Movies You Hate That Everyone Else Loves

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
All right fellow forum members,

Here's a thread for you to rant about a beloved film that you don't like without fear of persecution. What film do I hate that everyone else seems to love? That film would definitely be Gladiator. First, I have never understood the big deal about Russel Crowe; not only is he a huge tool in real life, but I only found him to be outstanding in one film (that being Michael Mann's The Insider). Otherwise, I only find him to be so-so (and I include his performance in Gladiator in this judgment). Second, the first half of this film literally bored me to sleep; I went with my dad to see this back in the day, and he ended up nudging me awake (this is one of his favorite films, so he probably nudged me because he felt I wasn't paying it proper respect). Third, the second half of this film, while violent, was as trite and formulaic as a film can get. I probably wouldn't have hated this film so much if it hadn't won Best Picture, but I seriously think AMPAS is out to piss me off.
Lord of the Rings.

Everyone I know just loves it and I can't stand it. Once at school they was showing it. I feel a sleep watching it.

I completely agree, the Lords of the Rings are the most boring movies I've ever seen.

Also, the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, A Clockwork Orange, Taxi Driver and dare I say it, The Godfather, are nowhere near as great as most people say they are.
Napoleon Dynamite. I just didn't get the big deal about it. It really wasn't funny and I got bored a quarter of the way into the movie. It seemed like a sophomoric comedy where only idiots would get a laugh out of it (no offense to anyone that loved this movie) but I like my comedy that involves some thought instead of a guy talking to a llama...yeah ok. My point is that the movie was extremely overrated, not funny, and really had no other redeeming qualities that would make me sit down and watch it from start to finish. And I have been known to randomly watch shows for no reason at all other than I like to see the finish of a story.
Pretty much all of these.

Napolean Dynamite falls into the Aqua Teen category with me. I look at people with nothing but bewilderment at what they are laughing at. I just don't get it. I didn't find it funny. And I hated how they decided that there should be a plot with like 15 minutes left.

Pirates doesn't do it for me. The movies weren't bad, I just didn't care enough to watch three of them. They were ok.

Pineapple Express wasn't funny. There were some funny parts, but it was the worst of the Judd Apatow films. James Franco annoyed me throughout the entire movie. They didn't show the girl enough. Seth Rogen just couldn't carry the rest of that weak cast.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to say Lord of the Rings too.

I remember when the first one came out people I knew were saying how awesome it was and putting it over big time so I checked it out and I watched it the first time and didn't care that much for it and when the second came out at the movies I remember being really bored and wanting it to hurry up and finish and after watching the second movie in the cinemas, I didn't bother watching the 3rd movie. I think that because of it's length I found it boring and didn't like it aswell as the fact that the story just didn't interest me that much either. I can see what people like about it, but it just wasn't for me.
Alright, here is the problem. You all seem to think boring movies are those that are long. Its an Epic build up in Gladiator and Lord of the Rings which is what makes them so good. The movie that I hated however for being incredible boring was Brokeback Mountain. I went in thinking it was goin g to be a very touching movie (...) and ended up being bored beyond belief. It was not a good movie at all, but got rave reviews.

I couldn't get beyond the fucking "gloss" effect. The storyline was rather stupid as well. Wow, "300" Guys (Spartans) going off to fight a war against a would-be "God", and his army of "Millions". That's original, and entertaining for 2 fucking hours.

Honestly, the story wasn't anywhere near believable, nor entertaining, and it bored me to tears almost. I can't see why everyone went ape-shit over this movie. You wanna know the big turn-off for me? The fact that the same people who created "Sin-City", went out and made this shit-turd.

The cast was horrible, and I can't imagine having to possibly sit through this movie all over again.

Amazingly hot girl, but that's it. Stupid plot, the action didn't kick in until i was already bored out of my mind, and everything was cliche.

And so far everyone else thought it was great!
Alright, here is the problem. You all seem to think boring movies are those that are long. Its an Epic build up in Gladiator and Lord of the Rings which is what makes them so good. The movie that I hated however for being incredible boring was Brokeback Mountain. I went in thinking it was goin g to be a very touching movie (...) and ended up being bored beyond belief. It was not a good movie at all, but got rave reviews.

Not that its long it just the story is boring to me.

It could be an hour movie I would not like it or hour and thirty mins.
One movie that I hate, and everybody seems to love, is Dark Knight (co-starring everyones favorite junky, Heath Ledger.) It bastardized the books, Christian Bale is a marginally acceptable Batman, and the only reason Heath Ledger is getting all the awards and recognition is because he decided to go and off himself. Seriously, I was able to get a half hour into the film before leaving and walking into the theater bar, to try and drink the movie out of my memory.

Just about the only saving grace to this debacle was Bales breakdown at that press junkette a couple of weeks ago.:one_samuria:
First I'm going to have to say "Lord of the Rings" I mean the 1st one was ok but I couldn't sit through 3 of them

I hate Harry Potter. I couldn't really get into any of those movies (just not my thing)

Pineapple express. I love seth rogen but this movie sucked ass plain and simple none of it was even the least bit funny

also I gotta agree with th poster above me and say 300 Ithe plot was the furtherest thing from what really happened and the "spraypaint abs" were awful. Looked more lie a gay porno than a major motion picture
I would have to say Star Wars. I really hate all of them. They don't interest me at the very least. I tried watching the first one a year ago and just found it boring. The special effects were ahead of it;s time but I just never understood the hype for that movie on here. But alas I pretty much hate any sci-fi(ish)movie so my hate might be unjust.

Another would be Lord of the Rings. This movie has made millions and millions of dollars, of dollars but I could not even sit through the whole thing. I guess it falls under the sci-fi(ish)genre and that's why I probably hated it. My imagination isn't very good so I just can't get into these type of movies. Only redeeming quality of the movie is the visual effects and such. I just found it boring, too long, and just not interesting for me.
I get stick for this one EVERY time I say it, but Shawshank Redemption bored me to hell. Maybe I wasn't in the right frame of mind when watching it, but I didn't see the appeal at all. Heck I saw Bolt with the missus the other week, and that was more emotional than Shawshank. I might watch it again in a few years to see if I have missed something, but from first viewing it blowed.
Like Will, 300 is my answer as well. The film was just a big pile of shit. I don't have any idea how any human being with a brain could ever enjoy that ridiculous nonsense.

To give another answer though, Death Proof was another film I absolutely hated, that a lot of other people seem to like. And what’s funny about that is that I’m one of the biggest Quentin Tarantino fans on the planet. Pulp Fiction is without a doubt my favorite movie of all time, and I’m a HUGE fan of Reservoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, and Kill Bill. So, I guess due to the fact that my expectations for Death Proof couldn’t have been any higher, and also since Planet Terror was such a masterpiece, I just ended up being EXTREMELY disappointed with Death Proof. In fact, I would say I was more disappointed with that film then any other film I’ve ever witnessed. And that’s saying something as far as I’m concerned. The dialogue of the picture was just boring, and I just found the girls chasing down Kurt Russell to be beyond stupid. I was disgusted with the entire film.
I can't stand Napoleon Dynamite cause it wasn't funny one bit & it was just plain stupid & ******ed.

I don't like the Harry Potter movies cause they're way too long & boring for me to sit through.

I agree with everyone else about Lord Of The Rings cause it's a real snoozefest cause to me the begining of it bores the hell out of me & it's hard to get into it once the begining bores you.
One movie that I hate, and everybody seems to love, is Dark Knight (co-starring everyones favorite junky, Heath Ledger.)

It's been proven that he didn't off himself on purpose. Give him some slack. He was going through a great deal of depression, was working himself to an early grave, had serious family issues and had spent 2-3 months studying how to portray one of the sickest, most disturbing characters in fictional history, which had even been reported as causing him emotional distress and insomnia. He took a bunch of pills just to function everyday and it caught up with him. End of.

It bastardized the books,

Not really. Dent didn't get acid in his face and dies, Fox knows Wayne is Batman, which was done in the first movie anyway so..... Those are about the only things they did that aren't accurate. You can't say anything about how the Joker was portrayed, because if you really understood the books, you'd know that the Joker's character has been re-imagined soooooooooo many times, that the character is undefineable.

Christian Bale is a marginally acceptable Batman


and the only reason Heath Ledger is getting all the awards and recognition is because he decided to go and off himself.

Replace 'decided to go off himself' with 'died' and you're right again.

Seriously, I was able to get a half hour into the film before leaving and walking into the theater bar, to try and drink the movie out of my memory.

So not only did you deny yourself of 2 hours of great cinema, you several months later managed to successfully
perpetuate the stereotype that wrestling fans have short attention spans. In fact i've noticed a LOT of the movies that have cropped up in this thread so far have been 2-3 hour movies, and nearly everyone has said 'i was bored within the first half hour'.

You want a movie that jumps straight in, without bothering to establish setting or characters or plot? Go watch Crank.

The one entry that i do agree with so far is Shawshank Redemption. I honestly don't understand why it's #1 on the IMDB movie list. I watched it the whole way through and everything, but was left wondering what all the fuss is about.

I saw jmt225 mentioned Death Proof. I saw Planet Terror and thought it sucked balls. The story wasn't good, there's a part where they jump from one scene to another with no explanation of what happened in between on purpose and it, simply wasn't a good film, especially from Rodriguez. I was more interested in whether or not they'll actually make 'Machete' than watching the rest of Planet Terror. (Here's an interesting little fact. In the trailer for Werewolf Women of the SS, if you pay close attention you will notice a cameo appearance from Vladimir Kozlov.)

Oh, and every Bourne film. The only reason i've watched ANY of them is because i promised my girlfriend i'd sit and watch them with her after i dragged her to see the Halloween remake. All of them sucked ass. Seriously, i didn't enjoy any of them. I couldn't stop thinking about how much i hate Matt Damon, but tbh, nobody else would have made it any better.

Oh, and to whever it was who said they didn't like Clockwork Orange? Buy yourself some sense of artistic taste man. Seriously.
Fight Club. (My bitching about it may contain spoilers, so watch out)

Until I came to university, I thought everyone thought it was shit. Then my flat mate pointed out to me that it's in the iMDB top 100, and everyone loves it.

The film has an absolutely flawed premise, because nobody questions the sanity of a man having a conersation with himself in front of them. The ending is the single most ridiculous plot hole in the history of cinema. I was unaware that the site of multiple personalities disorder is in the neck, but apparently it is.

Nothing in the plot makes any sense at all - wouldn't he notice that he was spending rent on two flats? How did he take a lease out in a fake name? Obviously, I'm capable of suspending my disbelief, but when a film defies all realism that is within its boundries, it is ridiculous.
I personally love the Shawshank Redemption, but I see where you people are coming from.

300 is marginal at best, couple of popular soundbites, but even the action wasent as good as it could have been.

If they would have cut out all the scenes with Sam and Frodo traving to mount doom, Lord of the rings would have had a better pace. At lest Aragorn's scenes at lest had some action build up, the scenes with Frodo just seemed to plod, and I couldnt wait for them to get over.

Harry Potter has never intrested me.

But My big rant will be on Star Wars Episode 3:

I pretty much thought that this was the weakest of 1, 2, and 3. mostly because Hayden Christensen's acting is piss poor, he was completely inable to play a villin and he seemed to whine a lot. Natalie Portman who did an ok job in Two, really made a below average performance in this one. Together the poor acting made me question is Anakin and Padme were accually "in love" Not to mention if the most compelling character of your movie is a 3ft CGI alien you have a problem. In addition to that the most memorable scene was a 12 year old youngling wasting 3 to 4 clone troopers. In the end I thought the whole movie missed completely. Its one of the only movies where I left completely dissapointed, but it was Lucas so perhaphs my expectations were too high.
One movie that I hate, and everybody seems to love, is Dark Knight (co-starring everyones favorite junky, Heath Ledger.) It bastardized the books, Christian Bale is a marginally acceptable Batman, and the only reason Heath Ledger is getting all the awards and recognition is because he decided to go and off himself. Seriously, I was able to get a half hour into the film before leaving and walking into the theater bar, to try and drink the movie out of my memory.

Just about the only saving grace to this debacle was Bales breakdown at that press junkette a couple of weeks ago.:one_samuria:

Echo, my good man. Echo.

While I actually sat through the whole thing I can see your point in leaving early. I however hate losing money, so I was going to see all of what I paid for. Plus when I told people I didn't like the movie I didn't want to be called out for not seeing the whole thing and "not getting it". Truth be told I also highly disliked Batman Begins, so perhaps I'm just not a fan of this new franchise.
I have always found Pirates of the Caribean very boring and uninteresting but i was like the only one when we went to see it at our End of Year trip a few years ago and it is just overated and I have always found Johnny Deep to be overated as hell but that is just my opinion
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First I'm going to have to say "Lord of the Rings" I mean the 1st one was ok but I couldn't sit through 3 of them

I hate Harry Potter. I couldn't really get into any of those movies (just not my thing)

Pineapple express. I love seth rogen but this movie sucked ass plain and simple none of it was even the least bit funny

also I gotta agree with th poster above me and say 300 Ithe plot was the furtherest thing from what really happened and the "spraypaint abs" were awful. Looked more lie a gay porno than a major motion picture

Ditto. I dispise that little kid who plays potter, i just do. And black magic and socery and all the other crap in that movie turns me off to.

Really a bunch of sci-fi nerdy crap and im not into that at all. I'd rather watch some sappy love movie before i ever watch potter, and that stuff is awful to, but better than potter.
Napoleon Dynamite. My God, I hate this movie with the fire of 1000 suns. It is the most pointless movie ever set to film. And this is coming from a girl who LOVES stupid comedy. By all standards, I should like this movie- but it's beyond pathetic. Horrible. Not one funny moment.
The Harry Potter films are rubbish, which I think most people who were addicted to the books think. Nothing overly wrong with them, the books are just superior.

Anyway, because everyone seems to be falling in love with it at the minutes - Slumdog Millionaire. I just don't really see the point, it's boring, and the ending was predictable. It has all that critcally acclaimed shit, but I don't care. I wanted to go to sleep.
What a great thread.

HBK-aholic hurt me with her hatred of the Harry Potter films. I think they are masterpeices. Becky (my fiancee) and I watch them every other weekend, curled up on the couch.

Anyway, RVD-Gurl hit the nail on the head with Napoleon Dynamite. I don't get the hype. Seriously. It wasn't very funny, and accompished very little. I respect the fact that it was a film school project turned cult fave - I respect when people can pull that off. But I hated the movie and want that 2 hours of my life back.

Another one is Superbad. After seeing the promos and trailers, I HAD to see it. Missed in the theatres, but rented it because my sister told me it was great. Um, no. Aside from McLovin nailin' the hot red head at the end, I could not have cared less. I thought the language went overboard - I am cool with swearing, but this movie blatantly overused it to the point where it detracted from some of the intelligent dialouge.

The big one is Titanic. I've still never seen it, based on principle. Everyone made such a huge deal outta that film, so I made the decision to boycott it.

I also agree with may on The Lord of the Rings. A tad boring for my tastes, and I prefered the Harry Potter Series infinitely. When somebody asks me if I ever ready the LOTR books in High School, I go straight for the Friends reference and let them know "no, I had sex in High School." Blatant lie, but it's a funny reference.

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