MVP vs Taker WM 28?

The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
MVP said in an interview (so to speak) he is very happy where he is at right now and the only way he would return to WWE is by being offerd a match against Taker at (what is believed to be his last match) WM 28?

My question is who would want to see this match. For me it depends on the build up.
No not really even with the build up I still would not be interested in it. Sure MVP is good in the ring in all but he isn't great. They tried pushing him to the Main Event and he failed just like Matt Hardy did. He don't deserve to come back after being fired to face Taker in his last match. Seriously I think MVP must of been a little stoned and thinking he even deserves a match like that. It could have a great build and what not as the only way I am watching this match is just to see Taker bury MVP. I mean what matches do we sit here an say damn that MVP was awesome? None! Taker is and going to face a guy in the WWE not some easily forgotten over-rated MVP.
No not really even with the build up I still would not be interested in it. Sure MVP is good in the ring in all but he isn't great. They tried pushing him to the Main Event and he failed just like Matt Hardy did. He don't deserve to come back after being fired to face Taker in his last match. Seriously I think MVP must of been a little stoned and thinking he even deserves a match like that. It could have a great build and what not as the only way I am watching this match is just to see Taker bury MVP. I mean what matches do we sit here an say damn that MVP was awesome? None! Taker is and going to face a guy in the WWE not some easily forgotten over-rated MVP.

MVP was not fired he was asking to be released for awhile before he was. He asked for a release because he felt he was not being used right and had a chance to wrestle where he really wanted to ever since he was a kid. Last if you see the interview he dont think it will happen but that will be the only way he will return.
Hmm, seems quite intriguing. On one hand you have Mr. Porter, one of the most plodding, slow paced, boring workers to happen upon the WWE in recent memory. On the other hand you have Mr. Callawy, who seems to disappear for like, a long time, every now and then and when he does wrestle he, well, kind of is pretty boring and sucks, except for when everyone gets all excited at Wrestlemania and whatnot.

So the answer is yes I obviously want to see this, the fight over who is the true Wrestlemania "MVP" if you may. There could be a multitude of challenges leading up to this such as uhh, basketball games and fire contests and three legged race and all the other usual stuff. Just fantastic. The only question is will the WWE give Taker's last match, as you say it will be, to someone like MVP and put him over? The answer is obviously yes, they will give the trouble-free, loyal superstar that privlege.

Bottomline is MVP vs. Taker is definitely happening at WM 28, 100% chance and I can't wait to watch what certainly will be a 6 star match.
MVP is in Japan. He should stay in Japan and come back to America to work the Indies, if he were ever to get a role in one of the mainstream companies ever again It'd be simply fantastic for him, but alas, Undertaker vs. MVP at WrestleMania 28 or any other WrestleMania won't happen because nobody would want to see it, unless you're a loyal MVP mark and I don't know of many. I don't even know of a single, misguided, possibly sexually confused one.

And yes, you may want to revise your OP. It looks like you've taken it out of context as to what Montel was saying, which was that he'd never leave his current role unless he were offered the match with Taker. And even he says on the video that it isn't happening so he isn't going back. It's nice to see that unlike many of the other wrestlers that venture into YouTube, MVP is still to lose his grip on reality.
MVP better be content with where he is then, because that match is NEVER happening. This might be Taker's last Wrestlemania. Why waste a match that important on someone like MVP? It needs to be either a returning legend like Jericho or a younger star like Sheamus or Barrett who would benefit greatly from the chance to work with Taker at the biggest show of them all. I would not want to see it. MVP was booked pretty badly in the last couple of years he was in WWE and given the bad terms he left on, would be booked even worse if he returned. They have better people to give time onscreen to. This match should never happen and it will not.

Oh wow...seriously? MVP vs. The Undertaker at WrestleMania???? Yeah that's just not going to happen and it'd be a HUGE waste of a high profile match at the biggest wrestling ppv of the year if it did. MVP is not in Taker's league. He never was in Taker's league and he never will be in Taker's league.

MVP should just be content with where he's at right now. He's enjoying success over in Japan and that's great. Personally, I just don't think the guy's that good. He's extremely slow, plodding and often just downright dull to watch inside the ring. In a nutshell, the reason MVP left WWE is because he thought he should be a main eventer and WWE didn't. I can't say that I disagree with WWE in this sense. When I watch MVP and hear him on the mic, everything about the guy basically says that he's a decent mid-card wrestler that shouldn't be in the main event picture.

Taker has had some epic encounters at WrestleMania and MVP just doesn't rank anywhere close to the level of guys like Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, Triple H. MVP would be one of the more forgettable Taker victims at WrestleMania along with the likes of King Kong Bundy & Big Boss Man.
MVP vs Undertaker for next year WM has the same chance of happening as WCW being revived. MVP must be smoking some good stuff in Japan cause he is very overrated on the mic and very average in the ring.
I can't knock MVP, I think he's worked hard and has developed well in his career so far. I don't see why he would leave Japan anytime soon though. Seems to be doing really well after winning the IWGP Intercontinental Championship.

He's just dreaming like anybody involved in wrestling would, to fight on the biggest event of the year against the biggest playa of all.
I'm sorry, but that sounds like complete BS. There is no way in hell that WWE would make probably Undertaker's last match against MVP. Now, I don't think MVP is terrible, but he is in no way in Undertaker's league. I wouldn't even want to see that match as a WM main event.

@GD, I respect your opinion, but be honest. Would WWE really put over MVP & put him up against arguably the greatest wrestler of all time? his final match? WM? Sorry, but I'm just saying.
I probably wouldn't have minded seeing this match years ago when MVP was riding high in his heel run and headlining Smackdown on a weekly basis back in 2007 and shortly after that. But after his last year in WWE, I would've never been interested in seeing it. MVP is currently enjoying success in Japan, more than he likely would've had in WWE post-face turn. I'm under the assumption that this coming Wrestlemania will be Undertaker's last one and if that's the case, then there is no way it's going to be wasted on someone like MVP. The one who gets the honor of facing Undertaker at his final Wrestlemania should be someone who will be loyal to the company, stay for the foreseeable future (and most certainly not jump ship to TNA or elsewhere), and benefit from the rub. MVP is not that person and even with build, I still wouldn't want to see it. It's not something I could get emotionally invested into.

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