MRRR. Anderson Babyface Turn? Andersonn


Pre-Show Stalwart
For those of you who ordered the TNA Sacrafice pay per view

What were you're thoughts on the pre-match interview in the back by Anderson. Anderson in my mind cut a Austin like heel promo (a Promo where the heel gets more over than the face)

He then creates a new catch phrase with calling his fans "assholes"

During the match the fans contiuned to chant "We are assholes"

And when the Hardy fans began to chant "Let's go Hardy" arguably "Let's go asshole" was louder

After the match Anderson puts his hand out to Hardy and Hardy rejects..

So i believe they got two options with this outcome:

A) Anderson is one of the most over guys heel or face... they can turn him face and run with it..

B) If they want to continue Anderson a heel, maybe the refusal of the hand shake is foreshadowing a Jeff Hardy turn on his "good friend" RVD

So thoughts on the promo/match/handskake?

and A or B or Both?

And did anyone almost feel robbed with the Anderson loss? I felt an Anderson win was needed after that promo to continue the momentum he just paved.
Honestly, Mr.Anderson is a natural born heel. When he was in WWE, he was a face for a moment... not many peeps like that. If he create's heat as a heel, why make him a face? It's like destroying a thing that works perfectionally...
I don't think that points to a face turn, really.

Sounds like Anderson's just being Anderson and as usual the crowd cheer him when they're supposed to boo him. That's not supposed to happen when you're a heel and last I checked Anderson just got out of a feud with Angle where he was disrespecting US soldiers and making a mockery out of them.

I didn't watch the PPV, but if that's what happened then all that really proves is how stupid the fans in the Impact Zone are. I mean, it's bad enough with all the ridiculous chants they do every time a wrestler farts, but now a heel refers to them as assholes and they're reacting positively to it? Dumb.
I don't think that points to a face turn, really.

Sounds like Anderson's just being Anderson and as usual the crowd cheer him when they're supposed to boo him. That's not supposed to happen when you're a heel and last I checked Anderson just got out of a feud with Angle where he was disrespecting US soldiers and making a mockery out of them.

I didn't watch the PPV, but if that's what happened then all that really proves is how stupid the fans in the Impact Zone are. I mean, it's bad enough with all the ridiculous chants they do every time a wrestler farts, but now a heel refers to them as assholes and they're reacting positively to it? Dumb.

I'm sorry, but as you say you didn't see how epic the promo was, making your opinion absolutely pointless. I literally laughed for about five minutes, so did Taz and Tenay. That promo would have turned Hitler face, and I'd appreciate you actually viewing the product before making an ignorant, ill-informed post. Thanks.
I thought that whole interview before his match with Hardy was flat out hysterical. In my opinion, this probably wasn't a face turn but you can't deny that his "Anderson's Assholes" idea really took off at the PVP. I don't know what Spike's policy is on the word asshole, but it seems like this could be a pretty good catchphrase that the fans may run with. There are just certain phrases that the fans seem to run with regardless of face/heel status. Plenty of examples to list and I'm too lazy to do so. You're all smart people and can figure out what I'm talking about.
I certainly hope he isnt becoming a face. Anderson is the most over heel in TNA. He is the only one who gets a good heel reaction. AJ Styles also gets a bit of a heel response from the crowd but not that great and taking into account he is the main event heel it should be easier to get more boos. But Anderson is the only one in my mind in TNA who can actually say he gets the appropriate reaction from the heels.

So to turn him heel would be stupid or in other words it would be so Hogan.
I didn't watch the PPV, but if that's what happened then all that really proves is how stupid the fans in the Impact Zone are. I mean, it's bad enough with all the ridiculous chants they do every time a wrestler farts, but now a heel refers to them as assholes and they're reacting positively to it? Dumb.

It's funny that you specifically referred to the Impact fans. Didn't Randy Orton just start getting cheered? Wasn't Orton the guy who kicked the boss's head in, and cuff HHH to the ring while he dropped his wife on her head THEN kissed her? It isn't about stupidity, it's about people actually liking the heels. I've always been an Orton and Anderson fan, because of who they are. I cheer them because of what they do, as do a lot of people. Abyss is the biggest face in TNA and look at how much heat he gets. Just like the political parties, heels and faces change, and now people cheer the bad guys.

No, I don't see Anderson turning ''face''. I see him being the same, just getting cheered for it. The bad thing is the similarities between him and Orton are showing. AND with the Abyss/Cena similarities I think we may be at the beginning of TNA cloning WWE verbatim.....and that is suicide
It's funny that you specifically referred to the Impact fans. Didn't Randy Orton just start getting cheered? Wasn't Orton the guy who kicked the boss's head in, and cuff HHH to the ring while he dropped his wife on her head THEN kissed her? It isn't about stupidity, it's about people actually liking the heels. I've always been an Orton and Anderson fan, because of who they are. I cheer them because of what they do, as do a lot of people. Abyss is the biggest face in TNA and look at how much heat he gets. Just like the political parties, heels and faces change, and now people cheer the bad guys.

No, I don't see Anderson turning ''face''. I see him being the same, just getting cheered for it. The bad thing is the similarities between him and Orton are showing. AND with the Abyss/Cena similarities I think we may be at the beginning of TNA cloning WWE verbatim.....and that is suicide

Absolutely great point there at the end.

Me and my friend were watching this and I think the exact quote from him was

"I love how the fans are getting back to liking the edgy heels" (Orton and as shown tonight Anderson

I came back with

"agree, and how a majority of the fans are getting stale of the cartoon like faces" (Abyss and Cena)
It would be a good idea to make Anderson a face because lets face it Jeff Hardy is slowly turning into a heel and also becoming the next Sting . Rob Van Dam needs a new sidekick because with Jeff Hardy feuding with him over the title they want Anderson to be in the middle of it.
I don't think that points to a face turn, really.

Sounds like Anderson's just being Anderson and as usual the crowd cheer him when they're supposed to boo him. That's not supposed to happen when you're a heel and last I checked Anderson just got out of a feud with Angle where he was disrespecting US soldiers and making a mockery out of them.

I didn't watch the PPV, but if that's what happened then all that really proves is how stupid the fans in the Impact Zone are. I mean, it's bad enough with all the ridiculous chants they do every time a wrestler farts, but now a heel refers to them as assholes and they're reacting positively to it? Dumb.

I guess all the fans that chanted for the Rock were stupid too, huh?

Anderson, heel or face is gonna be loved. The dudes in a whole different league all by himself. Seems like anything he does turns to gold.
IF Anderson can keep it up, he may become the ultimate wrestling commodity - a cool heel. Like the Rock or Austin, or the Outsiders back in the day. A "bad guy" that people love.
Yeah, I was thinking face turn last night myself. Personally, I hope that it doesn't happen as Anderson is much more entertaining as a heel. He was better as a heel in the WWE and I don't think it'd be any different in TNA. Right now, I think TNA is lacking in strong heel characters and it'd be a mistake to turn Anderson face right now in my opinion. Even though he lost to Jeff Hardy last night, he's still extremely over.
Do Not Turn Mr. Anderson into A Face!!!! He is better off being a heel... I agree with Jack-Hammer in a previous post. He was a good Heel in WWE until he started getting hurt. Keep him where he is at as a heel. Also keep Pope DeAngelo Dinero a heel also. TNA needs a few more fued storylines!!!!
Also keep Pope DeAngelo Dinero a heel also. TNA needs a few more fued storylines!!!!

You know he turned before Hogan showed up, right? Like, months ago.

The problem with the TNA fans right now is that they consider themselves a smarky crowd, like ECW back in the day. So, they cheer for who they like, regardless of the character played. Kennedy has a strong following, which is what got him hired by TNA to start with. Unfortunately, that same following is going to cheer for him regardless of how much of an asshole he is. It's the very same reason Sting can't turn heel if his life depended on it. The TNA crowd doesn't care what a character does, they've already decided whether they like you or not as soon as you inked your contract.
I've gotta say, the promo he cut was amazing...he alwyas has a better role as a heel, and in no way do I see TNA changing him from heel to face....The match itself was amazing, I wanted it to be an Anderson win, but with Hardy, I kinda knew this was going to be the outcome, unlucky Anderson...After that performance and promo, he should top the rankings...
While I don't think turning Anderson face at some point would be a bad thing, he does not need to turn face yet. Anywhere else besides that terrible hell you call the Impact zone, Anderson would be getting the heel heat he rightfully earns.

And onto this cool heel thing, tweener, he does have the charisma to pull it off, but TNA lacks a heel that can get heel heat in the ring and out, unlike Styles. So until someone can fill his role of uppercard heel, he should not be turned into a tweener.
I know most people consider Anderson a natural born heel, and I do as well to an extent, but I do also think he's got that Austin-like ability to play the tweener where he can still act as a face and remain that cocky and arrogant character he's so great at playing to begin with.

Austin was the biggest anti-hero in history, so I doubt Anderson ever tops that, but I don't doubt he's capable of remaining as over as he is as a "face" tweener.

Realistically speaking though, I don't understand why he's going that route at all.
How does a handshake and a few words turn a heel into a face? How?

It doesn't. This guy says screw the troops and he's a b-hole and rants on for 30 minutes before he can even have a match.

But then again, this is TNA and at the current time, TNA is turning everyone into a heel.
How does a handshake and a few words turn a heel into a face? How?

"I'm sorry for all the bad things I said, man. I got caught up in the heat of the moment and got carried away. You got the better of me today, you were the better man, and I respect you for it. Please, shake my hand."


Instant face. Just saying.

Aaanyway, no, Anderson isn't turning full-on face any time soon. I've a feeling he'll just continue doing his thing and he'll be booked as a heel for as long as possible (and people will still cheer). Anderson transcends traditional face/heel personas - he's just Anderson.

I think turning Ken Anderson face would be a really bad decision on TNA's part.

The man has been doing some amazing heel work since he's been there and they lacking top heels right now especially since keep jobbing out Desmond Wolfe.

Ken Anderson works better as a heel so please TNA keep him that way.
How does a handshake and a few words turn a heel into a face? How?

It doesn't. This guy says screw the troops and he's a b-hole and rants on for 30 minutes before he can even have a match.

But then again, this is TNA and at the current time, TNA is turning everyone into a heel.

Did u watch the event?

I know how reading the spoilers/results can change you're opinion on the subject..

but just as some1 stated before.. if you didn't see how this came off.. than you really can't have an opiniong (it was that well done)

I'm not saying he turned face bro, I'm saying with the reaction he got.. TNA has two options..

They can keep him as the edgy heel and continue to feud with the faces

Or they can turn him face and run with the reaction. (Some what what WWE did, They wanted to turn Ted face but Ortons edgy promos/work backfired and the fans and creative ran with it)
I think people put too much into the heel/face concept. Back in the attitude era the supposed "heels" were more over then the faces. Why can't Anderson just be himself, A guy that says what he wants and does whatever it takes to win the match.
It was a tease but we basically still have no idea where Anderson's actions fall since Jeff never took his hand. Nothing that happened up to that point would suggest Anderson would not simply take advantage of Hardy like we would normally expect. About the only change we really see is that TNA is going to have him seek his cheers from his asshole supporters. He can still do that and not be a face. I suspect we will see a fake face turn that eventually leads to Anderson stealing the title as it turns out he was just an asshole all along.
The problem with TNA is they turn everyone too often.

They had gone through a few turns just before Hogan's arrival. After Hogan arrived, several guys turned back for little to no reason. Eric Young has turned so many times that you need a score card to keep track of it all. Joe is another guy who had about three turns or so in the last year. It makes it hard to invest in a character and furthermore makes it hard to build that character up so the face / heel turn will mean something.

I recall reading once that the best time to turn heel is when you are just about the hottest you can be as a face. I don't agree with that philosophy fully but I do agree that face / heel runs need to last a significant period of time.

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