Murf!sh & Grand Mystique v. Apotheosis & Vengeance:


[This Space for Rent]
Last week Grand Mystique was laid out in the backstage area by an unknown source. Murf!sh was the first individual to find him and call for help. After discovering the unique situation Murf!sh and Grand Mystique have found themselves in, Grand Mystique specifically asked for himself and Murf!sh to go against Apotheosis & Vengeance, believing that it could've been either one of them who took him out last week.

In a slight preview of the King for a Day match-up, we'll see 4 of the 6 individuals involved in Tag Team action. Apotheosis & Vengeance are currently undefeated in both single's and tag team matches. Grand Mystique has been on quite a roll himself, and Murf!sh is a very wild mystery card thats been thrown into the mix, siding with Mystique. What will happen when this breaks down?

A light is visible, the rest of the area is dark...a low chuckle echoes around the walls of what appears to be a corridor

They say you should never spend time alone in a dark corridor. You never know who you might encounter...or who might be lying in wait

A robed figure walks into the patch of light at the corridor, and beckons the camera to come closer

It is happening exactly as you predicted Master. Eric Smith, that little gnat has been removed from the picture for now, and the greater cause lies beyond his bruised carcass. Paths are moving toward that Day, where all shall see and know and worship you.

Vengeance takes a step back and stares at the ceiling, as though awaiting recognition of the homage being paid. When he looks back toward the camera, the peak of the hood covering his eyes, he sneers

And now I find out I am being accused of an assault on my opposition at Kingdom Come. Grand Mystique, this charlatan, this fraudster, who claims to practice the Dark Arts, that the future might be revealed to him...clearly his crystal ball was smudged on the morning of Meltdown, or his tarot cards failed him. Fool!.

A steady succession of beeps echo through the corridor while Vengeance continues to speak

I need not the mystics, the shamans to advise me on the future. The Master has prophesied what shall happen. I urge you, look deep into your ball and feel the change. Yet you have chosen the path contrary to the Master. Professing yourself to be wise, you have made yourself a fool.

You trust a snake - a liar and a thief...One who lusted after honour, coveted it to such an extent he stole it from one who was given the opportunity to earn it honestly. It amuses me to see such naiveity. You trust Murfish, yet you know not who attacked you. For all you know, he was the one, and will be your downfall if you can make it to Meltdown.

Grand Mystique...Murfish it is your actions which have caused you to feel the wrath stirred up. Apotheosis and myself shall be prepared for Meltdown, each following the same path. Ask yourselves this...How can two walk together except they be agreed. If you will be destroyed.

So enjoy your time in hospital...advise them that you may return soon, assuming you can make it at all. No-one will blame you for not risking your career. I will be waiting

Vengeance walks past the camera into the darkness beyond, then stops, and turns so that only his mouth is visible...the beeps in the corridor becoming more pronounced

Vengeance rises

The beeps suddenly become a constant 'flatline' sound, as Vengeance disappears into the blackness
*This takes place in the ambulance minutes after the Grand Mystique is found ambushed and unconscious backstage. Leon Kensworthy has been dispatched by WZCW boss Chuck Myles to keep him updated. A male paramedic attends to GM while his female colleague weaves the speeding vehicle through the traffic*

Leon: “How is he?”

The paramedic checks GM’s pulse again and then his airway and blood pressure.

Paramedic: “I reckon he will be OK. My concern is that he is still unconscious. We will not know more until we check him out. It was a huge blow he took and we don’t know what damage has been done.”

The vehicle swerves violently. Leon fights to grip something to hold on to.

Leon: “Do you know when he will be able to talk about what happened?”

Paramedic: “No idea. We don’t know what he will or won’t remember about anything, if not from the impact then maybe from the post traumatic stress of it all.”

Leon: “So there is no way of telling if he will know who did it?”


The paramedic tries to reply but the Grand Mystique has suddenly sat up, yelling and fighting to escape the tight restraints of the stretcher. After a couple of seconds, he falls back down to unconsciousness.

The ambulance brakes as it reaches the hospital entrance. The driver gets out and opens the rear. She gestures for Leon to get out before helping her colleague pull out the stretcher.

Leon backs away to allow them by. The paramedics drag the stretcher towards the entrance of the emergency department.

Paramedic: “You will have to wait in there. I will make sure that someone finds you and keeps you updated.”

Leon: “Thanks” He pulls out the mobile phone that Myles gave him. “Hello, boss? It’s Leon...yes he is at the it’s not good.....there is a chance he will miss the pay-per-view...........yes it is that bad.....they don’t know how bad the memory loss will be....OK, I will find out more.....OK bye.”

***end of part one***
Leon Kensworthy is sitting in the waiting room. He is holding a stale BLT sandwich that he bought from the hospital restaurant. He is reluctantly chewing on it, if only to give himself energy. The waiting room is abuzz with people and staff coming in and out but no update about the Grand Mystique’s condition has been forthcoming. In fact the only attention any have given towards Leon was the coy look from a cute brunette nurse.

He decides to take in some fresh air. He goes through the double doors and into the biting cold fresh air. The moonlight is stark against the pale beams which are emanating from the lampposts.

He walks away from the entrance of the emergency department to the car park. Nearby there are six streets lights arranged in a circle which light up the pedestrianised area. Leon heads towards them.

He decides to go and sit on a bench on the other side of the lamp posts. As he walks through the centre of this area, there is a loud rumble of thunder which makes Leon jump and stop dead in his tracks. He looks up and resumes his walk to the bench. He sits down, almost immediately he regrets this decision as it is considerably colder than he thought.

He gets up and begins to move around, trying to stay warm. He begins to jog on the spot before stopping as he becomes very self-conscious.

Suddenly there is an ear-splitting clap of thunder. The lights fizzle out and the glass casings of the lamp posts crash to the floor, surrounding Leon. The entire area, including the hospital building itself are pitch black but surrounding the thousands of pieces of glass, Leon stands in a glistening circle as the glass reflects the pristine and clear moonlight.

Back in the direction of the hospital, the emergency generators give a very pale yellow aura to the entrance and the windows. In the distant general direction of the emergency department, a hushed sound can be heard followed by what sounds like shuffled footsteps across the tarmac.

As the light from the hospital increases, the source of the noise is accompanied by a hulking shadow. Leon peers out. The shadow is walking towards him and as it draws nearer, the arms raise to the head before falling to its side.

Leon backs away, stepping over one side of the glass as the shadowy figure enters the other side. As the light hits the face, Leon’s eye light up with recognition.

The face is the familiar sparkling blue mask. The eyes beyond it are cold and unemotional and the trademark GM glare is nonexistent. But it is the inimitable Grand Mystique.

**end part 2**
Leon steps forward and through some glass on the floor.

Leon: “Erm, are you OK? Should you be up and about? The paramedic said you have a concussion...”

GM: “I was there. I know what was said.”

Leon: “But you were unconscious?”

GM: “I heard. I was there.”

GM’s tone is plain and unemotional, as if he feels detached. Leon remembers what Chuck asked him to do and takes a step closer.

Leon: “You know, if you have a concussion, there is a chance you will miss the pay-per-v---”

GM strides forward, grabs Leon by the collars of his suit and pushes him up against the lamp post behind him.

GM: “You need to know this Leon. Your boss and his *****es in Dynasty need to know this. I will be at Meltdown and I will be facing Vengeance and Apotheosis. And Murfish will be on my team.”

GM is breathing hard and fast. Leon can feel a pounding heartbeat as well as his own. GM releases his grip and backs off a couple of steps.

“I have worked too hard and gone too far to lose what I beat Murfish for in the first place. This weeks’ show is just the beginning of my road to Kingdom Come. Vengeance and Apotheosis will get just a taste of the destiny that awaits them. Murfish will have a ringside seat to the war I am looking to wage.”

GM eyes Leon, burning a hole directly at him.

“Whoever did this to me, should take heed. Because I find out your identity, I will make sure your next meal is sucked through a fucking straw!”

GM is talking to Leon, staring at him as if he is the one who attacked him. The intensity that GM is showing is a new albeit unsurprising development.

GM begins to walk around Leon, walking on the glass which softly crunches like fresh snow beneath his feet.

GM: “And when I get my hands on their cowardly scrawny little neck, I will take great delight in tearing them apart. They will wish they had never heard of the Grand Mystique. And that poor, poor soul will be remorseful, repentant and full of regret.”

He pauses. Having walked almost around the whole circle, GM finds himself behind a very anxious Leon, who has forgotten about the cold but is frozen to the spot with panic. He is simply unsure of what to make of GM now.

GM brings himself close to Leon and speaks quietly into his ear.

GM: “Yes, I said regret. The exact same emotion that will strike deep into the mind, body and spirit of Apotheosis and Vengeance at Meltdown. Because they will have no answer for what I have in store at Meltdown. I don’t expect them to be scared. But I do expect them to be helpless, just like they will at Kingdom Come. Because as the Big Bang draws near, the Hand of Prophecy has chosen the Grand Mystique ahead of everyone. And it is the very same thing that will drive me on the successful road to Kingdom Come.”

“Everyone else will just be stragglers, trying to hang on for the bumpy ride. There will be no passengers. The Grand Mystique is on the way to Meltdown, to Kingdom Come and nothing, nothing, *shouts* NOTHING will stop me!”

As GM shouted, Leon clenched his mouth shut. As he opens them, completely unaware of any time that may have elapsed, he finds himself alone.

He pulls out Chuck’s mobile.

Leon: “It’s Leon, boss. I think I have some good news.....”

A manic laugh can be heard from a locker room. Inside, Vengeance is pacing the floor laughing.

Can it be that the blind fool has cleared himself to compete? Grand Mystique, for one who claims to know prophecies, you are blindly playing yourself into the middle of a prophecy which speaks only of further pain. You cannot see the identity of your attacker, so you overstretch yourself in vain, searching all those with motive to harm you

Silence for a while as he continues to pace the floor

Did you not consider that others may want to make a name for themselves at your they experienced veterans, or hungry rookies? Ha, no matter, for you shall serve your purpose in the role perfectly. You fight with a head clouded by fear, by anger, by wrath, and it is these factors which shall make you an example. From the head, come all manner of evil thoughts, and Grand Mystique, when we meet, I intend on beating these thoughts out of your head, until you realise the true path of the Prophecies lie with the Master

Master, the plan you have perfected shall be fulfilled, the fool Murfish will strive with my opponent and cause him to stumble.

Vengeance turns to the cameraman

LEAVE! I must be alone and consult the Master for the path I should take

The cameraman leaves, on his way out the door, he meets a young man holding a note
Is Vengeance in there? I have a letter for him from Chuck Myles for the entire roster
He opens the door and goes inside...

[Obviously this is to tie in with an earlier promo I made for the Rios vs Roster match, hence it's inclusion in the RP, as these events precede that RP]
(Apotheosis is inside Trinity Church, dips his hands in holy water, crosses himself, kneels at the altar, and then sits down in a pew. He holds a Bible in hand that is opened to John 8.)

I’ve come across quite a few crazy people in my travels, but none of them have been as crazy in thought as Grand Mystique or as crazy in person as Murf!sh for that matter. But the Grand Mystique thinks that either Vengeance or I may have attacked him. Mystique, let’s talk a little truth. Let me quote a passage of scripture that may make some sense to you, Mystique.

John 8: 31-36 states, “To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?" Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. I know you are Abraham's descendants. Yet you are ready to kill me, because you have no room for my word.”

(Apotheosis closes his Bible, and is now just sitting, looking down at the floor, occasionally looking up at the camera.)

Mystique, you do not speak the truth when you accused me of attacking you. If you want to really know who attacked you, simply look at your partner, Murf!sh. Don’t you find it a little odd that he was the first man on the scene when you and he haven’t always been on the same page. Murf!sh is merely trying to clear his name. If I was going to hurt you, and I can, I would’ve given you a fighting chance in the ring. I also would’ve made sure that you could never wrestle again. But you live to fight another day and so whoever attacked you wants you to find them out for some unknown reason.

You claim to have supreme knowledge of the cosmos, you’ve encountered the soul of the universe, and some may say the supernatural. Mystique, I’ve encountered the divine, the reason for the existence of your cosmos. You and I, we’re not very different, we’ve had experiences in our lives that have changed us, that have shown us the bigger picture of what the answers truly are and truly mean. I hope you see this because it pains me to say that because of your misinformed accusations, I have to hurt you to make you see the truth, the truth that we are connected, that your cosmos’ soul just may in fact be the same as my God, and no one’s destiny is set out for them; we make our own destinies. Come Meltdown, your so-called prophecy of Vengeance and I’s destinies will turn out to be nothing but a fallacy. Mystique, you will experience a call to adventure and begin your hero’s journey.

Murf!sh, what do I have to say to you, you strange little schizophrenic fishman. You need help, but frankly, I don’t think anyone here in WZCW can help you. If you do decide to get help with your drug and mental problems, then I might be able to show you some truths that will change your life forever. In the meantime, stay out of my way while I teach Mystique a lesson in pain and open his eyes to the truth he needs to see. If you get in my way, there’s no telling when I will stop hurting you. Don’t play with fire and you won’t get burned. Stay out of my way or else.

(Apotheosis pulls down the kneeler, kneels down, and begins to pray.)

Father, forgive me for what I am about to do. I am going to hurt two men more than any other person I have hurt before. I have to, I need to, I want to. These people of WZCW need to change and I will change them. And a shepherd I shall be, for thee my Lord for thee. Power hath descended forth from thy hand that my feet may swiftly carry out thy command. So I shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

(Apotheosis stands up and walks over to the confession booth, tells the cameraman to leave, he does so, but before he does, the camera sees Apotheosis entering the confession booth.)
Murfish is in a small kitchen. He is standing over a stove in one corner of the kitchen. A cookbook and various ingredients lay strewn across the counter to his right. He is watching a pot with intensity as it rests over the flames emanating from the burner. Every now and then Murfish lifts the lid to check the progress. The ingredients on the table include onions, some raw chicken, carrots, celery, thyme leaves, vegetable oil, parsley leaves, and noodles.

Murfish takes a whiff of the concoction and deems that it is ready. He moves away from the stove, inadvertently revealing his “World’s Greatest Cook” apron, in order to get his frilly oven mitts. He proceeds to procure a thermos and pours the mystery stuff into the container. Content with his work, Murfish leaves to get changed. When he comes back, he takes the thermos and begins his journey.

*One hour later*

Murfish now arrives at a relatively non-descript hospital. Murfish walks in to the waiting room for the emergency room. He walks over to the desk, where he approaches the head nurse.

Murfish: Hello…*looks at name badge*…Angie. I would like to visit a friend of mine. I understand that he’s been admitted hear recently.

Angie: Are you a family member or their spouse?

Murfish: Heavens no. But still…

Angie: I am sorry but you will have to wait then. We have a numerous amount of cases…*points to a relatively empty room*…So please take a seat.

Murfish takes a seat and begins to wait for his turn. People complaining of trivial ills all saw assistance before he did. After a substantial wait, Angie calls Murfish to the desk.

Angie: You may see visit your friend now. What is his name?

Murfish: Well…I’m not exactly sure about that. But that isn’t the point. Do you have any idea how long I have waited? I have been here for at least an hour, maybe two and with the time it took to get here, his meal is ruined.

Angie: His meal? We only serve food from the hospital to patients.

Murfish: What? But I have slaved for hours over this chicken noodle soup. Do you have the faintest clue how hard it is to make chicken noodle soup? The preparation, the execution; it all took me days of attempts before I could get here.

Angie: Well I am sorry that you are so challenged in culinary arts, but…

Murfish: No BUTs! What am I going to do now? Now how is GM going to compete in our match? I did this for him. Now he won’t be able to heal and he sure as hell won’t be able to help me. Where does that leave me?

*Rhetorical pause, Murfish responds before Angie can make an attempt.*

Murfish: I’ll tell you where that leaves me. Now I have to go into a ring with two absolute religious fanatics. Now I have been accused of being crazy, lord knows they’re probably right, but they take some values to the limit. So now, without the aid of ropes or partners, I have to take them down. And I will be honest, maybe I’ll have to do something rash and ill though out to fix this mess.

Murfish dumps the thermos on the ground in a sign of protest, only to find that the soup is still steaming hot.

Murfish: What the hell? Seriously? *high pitched voice* Seriously? This is ridiculous.

Angie begins to giggle at the odd behavior of Murfish. He shoots he an vengeful glare. He begins to walk away and point at here, saying..

Murfish: I’ll be back, and you’ll regret your actions here today.

As he walks away, he says under his breath.

Murfish: Shoot, I still need to cut a promo.

*One hour later*

Murfish has arrived back at his apartment. He enters a room that is filled with only a couch and a video camera. He sets up the camera before sitting down on the couch.

Murfish: Okay, I guess that there are a few statements that I need to make regarding this week’s match.

First of all, GM I feel so bad about what happened at Meltdown. Not that I had anything to do with it. Oh no, that isn't the case at all. I just feel bad that I wasn't able to help you out or get you the god damn chicken noodle soup that I made personally for you. I’m sure that you understand how it is, but now I am left without an effective partner. And, of course, you probably won’t make it to the King For A Day match either. That is too bad, but the beat goes on. So don’t get down about it, there is always next year.

Secondly, I don’t understand the were all this criticism is coming from. Sure, I got into my Kingdom Come match through questionably means. But that does not warrant the criticism that I am receiving. How does that act translate into placing me at fault for GM’s injury? I’d look at the accusers before I look at the accused.

And finally, there is the matter of my match at Meltdown. Yes, my opponents have talent. Yes, it will be difficult. Yes, it will be a war. But there are factors that have to be taken into account. For instance, I have more talent than they will ever have. And I have a little theory about fanatics: they can let ideals cloud reality, and they don’t play nice with other beliefs. These guys have enjoyed some success due to their shared love of pain, but separate theologies can only be cohesive for so long.

In summation, all I can say is watch this weeks Meltdown. I’ll give you something to talk about.

Murfish walks away, but is heard muttering...

Murfish: I guess I'll have to try again tomorrow.

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