Mr. Anderson (Kennedy)

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Pre-Show Stalwart
For those of you living under a rock Ken Anderson aka Mr. Kennedy in WWE has indeed signed with TNA. People like Jeremy Borash and a slew of other people are trying to say that he either has not, or is not at the Impact tapings. Come stupid do these people think we the fans are? Chris Jericho, and WWE, tried saying that Jericho was not coming back two years ago. But sure enough, not long after that...there he is. Now the question is, is TNA actually going to use him or are they going to punk him out?
it would be stupid on tna's part to misuse a gift like that!
but judging from tna's past they will probably fuckthings up like they did with every other superstar they took from wwe
For those of you living under a rock Ken Anderson aka Mr. Kennedy in WWE has indeed signed with TNA. People like Jeremy Borash and a slew of other people are trying to say that he either has not, or is not at the Impact tapings. Come stupid do these people think we the fans are? Chris Jericho, and WWE, tried saying that Jericho was not coming back two years ago. But sure enough, not long after that...there he is. Now the question is, is TNA actually going to use him or are they going to punk him out?

Actually, WWE did not out and out say Jericho wasn't coming back, they did it in a round about way that didn't explicitly say he wasn't returning. Cant remember the exact example, but there are some out there.

Nevertheless, I very much expect to see Mr Anderson in TNA, debuting at their next PPV maybe. Anderson could be a tremendous asset for them if he stays healthy.
Actually, WWE did not out and out say Jericho wasn't coming back, they did it in a round about way that didn't explicitly say he wasn't returning. Cant remember the exact example, but there are some out there.

Yeah, you are probably right on the WWE part...but Jericho said himself in an interview that he was not coming back. I do remember that.
Ok why even get excited over kennedy coming to TNA he did nothing of substance in WWE NOTHING! the only thing he did besides injure others or himself his entire tenure was come out to the ring give a halfway decent performance, put his foot in his mouth during interviews outside the ring, and quite frankly the Mr. KEEEEEENNNNNEEEDY gimmick wasnt main event material sorry but its true.
WE now he's going to TNA....they told us elijah burke wasnt going to TNA and MR.KENNEDY is not going to TNA either.......they are going to change his ringname and repackage him..........but yes he is definitely going.
For those of you living under a rock Ken Anderson aka Mr. Kennedy in WWE has indeed signed with TNA. People like Jeremy Borash and a slew of other people are trying to say that he either has not, or is not at the Impact tapings. Come stupid do these people think we the fans are? Chris Jericho, and WWE, tried saying that Jericho was not coming back two years ago. But sure enough, not long after that...there he is. Now the question is, is TNA actually going to use him or are they going to punk him out?

Not to be a spoil sport, but do you have any sources to back up the claim of Anderson signing with TNA? Just because his no-compete clause has expired, doesn't mean anything. On that note, why should TNA even be interested in an injury prone gas-head? The man had (maybe) two or three or memorable matches in WWE, and they were against guys who could pull a good match out anybody.

As for the claim of "Well, JB is denying it, so he must be on his way in." That's got to be the most absurd statement I've ever read. The way I see it, JB has no reason to lie about it, so he's probably telling the truth. Just because Jericho felt it neccessary to lie to the fans, doesn't mean everybody does.

And, do I think TNA will use him, or waste him? That's entirely up to Anderson, as it depends on if he can avoid injuring himself, and others. Oh, and it's also up to TNA, based on whether or not they sign him, for real, and not some fanboys delusion.
Even if TNA signs him, big deal. Kennedy or Anderson or whatever it is he's calling himself now is an internet darling that's been praised and hailed by his fans as being much better than he actually is.

I watched him during his entire time in the WWE and saw potential yes, but lots of wrestlers in throughout history have had tons of potential but were never able to break through. Whenever Kennedy was building momentum, something always happened to knock him out of action for weeks or months on end and things would start all over for him. It got to the point where I just couldn't care less about the guy.

Is he legitimately injury prone, I don't know but it's a label that he's been slapped with and the only way be rid of it is to prove himself capable of going more than 6 months at a time without suffering a debilitating injury that keeps him out of action. There are also reports that the guy is clumsy and reckless in the ring so, ultimately, if he does go to TNA he has a LOT to prove.
First of all, you are just making shit up. If you're only reasoning to back it up is "come on, of course they signed him," then that is just ridiculous. Don't assume, or else you make an ass out of yourself while I laugh, or something like that.

As for Kennedy in TNA, if it ever happens, I'm not so sure. A lot of people have speculated that he will be an immeadiate main eventer once he gets there, but I don't see why that should be the case. Kennedy never really showed much of anything in the WWE excpet for "potential", whatever the hell that is.

I do think he could be a useful addition to TNA, but I don't think he is a savior of any kind. He is a relatively young wrestler with some talent, but that's about it. If he does sign with TNA, it is probably going to be mainly because he was in the WWE once, and TNA has the need to sign every released WWE wrestler for some reason. Even if Kennedy may be one of those who actually deserves to be signed, I'm not sure how this'll pan out.
I hope he does go to TNA but not straight to the main event scene, hopefully TNA does something like they've done with Elijah Burke aka D'Angelo Deniro and put him in a feud with a midcarder
Dude!!! Get a head check. Some talent my ass! he IS a main eventer. With LOTS of talent, AND you would have seen that if he didn't get releaseed. Hell I GUARANTEE he would have already been in a wwe heavy weight championship run. So pull youre head outa your A** cuz you have no idea! And as for tna goes im suprised he hasn't signed with them yet. Although i don't think he'll be as big of a star there (even though he should) beacuse it's not like they can just countine with his act he had on wwe... Or can they? Or something better/just as good? Time will tell. But he's earned a main eventer spot and should just be given that over there. After all he's been called the next closest thing to "The Rock" but then of course was shot down.
Dude!!! Get a head check. Some talent my ass! he IS a main eventer. With LOTS of talent, AND you would have seen that if he didn't get releaseed. Hell I GUARANTEE he would have already been in a wwe heavy weight championship run. So pull youre head outa your A** cuz you have no idea! And as for tna goes im suprised he hasn't signed with them yet. Although i don't think he'll be as big of a star there (even though he should) beacuse it's not like they can just countine with his act he had on wwe... Or can they? Or something better/just as good? Time will tell. But he's earned a main eventer spot and should just be given that over there. After all he's been called the next closest thing to "The Rock" but then of course was shot down.

Please don't give us Kennedy fans a worse reputation than we already have. Nobody is the next Rock, the next Austin, or whoever. I don't think a wrestler would want to be remembered as "the guy who was kind of like Rock", I'd think they'd rather establish their own name. He wasn't a main eventer because every one of his pushes failed. That's it. Posts like this are the reason why every thread involving Anderson ends up as a discussion consisting solely of Kennedy bashing.

Some people will have a problem when/if he signs of course, complaining that it's just strengthening the "wwe trash can" reputation TNA has. And others will complain because they think he sucks but whatever. I think the fact that there have been at least three "Kennedy to TNA" threads in the TNA section recently, each with a decent amount of views, shows that at least some people would care. Which is great, because what TNA needs desperately is for people to care about their promotion.

When/if he signs, I'll actually start buying PPVs instead of streaming them. So that's at least a few bucks TNA will make off it :)
I don't like labels like injury prone as a point of derision because so many top stars are. Really what matters is what a wrestler does when he's healthy. Yes Kennedy showed some promise but he never truly elevated himself. He was a one dimensional character who never really evolved from that guy who does his own ring introduction. That was it, plus when he was going to become the bastard son of McMahon (the biggest break of his career) he failed a urine test. In the end during his time healthy he did little to establish himself as a multifaceted performer with a compelling character. If TNA wants to use him by all means, and if proves himself as viable entity then the WWE will swipe him up again anyways and then punish him for becoming a star somewhere else.
i havent seen a single thing about him going to tna. if you have then please let me know. kennedy was entertaining but i dont think he will really add must to tna. hes not that good in the ring and his injuryies really hurt him
it's pretty weird some people seem to insist that it's all Anderson's that he got injuried. Like he told his body - "go shit on me now". That's insane - what we have is a case of REALLY bad luck. And your even more insane if your not able to see Anderson's greatness.

I mean for goodness sake - remember when Flair and Ken were discussing their match (that whole retirement stuff). Flair said something about how Ken reminded him of another bleach blonde confident man (himself of course).

Anderson will succeed - and everyone who hates him - will love him. The End.
The next Rock?He blew his chances,what he have like 3,feuding wit Taker,MITB winner,Vinces bastard son!Blew all of them he gets injured quite often,its said he use to be my boy!All MITB winners were champions not him!He goes to Tna for their tapings then the next month he will be injured again,come back,injured again,and fired again.He should just stay home get a 9 to 5 where he cant injure himself again.
Now that Ken Anderson (Kennedy) is a free man, it's widely assumed that he will eventually sign with TNA. I know WWE owns the Mr. Kennedy character, but I was wondering how much of his act he's allowed to use in TNA? Are we gonna see the old school mic fall from the rafters, or the repeating of his last name?

If I remember correctly, when Christian started with TNA, his mannerisms were pretty much the same other than going by Christian Cage. However, when Scott Hall did his infamous walk through the crowd on WCW and basically cut a promo with an accent, WWE sued.

Now it may not manner as I think Anderson is talented enough to get over. I was just wondering what everyone else thinks.
Personally, I think Mr. Anderson is going to flop out side of WWE. He has some traits that can take him far. His injuries and not being a significant draw is going to be a problem if he wants to be world champion someday.
I dont really see where a comparison to The Rock is valid...but okay. As for what has been mentioned about how much of his character can be bring with him to TNA? All of it, baring the Kennedy last name. I saw this due to other WWE guys who went to TNA. Christian for example...what changed in his character attitude? Nothing I am aware of, if there was it was so trivial its not worth noticing. The same with Kurt...he is still Kurt.

As for him being a main event player....TNA could do it, and make it believable. But the logical thing is for him to fued with a upper-midcard first. Probably either Samoa Joe or Daniels. But that depends on a heel/face character.
As far as being able to use wwe like mannerisms, if he calls himself Ken Anderson, and does the Misterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... well you get point. how can WWE sue for him doing a ring intro for himself that has basically been done since ring intros were done. and he's using his own name, i'm pretty sure he can call himself the name on his birth certificate, and other than doing his own intros he didn't really have any other gimmick in wwe. Now i think the first post asked if tna would actually use him or just let him sit. My answer to this is a dumbfounded jaw dropped :eek2: one of those. Why on earth would you sign someone like Kennedy/Anderson who is only gonna show up for some decent cash, and have him sit on the bench? that makes no sense at all. So, whether or not He has signed yet doesn't matter, because he will. he is fairly well known, has the look, is entertaining and is exactly what TNA would love to have. So i think sooner than later you will see Mr. Kennedy/Anderson in TNA, perhaps after the Hogan Australia tour that i read on this site he was going to do.
I am iffy on Kennedy, I mean anyone can have bad luck but apart from some really good mic skills I didn't see much for him in the ring. Mediocre at best. If he were to step it up between the ropes then maybe ill start believing.
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