MVP's New Theme Song?

Do you prefer MVP's new theme over his old one?

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What are your thoughts on it?

Do you think that it fits him better than his old theme, why or why not?

In my opinion, it sounds better than his old theme and it also fits him better, even if it sounds more fitting for a heel.

Note:I am not sure if this post belongs here but since he is a Smackdown star I decided to post this here. Please feel free to move this if it is in the wrong section.

By the way, this is not a spoiler. MVP debuted it on Superstars last week. He also used it again this week.
I like it more. It's actually him rapping, which is cool. And I'm Coming had gotten old. But he still needs to turn heel.
I like this way more then "I'm Coming". It's definately fitting for a heel and it's catchier. "I'm Coming" was getting way too old.
Posted this thread 2 months ago ;) Anyway I'll go along with it. I like this theme a lot more. Hopefully it means that he will be getting a push in the near future.
Nope. I liked the original better. It described his character much better, had much better lyrics and didn't sound like every other "rap" song heard on the radio.
His old song sounds more like he's jerking it, than actually describing his character. Unless that's what his character was based upon...jacking off.
This one is awful. Either they got incredibly bored with trying to come up with more than one verse, or they honestly thought this would be the better idea. Neither one is a good choice, cause the song absolutely blows.

I'm rather convinced this couldn't possibly be a song that Jim Johnston had his hands on.
Ferbian, I suspect that this song's been looped to make it seem longer than the audio the person's actually got. Happens a lot with new themes on youtube.
Ferbian, I suspect that this song's been looped to make it seem longer than the audio the person's actually got. Happens a lot with new themes on youtube.
We're only gonna hear about the first minute of anyway, so it's just gonna be the same thing over and over regardless.

When was the last time MVP even used the "Ballin" line? Or cut a promo for that matter?
wtf is this? he just says ballin' for 2 minutes straight. i like his old entrance from 2007 on smackdown. the FULL "im coming" entrance. with the tunnel and everything
wtf is this? he just says ballin' for 2 minutes straight. i like his old entrance from 2007 on smackdown. the FULL "im coming" entrance. with the tunnel and everything

Don't worry, I don't think this is his complete song, but it is the closest I could fine to his current one. His real song may come out after it appears more often.

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