MVP vs Kofi


Dark Match Jobber
I am both a fan of both MVP and Kofi Kingston. Watching Smackdown over the past couple of months, I am convinced that both of these guys are doomed to a life mid-card status.

Kofi seemed to be getting pushed when he feuded with Randy Orton on Raw but then he got sent to Smackdown where he's been helping develop Dolph Ziggler as a credible mid-card threat.

MVP just been hanging around appearing in random tag-teams until his recent storyline with Jack Swagger.

I was wondering, do any of you see either one of these guys getting the bump up to becoming World Champion/WWE champion in the next year or so, or do you see them stumbling around the mid-card for the next couple of years like Shelton Benjamin, Christian, and Goldust were/am?
MVP is 36 years old. He was sentanced to eighteen and a half years in prison for armed robbery and kidnap. He has been in the WWE for four years and competed for the WWE Championship once (A championship scramble match that also included Shelton Benjamin and 'The' Brian Kendrick.) I highly doubt WWE are going to put their highest belt on an ex convict, especially when they alread suffer from enough bad plublicity and Linda McMahon is doing whatver the hell she's doing. Plus, at his age and the fact he hasn't really had any high profile feuds recently, or challenged for the World Title, make me thing MVP is going to have to get used to the midcard.

Kofi Kingston is 29 and has spent the same four years in the WWE as MVP, only three of which have been on TV. At Kofi's young age, he is 2 time IC Champion, former World Tag Team Champion and former USA Champion. While MVP has a similar resume, he's seven years Kingston's senior. Kingston is young and has a future. He may be in the midcard now and for the next few years, he has so much ahead of him, he's already feuded with Randy Orton. Look at Edge, that man spent years in the midcarder gaining credibility before he took the jump into the main event. They're building Kingston up gradually, which is a welcome change after the failed mega-pushes of stars like Punk and Swagger.

Look for Kingston to be a future main-eventer, but as for MVP...well, never say never (i mean, Kane is the World Heavyweight Champion...) but it's very very very very unlikely.
I agree with the above poster, that MVP has made too many mistakes in his past to succeed in the politically-correct climate in WWE right now, with the McMahon senate bid and the extremely PG climate. Contrastingly, I think it could help him get over if they make more of a deal about it. If they make MVP a face whose recovered from what he's done in the past to get to where he is now, then it'll get him support, or if they give him a thug heel role, then it'll help there too. Either way, admitting MVP's past and showing that WWE aren't afraid of it can only help them avoid any criticism if... and that's a big IF... MVP ever gets his push to the Main Event.

Kofi on the other hand would be a great midcarder for WWE to push. They're always looking for stars to appeal to wider international markets (i.e. Mysterio and Del Rio for Mexico, Barrett for UK etc.) and therefore Kingston would help them appeal to an African market. He's also one of the most over midcarders, and he's got a great deal of support from the fans, mainly due to his style. The one thing that I think would hold him back would be his seemingly "face-exclusive" gimmick and style, and I don't know whether WWE would want another less versatile face like that while Rey Rey and Cena are still around. I personally would love both of these guys to get a push to the Main Event, but I again agree with the above poster that Kofi is by far most likely, and I would in fact be quite surprised if he isn't in a World Title match within the next 12/18 months.
Kofi, Quite Probably. MVP, No.

I'll start with MVP here he is 36 years old, he was already pushed as a heel and it failed, he isn't very good in the ring, he isn't very good on the mic, he gets no crowd reaction he isn't very interesting, and at 36 I would say it is a bit late for him. I would say that is more than enough reason to keep him as far enough from the main event as possible and on top of that he is an Ex-Con and with Linda running for senate there is absolutely no way in hell the WWE are gonna put their top belt on an Ex-Con.

Kofi on the other hand is 29, he is exciting in the ring, he has proven he can be good on the mic (watch his promo on The Miz from NXT and his promos on Randy Orton if you don't believe me), his character is something different, he is interesting and people would pay to see him and most importantly when he fueded with Randy Orton he proved that he could have a very interesting fued, with good promos and very good matches with a main event star. Based on that I would say that Kofi will be a main eventer someday, the WWE seems to have faith in him, why else would they have him fued with Randy. Sure currently he is in the Mid Card but he just had a good run with the IC title and now he is having a very good fued with Dolph, I would say that the WWE is building him up slowly which is a very good thing for him, look what happened to Swagger when he was just thrust into the ME scene.
I think they both could be champs if done the right way let MVP go back to acting like a rich spoiled athlete that is why they call them MVP isn't it? Anyway let him dominate for a while and then go into a holdout and make him be like im not wrestling again until i get a title shot i have beaten everybody including the champ ya'll holding me down bc of my past some shit like that. The point im getting at is the most successful sport in the world is football and they full of convicts the wwe makes too much money to not have some writers that can make MVP legit. With Kofi just wait he's gonna het his share of championship runs bc he is way over and before long i believe he will get the mysterio push bc kids love him. By then you guys will be sick of him. Sorry for the run on i been drinking and i don't feel like redoing this shit.
Kofi, Quite Probably. MVP, No.

I'll start with MVP here he is 36 years old, he was already pushed as a heel and it failed, he isn't very good in the ring, he isn't very good on the mic, he gets no crowd reaction he isn't very interesting, and at 36 I would say it is a bit late for him. I would say that is more than enough reason to keep him as far enough from the main event as possible and on top of that he is an Ex-Con and with Linda running for senate there is absolutely no way in hell the WWE are gonna put their top belt on an Ex-Con.

Kofi on the other hand is 29, he is exciting in the ring, he has proven he can be good on the mic (watch his promo on The Miz from NXT and his promos on Randy Orton if you don't believe me), his character is something different, he is interesting and people would pay to see him and most importantly when he fueded with Randy Orton he proved that he could have a very interesting fued, with good promos and very good matches with a main event star. Based on that I would say that Kofi will be a main eventer someday, the WWE seems to have faith in him, why else would they have him fued with Randy. Sure currently he is in the Mid Card but he just had a good run with the IC title and now he is having a very good fued with Dolph, I would say that the WWE is building him up slowly which is a very good thing for him, look what happened to Swagger when he was just thrust into the ME scene.

MVP was doing great as a heel, he was on the cusp of breaking in to the main event scene due to great promos with guys like Matt Hardy, Ric Flair, Michael Hayes, Teddy Long etc and putting on ME quality matches against people like HHH, Rey, Hardy, Benoit and even Batista. Then he insulted a urine tester and his career was killed as a punishment.

Not having good mic skills? Seriously dude, does he stutter? No. Does he botch on the mic? No. Does he sound like he's reading off a cue card? No. Does he sound monotone? No. Does he cut the same promo every week like the Miz? No.
If you hate the guy that's fine, but you are bashing him over things that simply aren't true.

Kofi on the other hand has actually been given an opportunity and completely screwed it up by botching in the ring with sloppiness, botching on the mic (Infact Cena had to interfere and say "Don't listen to them" when he became completely lost when the crowd started chanting during his promo) and pissing off Randy Orton due to lack of ring awareness. Also, how is his feud with Dolph any good? Facing each other in 10 minute matches 6 weeks in a row gets old fast. I find it interesting that you point to the promo Kofi had with the Miz, what about MVPs promo with the Miz where MVP, despite having to use cheesy lines, showed he is as good if not better than Miz on the mic?

I have nothing against Kofi, he will get there when he's ready, but as he has proven he is certainly not ready yet, while MVP is a heel turn and a push away from there, he is ready, but they need to build up his credibility again.
I'm a big fan of both of them, and would love to see them get Main Event Pushes.

I think M.V.P. should turn heel. I don't think that everyone should be a heel, but I do think M.V.P. is better that way. When he was being pushed a 2-3 years ago, he looked like a no doubt Main Event guy. He had great promos, really good matches, and he was over as hell. The reason why the fans started cheering him in the 1st place was because of his cocky, heelish persona. When the WWE turned him face, I think they took away what made him awesome. They took away his swagger. His entrance was one of the most unique things in the WWE, and they took that way as well.

That long losing streak he had a couple of years ago didn't help things, either.

I think Kofi Kingston should be the WWE's next big babyface. IMO, he's got everything going for him. He's got charisma, fan suport, and he's exciting to watch in the ring.

For some reason, he's been given the reputation of someone who botches a lot. I think that when you wrestle the kind of style he does as a high flyer, botches are gonna happen. I don't think they're nearly as bad, or as many to really matter. I'm not one of those guys that sits and counts the botches.

Most people barely even notice them. I'm not sure if he was ready at the end of last year, but I think he's ready now.

The WWE has been pushing their heels a lot lately, and I think they should start doing a much better job building up their babyfaces.
When MVP first started in WWE I thought he was going to be the next big thing. He had some great feuds with Hardy, Benoit, Kane etc but then he just lost all his steam and went into a huge losing streak and he never really came back from that. He doesn't get a reaction as a face which is a shame because he's decent on the mic and in the ring. i just think his criminal offence was always shadowing over him.

Now for Kofi, I just can't take him serious. Okay he's exciting in the ring but I just can't get into him. I can see him becoming a true main eventer in a few years but now just now, his feud with Orton was pretty good but I still didn't like him. I hope I do change my mind because I do want to like him I just can't.
kofi should def be the next big babyface of sd, eventually winning the world title, and unlike the other failed midcarders, he actually get huge chants from the crowd and his move set really gets him over. He's def getting a slow credible push on SD. Even against current ic champion ziggler, kofi never lost cleanly. So its clear they wanna keep him strong

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