MVP: Unpushable in PG WWE?


The King of Swing
EXCLUSIVE: MVP to Meet With Vince, More on His WWE Status
by Nick Paglino
Oct 18, 2010 As the behind-the-scenes story of MVP and his current WWE situation continues to unfold, WrestleZone has learned some new information from several well placed WWE sources.

MVP's push in WWE has been at a stalemate for quite some time now, which has left fans puzzled as to why the superstar has not been given a better spot in the company.

From what we've been told, MVP's WWE situation is best described as a "double-edged sword." MVP is a convicted felon who spent 9 years in prison prior to signing with WWE. On the one hand, WWE likes to use MVP's story to its advantage as the company likes the idea of having a "feel-good" story to run with in order to promote a more philanthropic image. MVP has turned his life around, devotes a lot of his time to charity and has maintained a high profile job with WWE. This is an attractive story the company can use if necessary.

On the other hand, however, MVP's past ultimately limits him. With the political environment as it is in WWE at the moment, the fear is that if the company pushes MVP too high it could prove to be detrimental should anyone decide to criticize WWE for hiring a convicted felon.

Additionally, WZ has been told that Vince McMahon doesn't like MVP as a heel, and given MVP's past the only way a true heel turn could work for him would be if creative went all the way with the turn and made light of his time spent in prison. Given WWE's current PG setting, that idea is highly unlikely. While it's true that MVP's jail time has been mentioned on WWE TV in the past, it was well before WWE made the full move to a PG rated product.

From what WZ has been told, there is no one singular incident which has accounted for MVP's lack of push, nor is there any heat on him for any specific reason. "This is not a Matt Hardy situation," said a WWE creative team member, "MVP is not being punished nor does he have any heat on him, it's more a matter of creative being limited in what it can pitch for MVP given his past and WWE's current political landscape."

WZ has been told that MVP is set to meet with Vince McMahon within the coming days to address both his current situation and his future, so we will continue to update this story as more information becomes available.

i sorry but this is bullshit. MVP was a terriffic heel and his diva widereciever persona was perfect. im the best of pay me and notice me. it fits MVP and he can pull it off. hell his name is MVP come on. and how did vince not like him as a heel. he's clearly better playing the bad guy than the boring face he is now. all mvp really needs is a new clean looking finisher and a decent feud and he could easily hold his own in the mainevent. this is yet another example that a PG wrestling show does not make sense.

MVP is getting older so i'd say its either time for a push or a departure

U and me both man, you and me both. Why does his past have to factor in to who he is now? These are the times I really hate WWE: When using someone's past is a way for a heel to take a cheap shot at him. Both Jack Swagger and The Miz have done this within the past year, but he's held back because of that very same past they throw in his face on LIVE TV!

Im completely with MVP being frustrated, and considering the option of possibly leaving WWE. WWE is pushing so hard to seperate their wrestling bubble from Linda's compaign, yet they're using her campaign as a reason to hold MVP back. It's more then a double-edged sword, its hypocrisy.
He's not un-pushable due to a TV rating. Well, actually, he is. Because he doesn't boost TV RATINGS. (Word play of the day.)

Nonetheless, he's simply just too old, too bland in the ring for the most part and doesn't have that it factor. If he did, despite his age, he might be worth investing in. However, he doesn't, so he's not.
Yeah, I'm sorry but I'm just not buying into all this. In the past, the WWE has used MVP's past as part of his stuff in feuds with The Miz & Jack Swagger. The Miz, if I'm not mistaken, came right out in a promo on live television and said that MVP was a "convicted felon" and MVP has talked about it himself rather candidly before.

When it comes to MVP in general, I think the reason he hasn't gotten all that much of a push in a long while is that, in my opinion, he's just not really all that good as a face. As a heel, MVP was pretty good and generated some real heat for himself. He's not fantastic in the ring, though I do think he's improved, but his ability on the mic was able to help him get over as a heel. Also, to some degree, it's fairly late in the game for MVP. If I'm not mistaken, MVP turns 37 soon and while that still makes him a relatively young man, he didn't spend a lot of times as a "young" man in the WWE. MVP was well into his 30s when he came to the WWE. Unlike other guys in his age range that have gotten bigger pushes, he hadn't spent a decade, or at least the better part of it, or more with the WWE like Edge, Christian, Matt Hardy or John Morrison.
I just think it shows the beginning of how the McMahons political asperations will affect the company, when a sound worker wont get the push he deserves because of his pre-WWE life
I don't see why he would be considered un-pushable. If anything it's a hell of a feel good story, and it gives some kids who are leading a life of trouble someone to look up to, and change their lives around. So I highly doubt that's why MVP is not getting pushed. He had to have really pissed someone off in the back. Or it could be because of his age. He's not a young chicken, and for them to push a guy whose close to his 40's may not be the wises move for WWE to make.
I don't see why he would be considered un-pushable. If anything it's a hell of a feel good story, and it gives some kids who are leading a life of trouble someone to look up to, and change their lives around.

I agree with this. MVP can serve as an inspirational figure. He proves even if you've taken a wrong path in life it's never too late to turn things around. Many companies are encouraged to hire ex cons and give them a second chance. They are often praised for this so I don't see why WWE should be any different. Besides I read a report that R Truth missed Raw because he is not allowed in Canada due to his past criminal record. If Truth can get a push I don't see why MVP can't.
MVP having a criminal record in his younger days should not stop him being pushed now, the man has turned his life around and deserves credit or that. He could be a role model for kids now who have problems with the law.

Booker T was in jail earlier in his life and that never stopped him from becoming a star, and if he was still here in PG era WWE he would STILL be near the top of the card.

Also, didnt Batista and R-Truth have problems with the law in their lives before becoming wrestlers?
From what we've been told, MVP's WWE situation is best described as a "double-edged sword." MVP is a convicted felon who spent 9 years in prison prior to signing with WWE. On the one hand, WWE likes to use MVP's story to its advantage as the company likes the idea of having a "feel-good" story to run with in order to promote a more philanthropic image. MVP has turned his life around, devotes a lot of his time to charity and has maintained a high profile job with WWE. This is an attractive story the company can use if necessary.

So, why don't they just do that? Especially if the story reports that Vince doesn't like MVP as a heel.

Hell, they had those vignettes for R-Truth when he first debuted! They've done it once before? Hell, they could turn into saying "WWE gave a man a second chance at life. Look at how great we are! Now vote for Linda!"

Nothing about this makes sense, but this company tends to be pretty nonsensical at times...
The one thing that bothered me most in that article is that Vince doesn't think MVP should be a heel because they would need to use the fact that he was a convicted felon who spent 9 years in jail. That's total bullshit. MVP's best character was when he was "the highest paid free agent in the history of Smackdown," the cocky, brash, Terrell Owens type heel that was amazing on the mic and solid in the ring. He was in feuds with Benoit, Matt Hardy (when he was compelling), and Kane.

He was one of the most entertaining heels on Smackdown, and his jail time was never brought into it. In fact, his conviction never really came into any storylines until he was a face, and he was feuding with Jack Swagger.

The WWE has hidden many things in their past, including drug or alcohol abuse, domestic violence, arrests, and run ins with the fans. Why can't they cover up a jail-stint for someone who seems to have had no real legal troubles since his release?
I don't buy this "we can't push a convicted felon" line one bit. There's another reason that this is being used as a smokescreen for. (Don't ask me what that is. I don't work backstage.)

As has been mentioned previously, MVP's past has been used before in PG WWE. Until they brought it up themselves, the only people who had any idea of MVP's criminal past were readers of internet dirt sheets, and the W isn't programming around them. The only people the IWC can fuck up plot lines for is the IWC.

As well, I'm not buying that this is the reason they won't go heel with MVP. During his heel run, they never once mentioned his criminal record; that only came out once he turned face. It is by no means an inevitable plot development as a heel.

I wonder if he pissed in the wrong person's Cheerios backstage.

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