My Dream Wrestlemania


Vote Hogan, Savage, Rocky and Thesz
Blahblahblah, this thread has been done, blablahblah search function. Whatever. I was just thinking about what would be my perfect Wrestlemania. On that note, I present to you my perfect Wrestlemania. Ladies and Gentlemen:

Wrestlemania Infinity


Madison Square Garden

Play by Play: Gorilla Monsoon
Color Commentator: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

Ring Announcer
Howard "The Fink" Finkel

Earl Hebner

Opening Match

Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs. Jushin Liger

Hey, they own WCW now, so even though Liger never made it here, I'm counting him. That would be some opening, eh?

2nd match

"Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase vs. Kurt Angle

This just seems like a fun style combination with guys who can work with anybody.

3rd Match

Demolition vs. Legion of Doom for the WWF Tag Team Championships

A match that we really should have seen. Demolition was widely regarded as LOD rip-offs, although some feel Demolition was actually the superior team.

4th Match

20 man Battle Royale with Andre the Giant winning

5th Match

"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

Grudge match and a rematch of my favorite match of all time.

6th Match

Edge & Christian vs. the Hardy Boyz vs. the Dudley Boys in TLC 3

Great capper to the first half of the show! Lots of big spots and "ooh & ahh" moments.

-Let the crowd regain some energy for the second half of the show.

To keep some flow, I would include a Piper's Pit segment here to hype the Main Event. Maybe Piper interviewing other superstars, asking who they think will win the epic showdown in the Main Event.

7th Match

Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig for the Intercontinental Title

A match in their primes would be off the charts. Even with a bad back, Hennig and Hart still had a great match. This would be the perfect way to start off the second half of the show.

8th Match

The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels vs. HHH - Falls Count Anywhere

Three supremely entertaining performers. Rock and HHH have an on-camera history while Shawn and Rocky never got it on. Falls count anywhere would open them up creatively and would let all parties shine all the more.

9th Match

The Undertaker vs. John Cena - Official Streak Match

The only guy currently on the roster who is conceivable as a threat to Takers Streak. This is probably the best "Streak" match we could make.

10th Match

Ric Flair vs. Sting in a Steel Cage

BOOM! FIRE! These two tore the house down multiple times. I would prefer Surfer Sting. Not many guys clicked like these two did. This would be the capper to their career-long feud. Flair would get bloody, brutalized, and he would ultimately lose a classic.

Main Event

Hulk Hogan vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin for the Golden Eagle WWF Championship

The two biggest stars in company history finally meet in an epic showdown to settle, once and for all, who really is the Man.

*Fade to Black as Real American blares and the crowd roars to Hulk Hogan flexing*


Well, that's my perfect Wrestlemania, there were a few guys I wanted to fit in but couldn't really find without going nuts with the multiple-man matches.

Thoughts? Criticisms? Your own versions of the list?
That would have to be like an 8 hour PPV.

I don't see the point of the falls count anywhere match since that match is fine on it's own and doesn't need a gimmick.

And the title belt is the Winged Eagle. I don't recall it ever being called the golden eagle title.

Though I'd have plenty of different matches like Steamboat vs Shawn Michaels which I think could have been truly an amazing if not THE best match ever.
That would have to be like an 8 hour PPV.

I don't see the point of the falls count anywhere match since that match is fine on it's own and doesn't need a gimmick.

And the title belt is the Winged Eagle. I don't recall it ever being called the golden eagle title.

Though I'd have plenty of different matches like Steamboat vs Shawn Michaels which I think could have been truly an amazing if not THE best match ever.

I tried to keep a balance of tradition, so "Wrestlemania Remakes" if you will, like TLC or Savage-Steamboat, as well as intriguing new pairings. I think one of the important parts about Wrestlemania is keeping touch with the past and tradition of the event, while also looking forward.

As to the time, I think a 4 1/2ish hour PPV is very doable. Let's break it down, total time in parentheses:

Rey-Jushin: 10 minutes in-ring, 5 minutes for entrances. (15 minutes)

Angle-DiBiase: 10 minutes in-ring, 5 minutes entrances. (30 minutes)

Demolition-Legion of Doom: 10 minutes in-ring, 5 minutes entrances. (45 minutes)

Battle Royale: 10 minutes in-ring, only Andre gets an entrance as the "surprise participant", so 2 minutes. (57 minutes)

Savage-Steamboat: 20 minutes in-ring, 5 minutes entrances. (82 minutes)

TLC: 25 minutes in-ring, 8 minutes entrances. (115 minutes)

Intermission/Piper's Pit: 10 minutes (125 minutes)

Hart-Hennig: 20 minutes in-ring, 5 minute entrances. (155 minutes)

Rock-HHH-HBK: 20 minutes in-ring, 10 minute entrances (185 minutes)

Taker-Cena: 20 minutes in-ring, 8 minute entrances for special Mania Taker entrance/special military Cena entrance. (213 minutes)

Flair-Sting: 30 minutes in-ring, 6 minute entrances (239 minutes)

Hogan-Austin: 25 minutes in-ring, 10 minute entrance (274 minutes)

That's just a shade over 4 1/2 hours, and you could take some time from guys if you want. I just used round numbers here.
I have been i wrestling fan for 17 years but my Wrestle Mania would be quit different. I like a lot of old talent but i love the new talent. With that being said my dream Wrestle Mania would be

Main Event for the WWE Championship
60 Minute Iron Man Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs CM Punk

Submission Match
Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle

Legend vs Legend
Triple H vs Ric Flair

The Streak
Sting vs Undertaker

Ladder Match
Jeff Hardy vs Shawn Michaels

Battle of the Load Mouths
The Miz vs Chris Jericho

Daniel Bryan vs Owen Hart

Divas Championship
Sable vs Natalya

Intercontinental Championship
Triple Threat Match
Rick Rude vs Randy Orton vs Scott Hall

Eddie Guerrero vs Alberto Del Rio

Ricky Steamboat vs Macho Man Randy Savage

I never ever like Hogan and if anyone is wondering why he is not on my card that is why.
I would make a crusierweight ladder match with the best lightweight but thats just me....battle of the genius could be a match Heyman vs McMahon vs Bischoff
WrestleMania Supreme

Location : Yankee Stadium

Match #1

Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle

--- Two of the most popular and famous ring generals of all time. They've never really had a chance to face each other besides a match or two in 2000. This match would set the tone for an unbelievable card. Kurt Angle would be the heel, Chris Jericho would be the face. Winner - Kurt Angle in 20:30 by pinfall.

Match #2

WWE Tag Team Championships
The Outsiders (c) vs. New Age Outlaws

--- The controversial tag teams of the late 90's. Both teams were in legendary factions at the same time, and dominated the tag team division, all the while, getting over huge, despite the fact they were the "bad guys". This match would have a lot taunting and head games between the teams. Both teams would be heel. Winners - The Outsiders in 12:58 by pinfall.

Match #3

Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship
Eddie Guerrero (c) vs. Edge

--- Two great wrestlers, and two guys who could play heel or face to perfection in the early 00's. This match would tear the house down, with innovative uses of the ladder leading to the crowd being exhausted. Guerrero would be heel, Edge would be face. Winner - Edge in 22:30

Match #4

6 Man Hell In A Cell Match
Bret Hart vs. Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels

--- In a match for the ultimate bragging rights. 6 of the all time greatest wrestlers in history have all been saying they're the greatest ever. All 6 men locked inside a Hell In A Cell, in their primes, scratch and claw to become THE MAN. Hart would be face, Triple H would be heel, Rock would be face, Hogan would be face, Flair would be heel, and Michaels would be heel (1997-1998 heel).
Winner - Shawn Michaels in 43:44 after he pins the Rock.

Match #5

Undertaker vs. Sting

--- Months and months of Sting lurking in the rafters, and Undertaker perfecting a coffin for the 1997 version of Sting lead to this legendary encounter. This match wouldn't be based around the streak, as the streak wouldn't be realized yet. They'd both be face. Winner - The Undertaker in 25:26 after the debuting Kane sets Sting on fire. (Sting would return at next years Mania to face Kane.)


WWE Championship
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Bill Goldberg

--- THE MATCH OF MATCHES. A 1998 Austin vs a 1998 Goldberg. Before the smarks began to turn on Goldberg, and before Austin began to break down, this was the match every single wrestling fan wanted to see. The crowd would be the loudest it has ever been. Fans of both men would be pouring all their emotion into the match in this amazing showdown of the two biggest stars during the greatest time of wrestling popularity. They'd both be faces.
Winner - "Stone Cold" Steve Austin in 28:40 by pinfall.
I tried to keep a balance of tradition, so "Wrestlemania Remakes" if you will, like TLC or Savage-Steamboat, as well as intriguing new pairings. I think one of the important parts about Wrestlemania is keeping touch with the past and tradition of the event, while also looking forward.

As to the time, I think a 4 1/2ish hour PPV is very doable. Let's break it down, total time in parentheses:

Rey-Jushin: 10 minutes in-ring, 5 minutes for entrances. (15 minutes)

Angle-DiBiase: 10 minutes in-ring, 5 minutes entrances. (30 minutes)

Demolition-Legion of Doom: 10 minutes in-ring, 5 minutes entrances. (45 minutes)

Battle Royale: 10 minutes in-ring, only Andre gets an entrance as the "surprise participant", so 2 minutes. (57 minutes)

Savage-Steamboat: 20 minutes in-ring, 5 minutes entrances. (82 minutes)

TLC: 25 minutes in-ring, 8 minutes entrances. (115 minutes)

Intermission/Piper's Pit: 10 minutes (125 minutes)

Hart-Hennig: 20 minutes in-ring, 5 minute entrances. (155 minutes)

Rock-HHH-HBK: 20 minutes in-ring, 10 minute entrances (185 minutes)

Taker-Cena: 20 minutes in-ring, 8 minute entrances for special Mania Taker entrance/special military Cena entrance. (213 minutes)

Flair-Sting: 30 minutes in-ring, 6 minute entrances (239 minutes)

Hogan-Austin: 25 minutes in-ring, 10 minute entrance (274 minutes)

That's just a shade over 4 1/2 hours, and you could take some time from guys if you want. I just used round numbers here.

I don't think you can honestly say how far it will go on paper since there are a TON of other variables. Like backstage promos, video hype ups, clearing the ring, etc.

Wrestlemania 25 had 8 matches and was a 4 hour show with only 2 matches longer than 20 minutes.

You have 14 matches including an intermission segment.

For a "dream card" I'd have dream matches that never happened. Not rematches.

Though I also don't see how you "look forward" when you have a vast majority of guys who debuted in the 1970s and 80s.

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