My Grandfather past away this morning...

Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
At about 3:30 AM, he had a massive heart attack and died without suffering. He was a great man, and it's a little crazy because I just talked about him in the religion thread in the Cigar Lounge, and now he's gone. I'm hurting pretty bad, my dad is in far worse shape than I am.

Truly he was a man to be admired, he worked the oil rigs for 20 years before settling down in my hometown and began working at a power plant near here. He had 4 children, 2 sons and 2 daughters, 9 grandchildren, and was a month away from seeing his first great grandchild. He was 73 years old and even after he retired from the power plant, survived one heart attack, he still was out working for my Uncle's construction business. He never faltered, was always strong and supportive, and was the patriarch of my family. I was told he was so happy when I was born because I was the first grandchild of his to carry on his last name.

RIP mein Großvater.
I am sorry to hear that Tyson. It is good he left this world a better place, reflected on you and your family, and went without pain. May he rest in peace.
That sucks man, thoughts are with you and your family at this hard time :(
Sorry to hear that man. At least he lived a long productive, and from the sounds of it, happy life.

Celebrate his life instead of mourning his death. He would want that.
At about 3:30 AM, he had a massive heart attack and died without suffering. He was a great man, and it's a little crazy because I just talked about him in the religion thread in the Cigar Lounge, and now he's gone. I'm hurting pretty bad, my dad is in far worse shape than I am.

Truly he was a man to be admired, he worked the oil rigs for 20 years before settling down in my hometown and began working at a power plant near here. He had 4 children, 2 sons and 2 daughters, 9 grandchildren, and was a month away from seeing his first great grandchild. He was 73 years old and even after he retired from the power plant, survived one heart attack, he still was out working for my Uncle's construction business. He never faltered, was always strong and supportive, and was the patriarch of my family. I was told he was so happy when I was born because I was the first grandchild of his to carry on his last name.

RIP mein Großvater.

My deepest sympathies. I hope you are OK.
It's tough to lose a grandparent. I lost my grandfather when I was six years old. I thought the world of him and it still hurts to this day.
At about 3:30 AM, he had a massive heart attack and died without suffering. He was a great man, and it's a little crazy because I just talked about him in the religion thread in the Cigar Lounge, and now he's gone. I'm hurting pretty bad, my dad is in far worse shape than I am.

Truly he was a man to be admired, he worked the oil rigs for 20 years before settling down in my hometown and began working at a power plant near here. He had 4 children, 2 sons and 2 daughters, 9 grandchildren, and was a month away from seeing his first great grandchild. He was 73 years old and even after he retired from the power plant, survived one heart attack, he still was out working for my Uncle's construction business. He never faltered, was always strong and supportive, and was the patriarch of my family. I was told he was so happy when I was born because I was the first grandchild of his to carry on his last name.

RIP mein Großvater.

My grandfather died on June 2nd. He was suffering for years with Parkinson's Disease, and towards the end got a bad case of Dementia. When he died, it was more of a relief than a sadness, really. It seems awful to say, but he was in constant, excruciating pain.

He fought in World War 2, in the Battles of Leyte Gulf and Luzon. He fought in the fabled Broken Arrow 32nd Division. He was a hero in every since of the word.

Sorry about your grandfather man. I know what it's like to lose a man you truly admire.
Damn i'll put him in my prayers tonight bro. Hope your family's doing ok. I know how you feel my entire family has heart problems, and my Uncle was hospitalized yesterday with 2 blockages. Again i'm so sorry for your loss bro.
Thank you y'all for your support, I have a hard time expressing my thoughts and emotions at times, this was one of those times. So it really helps out for me to write it down instead of talking out loud with the people around me. He is in a better place, but he was the rock of my entire family, so it will be hard to move on without him. I'm hoping his funeral will bring some peace and closure for us, and I'm really hoping they allow me to be a paul bearer (obviously no pun intended) for him.
Sorry man. He sounds like he was a wonderful man, and I pray for you and your family, and hope that you can get get through this hard time. Sorry for your loss, and hope that you're okay.

In honor of your grandfather, I post this, and may he rest in peace:

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind but now I see

It was grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already overcome
It was grace that led me safe thus far
And grace will bring me home

When we've been there a thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we first begun
Aww man, I'm sorry to hear that Ty. My thoughts are with you and your family bro, I'll most certainly have a drink in his and your honor tonight.

I was never close to any of my grandparents, so I have no idea what you're going through. I'm glad though for you that you got to know such a great man for 21 years of your life. Try and think about that, and I hope it makes you feel better.

My prayers and best wishes go out to you and your family.

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