Mr. Anderson/Kennedy - Would he be where he is now if he stayed


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I noticed a while ago when Mr. Kennedy/Anderson left the WWE, it was mainly due to the injuries and all that, (at least thats what people were saying.) Now I'm wondering if you guys think he would have been a main eventer in the WWE like he is in TNA, if the WWE had kept him? What do you guys think
i think they was trying to let him pop. but he really didnt catch on the way he is in tna, imo a jobber to the stars mid carder in wwe...righ now he would a better chance at a main event scene after his experience in tna, but they cud just rib him cuz he made the switch
As long as people he injured or almost injured was working on the brand he was, He wouldn't of made it to main event status because they all would of refused to work with him. So he would of remained mid card. Remember he injured the face of WWE and everybody knows Cena draws more then Kennedy. I think that if he managed to have two years of injury free matches he would of made it to main event on Smackdown but he never would of made it big on Raw.
This question I'm going to anwser in two different ways.

If he had remained in WWE after all the shit that had happened with the injuries (to himself and others) he would likley have been relegated to the mid card or maybe even been thrown behind an announce table like Matt Striker. No one cares he hurt Cena. But almost hurting Orton (or so he says) now thats something that would have thrown a monkey wrench in his rise to the top. Orton is a very vocal backstage presence and if he's pissed at you the whole locker room is gonna know it. Glad he went to TNA where he could be put to use.


If he had never gotten hurt during his time as MITB he would without a doubt be a world champion by now. WWE put this guy up on the marque when he won MITB and started have the Kennedy Kountdown (as i liked to call it) where he would cash in MITB at WM (so sad this never came to fruition) It's sad actually because I could very much see a face kennedy vs a heel Miz as one of the premier fueds if Kennedy had not shot himself in the foot. So sad it is likely a fued we will never get to see now.
Like Raven said, there's two ways this question could go. If everything had been the same up until when he was released, and if he had stayed healthy his entire career.

If he had simply not been released when Orton complained about him like a little bitch, he'd probably be a midcarder right now. Think Kofi Kingston. He might be on SD fueding with Ziggler or Del Rio or Christian or Mysterio (depending on if he was a face or heel).

If he had managed to stay healthy from the very beginning, he'd be a multi time World champion by this point. He might be the one in Nexus instead of Cena. Or he'd be in Orton's place as the guy replacing Cena as the face of the company. He'd be HUGE.
Vince McMahon was really high on Anderson for a long time. Anderson did keep getting sidelined by injuries, not saying the guy is injury prone or anything, but the fact of it is that it happened and it derailed the guy whenever he was really getting some steam going. Anderson won MITB at WrestleMania and we all know historically what that's come to mean. Eventually, Anderson would have become either World Heavyweight or WWE Champion. But, he did get injured and there went a huge opportunity. Anderson was also supposedly going to be revealed as Mr. McMahon's illegitimate son and that would have been a HUGE angle for him. I can't remember if that idea fell through because he got injured again or because he failed a drug test. It was one of those, I just can't remember which off the top of my head.

Let's be honest, it seems pretty obvious that the WWE intended to make Anderson a huge star. Some say that Anderson is clumsy and careless, some say he's injury prone and all that. When you take into account that Anderson caused aggrevated an injury to a top WWE guy on his first match back on Raw after a lengthy absence and combine it with the fact that the WWE had seen very little return in the 4 year investment they put into Anderson, I can see why he was let go.

I don't know how long Anderson would have been king of the mountain in the WWE. However, if he'd been able to keep from being sidelined by one thing or another during his time in WWE, I think there's an almost certainty that he'd be a multiple World Champion already by now.
I don't care much for his wrestling ability, but the guy can talk. If he was still in wwe and the injuries wouldn't have happened he would be on top. Seems to me that o alot of the average wrestling viewers being good on a mic is seen as more important than wrestling ability. So he would definitely be a multi time champ if he was still around.
Right now, I can't see him being bigger then Mid card in the E. I agree with the most of you, if he hadn't been injured so frequently, he'd be a big time player. But the past is the past. He is doing a very good job for himself where he is now. But I think that if he wasn't injured so often, he'd be much better off.
Honestly I think after the orton incident it probably would have been merely a matter of time since vince got tired of him being too independently creative or orton acted like a bitch some more and tried to get him fired. I think if he'd have still been there after that incident he either would have been fired shortly after for something similar or been a christian/master/goldust and never got anywhere.

Honestly I'm far happier with where he is now and I think that he is as well
The previous comments pretty much cover it. Anderson is a fairly solid ring worker but not really exciting enough to hold a major championship for any length of time in WWE. He never had the "money moves" that accent the reign of a champ. Even Cena, whose wrestling ability is constantly ridiculed on this forum, has his high points and he makes good use of an exciting finisher. Anderson is a good talker but that alone doesn't take you to the top.

Despite that, if Anderson could have stayed healthy, drug free and mindful of his opponent's safety, he might well have had some kind of title reign in WWE. The company wanted him to succeed.....therefore, he would have.

It's a funny thing about injuries in sports; while management will do the politically correct thing and talk about how they're concerned only with the performer returning to health, the fact is that injuries hurt the corporation as well as the player. When you're sitting out injured, you're of no use to the company and when you come back, it's hard for them to build a program around you if you've proven to be injury-prone. Injuries may not be the fault of the performer, but it doesn't change the fact that when a company puts time, money and effort into promoting a wrestler, it all goes down the drain if his momentum wears off while he's recovering from an injury.

In TNA, Anderson is doing well.....but then, he hasn't been injured yet. Here's to his continued health, for TNA's sake and his own.
Just the point that vince was building Kennedy as the guy who beated .... former WHCs (he started counting and reached 5 i think). And then having him win MITB.

He was going to the point to be called his illigit son, which means historic feuds with Vince, shane (maybe), stephanie, even Triple H as the guy that carries the company (on screen). Who got vince's rub succeed! and Kennedy was very close!

Look at my signiture and I say Orton was wrong and Im sure its not the main reason, I mean Kurt Anlge, Brock Lesnar and Austin where at least stiff twice more than him.

I think Kennedy wouldve been beside Cena and Orton and in worst case the slightly infront of the Miz if not for his injuries (and only because of it)
I actually have to disagree with you guys...
Yeah, he was injury prone... He got a lot of complaints about being stiff and etc, but in my opinion if he stayed in WWE that would've only meant one that and that is that Vince McMahon was really behind this guy and wasn't going to release him.

I believe he would've been kept out of the Main Event scene for a short while until WWE were confident enough to place him back into the picture, but in all honesty at least from what I picture if Mr Anderson was still in WWE I believe that Mr. Anderson would be at least a 1 - 3 time World Champion.

I just don't understand how people could say that he would've been stuck in the Main Event picture when he was placed in a feud against The Undertaker and possibly even a feud against Triple H if revealed as the illiligit son. He was going to get a push whether people wanted to work with him or not if he was still in WWE.

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