Motor City Machine Guns = a modern DX?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I been catching up on some TNA lately and have been watching the Machine Guns following their tag title win and really started to notice their charisma and talent. Despite the fact that they are the tag champions I still feel like they are being held back and have the potential to skyrocket in TNA if they were featured more. Honestly as the thread title states, I see them as a modern take on a DX like group. They are humorous, young, cocky, and talented. At one point while they were heels I thought they should incorporate a bodyguard with someone like Morgan to be their muscle and help elevate them. But i can really see them working against Bischoff and Fortune the same way DX did with McMahon, Slaughter, and even the eventual Corporation. Right now they could hold a main event feud with anyone on the roster if given the opportunity and should be doing so.

Just a thought I had and wanted to share. What do you think? Is MCMG being held down dispite being champs? Could they become a DX like duo in main event feuds if given a chance?

The original DX was VERY raunchy. Shelley and Sabin are cool, but they don't act like degenerates, and they really don't rebel against authority. Also, I don't think the MCMG would feud with Immortal. That type of stuff is going to be saved for guys like Anderson, Joe, Angle, and RVD. I like Shelley and Sabin, but they're not main event guys. If they split, then I could definitely see them becoming a force in the X-Division title picture, but they wouldn't make it in TNA's main event scene. I also don't think the MCMG are being held down. Their feud with Beer Money was the best thing in TNA for a while not too long ago, and The Guns are still on fire, so I don't think they're being held down at all.
Definately not a modern DX. DX in their prime was never even close to the quality of matches that MCMG does right now. DX in their prime were good, but no MCMG'S.
You know I find this talk of ".........." being the next "..........." very worrying. People spend a far greater proportion of their time than they ought to, trying to weed out and conjure up the very faintest of similarities between what is happening now and anything that went on for the last 25 or so years of wrestling, as far as most people have a memory of.

For just once I'd like to hear people say that motor city machine guns were the first motor city machine guns. Imitation is the sinceirest form of flattery to the tributee and the most abominable form of mockery to the tributers. What people are basically insinuating when they ask if MCMG for example are going to be the next DX, is that DX are/were better and MCMG should aspire to be them. NO...... MCMG should aspire to be BETTER then DX in their own way, that should be every wrestlers dream.

MCMG are one of the best and most unique tag teams of the last 20 or so years, I think they will get their own plaque on the wall of fame as will beer money. You see MCMG are not exactly massive draws for people wanting to see great original promos, but people come to see MCMG perform...and stay for the rest of the show. Everybody knows that they are right at the top of a very good tag division. DX could draw great heat and individually were great performers. MCMG are also very good individually but they are better as a tag team than DX ever were and are more athletic than DX could have ever been, they do things that HHH and HBK probably weren't able to do athletically and that is their own niche. So in some areas they aren't as good and some areas they are better, and if you keep comparing you might just miss what is so good about what you're watching now, not something you were watching over a decade ago.

So in the future, say 10 years down the line you could ask will "........." be the next MCMG, or you could just avidly watch what they do and appreciate it for it's unique twist. Nobody is the same, I shouldn't think that MCMG want to be DX any more than they are enjoying who they are right now.

So no more is morrison new shawn michaels, is Miz the next rock, is bryan the next benoit, is swagger the next angle......we can all clearly see the similarities and the trick is to stay away from them as best you can, something WWE failed spectacularly for swagger which may have been his ultimate undoing. You'd be cementing legends and destroying rookies, that's unfair.
DX mostly consisted of 2 well known main event wrestlers. MCMG, not on that level. MCMG is a great tag team, but IMO not main event level.
maybe you could put MCMG on the level of others who were in DX? like Billy Gunn and Jesse James, the New Age Outlaws.
maybe in the future MCMG will get on a higher level, but right now they are going to provide great tag team wrestling and not really get involved in main event story lines.
about the only thing that is close is that MCMG are degenerates and they are entertaining on the mic (in a cheesy way). can see them doing the adult related humour like DX were best known for

MCMG are MCMG, they don't need to be compared to other teams
neither of them will transfer to singles main event in anything other than TV/X Division.
If Tag Team would go main event, then maybe MCMG could go main event. MCMG have put on some of the more memorable matches in TNA as of late, with their match with Gen Me as being possibly the best match on that card and then the even more awesome 5 match series with Beer Money that culminated into its phenomenal final match, but they won't be main event simply because, well, you're right, they're being held back.

But I think they're being held back more because they're a tag team rather than they aren't any good. If someone in TNA would decide to "try something different" and allow a tag team match to main event a card (if another wrestling organization already does that consistently, then excuse my ignorance and point me to them!), then they could be main event. However, main events are usually reserved for singles competitors as far as I know.
I've watched shows, and been to live shows where the Machine Guns have main event (Yes, it was Ring of Honor, so everybody calm down. I know. 80 people. Basketball gyms, blah, blah, blah) and they did more than leave people satisfied. They are a great tag team.

But they're not like DX in any way other than being two guys who are funny.
MCMG are a great tag team, in a small tag team division. But to compare them to HHH and HBK in their prime is absolutely ridiculous, laughable and downright a joke.
The Machine Guns are not a modern style version of DX the Guns are more like are in my books kinda resemble a modern day Strike Force of Rick Martel and Tito "Chico" Santana. Gen Me remind me of a Hardy Boyz style and the DX would be Beer Money as Roode is like the Hunter and Storm is like the Shawn. So no the Guns are not the modern DX.
The Guns are not a modern version of DX. I like the Guns, they're a fun team to watch in the ring and they've worked hard for TNA. However, the Guns aren't anywhere near the same level as DX.

DX back in the days of the Attitude Era was legitimately pretty raunchy, albeit in a fairly juvenile kind of way. But, then again, that went hand in hand with the whole "degenerate" angle that went with the group. The general heart & soul of DX always has been and always will be Shawn Michaels & Triple H. A lot of the stuff they were doing last year as DX was gag worthy, but HBK & Triple H are two of the biggest stars of the past 15 years. They're always going to be considered main eventers, they're both multi time World Champions, each has had feuds that people still talk about today. A big reason for DX's success overall is due to the star power of HBK & Triple H.

Honestly, I don't know why so many people ask "is so & so the next version or an updated version of this or that?" Whenever wrestlers today are compared to childhood favorites or wrestlers that we loved during the days we were coming of age, they're almost guaranteed to fall short of that mark. For instance, some people call John Cena a modern day Hulk Hogan and a lot of people just rant and rave to the point that they consider it dowright blasphemous despite the irrefutable overall similarities in the John Cena & Hulk Hogan characters. A lot of people don't agree with it simply because memories of Hulk Hogan back in the day hold a special place in the hearts of some fans and nobody can equal Hogan to them. I say, let the Guns be the Guns and don't worry about comparing them to anyone else.
I don't see why people are burying the Machine Guns here.

I mean, the comparison really doesn't hold wait. DX to the Motor City Machine Guns is like apples to oranges. They're not really comparable, IMO.
DX? No, but they can be compared to someone else that leads back to DX. They remind me of a modern day Rockers. They have a rock and roll gimmick, they're young and innovative, and they have an unlimited amount of untapped potential. They also had a hell of a time getting gold. When you look at it that way they might be on their way to being a DX. We'll find that out in a few years.

Someone said they can't feud with Immortal? Dude, think about it. Picture them running down to the ring and pulling off their fast paced moves on a few Immortals while they're music was still playing. The crowd would eat that up and I have a feeling over half the people reading this would mark out. The Motor City Machine Guns will run into Immortal eventually, and it just might catapult them to the next level of their career. Alex Shelley will be a World Champion someday. I highly believe that. But hell, what do I know. I actually liked The Ultimate Warrior and Lex Luger...
Young adolescence does not equate immaturity, necessarily. In that vein DX and MCMG are on two very different planes.

DX were a rebel group. MCMG are not.

DX were made up of established stars. MCMG were not (sort of).

DX used overt innuendo and sexual exploitation to make a name for themselves. MCMG do not.

I fail to see how the two relate at all unless you only measure MCMG by that awful back-and-forth promo they had with London Brawling a few months ago.
I agree with everything IDR said. It is a horrible comparison.

The Guns aren't comparable to any other team except the Rockers but they are better than that. Their series with Beer Money proved that they are on the elite group of tag teams through history.

They are a better team than DX ever were.
No way they're like DX. Nothing in common. MCMG are ACTUALLY a tag-team. They ALWAYS wrestle together and they have tag-team moves and everything. DX were just two guys that were super entertaining to watch. I don't remember ONE match where Shawn and Hunter actually pulled off a real ass tag-team match.

If you wanna compare The Guns to anyone that would be The Rockers. Now THERE they have tons of similarities. Both very athletic, exciting, cool looks, both faces, promising. That's who The Guns are in my eyes -- modern day Rockers.
They are great in the ring, but I would call Beer money= a modern DX, if TNA wanted them to be.

I know ill get heat, but I find them entertaining, charismatic (Robert Rhoode, sure, James storm only has his beer). And both can wrestle singles and doubles. Yes, I also wish they could be the next DX, they for sure can pull it off in TNA if given the right push (turn face and crush the rest of fortune for the feud)
They are great in the ring, but I would call Beer money= a modern DX, if TNA wanted them to be.

I know ill get heat, but I find them entertaining, charismatic (Robert Rhoode, sure, James storm only has his beer). And both can wrestle singles and doubles. Yes, I also wish they could be the next DX, they for sure can pull it off in TNA if given the right push (turn face and crush the rest of fortune for the feud)

No heat from me dude, I agree. Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm crazy but each time I see Robert Roode I think "Cerebral Assasin". That guy can pull off that type of gimmick any day. Storm on the other hand can be the badass funny guy. I find him entertaining.

So yeah, if anyone has the ability to pull off a DX it's Beer Money. A DX in the sense of a rebellious young group, not following any rules, etc. Not dry humping the mat and mooning the audience.
MCMG are not even close to a Modern day DX. DX was a rebel group that went against authority, MCMG are not. The MCMG are much more comparable to the Rockers with their quickness and athleticism.
I don't get the OP. So they are charismatic? Is that all DX was about? Simply

I think almost every poster has come in and mentioned that DX were a raunchy bunch of frat boys. What very few have mentioned is that they were not a tag team but rather two singles wrestlers who happened to be friends. MCMG are a tag team and a pretty great one at that. They are also responsible for whatever interest tag team wrestling is getting these days.

Beer Money also are not like DX. For one the two of them Storm and Roode are more or less at the same level. In the original DX HBK was a maineventer while HHH was an upper-midcarder. Also in Beer Money I don't think Roode makes a lot of jokes. He is a pretty serious guy.

MCMG may be a little like E&C. But obviously less funny and having possibly better chemistry than E&C. But they are certainly not DX.

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