
Captain Charismas right hand man
I havent come across a thread about MVP,or havent I looked thouroughully?
Anyhow.. the man is in a tag team picture with Mark Henry.
This is great to highten the face appeal of Henry and MVP himself, however.

This sort of takes MVP away from main eventing anytime soon. Hes put into matches with great talent ,hes over with the crowd but is still at the end of the day a tag team competitor.
I thought the feud with swagger that they had going a few months back would be a big deal. Having the same prospects and storyline that MVP did against Jeff Hardy last year..
But It seems wwe dont really feel MVP is ready just yet.
Your thoughts guys? This is my first thread on this website so sorry if its not published like it should be.
I loved the guy. He was my favorite wrestler on Smackdown for years. Then he turns face, no more cocky ring entrance or all star tunnel. Instead he runs and jump down the isle like a mad man, more of a dork I should say. I lost my interest. MVP can be a babyface with a cocky attitude, but I guess he doesnt know how. Being in a tag team, no problem for me but if not being cocky, if not being "Better than you", he aint MVP if u ask me. He will be a mid carder and be lucky if he EVER gets a World Title shot. Unless he improves, all i can say is have fun " Ballin' " with 12 year old's. :(
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I absolutely love MVP, i think he's a pretty good wrestler with good mic skills who should be semi main eventing right now but no he's stuck in a tag team whom aren't even having matches. I think that Cena will actually lose at Bragging Rights then MVP can move up to challenge Orton for like one PPV before Legacy break up. All MVP needs is a new finisher and i think he'd be set for main event stardom.
MVP was struggling as a face, and it is likely that Henry would have, after the initial shock of it wore off. By putting them together, they can kind of use each other to build up more of a following, and then hopefully they will go their seperate ways amicably. Neither Henry nor MVP was going to make it in the main event any time soon, so I just see this as added development for him, and hopefully it will work.
I think MVP needs to be heel again. I agree with everything Power & glory said. He was Smackdown's MVP when he had the US title. I used to love it when he'd say "i'm better than you". I loved his feud with Matt Hardy a few years back when he was the 'team captain' when him and Matt were the tag champs. He was so cocky and ever since he turned face he's been just plain boring. And its a shame because he has great mic skills and hes a pretty solid wrestler.

WWE screwed up his face turn. They needed to build him up as a top tier heel and then turn him face. instead they made everyone feel sorry for him because of his losing streak and he became boring after that.

I'd like to see him and Henry hold the tag titles for a while and when they lose them, MVP blindsides Henry with a steel chair, thus turning him heel.
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They keep dropping the ball on him (no pun ^^)

One week he gets a clean pin over Jericho.....which would lead you to think he's going somewhere....then the next, he's jobbing in a squash match to Swagger...
I think they are trying to do to MVP what they did with Jeff Hardy building him up as a singles wrestler than as a tag team wrestler and eventually a Main Eventer i wouldnt be suprised if they move him to ECW for a ECW World Championship run.
You haven't seen much of him because he sucks. He is just plain awful and painfully slow in the ring at this point, his matches are some of the most boring in the WWE. And as a face, he is just bland and no one cares about him. Literally no one.

The MarkVP team obviously worked in Henry's favor as well, as Henry is main eventing the next PPV and MVP ain't doing shit. As a heel, he is pretty decent and entertaining, but as a face, he sucks.
i think they should of left MVP as a Heel he is a much better heel then face, i think WWE has almost given up on MVP as a face. They should turn him face and have in upper mid card then push him into the title picture. In my opinion
I can't stand MVP anymore. Back when he was ballin' and half man, half amazing, I loved it. But he's face now, ugh. Plus he's doing tag teams with a wrestler who just.. ugh. Boring as well. I'm not sure what sick pleasure Vince is getting out of making MVP look like a bitch, because he's sure not looking credible. He tries too hard to be face, you can tell he's not meant to be a face. TURN HIM HEEL. The only shot at the main event he'll have or ever will have as a face was when he debuted and challenged Randy. He'll be lucky if he wins a mid-card or tag team titles as a face. It's saddening.
I think MVP needs a nice little solid push with the tag titles with Mark Henry before he goes into the main event scene. I sure hope he gets in the title picture though and not just wrestling the tag champs from time to time. The guy has good mic skills and he's great in the ring. It would also be nice to have another african american world champion. It would bring interest in that audience and MVP has come quite a ways from the power ranger outfit. He's over with the crowd and it's time creative cashes in on this.
Yep i've been saying it for ages.. he was so great on SD! really looked as if he was getting that big push was a great heel char... they throw him on RAW bring him out to talk trash to orton on his first night on the show.. two weeks later he looses the US title.. and has been jobbing almost every match since then.. I used to be one of his biggest fans.. now its just eh.. i don't even care if hes on the show now a days.. But im the one that has always been a fan of the Heels over the faces.. with saying that i see The Miz winning a world title before i see MVP even coming close =P
i agree, mvp is pretty much just a little bitch now. ever since moving to raw ive noticed that he is extremely slow in the ring, and when hes a face he absolutely sucks on the mic. when he was on smackdown and all cocky he was awesome but now he really is just plain boring. also he looks extremely stupid now in that red jump suit with no sleeves. i really hate the no sleeves thing, it looks terrible compared to his old look.
You haven't seen much of him because he sucks. He is just plain awful and painfully slow in the ring at this point, his matches are some of the most boring in the WWE. And as a face, he is just bland and no one cares about him. Literally no one.

The MarkVP team obviously worked in Henry's favor as well, as Henry is main eventing the next PPV and MVP ain't doing shit. As a heel, he is pretty decent and entertaining, but as a face, he sucks.

What the fuck are you on about? MVP is very good in the ring. The moves he learned with Chris Benoit really helped him push on. His matches with Benoit were fantastic. Sure, a lot was down to Benoit but MVP played his part in that.

His matches are still good, but you've got to remember the WWE limits the wrestlers to certain things. So while he may not be doing much, he sure is capable of doing a lot more.

Bland as a face? I don't see him being pushed as he should be. He started well when he moved to RAW but fell down the pecking order. Don't blame him.
Get over it, guys.

It's much like being a lifelong assistant in sports. They usually tank when they get the big job because all they are valuable for is assisting the big time. Had they shown the proper ability to lead a team they would have received the call sooner.

The EXACT same scenario with MVP. He was DECENT as a heel, he's TERRIBLE as a face. You can get anyone to care for 2 weeks, but he's never sustained it. If he was as good as all of his marks proclaim him to be this discussion wouldn't be existent still today. His main function is the mid card/putting over main event talent.
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What the fuck are you on about? MVP is very good in the ring. The moves he learned with Chris Benoit really helped him push on. His matches with Benoit were fantastic. Sure, a lot was down to Benoit but MVP played his part in that.

First of all, Benoit did carry those matches, as you alluded to. Currently, MVP's matches are so slow paces and uniteresting, it's ridiculous.

His matches are still good, but you've got to remember the WWE limits the wrestlers to certain things. So while he may not be doing much, he sure is capable of doing a lot more.

I don't think WWE limits wrestlers on how interesting they can be or forces them to move like a snail.

Bland as a face? I don't see him being pushed as he should be. He started well when he moved to RAW but fell down the pecking order. Don't blame him.

He had his oppurtunity. He challenged Orton on his first night and was looking good. However, he was never able to get over and has fallen into no man's land now, while guys like Swagger, Miz, Henry, and Kofi are relevant. It's his fault, not the WWE's
I don't understand why he deserves a push, seems like he failed with the chances the WWE gave him. Yeah, his mic skills aren't awful, but his ring work hasn't impressed me at all. The matching outfits with MVP and Henry are pretty terrible too, and his "ballin" finisher is just a cheap ripoff of the People's Elbow imo.

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