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My bold prediction for what is about to happen with John Cena and Wrestlemania!!!!


  • Great examination but it won't happen

  • Dude you buggin', terrible examination and this ain't happening

  • Great examination, I could see it happening too

  • I just came here because I was bored and don't feel like answering this shit!!

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That N Word

Actively evolving
I know you all may say it's never going to happen but let's look at the facts. John Cena is taking time off for personal reasons and WWE are saying it's because he is filming a TV Show.

But they have told dirtsheets there is an even bigger reason as well. Cena was telling the roster that he was leaving and when he returned they will realize it was for a good cause. Cena will be losing the US Title and is returning on the RTWM. WWE told dirtsheets that they was going to have Reigns defeat Rollins for the championship and Cena to eventually beat him for it in 2016.

The match is too big for any other event than WrestleMania. WWE are trying to break PPV buy records (and attendance records as well but that's irrelevant to my arguement.) There are now rumors that either Cena or Lesnar will win the RR. Cena said on the podcast that he would be willing to turn if there was somebody here for the fans. Meanwhile, WWE is putting Reigns in all these PR (Susan G Komen,Be A Star, Make A Wish, Commercials, Radio Interviews) stuff.

There was also reports of Cena telling Backlund or Greg Valentine that the boo's was getting to him. Which brings me to my prediction. And that is Roman Reigns will defeat Seth Rollins for the WWE WHC at Survivor Series and John Cena will win the Royal Rumble and make the boo's he get's on the RTWM as part of the storyline and he will turn heel at WM and defeat Reigns for his 16th world title in the main event of WrestleMania!!!
I guess in your assumption is that Reigns will be ready to take over in six months. I don't think he is anywhere close to taking over. His battle with wyatt is still ongoing, meaning little to no build for the match against Rollins at Survivor Series
If its Reigns vs Cena it could be a repeat of Lesnar v Goldberg. Both Reigns and Cena have large portions of the crowd who dislike them so I couldn't see them being allowed the main event, but if they were given it I would expect a crowd backlash.

Also I think Reigns is in desperate need of a Heel turn, he needs a big change and a heel turn on Ambrose or Cena would be a good way to get the heat, I wouldn't be against him winning the title at SS but I am against Cena v Reigns main event at WM
Not even a tad to be possible. It seems like it'll take ages for Roman Reigns to get the fans back. Currently he's having a good feud but he got booed out of Chicago. And Yes, John Cena had said that if someone's ready to take the role he'll turn heel but in the current situation there isn't anyone ready to take the role of Cena.

It might sound Dean Ambrose is the next top face but he isn't John Cena. Tuning his character in a way to make him look like Cena will pull down the curtails for his pops and even possibly his career.

Sorry to say this, but in my verdict, none of your statements seems to be possible.

I'd like to see a link to a "report" or two you have in the OP. Also, Cena has stated dozens of times he'd be willing to turn heel. One report isn't anything special.

Also, with the kind of idiots who will always boo Reigns, the Susan G. Komen ads are only going to make that worse.

Would I be interested in a Cena heel turn? Yes. But IMO Reigns needs it much more. He's not ready to be on top as a face yet.
Very possible, but also possible is the audience treating the match the way they would've treated Batista v Orton 1 on 1 at Mania 30.
Ok i've had to come out of my retirement just to post on this. Cena should not, Can not and will not turn heel and you know why?..Kid and Money. WWE turning Cena heel basically kills and I mean kills everything "he" stands for,everything kids believe in. Crying Kids don't make money, kid who's idolize a hero who turns his back on what they believe in effects them also parents wouldn't like that at all. Sadly as a fan i feel jaded on this i think Cena going Heel would be great a fresh air in wresting but WWE believes in M.O.M Money over Marks.

As for Roman, He could a a good heel turning on Ambrose if Ambrose was the one saving his butt alot. Really making Brays words of "Anyone but You" get into Roman's mind making him paranoid. Also.. Roman Needs some of his NXT moveset back or needs to watch NJPW....You know what i really want to see Roman lose to Bray...Kinda rehash the Aj Style "No One" Gimmick and be a No taking Bad Ass who once he returns Ko's Bray, Then KO Ambrose(The next face and rematch to ROllins), The watch Randy Orton defend Ambrose and Roman Ko's him to eventually set up Roman v Dean for the chance to Take on Seth.

My 2 cents on this.
Unfortunately J.D. is 100% right. I've been begging for a Cena heel turn, but it won't happen for all the reasons Lethal mentioned. Perhaps if Daniel Bryan were healthy, or Cm Punk were still around it could, but not now.

However, I also agree that Reigns needs to desperately turn on the crowd. Similar to his cousin, the fans have turned on him, and he needs to give it right back to them. The crowd has become more Attitude/Ruthless Aggression Era-ish in their lack of refrain from booing the holy hell out of wrestlers. They respect realism, toughness, and maybe even a little vulgarity...(suplex city b*tch!) Roman needs to go down that route to get the fans on his side...making fun of them, yelling at them etc will eventually get pops...like Rollins does.

Maybe not so much heel, but more anti-hero-ish in his approach. I wouldn't wanna see him turn on Ambrose since that's basically copying Seth's angle, but maybe an all out brutal assault on someone else or some group, and WWE taking the chains off him and letting him run free like Brock does would be best for his character. He could be a real wrecking ball if they did.

Then, and only then will he be ready and able to take on Cena at Wrestlemania.
I guess in your assumption is that Reigns will be ready to take over in six months. I don't think he is anywhere close to taking over.

Quite possible. For quite a while now, Reigns has been fighting with someone at his side; usually, Dean Ambrose. I believe he's improved markedly in the ring and on the mic, but after he's done teaming with Ambrose.....which presumably will be after the feud with Bray Wyatt is finished....I think Roman will be put on a major singles push.... the ultimate purpose being to solidify in our minds his standing as a man ready to ascend to the title.

As with last year's build-up to WM31, if he's deemed to not be ready by then, I think management won't hesitate again to cancel it. If that happens, only heaven knows if the company will still be looking to wait until he is ready.

Cena should not, Can not and will not turn heel and you know why?..Kid and Money. WWE turning Cena heel basically kills and I mean kills everything "he" stands for,everything kids believe in.

Thinking of that makes me remember Hulk Hogan's monumental turn to the dark side in WCW. I don't know how it affected the kid's belief in him (he was far cornier than Cena with all the 'prayers, vegetables & vitamins crap) but Hogan succeeded in turning good after his bad days were over, and I presume Cena could do the same.

As for the money, I think a 'bad' Cena would be huge. There would be mounds of brand new merchandise to sell and tons of people who turn out to see the new Cena. The fact he was good for so long would be a factor in favor of this.....same as Hogan.

If some folk's' predictions turn out and Cena winds up fighting for Roman Reigns' title at WM32, it could be a terrific main event, followed sometime later by Cena going face in another dynamic series.
Unfortunately J.D. is 100% right. I've been begging for a Cena heel turn, but it won't happen for all the reasons Lethal mentioned. Perhaps if Daniel Bryan were healthy, or Cm Punk were still around it could, but not now.

I have to agree, it would make everything he's stood for this last ten years a mockery. I looked at wweshop.com earlier today just to see what they had, and Cena has a staggering 117 items for sale. Compare that to New Day who is one of the most entertaining acts right now, they have 4 items for sale.

The WWE and Vince especially will never give up on that gravy train. Maybe Cena himself as I'm sure he gets a cut of what's sold. Heel Cena will turn off the kids and as they're the ones who convince the parents to spend the money, that goes out the window with them.

As for the Reigns heel turn. It will be interesting to see who they will push when Cena takes his hiatus. If the feud with Wyatt is over at HIAC, then who will Reigns face next, unless he turns on Dean? If that happens then Ambrose becomes the new face and Roman, well I don't know he still has to compete with Seth for top heel spot. I had assumed they would push Reigns in Cena's absence. But now I'm not sure about that either. They need a replacement for Cena, and Reigns and Ambrose are the two logical contenders right now.

Then, and only then will he be ready and able to take on Cena at Wrestlemania.

If Reigns is going to fight Cena at Mania then shouldn't he be holding the title. I don't see that happening. Some have predicted that Cena will come back in time to win the Rumble and go onto the main event at Mania, but they have to get the title on Reigns first. I wouldn't even begin to think how that would happen, considering the Rumble is only a couple of months away now, and Seth seems in no mood to drop it to anyone.
You i'm thinking about it in class, a great place for a Heel Cena to debut(if it ever would happen) would be NXT. I know we hear it all the time that NXT is its own brand under the WWE moniker..But NXT is like a separate company...and what a great way to 1.Boast WWE network sells 2. Have a talent win over on Cena...to a established NXT GUY Balor, Gable, or Apollo and 3. watch Cena Shake his hand turn to leave and then beat the crap outta off that person. It would create a 2 moments A crowning of NXT star and Feed up Cena...which after the NXT cena would explain him self on raw to a roar of boo's he would tell the kids that sometimes as a adult "you can only take so much" which would lead to all to the NXT guy saying how much he respected cena and all that he did for the business and kids but his actions need to be dealt with which would create a good 3-4 matches on ppv.
I don't see it. Now that doesn't mean that Vince McMahon may not try to shoehorn Reigns into the main event picture again, but I don't think it'll fly. Reigns doesn't have the connection with the fans, he doesn't have fans hanging onto every word he says and that's something you can't force. Either a wrestler is able to forge that connection someway, somehow or he can't and Roman Reigns hasn't really done that. He gets good responses, he doesn't get booed out of the building, but look at the reaction fans had to his promo this past Monday on Raw; Reigns cannot cut lengthy promos, he's solid in short bursts but he can't stand out there for 10 minutes and hold people's attention, and Vince wants lengthy promo segments.

I give Reigns credit for having a great match at WrestleMania with Brock Lesnar, but the build up for the main event was one of the most lackluster in WrestleMania history. The only way Reigns can be a viable candidate to be champ without being crucified is to go heel; Vince MIGHT still want Reigns to be the heir apparent to Cena, but I don't see Reigns as having what it takes. I'd rather see a number of wrestlers built up strong with the necessary ability to step into the main event scene, like what we saw during the Attitude Era; there were half a dozen or so guys during the AE who could step in, if needed, to carry the title and be in the main event, but Vince has put nearly all his eggs into Cena's basket and it's something that's come back to bite him in the ass. Even if Vince wants to stick with that formula of resting most of the company's hopes onto the shoulders of one man, Roman Reigns ain't it.

As for Cena turning heel, never say never. However, you have a better chance of finding a guy with a square dickhole who pisses ice cubes than a John Cena heel turn. Hope all you want, but it's best to not get those hopes up too high; there've been several grand opportunities to go down this road, much more so than being in a feud with Roman Reigns, the past 5 years or so and it never happened. While it's led to some stagnation in Cena's persona, it's also hard to blame Vince for not altering Cena's formula when you consider how valuable the Cena brand has been. A John Cena heel turn would be the biggest heel turn since Hulk Hogan, it'd be an epic happening that would generate intense buzz throughout wrestling. The babyface personas of Hogan and Cena are cute from the same cloth: kid friendly, courageous, patriotic superman who're authorities on moral behavior and fairness. When Hogan went heel, it was viewed as a betrayal by a lot of fans, though it also breathed new life into Hogan. Vince won't take that sort of risk anymore; truth is, Vince no longer even remotely tries to think outside the box anymore.
Ok i've had to come out of my retirement just to post on this. Cena should not, Can not and will not turn heel and you know why?..Kid and Money. WWE turning Cena heel basically kills and I mean kills everything "he" stands for,everything kids believe in. Crying Kids don't make money, kid who's idolize a hero who turns his back on what they believe in effects them also parents wouldn't like that at all. Sadly as a fan i feel jaded on this i think Cena going Heel would be great a fresh air in wresting but WWE believes in M.O.M Money over Marks.

As for Roman, He could a a good heel turning on Ambrose if Ambrose was the one saving his butt alot. Really making Brays words of "Anyone but You" get into Roman's mind making him paranoid. Also.. Roman Needs some of his NXT moveset back or needs to watch NJPW....You know what i really want to see Roman lose to Bray...Kinda rehash the Aj Style "No One" Gimmick and be a No taking Bad Ass who once he returns Ko's Bray, Then KO Ambrose(The next face and rematch to ROllins), The watch Randy Orton defend Ambrose and Roman Ko's him to eventually set up Roman v Dean for the chance to Take on Seth.

My 2 cents on this.

I agree with your Reigns statement. However, making Cena kids happy should not be WWE's top priority, repairing their declining ratings should be. The only way WWE will ever be able to do that is to turn Cena heel. Cena's reported time off will be a breath of fresh air and it also gives some time for the kiddies to latch on to someone else, so the landscape could change by the time he returns around January.
I'd love to see a Cena heel run while he's still young and healthy enough to make a big impact, I can't see it happening anytime soon, On one hand I think it would give the WWE higher ratings and interest but on the other hand theres nobody anywhere near that level to fill that number one face of the company role yet that he would leave behind resulting in a big loss in merchandise sales etc.
I like this angle but one key thing must happen in it.

Cena needs to bitch relentlessly about the crowd booing him and try to "reach Reigns" about it happening to him too. Reigns needs to respond by basically telling Cena to stop being a little bitch. I could guarantee anyone who actually boos Cena will get behind Reigns if he brushes off the boos and basically disses Cena for not being able to handle it.

I still think Reigns turning on Ambrose on the RTWM is the best bet and building Reigns as a monster heel a la Brock Lesnar, and letting the crowd turn him face (hopefully by WM33) is the best case scenario
Actually, Cena/Reigns match would be pretty good to not turn Reigns heel. Heck, monster heel Lesnar got cheers when fought Cena, Reigns shouldnt have problem to get lots of cheers too. Have Reigns get in his "Hulk smash" mode and it should be enough for him to gain enough support to have him believably win over Cena and make him next babyface of WWE.

Only problem I can see in that: its kinda too early. Reighs hasnt been established as face or heel. They should build him better first. If they can do that by Rumble I can see him going over Cena in believable mather of fashion. Though, as I said, its not yet time for that, both can maybe used better on Mania, especiallly when they are trying to do record breaking Mania with all star roster containing matches of partimers and regulars.
I know you all may say it's never going to happen but let's look at the facts. John Cena is taking time off for personal reasons and WWE are saying it's because he is filming a TV Show.

But they have told dirtsheets there is an even bigger reason as well. Cena was telling the roster that he was leaving and when he returned they will realize it was for a good cause. Cena will be losing the US Title and is returning on the RTWM. WWE told dirtsheets that they was going to have Reigns defeat Rollins for the championship and Cena to eventually beat him for it in 2016.

The match is too big for any other event than WrestleMania. WWE are trying to break PPV buy records (and attendance records as well but that's irrelevant to my arguement.) There are now rumors that either Cena or Lesnar will win the RR. Cena said on the podcast that he would be willing to turn if there was somebody here for the fans. Meanwhile, WWE is putting Reigns in all these PR (Susan G Komen,Be A Star, Make A Wish, Commercials, Radio Interviews) stuff.

There was also reports of Cena telling Backlund or Greg Valentine that the boo's was getting to him. Which brings me to my prediction. And that is Roman Reigns will defeat Seth Rollins for the WWE WHC at Survivor Series and John Cena will win the Royal Rumble and make the boo's he get's on the RTWM as part of the storyline and he will turn heel at WM and defeat Reigns for his 16th world title in the main event of WrestleMania!!!

Reigns isn't popular enough to be the guy. You see they replaced him with Stone Cold for the cover of WWE 2K16.

WWE do need to switch things up. They can't put all their eggs in the bucket that things will get better once Road To WresteMania comes around when they got HIAC, Survivor Series and TLC around the corner.

I can't see Cena turning heel. I believe WWE learned their lesson with Stone Cold.
Two of Vinces TOPmost stars going against each other at WM32 then one of them should be heel..
If CENA is taking time off then please introduce a fresh and repackaged CENA like sport a beard, new gears and make him look like the adults champ not the Kids one..
Make Reigns the new Kids hero and let them go at each other not at WM32 main event in Texas but some other time..
WM32 it should be Taker vs Cena..
I like this angle but one key thing must happen in it.

Cena needs to bitch relentlessly about the crowd booing him and try to "reach Reigns" about it happening to him too. Reigns needs to respond by basically telling Cena to stop being a little bitch. I could guarantee anyone who actually boos Cena will get behind Reigns if he brushes off the boos and basically disses Cena for not being able to handle it.

Except that would make absolutely no sense and be completely inconsistent with the character Cena has established over the last decade. What makes John Cena special is precisely that would not react in that way. He's the first top guy ever that the company has allowed to be the #1 face and #1 heel simultaneously. Cena doesn't care how the fans react, and that's what makes him interesting. He embraces the 50/50 dynamic between the fans and "rises above the hate." Throwing that mentality away is a waste. It would be like Superman all of a sudden getting pissed and lashing out at all the people who think he's just an alien that needs to fuck off. It would be stupid for Superman to do that and would compeltely undermine what Superman represents.
I'd say Reigns vs Cena to be a bout being considered for a future WrestleMania main event, but I doubt it happens the way being described here. I think everyone has prediction-hoped for John Cena to turn heel in the main event of WrestleMania every year since 2006, but that doesn't mean that it should happen.

Roman winning the Rumble and facing Cena makes far more sense. Why would you send your biggest established star to defeat a star your trying to establish, shouldn't it be the other way around? Sure Undertaker went over Batista at Mania 23, but Batista was a multi-time champ by that point.

Roman losing the mania main event two years in a row makes no sense. Losing streaks don't get people over, and a WrestleMania victory for Reigns makes the most sense at this stage in his career.

Cena turning heel isn't going to fix everything wrong with WWE. Quality writing, logical story telling, and consistent characterization will form the foundation to increase ratings, not the turning of one character.

I'd say given ratings lately in WWE that a new champion may be imminent. Reigns could win, Sheamus is in the wings (and an easy transitional champ), but I see Reigns winning the Rumble again and going over in the Mania 32 main event to redeem himself for last year. I'm not saying it's good, but I'm calling it the most likely thing WWE would do. I'm not sure if it will be against Rollins, Cena, Lesnar, Rollins and Ambrose, or who, but it seems to be what's in the cards.

If Cena does turn heel (IF), it happens after a new franchise is anointed. Hogan was in his 40s before he turned heel, Cena will be too (IF). I'd say Cena at 16 world titles in 2016 as being a reality, but it doesn't need the Mania main event. I'd give that to the record passing 17th.
I know you all may say it's never going to happen but let's look at the facts. John Cena is taking time off for personal reasons and WWE are saying it's because he is filming a TV Show.

But they have told dirtsheets there is an even bigger reason as well. Cena was telling the roster that he was leaving and when he returned they will realize it was for a good cause. Cena will be losing the US Title and is returning on the RTWM. WWE told dirtsheets that they was going to have Reigns defeat Rollins for the championship and Cena to eventually beat him for it in 2016.

The match is too big for any other event than WrestleMania. WWE are trying to break PPV buy records (and attendance records as well but that's irrelevant to my arguement.) There are now rumors that either Cena or Lesnar will win the RR. Cena said on the podcast that he would be willing to turn if there was somebody here for the fans. Meanwhile, WWE is putting Reigns in all these PR (Susan G Komen,Be A Star, Make A Wish, Commercials, Radio Interviews) stuff.

There was also reports of Cena telling Backlund or Greg Valentine that the boo's was getting to him. Which brings me to my prediction. And that is Roman Reigns will defeat Seth Rollins for the WWE WHC at Survivor Series and John Cena will win the Royal Rumble and make the boo's he get's on the RTWM as part of the storyline and he will turn heel at WM and defeat Reigns for his 16th world title in the main event of WrestleMania!!!

Utter bullshit, WWE tells "dirtsheets" there plans for the future? LOL maybe some dude who knows a dude that cleans for the mail room clerk at WWE HQ.

as for the boos getting to Cena i highly doubt that, he's shunned it off for 11years if it hasn't already gotten to him it aint going to.

as for turning heel that's not new news he said that on the Austin podcast that he'd only consider it if there was someone that could fill his shoes, Roman Reigns is not that guy, his stock has dropped considerably this year, i was a fan but it's getting stale now. Sure they can push his down everyone's throats like they did Cena but they just leads to resentment not fandom

Truth be told Daniel Bryan is the closest they had to someone that could fill Cena's role atleast from a PR standpoint
All I know for sure is that at wrestlemania, CENAWINSLOL and he buries another superstar. So your story could work out well. The crowd already hates Roman so why not give him the title? Then we end up in an awkward time of who to cheer for because Reigns is even worse than Cena in the ring and mic.

Add in a Cena heel turn...which ironically will make us love Cena again..and...yeah. It could work.

Reigns becomes the new Cena and Cena becomes cool again.
Some of the reasons in here for why Cena won't turn heel are valid, although I think people may be over looking a few things. For instance, if Cena were to turn heel, I highly doubt his merch sales would take THAT big of a hit. In, fact I think they would improve in part due to both kids AND adults now rushing to Shop.com to pick up that first new Cena heel tee. Adults don't buy Cena shirts nowadays (or most don't) because his tees are always corny, bright, and childish... they're made specifically for kids. Change that up with a black tee that appeals to both and people will buy, buy, buy, especially the 18-30 age group. Also, I think we on this forum may be out of touch with how the kids think. Would kids denounce Cena and stop buying anything of his because of a turn? Some probably will, but a ton of others are so enamored with him at this point, it will be near impossible for them to turn on him. New fans would more than pick up that slack. When Hogan turned, he didn't lose all of his fans or even a partial amount, nor did Austin, nor did Rock. And Cena won't either.

As for the, it's so out of his character argument... well isn't that the point of a turn? To change characters? Would it really bug people that much if he stops preaching "Hustle, Loyalty, Respect" for a couple years? I kind of don't get this argument.

The most valid argument, and the real reason Cena won't turn anytime soon is because nobody is even remotely ready to take that spot. I think Cena discussed that when he was feuding with Rock, WWE was willing to go through with a turn to the point where he had new heel merch and music made, but they changed their minds last minute. At this point, I'm sure WWE saw Punk and Bryan as able to pick up the slack on the face side if they turned Cena. Nowadays, nobody's close.

You're idea is not bad, but perhaps a year or two too soon.
Personally I can see all that happening besides the Cena heel turn and the WM main event. I've believed for a long time that the WM main event will be a face Brock Lesnar vs a heel Roman Reigns with a Sheamus potential MITB cash in and Roman or Brock stopping it. It makes sense because after HIAC Brock has been rumored to be turning face and eventually WWE is going to wise up and notice that Roman is in need of a heel turn. I've noticed no one has mentioned how a heel Reigns vs a heel Rollins would work. I guess it would be for another post but I'm kinda seeing a face turn in Seth's future. Getting back on topic, I don't see a Cena heel turn unless he's going up against someone like Taker or a returning SCSA where he would be the natural heel. So many ppl complain about his character because he wins all the big matches but wouldn't a heel Cena be worse? I also don't buy the premise that Roman isn't ready because honestly I think it's the storyline holding him back not him the person or wrestler. After being in the main event of WM he took a steep decline instead of continuing to climb up the card. honestly this feud with Bray Wyatt should have begun at WM with Bray interfering right as Roman is about to beat Brock. He could lay Roman out with Seth still cashing in and pinning Roman. This way sets up Roman vs Bray and Seth vs Brock. Those two feuds could carry the summer all the way to SummerSlam where they could have set up either combo of the 4 to feud for the title.

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