Mr. T disappointed upon his speech being cut short


is a happier and wiser man
(credits to wrestling pundit dot com for the report)

So, Mr. T is saddened that his emotional HOF speech was interrupted midway by Kane, citing that his time was up. He had the following to say:
Thank you very much for all your support! I am very disappointed and saddened that you couldn’t hear the rest of my speech… I was told my speech went too long? Really? Seriously? Matthew 10:32-33.
All the inductees were told that you, “the fans, wanted to hear our stories”, to take our time and enjoy the moment but something… I was deeply moved by the outpouring of support you showed me after my HOF speech was cut short. Soon I will post the remainder of my speech for you to read. Thank you for your support.
My mother taught me to stand up for what I believed in. I put a lot of care and love into my speech… I wanted it to inspire and motivate people when they are hurting. Since my mother taught me to always try and take the high road, I will. If my speech helped just 1 mother & 1 son out there, thank you GOD!

I didn't watch the Hall of Fame ceremony, but I find it quite funny, considering how everyone was making fun of him in the comments section of WZ live report and on facebook... No offense to Mr. T or his positive motive behind it, but maybe he mistook the respect shown by fans as intrigue for his speech. Well, at least this time the fans can choose whether they want to read or not :D
They were live and if it's anything like regular WWE TV, he was given a certain amount of time to be out beforehand.
He thanked his mom over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over


Oh sorry.
I love Mr. T. Always have. But his speech went on and on and on and on and on. Everyone understood how much he loved his mother. He mentioned it at least 80 times. What his speech didn't mention was actually what he did for the WWE and what the WWE did for him. If you listened to the speech completely out of context, you would have no idea it was for the WWE Hall of Fame. A Mothers Day luncheon? Sure. Mr. T's speech was completely off topic. It was very passionate, but long winded and about something completely non-wrestling related.
He just isn't that relevant any more and he was rambling. Not a fantastic combination.

Having the ceremony live is actually something I like. Roberts, Razor and Kane were all fantastic but maybe one fewer inductee next year because it went on too long.
This is why I was against the Hall of Fame being live this year. Usually we only see one or two speeches or it's edited down to an hour to allow the inductees to have as much time as they wanted. People watched it expecting to have a really exciting time, not understanding that it is a hall of fame...watching tons of speeches is never the most exciting thing in the world, but it isn't about you as the viewer it isn't about your entertainment; it's about honoring those that are getting inducted. Also, his speech wasn't as long as Lita's...

I don't think it went long at all. It got done after what three and a half hours? That's pretty good for 7 speeches.

I feel really bad for Mr. T, I said it in the live discussion that I would have been humiliated if I was him. They ask him to come and honor him, and I said there that I figured they weren't given time lengths, they never have been before. Then they send out Kane to cut your speech short and make you just walk away awkwardly.
He said 'before I start I'd like to take a couple of minutes to thank my momma'. 40 minutes later he's still on this. It needed cutting. He's a celebrity inductee and didn't mention wrestling once.
I don't think WWE should induct less people, or limit the people who are talking, but they should read through the person's notes to make sure that it will be a decent speech. If they person doesn't have notes, like Warrior, they should be made to write some down to help stay on track.
I felt he was gonna go on 40 more minutes about his brothers next, so I'm glad they cut it short.
He went on for FAR too long... He has to understand that there is literally a set time for EVERYTHING with the WWE HOF ceremony and in certain circumstances they have allowed WRESTLING LEGENDS to go over, but lets face the facts... not many people were interested in what MR T was gonna say.

Now what I'm angry about is they cut RAZOR RAMON short! Wtf man... the guy's been gone forever and has battled back (I guess) from all these problems in his life. He finally comes back and gets to talk to the fans again and they give him, what, 5 minutes and than play his music... You can see him throw his arms up like wtf... The Kliq was a cool touch but still, Razor shoulda gotten a little bit more.

I loved his "bad times don't last, but bad guys do" statement. That guy can still work a crowd. Just awesome.
As others have said, Mr. T's speech needed to be cut. He was doing little more than repeating himself and eventually it got tiring to hear him talk only about his mother. In a speech like that, it's okay to say a few words and dedicate a few minutes to your family, but what Mr. T did was just not appropriate.

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