"Mr. McMahon, we have him on the phone. He says he's in!"

The REAL Iron Chef

My cuisine reigns supreme
So in light of Lebron James falling through as RAW's next guest host, Vince McMahon has been scrambling for a guest host for the upcoming RAW in Cleveland. And it just so happens that YOU made the short list and got the call to ask if you'd want to be the guest host. You, ecstatic, accept this offer. So now that you have REALLY been given full control of the show for the night (as in the unlimited power that you supposedly receive while being guest host was real), how would you write the show? Remember, you have a 2 hour 10 minute-ish time limit and things must be kept to PG content (in order to follow with the current era). So, how will YOU be calling the shots come Monday?
First off AWESOME thread dude! ok so if i was guest host and actually had full power (cuz we all know the hosts really dont have it) i would start the show with a #1 contender match for the US title featuring MVP, MIZ, and Swagger! Ending with Miz getting the pin on MVP after Swagger hits the powerbomb and is hit from behind by Miz so he can steal the win. After the break DX is in the ring cutting their usual funny promo about Legacy which brings out Ted and Cody. They brawl in the ring with Legacy getting the clean advantage (yeah i know this is never going to happen but so what its my show) Out i come to make a rematch from summerslam Legacy vs DX! BUT this match is going to be a CAGE MATCH! Back from break Randy Orton Vs Kofi Kingston in a champ vs champ match! Orton gets the V of course after a sudden RKO in a great match! Back from Break once again. Beth Phoenix vs Mickie James vs Gail Kim for the diva's title! great triple threat woman's match with Kim getting the win and winning the title! Back from the last break time for the Cage Match! legacy gets the win after Ted's brother Brett comes out and slams the cage door on HHH head just as he was almost out, this letting legacy escape for the win! after the match legacy Orton and Brett are beating down DX this brings out Cena who tries to make the save but ends up getting an RKO and a beatdown himself. the show ends with legacy and their new recruit Brett Dibiase standing tall over DX and Cena!:worship:
i walk out thank the crowd tell them how excited i am to be here.....out comes randy orton along with legacy interrupt's me grabs the mic and tells me i dont wanna end up like freddie prince jr..i grab the mic and tell orton i didnt come alone...."ARE YOU READY?"...dx comes to the ring and legacy heads to the top of the ramp then john cenas theme music hits and legacy runs through the crowd all the way backstage i announce tonights main event is legacy and randy orton in a handi cap 4 on 3 match against john cena, dx and a partner of their choosing


mvp and mark henry are in the ring out comes jack swagger and chris masters
mvp and mark henry get the win thus far giving them leverage going into their tag team championship bout at breaking point


mickie james and gail kim vs beth phoenix and alicia fox
beth and fox pick up the win after maryse interferes and hits mickie from behind

-backstage segment-

john cena is being interviewed by josh mathew's and legacy jumps cena from behind orton comes out of no where and kicks john cena in the head


john cena is shown being put in an ambulance and taken away
miz enters the ring does a regular promo calls out kofi kingston
kofi comes out they exchange words shake hands and when kofi turns his head miz hits the reality check and leaves kofi in the middle of the ring


me and dx are backstage, just got word cena cannot compete..me with unlimited power gives dx permission to call anybody for a partner tonight
..chavo is in the ring hornswoggles music comes on but he does not enter through the ramp instead he is on the top rope and attempts a cross body but chavo catches him and gets the best of hornswoggle the refs come out and take chavo off horny....


randy orton and legacy are backstage in good spirits randy tells legacy they did a good job and says that there is nobody backstage that wants to team with dx

show and jerichos music hit and they hit the ring cut a promo about how they are the most dominiant tag team and that mvp and mark henry are not in their league i come out and announce that next week on raw it will be mark henry going against chris jericho who ever wins makes the stipulation for their match at breaking point with big show barred from ring side


hhh is hangs up the phone and smiles at shawn their match is up next


legacy enters first randy gets on the mic and calls dx out he said he took out cena and he cant wait for dx to come out so he can do the same to them after a 10 second pause dx music hits out comes hhh and shawn music stops they cut their usual promo until hhh is about to say suck it but stops and says that i gave them permission to call anybody for a partner and says our partner tonight is gonna finish this line....xpacs music hits they do the dx chop together x pac grabs the mic and says im back and if your now down with that i got 2 words for ya..suck it...
dx picks up the win with the returning x pac

since i have unlimited power i come out and announce my final decision as gm of raw is that raw would be tv-14 starting next week! the crowd goes nuts for that announcement!...raw goes off the air (lol)

what do u guys think?
I wouldnt have anything involving Hornswoggle vs Chavo or Womens Tag Matches. All Champ would defend their titles.

James vs Phoenix
Jeri-show vs DX vs Legacy
8 man Tournament for the #1 contendership for the IC Title
the Miz, MVP, Chavo, Santino, Masters, Primo, Bourne, Carlito
Kingston vs Swagger

Orton vs Hornswoggle, in a punt the midget in the head match

The show would feature few promos, and a lot of wrestling.
DX wouldnt not waste 20-30 minutes of the programing with their antics (Im sorry but the opening of this past Raw was fucking terrible)
Show starts with Lillian Garcia announcing me and the crowd goes WILD (of course lol). I start off saying how great it is to be there, and how I have been a fan all my life and that I'm so excited. I say I have so many plans for the night when out comes Legacy. They say that Randy wants to see me in his locker room, and I tell them if he has something to say, he can get up and come say it. Legacy jumps me, and drags me into Orton's locker room. He says that if I don't wanna wind up like Freddie I should listen to him. He tells me to make a match for the main event. 3-on-1 Handicap match; Legacy vs. John Cena, but I make it no DQ.
After commercial out comes Jeri-Show. Next out comes Mark Henry and MVP. Its going to be MVP vs. Jericho in one-on-one action. A good back and forth match. Midway through Big Show interferes, and Henry goes after Big Show, and they both fight into the crowd. MVP picks up the win, after Jericho is distracted by the fight.
We cut backstage to an interview segment with Cena, asking him how he feels about his match tonight. He says the odds are always against him, and he never backs down.
We come back to the ring, and Jillian announces the next match. Its going to be Evan Bourne vs. Chavo Guerrero in a ladder match. Suspended from the top of the ring is a suitcase, however larger than the ones normally used for ladder matches. It is announced that in the suitcase is a contract for a future United States title match. Chavo gets the upper hand after cracking Bourne in the head with a ladder. Chavo climbs the ladder, however out of the suitcase leaps Hornswoggle, who crossbodys Chavo off the ladder. The Miz then runs down the ramp and grabs the contract, and is granted a future US title shot.
I'm shown backstage, and Swagger comes bursting into my office saying how outraged he is that people like Miz and MVP are getting title shots, when he is better than them both. I tell him he has to earn it, and tell him that if he wins his match tonight that I'll make some calls.
Swagger walks out to the ring and is awaiting his opponent. Out comes Jamie Noble, and Swagger wins in a squash match. Out I come and tell him that wasn't his opponent. Swagger facing the ramp is screaming when out comes Santino from the stands who rolls up Swagger for the win. Swagger is outraged, and Santino is declared the winner.
We cut backstage to an interview segment with Randy Orton. He says he is going to beat Cena so badly tonight that he won't even make it to Breaking Point.
We cut to the ring for our next contest. Its going to be Primo and Mickie James vs. Carlito and Beth Phoenix. Some good action from all four competitors. The finish comes when Carlito flees from Primo and tags in Beth. Primo refuses to hit a woman, so Beth lays out Primo and hits her finisher for the win. After the match Carlito goes to spit in the face of Mickie, who Mick kicks him, and knocks him out. Primo and Mickie leave the ring. Beth then complains to Carlito for running away from Carlito who tries to plea with her, but she lays him out and leaves the ring.
We now see Cena making his way to the ring for the main event.
Cena comes out, followed by Legacy. The match begins with DiBiase and Cena. Cena is in control, until interference by Rhodes. Both Rhodes and DiBiase pick apart Cena, and the referee can't do anything, because of the no DQ rules. Cena starts to mount a comeback, when Randy hits his backbreaker move on Cena. He goes for the pin but Cena kicks out. DiBiase and Rhodes then hold Cena down, while Orton gets ready to punt Cena. Then, as Orton winds up, DX busts through the stages in a tank, and rides down the ramp. They fire at Legacy, who are all standing facing the tank, and are hit by a giant paint grenade. Legacy is now covered in green paint. All 3 members can't see, and are stumbling in the paint. Shawn Michaels from the tank, over the top rope hits Orton with Sweet Chin Music. Cena then hits the attitude adjustment on Orton. However, he doesn't pin him. Instead DX clears out Legacy and beats them up on the outside. Cena then goes under the ring, and pulls out a chain. He puts Orton in the STF with the chain around his neck, and doesn't release it until Orton passes out. Cena is declared the winner. DX and Cena celebrate, when DX then goes back in the tank, and fires Cena with paint. The show ends with DX celebrating on top of the ramp on the tank.
I come out and say hi to the crowd, yada yada yada. Announce to the crowd that tonight we will see in the Main Event, DX vs Chris Jericho and the Big Show for the WWE tag titles! Legacy comes out. Orton says he wants DX taken off the card for tonight, and he wants Rhodes and DiBiase getting the title shot. I say that Orton can make the card when Mr. McMahon picks him as guest GM. The three of them start advancing on me, and I start to back away cautiosly. Then, I announce that Orton is in action tonight, and his match starts next! Orton demands to know who his opponent is, and I announce he's got big problems, because he's got Festus, and if Festus wins, he gets a title shot next week!
Back from break, and Orton is in the ring with Legacy. Festus begins his enterance, and Legacy both jump out to attack him. I run down to ringside and ring the bell, and Festus throws both of them off him. Festus goes berzerk as Rhodes and DiBiase circle from a distance, and I then announce that Legacy is banned from ringside! Festus and Orton have their match, where Orton dominates for much of the match until Festus hits a few big moves and goes on a rampage. Then, Brett DiBiase enters fro the crowd and rings the bell. Orton sees his chance, hits the RKO and wins. Brett is dragged away by security, but Orton points to him and nods as he exits. Backstage, Gail Kim is shown heading for the ring. Divas match, next.
King and Michael Cole welcome us back joined by Mickie James, who is on commentary for tonight. They talk about her recent match against Kim, and Mickie puts her over as a great competitor. Jillian Hall makes her way to the ring, and begins singing. Kim's music hits, and she runs down to put a stop to the song. Jillian ducks out of the ring, and Kim goes after her. Kim and Mickie stare down as Kim gets the upper hand, but Jillian fights back. Jillian controls for a few minutes, until Kim hits a big combo followed by the cross body for the pin. After the match, Kim makes the title belt motion as Mickie holds up the belt and tells Kim to bring it on. Backstage segment with me on the phone, thanking Mr McMahon for having me tonight. Miz enters and I hang up. Miz wants his title match tonight, but I tell him he's got Primo tonight insted. Miz gets pissed, says I am not awesome, and leaves. Jericho and Big SHow enter, and Jericho says I am a psychophantand that the fans dont really care about me. Exit.

At ringside, Chavo's music hits, and he comes to the ring. Evan Bourne is out next, 6-7 minute match ending with the SSP from Bourne. Maybe Hornswoggle comes out after the match to embaress Chavo.

Cena is backstage with Methws. He is asked hoe he feels about his match with Cody RHodes. Cena says he will win, more or less.


Back from break, Primo is warming up in the ring. Miz enters, and a releatively short match happens. Just as Miz has it won Kofi comes out, and while Miz is disracted, Primo gets a roll up for the 123! Primo and Kofi celebrate, as Miz fumes in the ring.

King announces he has just recieved word Miz will get a rematch with Primo this week on superstars.

Rhodes enters with DiBiase, then Cena. 10 minute long match, Cena makes Rhodes look strong but still gets the win, then fights off DiBiase after the match. The two Legacy members slide out of the ring, pointing at Cena as he poses for the crowd.

Next up, Mark Henry vs Jack Swagger. MVP and Masters are at ringside. Masters slides Swagger some brass kuncks, but MVP takes Masters out. Henry ducks the knuckles, hits the world's strongest slam for the win. MVP and Henry celebrate in the ring, when Show and Jericho enter. Show, jeirhco, Swagger and Masters begin laying a beat down on MVP and Henry, when DX's music hits. Jericho and Show turn their attention, and the other 4 brawl on the outside. DX comes down and the match starts as refs attempt to get the other 4 men to the back.


Back from break and the main event is underway, with Swagger, Masters, MVP and Henry gone to the back. Clip of officials seperating them and taking them all to the back. After 20 minutes of action in the ring, Legacy runs down and attacks DX. Cena comes down to make the save, but Orton enters as well and the numbers game is too mutch. Down comes MVP and Henry, then Swagger and Masters, and an all out brawl ensues. At some point, Chavo chases Hornswoggle down to ringside to add to the chaos. The hsow goes off air wiht absolute pandamonium, with King and COle emphasizing how out of contrl it is. ENd.
Just...just terrible. Just absolutely terrible. That's the only word that can be used to describe this thread.

The fail here...is just so epic.

Continue on everyone. This thread is quite amusing.

Show would open up with its usual fireworks to get the crowd into it. JR and The King would promote the main event of the show which would be Randy Orton and Jack Swagger teaming up against John Cena and MVP. Instead of doing a 25 minute in-ring promo segment to start the show I would put on a solid 15 minute opening bout...

US Championship Match
Kofi Kingston Vs Evan Bourne
The fans would love to see this match and I would give these guys about 12 minutes of in ring time to work with. This would guarantee for some very solid wrestling, some entertaining spots and would most certainly elevate both competitors. Kofi wins clean.

-==Commercial Break==-

Back from the break I would have Miz in the ring. He would continue to put over how he is on his path to becoming US champion. Before he can finish talking he is interrupted by Mark Henry who comes out and challenges him to match. Miz accepts and tries to cheap shot the big man but receives the world's strongest slam for his trouble.

Backstage Segment
This would be something involving DX. Just have them pull some pranks on some of the more pathetic heels like Chavo. Maybe they could make fun of how they beat up RHodes and DiBiase at the Summer slam/ They are always a nice way to kill a couple of minutes of TV time while keeping the fans entertained.

Back in the ring. Gail Kim's theme music plays as she comes in for her match.

-==Commercial Break==-

As we come back from the break Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim and Kelly Kelly would be in the ring. JR and King would announce this as the #1 contenders match for the Divas championship.

Gail Kim Vs Beth Phoenix Vs Kelly Kelly
This would be a short match with Gail Kim winning after tossing Beth Phoenix out of the ring after she hits her finisher on Kelly Kelly. Gail Kim would then pin Kelly Kelly and would slowly start her heel turn so that she can feud with Mickie James in the future.

Backstage Segment
An interview with Randy Orton about his upcoming I Quit match with John Cena at the Breaking Point PPV. Orton would put himself over for a minute or so before Cena would interrupt him, make a couple of cheesy jokes and then emphasize how Orton will scream "I Quit" when Cena puts him in the STF.

Back in the ring. Jericho and The Big Show would make their entrance for their match against DX tonight. Jericho would take the mic and draw some serious heat from the crowd as he usually does. But before he could finish putting the fans down and himself over DX would make their way out.

-==Commercial Break==-

Big Show and Chris Jericho Vs D Generation X
This would be a solid 15 minute match. Jericho and Big Show would dominate for the most part until DX makes their predictable comeback. Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase would interfere in this match causing a DQ as HHH would go for a pedigree on Jericho. Then they would beat HHH and HBK down putting themselves over and promoting a rematch at the Breaking Point PPV.

-==Commercial Break==-

As we come back to the ringside there would be a replay of the beatdown that just took place. JR and King would continue to put Legacy's tenacity over as they have been doing for a while now. Then we would cut to the back where MVP would promote himself being in the main event of the show.

The Miz Vs Mark Henry
This would be another short match. Mark Henry would dominate for the most part. Miz would spend most of his time trying to dodge the big man. Action would spill to the ringside where Miz would outsmart Henry and get back in the ring just before the ref counts up to 10 causing Mark Henry to lose via count out.

After the match we'd go backstage where Jack Swagger and Randy Orton would talk strategy for their match.

-==Commercial Break==-

Main Event Match
Randy Orton and Jack Swagger Vs John Cena and MVP
This would be a solid 20 minute main event match. Heels would do their part of getting beat down early then controlling the match with the faces making their come back late. Cena would hit all of his trademark moves on Orton and toss Swagger out of the ring. He would end up hitting FU on Orton then would lock in STF. Legacy would make their way down and distract the ref with them eventually taking Cena out. DX would run out and take DiBiase and Rhodes out. All 4 of them would disappear fighting through the crowd. Back in the ring MVP would tag himself in and get a clean pin fall victory on Swagger. After the match Orton would hit RKO on MVp taking him out. Then he would brutalize Cena with the steel chair trying to make him way "I Quit" before the show would close.
Every one is doing the same thing as like every other raw guest host....and every raw show...make it exciting now.

I come out....and people are dead silent cause shit they dont know me haha....Randy Orton comes out and demands Cena be put in a handicap match with Legacy and i agree to it....and as orton walks up the ramp i announce that he also will be in a handicap match against DX.

Back from commercial since i love the ladies and its near college football season we have with a six diva match....kelly kelly, mickie james (in Ohio St jerserys) vs. maryrse and beth (michigan jerserys)...short match just long enough to see the sexy...Michigan wins i come in hold both hands up and Show my colors as a Michigan Fan.

Then We Have Jericho vs. MVP...they have a short promo before the match...pretty long match with Jericho getting the win with the walls of jericho.

Legacy vs. John Cena.....yet again john looks like he cant win....and this time he doesnt win cause orton comes out of no where and RKO's Cena...Legacy wins and Ortons gets on the mike and tells Cena tonight has just began.

DX vs. Randy Orton....i announce that Cena is banned from the match....right as shawn is bout to hit sweet chin legacy comes out attacks DX....Orton and legacy jump DX...out comes the boy wonder John Cena....only to be jumped by Brett Dibiase...they bloody them all but Orton takes Cena and makes him try out for the Browns just kidding...he would take to lake erie knock him out and dump him in the lake.
I’m not going to follow the norm here. I’m not going to give you a play by play, segment by segment description of the show, but a quick breakdown.

• I’d announce that Raw tonight is 3 hour special and it will be an All-Star Kick-Off.

• Tag Team Tournament where the winners face Chris Jericho and the Big Show for the Unified WWE / World Tag Team Titles.

• 3 Champion vs. Champion (vs. Champion) Main Event matches where the winners get a draft pick for their show.


• Legacy vs. D-Generation X
DX wins.

• Cryme Tyme vs. The Hart Dynasty
The Hart Dynasty wins.

• Michelle McCool vs. Mickie James
Smackdown wins and gets the Miz.

• Rey Mysterio vs. Kofi Kingston
Raw wins and gets Goldust.

• D-Generation X vs. the Hart Dynasty
DX wins.

• Randy Orton vs. CM Punk vs. Christian
ECW wins and gets the Great Khali.

• Chris Jericho and the Big Show vs. D- Generation X
Jericho and Show retain due to interference from the Hart Dynasty and Legacy, but Cryme Tyme makes the save. Brawl ensues between the 4 Challengers while Jericho and Show are at the top of the ramp watching with all the Gold, until Kozlov and Jackson take them out from behind and destroy the Champs. Then the 2007 King of the Ring (Me) and the 2008 King of the Ring (Billy Regal) stand tall and celebrate to end the show.

Alright, my show would start out with me coming out, announcing some midcard matches and giving all the bs about how i'm just SO excited to be wherever the hell raw would be that night. Legacy would come out, orton would demand the night off for whatever reason, and i'd deny him. Orton would get in my face, I'd tell him the main event for the night would be a 3-on-1 tag match: Legacy vs. DX.

Match 1:
over the top rope elimination style fatal four way for us title #1 contendership:
the miz vs. chavo vs. mvp vs. mark henry: chavo comes out on top, if for no other reaason than i like chavo and this hornswoggle shit is a disservice to him.

Match 2:
Chris Masters vs. Santino

Why this match? Cause I like Santino. He'd come out first, and cut a comedy promo about Masters and the Masterlock and whatever he could come up with. Then Masters would come out and dominate the match. Masterlock attempt turns into a small package, Masters barely kicks out, and proceeds to squash Santino.

Backstage Segment:
Jillian and Beth in my office:

Jillian and Beth demand individual matches: Beth against Mickie for the title (for obvious reasons), and Jillian against whoever for whatever reason. I tell Beth that she will have a title match tonight. I grin mischieviously as I tell Beth that Jillian will be her partner in an inter-gender tag team match against Jerishow for the Unified Tag Team Titles. As they stare at me, shocked, I tell them that it's a lesson in what happens when you come into my office and try to demand things from the boss.

Match 3:
Mickie Vs. Gail for the Women's Title:

Long story short, Mickie wins, Gail gets angry and slaps her when she comes for a handshake.

Match 4:
John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler:

I couldn't really figure out anything for Cena, because I don't really want him involved with my main event. I come out to the ring, and say that I watch SmackDown too, and that I wanted to give one of their superstars the chance to shine, or some shit like that, A taste of the A-game, something, idunno. With that I introduce Ziggler. He comes out, introduces himself to myself and the crowd, and almost myself again when John comes out. Match ensues, Ziggler gets an upset.

Match 5:
Beth and Jillian vs. Jerishow for the UTTC:

Beth opens the match by acting like she has a pair (possibly true?), and giving Jericho a solid elbow to the jaw. Jericho gains the upper hand, and tags in show. Big Show immediately hits the knockout punch on Beth, and drags her limp form over and makes her tag Jillian. He immediately hits the showstopper on her, and she appears to be out. But she immediately comes back to life when she's put in a new tag team submission finisher by show and jericho that they call The Colossal Walls. Rather than submitting, Jillian immediately falls unconscious and the match is ended. Medics tend to the two women and then commercials.

Legacy vs. DX

Legacy comes out to Voices, lookin all cocky and grinning like they've got it made. Big DX intro, they come down and legacy attacks them halfway up the ramp. DiBiase and Rhodes hold off Trips long enough for Randy to RKO Shawn on the ramp. At this point, all three members drag Trips to the ring and start dissecting him. The moment Trips starts fending all three of them off, Orton gets the belt and attempts to hit Trips with it. Trips ducks, and pedigrees Orton on the belt before the other two can react, getting himself disqualified. Legacy pounces on him and starts beating him down. Shawn at this point slides into the ring and Orton's cohorts leave the ring and pull him out. Shawn takes his time helping Trips up, asks him if he's okay, and promptly hits the Sweet Chin Music on Trips. Raw leaves the air with Shawn staring down at Trips with a disgusted expression, and the fans wondering what in the world could have brought this on.

So yeah, that's my show. Probably nowhere near the best in the world, but eh, I didn't feel like putting a ton of thought into it, my main goal with my show was to break up that sham that they've slapped the DX name on.
Hmm... if I was running things... I would have an orgy with the kelly kelly, Mickie James, Maryse, Alica Fox, and Gail Kim. The I would turn Cena heel, and ban triple h from the title scene.... yeah! But really I would do the first thing... I would do each and everyone one of the first thing....
All I see is the guest host coming out and talking about how great it is to be here and all that shit with Legacy coming out after. How about Jerishow coming out with Jericho giving us a lecture on how we're "hypocrites" and how he's "the best in the world at what he does?"
I would start the show off by coming to the ring (to less applause then a local enhancement talent, cause nobody knows who the hell I am), and talk about how great it is to be here. Then Orton would come out like he always does with guest hosts, and I would tell him that both he and John Cena would have handicap matches against surprise opponents tonight, in preparation for the upcoming PPV title match. Then I would tell Orton and the audience that if there is any outside interference in Orton match, then Orton is stripped of the title, and if there is any interference in Cena's match, he loses his title match.

------------commercial break------------

Match 1: Evan Bourne (w/ Hornswoggle) vs. Chavo Guerrero
Chavo wins (countout) in 6 minutes after Chavo goes outside, assaults Hornswoggle and while Bourne goes to check on him, Chavo sneaks in the ring at 9. After the match, Chavo goes back out to assault them both, but Bourne fights him off.

------------commercial break------------

Backstage, I am in my office and Legacy comes in (all 3 of them). They are all pissed about Orton's handicap match, and I tell them that Rhodes/DiBiasi may want to get out of my office, because they need to get o the ring for their match, which just started (you hear the ring bell faintly), and if they lose (even by countout), 2 partners will be added to Orton's handicap match, so they hurry out of the office.

Match 2: Legacy vs. DX
The camera cuts back to Legacy trying to get to the ring, while the ref is counting them out. Unfortunately for Legacy, they encounter obstacles on their way to the ring (things like slipping on a wet floor, tripping over things, and bumping into Hacksaw Jim Duggan (and his 2x4) backstage. They get to the ramp at the count of 10, and lose the match. This means that 2 men are added to the Orton handicap match. Legacy, not being stupid, leaves ringside dejected, not wanting to face Orton's wrath. DX takes the mic and HHH does the "Are Your Reade" thing, except he ends it by saying "I guess they weren't ready"

Backstage, we see Mickie James and Gail Kim walking to ringside, for their upcoming tag match.

------------commercial break------------

Match 3: Mickie James/Gail Kim vs. Beth Phoenix/Jillian
Beth and Jillian win this match in 8 minutes, after Gail Kim gets hit with an errant kick by Mickie James. After the match, Gail Kim viciously assaults Mickie, hitting her with her finisher twice.

------------commercial break------------

Match 4: US Champion Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz
before the match starts, I am shown in my office on the TitanTron, and tell Miz that this is his chance to get a US Title match. If he wins, then he will face Kofi Kingston at Breaking Point.
Miz picks up the Victory after a back and forth match that lasts about 6 minutes, earning his US title match.

Backstage, Jack Swagger comes into my office demanding to know why I didn't book him on the show yet. I tell him that the numbers just didn't add up, but if I can think of something, then I will put you in a match. He leaves, angry, and I am shown with a sly smile on my face, insinuating that I have an idea for him.

------------commercial break------------

Match 5: MVP/Mark Henry vs. Carlito/Chris Masters
MVP/Mark Henry win this pretty handily in 8 minutes, after a World's Strongest Slam by Henry on Carlito.

------------commercial break------------

Cole and Lawler are in the ring, and they hype the PPV card, which now includes the US title match, and a Divas Tile Match between Gail Kim and Mickie James.

Match 6: John Cena's Handicap Match.
Cena hits the ring to a massive pop (you know he will get it, he always does). Then Jeri-Show's music hits, and they announced as his opponents.
------------commercial break------------
The match gets underway, and Cena is the underdog throughout, getting beat down mercilessly by the tag champs. Cena finally gets some momentum, and hits Show with the top rope fameasser thing, hits jericho with the back suplex-like thing, then knocks show down after 2 shoulder tackles, before hitting the 5 Knuckle Shuffle on Show. Jericho gets up, and Cena picks him up for the Attitude Adjustment, but counters, and Show gets up and chokeslams Cena for the win at the 12 minute mark.

Jeri-Show leave, and Randy Orton then runs to the ring and starts assaulting Cena, as Michael Cole reminds us that since the match is over, Orton won't lose the title, and proclaims this action as "Vintage Orton." DX then runs out making the save, before Legacy comes back out to help out Orton. I am shown again on the TitanTron, getting everybody's attention while the Refs break up the Meelee, and announce that the Main Event will start right after the break, and announce that the match is a handicap match, but never said anything about how many people on each side. Therefore the Main Event (which was originally going to be 2 on 1 in Orton's favor) is now 4 on 1. I then announce Orton's tag partners are going to be Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiasi, and Jack Swagger. Their opponent in this match, JOHN CENA! and if DX or anybody else interferes, then they will be fired on the spot.

Match 7: Legacy and Jack Swagger vs. John Cena
Everybody in the WWE universe is expecting this to be a beatdown on Cena. Rhodes starts the match against an already defeated John Cena, and hits The Cross-Rhodes. DiBiasi is tagged in and hits Dream Street, and Orton get the tag and hits an RKO. Orton goes for the pin, but is convinced to let him up, so Orton can do the Punk Kick of Doom. He hits Cena with the kick, and goes for the pin again. Swagger begs Orton to not pin him yet, because he wants to hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb. Orton says fine, and Swagger is tagged in. Swagger picks him up for the gutwrench powerbomb Orton isn't watching Swagger, and instead of hitting Cena with his finisher, he puts Cena back on his back, and pins him, earning the pinfall instead of Orton. Orton is pissed at Swagger, and the 3 members of Legacy lunge at Swagger, but he escapes the ring, and runs to the back. Meanwhile, DX comes back out, and runs off Legacy, before they can do any more damage to Cena. DX taunts Legacy in the ring, as the show closes.

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