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MVP Will never win a World Title


Dark Match Jobber
And it pains me so much to say this.

This is my first thread so apologies if this one has been done before. I know there have been threads asking the question if he will or wont win a world title but this is to state that it definitely will not happen.

I personally feel WWE missed a golden chance to give MVP even a short title reign when he was a super over heel on Smackdown. Unfortunately since they moved him to Raw and turned him face he has not been able to convince anyone that he is worthy of a World Title.

I would love to see him get traded back to Smackdown after Wrestlemania and then turn heel again and then hopefully he can get some credibility back and have a decent run again but I am worried that the reputation he built on Smackdown has now been so badly ruined that he wont be able to recover and it is for this reason that I believe MVP sadly will never win a World Title.

Let me know if you agree or disagree and please state your reasons.
He's proven himself to be very one-dimensional since his face turn and with the infux of new talent I think you're probably right. As it stands there's no reason to push MVP strongly, he's dull, he's no longer over bar when he does that Ballin' spot, he's a terrible worker and his mic skills are average. He's somewhere between Matt Hardy & Carlito.

But when he was a heel on Smackdown, before that needless losing streak, he did have something. WWE should revert him back to how he once was, if he catches on again push him, if not then it doesn't matter, he's disposable.
I agree.

The E missed the boat on this one. I believe MVP was hottest in 2007. When he was fueding against Benoit, matches with Ric Flair, and having the US Title.

PG has also hurt him, and not to put him in the same category as Cryme Tyme, but when you see these thug characters you expect them to act rebellious and tick off the fans and be outlaws. But they're just puppets coming down the ring kissing babies, fans especially the older ones, dont like it and dont buy it.

People think that because a wrestler has been sent to Raw, that they made it, their established because they're in the flagship show. This can be a double-edged sword. They may have been dominant in Smackdown, but once some of them get to Raw, its like they lost their life source, they become hollow and almost insignificant. This also happened to Mark Henry and Swagger.
You're pretty darn right about this and it makes me happy to say that.

He was one of the most overrated wrestler in the WWE for quite sometime a few years back when he has only average mic skills and in-ring skills at best, wears a stupid attire and people suddenly thinks he's the next Kurt Angle after a match with Benoit. Now, with his generic face character, the influx of many YOUNG wrestlers in the roster such as Swagger, Sheamus, McIntyre, and almost the whole roster of NXT, and his age (he's in his late thirty's). Also the fact that he gets next to no reaction from the crowd nowadays, his chances of winning the World Title is even lower than Matt Hardy. At least Matt gets a huge reaction every single week.
You guys are saying that MVP is bad because his wrestling AND mic skills suck? If that was so, he would have been buried long ago.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it's the PG rating that has destroyed MVP. It's also WWE's highly strict in-ring booking. Look, MVP is the character that should be the cuss-it-up cocky athlete character, and WWE's current motives don't suit him. Right now Montavius would be better suited in TNA. To be honest, the only match (IMO) that I've seen in the past year that was really any good was Taker vs. Michaels at Wrestlemania, and MIB.

MVP should be the dirty-player. He should be like the new ric flair. He should be the guy who throws people into stairs to make them bleed, and hides brass knucks.

Unfortunately, WWE made the Elimination Chamber look timid this year. I was at the PPV and I didn't have a single little kid around me buying it because it wasn't violent enough.

I know parents that would rather have their kids watch Family Guy and South Park than professional wrestling because wrestling is violence with REAL people, not cartoons.

SORRY I got off on a tangent.

My point is, MVP has potential. WWE just needs to change up his character, and book him better. Same thing with Mark Henry. I think the two of them should be getting tag title shots. Not Morrisson and Rtruth.

.... That's just my shiny penny though.
WWE has definitely missed the boat where elevating MVP is concerned. I don't believe however that MVP will not be World Title holder one day. If WWE kept him as a heel even during his transfer to RAW from Smackdown, he would of received more exposure as a heel on the flagship show. Backstage politics is another reason MVP is not where many feel he should be.

Case in point, Shelton Benjamin, this guy was drafted to RAW years ago and on his first day on RAW, he pinned Triple H. If WWE kept the momentum going, he may have, at the very least, won a Money in the Bank Match which would of led to a possible World Title run.

Going back to MVP, the boat may have sailed in WWE for him, but in TNA, I see an opportunity for him to make an impact. Thus far, anyone that has arrived in TNA from WWE, has been welcomed on a red carpet. From Christian to Angle to Hardy and RVD, TNA appreciates their new comers and focuses on giving them the right opportunities to make them their top guys.

The problem with WWE is that there are too many wrestlers in the company and therefore, management can only focus on a handful of them when it comes to main eventing. MVP is an example of a rising star lost in the bunch with other rising stars who WWE neglects in enhancing their card status, from mid card to the upper tier.

My advise to MVP is, if TNA is knocking on your door, be sure to answer the door because only opportunities such as those not given in WWE are awaiting him.

Yours Truly,
Sincere Voice of Wrestling
I'm sorry I don't think he is as over-rated as some of you believe. He was great on smackdown, a good heel, had all the heat possible during his time and to be compared to being stuck between Matt Hardy who barely gets tv time and Carlito is a joke.

Most wrestlers upon entering Raw their reputation dwindles, if not they are just flat out released. (Kendrick perfect example) Too many big players on the roster, and there is no time to focus on the younger ones when competing with HHH, Cena, HBK, Etc.

Any mid-card wrestler should want to be on Smackdown. I think thats why fans still prefer smackdown vs raw in the end. It does a better job showcasing the talents of the wrestlers.

Just my opinion.
Are you suprised?!?!?!?WWE continues to drop the ball on pushing talent.Im not really a MVP fan,& yes I think he would be a better heel then face.Some talent will never get that push they deserve no matter how over they are with the fans.John Morrison,Kofi Kingston,R-Truth,Jack Swagger,Shelton Benjamin & some others are not get the push they should be getting right now.MVP will never be a world champion in the WWE,maybe in TNA.
I would say never say never, but if something doesn't change, then yes, i agree.

However, soemone mentioned his age being a factor, which isn't really plausable. He is only 36, which is the same, if not close, age that Batista won his first World title reign. He is still somewhat over, and if given a push, they could easily make him into a champion. I'd say a fued w/ CM Punk could do the trick very well, and could be what his fued w/ Swagger should have been.

He needs to be refreshed, if not entirely repackaged. He is a decent worker, and a good mic worker when properly utilized, but he lost all of his momentum, and he needs a push to get the ball running again.
i think that in the future we could see a one off transitional belt around his waist. the guy is like matt hardy or kane, a good utitlity worker, jobber to the stars, not the greatest mic worker (especially not as a face) but he will probably stick around cause the pay is steady and he does what he is told, if they tell him, hey go job to swoggle, it's done.

i agree with most posters about him as a heel. as a babyface he is just generic, the brooklyn brawler can get a bigger pop, this guy is showcasing some rob conway (what exactly was he about?) style crowd reaction.

the only heat or pop he gets is a rub from the amazing work of the heel. oh well, maybe he could take the place of tony atlas on the abraham washington show, just trying to come up with ideas......
I have always said this guy does not have 'IT'. He is the Black version of The Miz, sucks in the ring but good on the mic. And even Miz has a better chance than becoming champ before he does and thats sayin something. Unless he goes to TNA, no one will ever give a shit about him.

i can definitly see him making a legacy and becoming their top star and also him wrestling with the best wrestlers in the world in TNA would do wonders for his in rings skills. Just look at Pope, Christain, Kurt Angle
Ive noticed some people have brought up some interesting points in this thread. Not to go off topic, but Id rather say it hear than make a thread about it:

The trend of the last 12 months is, that when ever theres a midcard wrestler who's gaining popularity and momentum on Smackdown, all of a sudden he sent to Raw, and by doing this they run a risk of the hot midcard guy losing his momentum all of a sudden, and withering out in the darkness. Swagger, Henry, and MVP are just a few examples. Raw is the Big Mans League, that Bragging Rights PPV was bullshit. Because Raw has always been, and still is, the flagship show. To steal a line from old WCW, its "where the big boys play"

In my opinion, they should wait for a wrestler who's homegrown from Smackdown, to be a top, top main eventer, and then send him off to Raw and claim his rightful place as a Top Dog.

Not like they've been doing now that once a Smackdown midcard guy starts getting momentum they pluck him out and fall on Raw and it'll be the beginning of the end for him. We've seen this too many times now.
I don't think PG has anything to do with it. When he was a heel he was more compelling because his stuff was written better. Once he turned face, he just became so one diminsional. And that kind of seems to be the theme with faces these days. Example, Face Batista= Stale, Heel Batista= intresting.
Really? DUH! MVP has the weakest finisher, horrible face mic skills, and should be teamed up with mark henry FOREVER! Not to mention the only thing he has going for him is that "ballin" catch phrase. thats why he's on tv if at all. the live crowds need a guy like mvp, PPV and world titles.... DO NOT NEED MVP... lol this topic should be re-named to ..... "MVP will win a world title....NOT!"
If you think MVP can't talk, you should Youtube his VIP Lounge with Ric Flair. He cut a nasty promo on him at the end.

I just think MVP doesn't fit as a face. His smile looks insincere and he looks like he secretly despises the audience and every individual in it. He used to be the reason I watched Smackdown (along with Kennedy), but he's pretty painful to watch on Raw. Does anyone remember the time he did the Kurt Angle like jump to the top rope and belly to bellied the foolish opponent who was attempting a high-risk maneuver (I think it was Matt Hardy)?

And I do think that if something doesn't change fast, he's just one misdemeanor away from being future-endeavored. That would make his quest for the world title more difficult, yes.
MVP's chances of a world title reign are dead. Sure, he had a good gimmick when he first came in...but that's all it was, a gimmick. The guy was way too "gimmicky" for the world title picture. From his overblown, long-winded, boring promos as the "highest paid wrestler in smackdown.." whatever, to his ridiculous ring attire. I have always thought that gimmick was good for the mid card, but would get him nowhere as a main eventer.

But even more importantly, I just don't see this guy as having what it takes to carry a world title. In the ring, he is just average. He's nothing special in there. He has a crappy finisher, that would never go over well in the main event scene. On the mic, he sounds scripted. He has not a hint of acting talent (and yes, acting does matter in professional wrestling).

I'm not trying to bash the guy (even though it sounds like I am). I just have never considered him world title material. His feud with Benoit was great, because Benoit could carry just about anyone in a match. But after Mania 23, his momentum took a big hit. While I would have never wanted to see this guy as a main eventer, I think the WWE may have had that in mind. But now he is just a solid mid carder. Right where he should be. And there's nothign wrong with that.
At best at this point, even if he returns to SmackDown and goes heel, he'll be nothing more than a high mid carder and at best a transitional champion. He was a top player on SmackDown before he got drafted and that was the best time to pull the trigger on him and it didn't happen. Who knows maybe he'll get lucky and take on McIntyre when he goes back or something. Hell team him up with Matt Hardy. That'd be a definite upgrade over Khali.
And this is WWE's main problem: The Creative Team doesn't know how to keep a guy's momentum going without slapping titles on them. Here comes Sheamus, who won the WWE title only because HHH/HBK loved him. Nobody really cared much about him until they decided to slap a title on him. The same goes for Drew McIntyre. But look at Cryme Time, for example. They had huge momentum and were built up to be tag team stars when they were fueding with Showmiz, and then they lost at Summerslam, lost again at a rematch chance, and then just basically went in a back and forth with the Hart Dynasty until they completely lost it. Had they won the titles, they'd be in Wrestlemania, I bet. Another example is Kofi. He had a great rivalry with Orton, put on a great performance in the EC, and then he just died out because Creative couldn't book him in a WM match. I can name numerous more examples too (Carlito, Shelton, Matt Hardy, MVP as we already mentioned, Finlay [who I haven't seen since he left Swoggle], etc...). Very rarely do they get a superstar out once they do that to him. R-Truth got out, but look how old he is now (about 38 or 39). They'll stall his push just like they did last time because of his age, and now they push him as if he gets younger by the second.
It's very tricky to predict who will thrive and who will crumble when it comes to professional wrestling. Sometimes you know that some are destined to fail from the minute we see them on TV while others can shock the world within a couple of years.

Montel Vontavious Porter had something going for him when he was on SmackDown. His gimmick as the cocky, flashy, flamboyant, overpaid and overindulged athlete made SmackDown a very entertaining show. His rivalries with Kane, Benoit, Hardy, Mysterio Flair and Benjamin also helped him improve in the ring.

Perhaps MVP was doomed to fail when it came to his face turn. A lot of people have said constantly on this forum how talent best get over just by being themselves with the volume turned way up (like with Batista). But I think a face turn could've worked if done right.

MVP could've won the World Heavyweight or WWE Championship as a heel. But after eventually losing the title, he could've gone on a downward spiral in which he loses everything he gained when coming to the WWE. Then, he would've gone through an "eye of the tiger" experience where he would return to his roots and regain his passion after relearning why he got into wrestling. That way, he would've become a champion of the people. But that's just a thought.

It certainly didn't help MVP when he was drafted over to RAW last year. It's always been difficult for mid-card talent to get over on RAW because of the main event talent on the show.

If MVP has any chance of progressing, it will be on SmackDown where he will have more room for growth.
i think your right about this one, when he came in to the WWE he was giving it the big i am. And it was interesting, it was a different way of developing himself as the heel, does anyone else think that the beginning of the end was the Matt Hardy feud. And this was by no means MVP fault, but seriously challenging in different sports like basketball? now i know this was beacuse Hardy was injured and they wanted to keep the ball rolling so to speak on the feud but i cant help but think it made MVP's heel work seem something of a waste of time because he didnt come out of it any better and certainly hasnt had a feud since that is worth anything.

is this another case of a united states champion that doesnt cut the mustard through no fault of their own? MVP/Benjamin/Carlito-ok maybe it was his fault)
Although I agree that MVP should never have turned Face or went to Raw. They had the opportunity to really push him the first night on when he confronted Orton but they screwed it up and never really pushed him, but even at that, he should of stayed on Smackdown! and gotten at least a World Title run for a bit, cause you're right he was way over as a heel.

However now I think its just to late, he gets little to no Reaction when he comes out, hes proven hes very one dimensional, at least on Raw he is, it'll be interesting to see who wins Money in the Bank and if they would give it to him, if not he should go back to Smackdown! and start up another Heel run. But right now, he doesn't deserve a World/WWE Title run.
I personally think the guy is over-rated. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy his work (sometimes), and his charisma really forces me to like him. But when you look at the big picture, he's strictly average. He's a perfect 50/100. Run-of-the-mill. Generic. His mic skills are average. His ring work is average. His gimmick is average. His catch-phrase is average. I mean, don't get me wrong, he didn't force a terrible catch phrase and shove it down your throat (like the Miz did), but the fact that his catch phrase exists doesn't help the problem.

He's just... average. Everything about him.
He is average,but I dont agree that he would never win world title.Stranger things has happened in WWE.Just look at Sheamus,he just started to appear on ECW then drafted to RAW and then out of nowhere he gets the gold(yes,I know that he received the big push simply by getting the match with Cena but nobody ever expected him to win).They lost MVP when he lost US title to Kofi. Until that moment he was getting really good reaction with the fans even if he was face like now(remember "Ballin").Then he was just lost in midcard-jobbers hell.

Who knows what future holds.He maybe wins MiTB this year and wins the title(he is in the match after all).Overall I dont agree simply because the stranger things had happened in WWE
He is average,but I dont agree that he would never win world title.Stranger things has happened in WWE.Just look at Sheamus,he just started to appear on ECW then drafted to RAW and then out of nowhere he gets the gold(yes,I know that he received the big push simply by getting the match with Cena but nobody ever expected him to win).They lost MVP when he lost US title to Kofi. Until that moment he was getting really good reaction with the fans even if he was face like now(remember "Ballin").Then he was just lost in midcard-jobbers hell.

Who knows what future holds.He maybe wins MiTB this year and wins the title(he is in the match after all).Overall I dont agree simply because the stranger things had happened in WWE

Well there's a difference between strange things happening and working out as opposed to strange things happening and just coming off horrible, only to go on completely forgotten. In the case of Sheamus, throwing him at the top was a move that was completely unexpected, and it worked out wonderfully. He was quickly established as a great monster heel, and he had a unique look and move set going for him. Everything about that move seemed to fall into place by itself, and the crowd really bought into it.

But imagine if MVP just takes out Batista tonight on Raw. What do you really think the reaction will be like?
I knew his shot was gone when he started teaming with mark.MVP is a lot like pope IMO.Heel or Face MVP could have done a lot better than were he's at now.As a face at least top of the mid-card and as a heel a world Champ.He's another in a long strain of talent that could have been Main Eventers but loss their chance due to no push.To TNA for MVP!

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