Murfish, do you meet these requirements?


As an academic community rooted in the Catholic tradition, we have a shared commitment to provide the programs, environment, and resources to enable each of our students to graduate successfully from Seton Hall Prep.

By success we mean that the graduate of Seton Hall Preparatory School will be well prepared for college and the challenges of life beyond because he will have developed into a mature young man who has incorporated into his own life the things that this community cherishes.

He is deeply rooted in a knowledge of and appreciation for the Catholic tradition. He is able to articulate fundamental truths of the Catholic faith, is familiar with the truths of scripture and tradition, is committed to the dignity of every human person, and respects the sacramental aspects of life, prayer, and nature.
He values the promotion of the common good, appreciates a diversity of philosophical, cultural, historical, aesthetic, and linguistic expressions, including those that differ from his own, and is ready to assume his position as a citizen of his local community, the state, the nation, and the world.
He appreciates the development of the democratic tradition and is able to work with others for the good of the whole, with a special concern for the poor and marginalized in society.
He accepts responsibility for his decisions at both a personal and a social level. He knows how to balance the requirements of personal growth and of relationships, the demands of work, and of recreation. He consciously deals with issues of time and stress management.
He can articulate his own thoughts well both orally and in written forms. He is a critical thinker, capable of logical analysis, unique synthesis, and problem solving. He is comfortable using a variety of technologies to research, construct, and present his work.
He is an independent learner, self motivated in the pursuit of knowledge and the love of truth. He exercises personal integrity with reference to his work and his dealings with others, and appreciates his own responsibility for working to create a more just society.
He develops all aspects of his person, and values the pursuit of beauty and goodness along with the pursuit of truth. He is committed to the ideal of a sound mind in a sound body, and makes life choices consistent with that ideal.
He seeks his own growth within the context of service to others and is true to his family within the context of the entire human family. He values the insights of the Catholic tradition, as well as those of other faith communities, and seeks to promote harmony and mutual understanding. He is committed to the human dignity of all people, regardless of creed, class, gender or ethnicity.
Yeah, I had already reached that level by the time I left...last year.

I went back to the old public school, bro.

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