Movies You Hate That Everyone Else Loves

One movie that I hate, and everybody seems to love, is Dark Knight (co-starring everyones favorite junky, Heath Ledger.) It bastardized the books, Christian Bale is a marginally acceptable Batman, and the only reason Heath Ledger is getting all the awards and recognition is because he decided to go and off himself. Seriously, I was able to get a half hour into the film before leaving and walking into the theater bar, to try and drink the movie out of my memory.

Just about the only saving grace to this debacle was Bales breakdown at that press junkette a couple of weeks ago.:one_samuria:

dude you gott to be kidding me the darker more evil joker goes back to days where it was literally called the black knight he wasnt even batman yet robin didnt exist or any of that bs. now true they changed it uyop soon with the whole 2 face thing, but i still enjoyed the only thing that was no where near the actual dark knight himselyf because he use to carry to 45'a but even that makes sense because you cant have your heroe mirking the bad guys.

that said napoleon dynamite was horrible and that along with star wars are my choices. they bore me to death and the old ones are so terrible i nearly shit myself laughing at them! and Gladiator is so fucking awesome!!! Russel Crowe deserved that Oscar as did that movie. 300 only had good action so i can agree some what.
Braveheart. I've seen this movie twice and it got worse the second time. I saw it once in high school and again in college. It's just WAY too long for me. The story is a cool concept, but overall it just was bad to me. Maybe it's my disdain for Mel Gibson, but he didn't do it at all for me.
What a great thread.

HBK-aholic hurt me with her hatred of the Harry Potter films. I think they are masterpeices. Becky (my fiancee) and I watch them every other weekend, curled up on the couch.

Anyway, RVD-Gurl hit the nail on the head with Napoleon Dynamite. I don't get the hype. Seriously. It wasn't very funny, and accompished very little. I respect the fact that it was a film school project turned cult fave - I respect when people can pull that off. But I hated the movie and want that 2 hours of my life back.

Another one is Superbad. After seeing the promos and trailers, I HAD to see it. Missed in the theatres, but rented it because my sister told me it was great. Um, no. Aside from McLovin nailin' the hot red head at the end, I could not have cared less. I thought the language went overboard - I am cool with swearing, but this movie blatantly overused it to the point where it detracted from some of the intelligent dialouge.

The big one is Titanic. I've still never seen it, based on principle. Everyone made such a huge deal outta that film, so I made the decision to boycott it.

I also agree with may on The Lord of the Rings. A tad boring for my tastes, and I prefered the Harry Potter Series infinitely. When somebody asks me if I ever ready the LOTR books in High School, I go straight for the Friends reference and let them know "no, I had sex in High School." Blatant lie, but it's a funny reference.

Thank you....I'm glad I'm not the only one that hated Superbad. I heard such great things about it from my friends and when I watched it on our campus channel I thought it was horrible. Only two parts I found funny was McLovin getting punched and that dude getting hit with a billyclub. Becca was hot though but that's it.
O god, I agree with IC, I hated superbad, that shit wasn't funny. I guess you have to be all doped up when you're watching that movie. The "humor" in that movie was rubbish, it bored the shit out of me, and I believe I laughed once throughout the entire movie.

Same goes for Napoleon Dynamite. Fuck, stupid as shit.

Harry Potter films. They all sucked, wasted hours of my life, the books were mediocre also, so what should I have expected?

Lord of the Rings- they also sucked. I could not get through one of the damn movies. I believe they prolonged everything and dragged it out way too long. therefore the damn movie eventually lost me.

Pirates of the Caribbean- Well I hate that worthless piece of shit Johnny Depp, and these movies were so freaking boring. Nothing was able to grab my attention and I was bored of it in 20 minutes.

Fuck, another movie is Scarface. Al Pacino was the worst pick in the world, his accent was terrible, he is not a gangster and the movie was just mediocre. People called this better than the Godfather movies. I laugh hysterically, this movie pretty much sucked from beginning to end and nothing memorable came from this movie outside of "Say hello to my lil friend". This movie was just uninteresting and vastly overrated.
Al Pacino was the worst pick in the world, his accent was terrible, he is not a gangster and the movie was just mediocre. People called this better than the Godfather movies.

You're right about it not being as good as the Godfather, I'd say it's on par with Casino personally. Did you enjoy that? His accent was no worse than anyone else's in that movie.

I laugh hysterically, this movie pretty much sucked from beginning to end and nothing memorable came from this movie outside of "Say hello to my lil friend"

You don't remember his friend getting hacked up with a chainsaw in the shower?

You don't remember him trying to cut in on the huge coke deal and his companion being hanged out of the side of a helicopter because he used to be a snitch?

You don't remember him seducing the wife of his boss, and beating his sister when he discovered all the drugs and sex she was having?

You don't recall him shooting the assassin that he had specifically been charged with helping, because he refused to see innocent children get killed?

You don't remember him getting caught by the feds while counting his money at 3:00am?

I'm guessing then that you didn't appreciate playing GTA Vice City either?

Also, i thought i'd add that i didn't think Raging Bull was that great personally. I love Deer Hunter, Goodfellas, Godfather II, Taxi Driver, Casino and most of De Niro's other major films, but this one left me unimpressed to be honest. Pesci played near enough the same character in his previous outings with De Niro, and the story just didn't keep my interest sadly.
Scarface was SO over rated. I consider myself a mafia / crime movie buff, and this is one of my least favorites. It was gratuitous violence, language, and sex for that sake alone. Even in places where it did not advance the storyline.

This film was trying to be some badass bloodbath. Michelle Pfeiffer was awful, and the scene when his ugly-ass sister comes in to him half doped up asking if he wants her turned by stomach, not because it was powerful, but because it was pathetic.

And DiNiro was MUCH better in Casino than in Scarface, please don't ever abase Casino by comparing it to this over rated pile of mule dumping.
I'm not really a fan of crime movies. Well, I quite liked Heat. Scarface was alright. Bit heavy on the synthesizers.

The Departed, however, is one that I really, really don't get. The cast is unremarkable. The acting is unremarkable. The story is so clumsy and just results in pretty much everyone dying at the end. There's no classic scenes or lines. The box art is even uninspired. Everyone talks about it like it's the second coming. Do not get it.
Borat- Came out a few years ago of a parody of... well lots of things I guess. A man who apparently came from Kazakhstan to gather information on American life for his people back home.

The movie was lame, racist, horrid on so many levels, and had a nude scene that I can only relate to being horrendous.
You seem to have missed the point of Borat. You refer to it as a parody, yet don't seem to understand what's being parodied. I'd also like to take the time to point out that racism is hilarious in any situation. American History X was a laugh riot.
It parody some forms of stereotyping, such as the anti-Semitic parts, but it did portray portions of the United States stereotypically. It also inspired some negativity that was least funny for Kazakhstan.
Star Wars don't get it never will they bored me to sleep i've tried to sit through them figure out the hype i don't get it...................oh and Titanic absolutely sucked the best part was when the credits rolled........
It parody some forms of stereotyping, such as the anti-Semitic parts, but it did portray portions of the United States stereotypically. It also inspired some negativity that was least funny for Kazakhstan.

Actually, the Kazakhstan national football team were, predicatbly, asked by the English media before facing England if they like the movie, and they all said it was great, they didn't see it as a shameful thing for their country at all. And the negative US stereotypes are hilarious too, although I know self depricating is more of a British humour so we would see laughing at ourselves more acceptable then Americans.
The Dark Knight- I think so many people went there to see Ledger and were so blind and closed minded by his death that they did not see that the movie is not as great as they think it is
Tropic Thunder. Its a terrible movie. The only funny part was Danny McBride yelling "Big ass titties!" right before blowing everything up. The rest of the movie sucked. I was extremely disappointed in this movie. Ben Stiller was annoying, Downey Jr. seemed like he was trying too hard, Jack Black was even more annoying than Ben Stiller. I don't know what people see in this movie. It may very well be one of my choices as least favorite movie of all time.
So I guess this has become a thread of hating the Dark Knight because it is the cool thing to do...pathetic. Seriously before I say what movie I disliked, I loved the Dark Knight because of the characters not because of Ledger! I liked all the characters and I have been a fan all my life and I know a lot of people who feel the same as I do regardless of Ledger.

The movie I want to say is Napolean Dynamite. That movie is so unfunny it is not even funny. There are a lot of stupid moments in the film that make you go "what the fuck" and you really want to punch someone. I hated that I was forced by my bro in law and sis to watch that horrible movie. But anyways, thats my rant.
No what Pathetic is the only reason people went to the movie was because of Ledger death

Why dont you stop making assumptions and ask people why they went. Do a fucking survey. Then you'll get your fucking answer instead of spouting off how people only saw it because of Ledger. Batman Begins had a good following and people were already gonna watch the sequel regardless of wherther Ledger died or not. At most, Ledger brought in a little more than the movie anticipated. The movie still would have done well at the box office regardless.

If they do another Batman movie and its good, get this , PEOPLE WILL SEE IT. Because when a superhero movie is good, people watch. Good movie-Batman Begins, Spiderman, Dark Knight....bad movie-Superman returns. Good movie-Iron Man, bad movie-Batman and Robin. I am one of the biggest Batman fans and even I will admit that BnR sucks.
Cool Hand Luke: this movie just bored me to death....i guess it just wasn't my taste...i never realized this was a film about cool hand luke being somekind of a leader. thought it would be something completely different. besides the dozen egg scene, which was alright, movie sucked.
Why dont you stop making assumptions and ask people why they went. Do a fucking survey. Then you'll get your fucking answer instead of spouting off how people only saw it because of Ledger. Batman Begins had a good following and people were already gonna watch the sequel regardless of wherther Ledger died or not. At most, Ledger brought in a little more than the movie anticipated. The movie still would have done well at the box office regardless.

If they do another Batman movie and its good, get this , PEOPLE WILL SEE IT. Because when a superhero movie is good, people watch. Good movie-Batman Begins, Spiderman, Dark Knight....bad movie-Superman returns. Good movie-Iron Man, bad movie-Batman and Robin. I am one of the biggest Batman fans and even I will admit that BnR sucks.

Superman Return is not a bad movie but its for people who understand comic books

why don't you take your own Advice and stop making assumptions it been reported on the TV it been in the Newspaper hell even on the Radio people have said the only reason they went to see the movie was because Ledger die.

Batman Begin did NOT have a good following hell People at DC comics rated it worse then Batman and Robin That why their not making a 3rd one because of how bad the Dark Knight was I mean it would be Stupid for DC to make a 3rd movie.

But that my Opinion That how I feel and I can tell im not going to change your mind and your not going to change mine
Y2M... The Dark Knight was getting tons of hype and tons of press way before Ledger died. Just the fact that Nolan casted Ledger, who was coming off playing a gay cowboy mind you, over the likes of Robin Williams, Adrian Brody, and tons of other A-list actors sent shockwaves throughout the cinema/comic book world. Everybody had an opinion on it, because everyone already loved the Joker character before The Dark Knight was written. Most people hated the casting of Ledger, but when the photos of him in costume came out and the very first teaser was released, everyone was singing a different tune and we were all anticipating this movie. And then... Ledger died. Yeah, it helped box office some, but trust me... this film was going to make a LOT of money and get a LOT of praise even if Ledger wouldn't have passed away. That’s an indisputable fact, and if anyone thinks different, then you’re just letting your hatred for the film blind you from realizing that this film was going to be a success, financially and critically, no matter who lived or died.

Also, the notion that people only liked it because Ledger died is complete bullshit. I know I liked it just because I thought the fucking film was great, not because someone dead was starring in it. If that were the case, then Soul Men with Bernie Mac should be my favorite comedy of all time, but it's not because it wasn't that good, whether Mac is dead or not. But The Dark Knight was good enough for me to say it passed, yes believe it, BATMAN BEGINS as my favorite comic book movie of all time. And I fucking LOVED Batman Begins, but The Dark Knight was fantastic and a tad bit better, in my opinion, and Heath Ledger’s death has absolutely NOTHING to do with my opinion being that.
Am i the only one who Hated JUNO.
I didnt laugh once at that abortion. I know that it was CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED,
but it was just stupid to me.
It was just 2 hours of kids using big words and trying to sound smart.
If I wanted to see that I could have watched a couple episodes of Dawsons Creek.
At least Katie Holmes has a nice ass on that show.

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