked new posts, and was skimming the list and I saw the "Shane McMahon resigns" thread. Not sure whether it was a mix of tiredness, seeing the words Shawn Michaels on the page at the same time, or just Becca's fears, but I thought it said "Shawn Michaels resigns". My mind worked at 1000MPH remembering he wasn't at Raw etc. A second later I realised it said Shane, but my Gosh that was a scary time.
I'm extremely upset that Shane resigned. That means we're fucked basically, because this confirms that Steph will be next in line after Vince. So get ready for even more years of terrible, terrible, terrible booking.
Is there even the tiniest little possibility that the Shane resigning thing is a work? Please?
I'm extremely upset that Shane resigned. That means we're fucked basically, because this confirms that Steph will be next in line after Vince. So get ready for even more years of terrible, terrible, terrible booking.

Hornswoggle to have a WWE Title reign twice as long as Bruno Sammartino's was.
I find it SOOO funny that people think that Shane would be a better booker than Stephanie McMahon. Just what exactly do people base that belief on?
Slyfox in the future said:
I find it SOOO funny that people think that Shane would be a better booker than Stephanie McMahon. Just what exactly do people base that belief on?

Judging by the way people seem to treat Dixie Carter, I think it has something to do with women being shit.
I find it SOOO funny that people think that Shane would be a better booker than Stephanie McMahon. Just what exactly do people base that belief on?

Stephanie's role with booking over the last few years maybe? After some of the shit Steph and Vince have given us lately, pretty much anyone would be a better booker right now.
Stephanie's role with booking over the last few years maybe? After some of the shit Steph and Vince have given us lately, pretty much anyone would be a better booker right now.
What has happened over the last few years has been pretty darn good if you stop to think.

How many other television shows can put on nearly 30 hours of original content every month on TV? How many shows could afford the talent to do that?

At the end of the day, I can't think of a single person that could do better than what we've gotten. Now, you could argue they should drop about 3 hours a week, and I believe you'd see some improvement in quality. But the fact of the matter is, putting on 30 hours of original programming every month is astounding, and you can't really ask for anything better than what the WWE has given us.

It's not like in 1997 and 1998, when the WWF only had to worry about 2 hours every Monday to put all their best ideas into.
What has happened over the last few years has been pretty darn good if you stop to think.

How many other television shows can put on nearly 30 hours of original content every week on TV? How many shows could afford the talent to do that?

At the end of the day, I can't think of a single person that could do better than what we've gotten. Now, you could argue they should drop about 3 hours a week, and I believe you'd see some improvement in quality. But the fact of the matter is, putting on 30 hours of original programming every week is astounding, and you can't really ask for anything better than what the WWE has given us.

It's not like in 1997 and 1998, when the WWF only had to worry about 2 hours every Monday to put all their best ideas into.

I agree with you when it comes to the hard work that's being done by the WWE right now, I never claimed it wasn't a difficult task to produce that much product, but I just think someone else coming up with the creative ideas would be better. Sorry, but there's only been maybe a feud, maybe two per year that have genuinely interested me over the last few years. I just don't like the creative direction the company has taken, simple as that, so of course I'd want to see someone else give it a shot. Shane always struck me as a very intelligent man though, I think he'll do very well with or without the WWE. Something tells me he's going to try and get involved in the MMA world again.
30 Hours Per Week does sound like a bit much. That must include all of the rerun shows like AM Raw or something?

I mean...Raw + Smackdown + ECW + Superstars...what am I forgetting here? I don't think reruns/recap shows really count as original content...
30 Hours? I dont even watch 3 hours of their so called Original Programming. And well to be honest Stephanie is a bitch that's why people are skeptic here. No way in hell that asshole Triple H doesent SHATTER Flairs record. But I thought it was already said a few years ago that Steph and Son in Law were gonna run the ship and not Shane.
30 Hours Per Week does sound like a bit much. That must include all of the rerun shows like AM Raw or something?

I mean...Raw + Smackdown + ECW + Superstars...what am I forgetting here? I don't think reruns/recap shows really count as original content...

That's six hours. Granted, some weeks can have more if we include PPVs, Tribute To The Troops, the HOF, and SNME. But, I don't see how it's humanly possible to produce 30 hours of original content a week. Oh, and those wannabe ESPN round-tables on WWE Classics don't count.

EDIT: Never mind, it was a typo.
I agree with you when it comes to the hard work that's being done by the WWE right now, I never claimed it wasn't a difficult task to produce that much product, but I just think someone else coming up with the creative ideas would be better.
Or it could be a lot worse. For example, remember The Mummy? Or, maybe we could bring Adam Bomb back. Or the Underfaker.

Are there people out there who could come up with something better? Possibly. Could it be a lot worse? Absolutely.

Sorry, but there's only been maybe a feud, maybe two per year that have genuinely interested me over the last few years.
I think that's pretty good really. Let's say there are two feuds in a year that interest you. That means that most PPVs there will be one or two matches you really want to see. How is that not a good thing?

You can't write interesting feuds for everyone on the card, every month there is a PPV. It's just not possible. There are only so many ways you can come up with a reason for two people to fight each other. You use your best ideas for the big draws, and everyone else just uses TV time for exposure.

I just don't like the creative direction the company has taken, simple as that, so of course I'd want to see someone else give it a shot.
I think it's a great direction they've taken, as they are starting to finally re-educate fans on what professional wrestling is really about. They're finally getting over the atrocity which was the Attitude Era.

Don't get me wrong, the Attitude Era was successful and enjoyable, but the long-term effects still haunt the WWE today. They're finally starting to erase what happened in the Attitude Era.

Shane always struck me as a very intelligent man though, I think he'll do very well with or without the WWE.
I've always thought Stephanie as more shrewd than Shane, and much more worthy of her father's business.

Something tells me he's going to try and get involved in the MMA world again.
I don't think he'd leave the fight game, is what he knows. This could be very true.

Where is this 30 hours of original content per week coming from?
I meant 30 hours a month.

2 on Raw, 2 on Smackdown, 1 for ECW, 1 for Superstars...over 4 weeks, that's 24 hours...throw in a 3 hour PPV and you have nearly 30 hours of original content.

Add in all the little videos and stuff they do for their website, and that's a lot of work for creative.
That's six hours. Granted, some weeks can have more if we include PPVs, Tribute To The Troops, the HOF, and SNME. But, I don't see how it's humanly possible to produce 30 hours of original content a week. Oh, and those wannabe ESPN round-tables on WWE Classics don't count.

Hey, the Legends of Wrestling roundtables are damn good. It's the closest thing to a shoot we're ever going to get from the WWE, some of the stories told on those shows are pure gold. Definitely could use alot less Michael Hayes though. Mick Foley is really, really missed on those roundtables as well. Still, those are almost always worth watching.

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