Mr. Anderson

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You'd have to assume it's only a matter of time before the former "Mr. Kennedy" shows up in TNA, no?

Reports hit the 'net a while back about TNA having made a pitch to have him debut at Bound For Glory 2009, but apparently Anderson turned it down. On top of which, further reports had speculated that Anderson's camp (Heyman) were telling him not to sign with the company because of a potential to springboard back to the WWE if the Hogan tour worked out well for him.

With Hogan signing with TNA, what's to stop Ken from jumping on board with him at this point?

I certainly don't see much harm in terms of his career development.

Sloppy in the ring he might be, but his mic work is great, and that's something TNA is in dire need of right now.
Right now he's just weighing his options trying to get the best deal. When TNA gets their monday show they'll want to bring in some high calibut talent to compete with WWE.

On the other hand Vince imo would want to sign up any available free agents to stop them from signing with TNA (Kennedy, Umaga, RVD)

On TNA's monday night show premiere I see it being Kennedy's debut either in TNA or back in WWE
First off I'd need to state this:

TNA does not have a Monday Night show now. Nor will they have one anytime soon. Right now from all of the reports that WZ and other site state, TNA is INTERESTED IN & EXPLORING the possibility of a show. Spike is INTERESTED in more TNA related programming. Nothing has been set up, scheduled, announced as in development. The earliest TNA can show up on Mondays is probably after Feb. sweeps. as a mid season replacment.

I say this to ask this question: Can Ken (Kennedy) Anderson remain relevant enough outside of this forum and the IWC (small % of actual fans) until then? I doubt it. He will need to make a decision at some point.

Also, everyone assumes that because of this 'Shadow' of a Monday Night show, Vince will buy up all of the talent to avoid TNA have'em. During the Monday Night Wars it was the aggressor/underdog (WCW) had to pay for the big names. Vince didn't make a move roster-wise until The Giant (Paul Wight/Big Show). Vince is the type to believe that since his strategy worked for him in the end (he won outright), why change it?
I think Anderson would be better off in TNA, where he would be allowed to show off his awesome skills, on the mic and in the ring. I think TNA is less prone to "edit" what he has to say, as apparently Vince McMahon did that during his time in WWE.

Plus, TNA has a lighter schedule. So if he is "injury-prone" or not, he will have less wear and tear on his body, and more ample time to recover from said wear and tear. In the end, he needs to make a decision soon before his value drops any further. TNA is the logical choice, as it seems he wore out his welcome in WWE and lost a few friends.
I think Anderson would be better off in TNA, where he would be allowed to show off his awesome skills, on the mic and in the ring. I think TNA is less prone to "edit" what he has to say, as apparently Vince McMahon did that during his time in WWE.

Plus, TNA has a lighter schedule. So if he is "injury-prone" or not, he will have less wear and tear on his body, and more ample time to recover from said wear and tear. In the end, he needs to make a decision soon before his value drops any further. TNA is the logical choice, as it seems he wore out his welcome in WWE and lost a few friends.

In addition to the injury-prone bit, the lighter work schedule in TNA would also allow for him to perhaps remain healthier seeing as he isn't taking bumps for 2/3rds of the year.
I really hope that Kennedy doesn't show up in TNA...I changed the channel whenever he appeared on WWE programming, and I'd be tempted to do the same if he arrived in the Impact Zone. His ring work looks like he hasn't wrestled in 20 years, and he's a danger to himself, and sometimes to others.

As far as his mic work in concerned...Is he really that good? Is he better than anyone in TNA? No. And, no. He repeats his last name. Epic. HoF material :rolleyes: As far as being better than anyone in TNA, that's just not true. Angle, Bubba Ray, Nash, Stevie, Steiner, Beer Money, Eric Young, and Matt Morgan are all better, and there's a bunch more on the same level. He's basically a mid-carder on the mic there.
Really? I never though the was all that bad, NSL.

I realize TNA has a couple good guys on the mic, but their bigger guys aren't really all that great there. I'm talking primarily about AJ Styles and Hernandez.
I realize TNA has a couple good guys on the mic, but their bigger guys aren't really all that great there. I'm talking primarily about AJ Styles and Hernandez.

I can agree on Hernandez, and there's a reason he gets an average of one promo a month, and it usually involves someone coming in halfway. His matches are superb though, so there's no reason to hold him back for bad mic skills.

As far as AJ Styles, he's great. He's the good down home kind of boy, and comes off like an "everyman". He says the things we would say in his position, and doesn't come off as modest or asshole-ish.
I can agree on Hernandez, and there's a reason he gets an average of one promo a month, and it usually involves someone coming in halfway. His matches are superb though, so there's no reason to hold him back for bad mic skills.

As far as AJ Styles, he's great. He's the good down home kind of boy, and comes off like an "everyman". He says the things we would say in his position, and doesn't come off as modest or asshole-ish.

For me, AJ comes off as inexperienced. He just doesn't seem to act all that natural on it when dealing with anything emotional, and considering how he's been booked of late, that's kind of a monumental failure on TNA's part.
I feel that the more time Anderson waits to sign with someone, the less relevant his signing becomes. Just like other fans I could care less what Ken does. He doesn't have one match that sticks out in my head, one that really blew me away. I got annoyed of him saying his last name over and over again, prolly after the first time he did it.
I really hope TNA doesn't sign this guy. I would much prefer to see RVD, Umaga, Chris Hero, and some other talent than him. I would care less if he even got signed back to WWE and went to ECW. If I never saw him on television again I really wouldn't care.
Kennedy needs to just sign with TNA and remind Vince and the WWE just what a talent he is. He's going to be meaningless if he doesn't in the near future. It won't even matter soon if he doesn't sign on. Vince obviously doesn't want him back, so why should he wait? He'd already be back by now or something right? Just jump ship "Mr. Anderson" already. You aren't going anywhere just sitting there.
I think he would be great fit in tna.He would be able to his character that he is. He's funny,has some great features in the ring, anf the mic skills well he's set on that.He can bring the power and passion into the 6 sided ring.That what hogan and evry1 else wants.It would be a great thing for the second show if and when that happens.I see tna bringing in rvd, mr.anderson,raven is back hopefully for longer this time, maybe umaga, and a bunch of other names. This would increase ratings, attendance,and $. anderson is what they need taking time off is the best thing for him.I think the best way to bring him in is with heyman himself.I would keep this secret for awhile, maybe debut on the new show.Give him the right storyline and have haymen has his manager give him a lil power so he can help out to. Yea i know some might say he would ruin it theirs too much egos in there already.He has no interest all that bs. But really these egos could do something if they can get their shit together. With all these elements i think this would push tna to another level and give vince a run for their money.So mr.anderson goin is a good idea a great way to kick start the new show and great for himself cause tna is some where you can be urself
I hate Umaga. He was always a cheap-ass WWE version of Samoa Joe-lite to me. I was never impressed with him, and almost always fast-forwarded through all his matches on RAW or Smackdown.

Talk about boring. That "Samoan Spike" was the only "shocking" thing about him. I'll give him that much – the finisher was original and quite scary, but on his own he was about as interesting to watch as CSPAN-2, IMO.

That's another ex-WWE guy I hope they stay away from. TNA didn't have their fill with fat Samoan guys when they signed Rikishi?
I think Mr. Kennedy is good, and while I don't see the similarity with Austin that his other fans seem to, a feud between him and a heel authority figure would be absolute gold, as we saw embryonically with Regal last year. His problem is his injury proneness, but the biggest thing he had going for him was that McMahon lost him. Both of these things will disappear with the light schedule of TNA and the fact it is TNA, but it would make him quite an unknown quantity. If he isn't being pushed, then I worry what exactly he would be like. If he goes to TNA, I'd expect him to be mega pushed, then just kind of discarded.
Mr. Anderson would make a decent roster addition, if he doesn't injure himself or someone more valuable his first time out the gates. As it stands, though, I hope for his sake this waiting game pays off.

Anderson needs to remember that people have very short attention spans -- which means he has a fairly limited shelf life. He's got about 3 more months of relevance before he gets so "cold" that even TNA isn't terribly interested.

Then he'll just be repeating his name several times because nobody remembers it.
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