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Most World Title Reigns

Who will have the most world title reigns when they retire

  • Edge

  • Cena

  • HHH

  • Orton

  • Sheamus

  • Other

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Straightedge perfection
I was just thinking with Edge being a 9 time world champion Triple H being 13 time champion and Cena being a 9 time champion who do you think will have the most title reigns when they will retire?

Will it be one of these 3 or will it be somone else like Orton Sheamus or Undertaker?
Please explain why you think the person you chose will have the most reigns
Really? Unless Shane comes out of the closet and falls in love with a wrestler or HHH and Steph get a divorce it's obvious that HHH Will get the most. He has said it time and time again that he wants to take over Flairs reign. and He will not want nobody getting more then him, He wants the record and as long as he don't fall on the bad side of vince he will get it. So the answer to your question is HHH
Yeah I think Triple will definately break Flairs record but i think Cena will too and with Cena being the face of the company now I think there's a good chance cena might have more than Trips when he's done. Not to mention Cena still has quite of few years left in him and i cant see Trips having more than a few years left.
Probably John Cena,He already is a nine-time world champion and still has atleast 10 years of wrestling left in him.I see him retiring as a 16 time world champion or something around that because lets face it,he is very overrated and Vince loves him
A lot of people say Trips, he is 13-time champion..but i feel he has got about 2 more good reigns in there for him and the last few(when he takes over the Flair reign) will be small reigns...lets nt deny it though...trips has held world titles for over 1,000 days now i think...616+539= yes more than 1,000...and i think he is a great world champion...so he will do it...

Another I might add is Cena..he is 9-time, and he says he loves the wreslting business..what is he 33 years old?? He probably got a good 5 or 6 years left in him..and as long as he is the face..he will be holding the title more and longer than others...maybe he will start slowing down after he hits 35 though, and gets on with some non-title feuds...

but my vote...

Triple H
I figured this would be a two man race between Cena and HHH but it seems like nobody that chose Cena is saying why the chose him but I think it's mainly because he's the face of the company.

I also want to say that with the gaining popularity that Ortons getting I wouldnt be surprised if a few years from now he has alot more reigns underneath his belt and could take over as the face of the company
I figured this would be a two man race between Cena and HHH but it seems like nobody that chose Cena is saying why the chose him but I think it's mainly because he's the face of the company.

I also want to say that with the gaining popularity that Ortons getting I wouldnt be surprised if a few years from now he has alot more reigns underneath his belt and could take over as the face of the company

It's pretty easy to understand why Cena will win more. Cena has four less titles right now and is eight years younger. Barring him quitting or getting hurt, he'll have more.
It's pretty easy to understand why Cena will win more. Cena has four less titles right now and is eight years younger. Barring him quitting or getting hurt, he'll have more.

Thank you for explaining why you think cena will have the most and yes I agree that cena probably has the best chance at it. but with him starting to get more and more boos and Orton starting to get more and more cheers I think there may be a chance for Orton to show he can be the face of the company and get some reigns that would have been given to Cena instead
I would say that Cena will have more reigns then HHH due to him winning the title 1 month hold it for 2-3 months then lose it just to regain it back the next PPV. Cena will easily break the record for most reigns and in my opinion thats a slap in the face to both HHH and Ric Flair as Cena isnt even in the same league as them but the next generation will judge the past only on world title reigns, not ability of the wrestlers
I actually am going for the "human bottle of mayonase" "Mr. Liquid Paper", Seamus. He has been in the WWE for less than a year and is on his 2nd WWE title reign. He is is older than Orton but has not had the weekly grind for as long or the major injuries. Cena may get the record from Flair or HHH but Seamus seems to be taking Edges role as the oportunist and he will get many more title runs in the future. He is a good heel that is both credible and easy for writers to put in the title match.
I said HHH because of his current total, position & that he covets Flair's total so much. But I could see Cena as a possibility too...he's still pretty young (33 I think?) and they like giving him the title for very short periods of time. So he could wind up with a boatload of titles that he only held for a month or so...but I still think HHH will have the record in the end.
One thing nobody seems to be mentioning is that this is a completely different era from when Flair was wrestling. Flair accumulated his title reigns over an almost 30 year career. Cena's first title reign was just in 2005 and he already has 9. Hogan's first title reign lasted for 4 YEARS and so on. It's crash TV with today's short attention spanned audience. However, saying that I think Triple H will be the first to break 16 but it wont last long and I think Cena will take over within 2 yrs after him. Orton is only 3 yrs younger than Cena so they will be neck and neck at that point.
I think it's likely that all three of them could overtake Flair's record. But Cena will probably be the first. Both Cena and Edge have won the world title an average of twice a year or so in the last 5 years. But Edge is really slowing down from injuries and Triple H is getting old. Cena may even double the 16-title record by the time he retires. He seems to be in it for the long haul. Title reigns are not what they used to be. They have become short and frequent, not long and occasional.
I'm not so sure HHH has three more title reigns in him. 1 - sure, 2 - perhaps, 3 - I don't know. He's getting old, and (I hope) he's focussed more on getting younger talent over.

Cena - definitely. They seem incapeable of writing him in a storyline without the title - and unless that changes, he'll be on 20 fairly easily by the time his career ends.

Edge - won't make it. Has 9 at the moment. He says he has 2 more years in him, at a push that'll mean 3/4.

Sheamus - very difficult to tell at this stage. I don't think he'll outdo Cena (i don't think anyone will actually).

Orton - his character is so good I think we'll see a fair few more but equally they can write him in such complex storylines he'll dip in and out of the title spot where necessary.
Can i just say this..technicallyhhh has the most riegns in the WWE because flair is a 16 WORLD champ having only win the wwe title twice....trips is a 13 WWE champ he won all his in the company...so technically trips has the most....
but i do belive Cena will fly by that being a 9 time champ and probably win two more this year.
with Edge Edge went on the record of saying he has baout 2 years left in him unless he goes on a champ spree i dont see him winning no more than 10 or 11
With Orton i say hell have about 9 or 10 reigns..while Orton is my fav wrestler (behind HBK) i feel like hes very injury prone and hell get an injury thall end it all for him with that shoulder..surgery can only do but so much..
But when you think about it you could say the same thing about Cena..broken neck..knee injuries..shoulder and pec tears.....hes got about 5 or 6 years in him left but i still say hes going to pass trips record
Sheamus might get 5 or 6 but i cant really see him as the top dog with most reigns....even though i would to see his current reign last for a long time i see him as a transitional champ...in the next three ppvs that titles gone
As it pertains to everyone else
Taker..i see him with no more reigns
Mysterio- i still dont understand why he has won the first two titles really....can you really beleve some 5 foot dude can beat a giant an All american american and the Straight edge savior in a match with hi heart??pfffft
JEricho- i see him about a 9 time champ but nothing more but once again im a huge fan of him
Big Show-what is he like a % time overall champ with only two WWE titles runs and an ECW run?? no way hell beat it
thats about everyone that could have a chance
In a recent interview Edge said he thinks he has about two years left in the business, and I don't see him getting 5 or 6 more title runs before he walks away. If he ever does return, it will probably be in a Stone Cold style, where he's not a champion, but he's used to get ratings and put other guys over. Triple H is a 13 time champion, but I don't see him getting too many World Champion shots with the remainder of his career. I see one good one left in him, but for the most part his place is to put the other guys over. Now, Randy Orton is wicked good, but he's never going to be the face of the company while John Cena is around, and that's just bad luck and timing for him. He'll get more title shots as long as he sticks around, and I'm looking forward to all of them. As for the Undertaker, if he gets another title shot (and I would be surprised) I think it will be his last. I see his time in the WWE coming to an end quite soon. Out of the guys you suggested, I think John Cena will retire with the most amount of title runs. He's already at...9? Yeah, I think that's the right number. But he's got years ahead of him, he's in his prime, and he's going to be the face of the company for a long time to come. I would give it a few more years and you'll start seeing him fade into an HBK role, where he's a legend who puts other guys over, while still staying on top of the main event card. But I can easily see John Cena beating Triple H's 13 title reigns, and possibly even surpassing Ric Flair and becoming the new record holder. I'm not saying I'm super excited about the idea, but I can see it happening.

As far as some of the talent that coming up on the main roster now, it's really impossible to tell. Guys like Kofi Kingston, Miz, and John Morrison have a ton of potential to be 10 time World Champions, but you never now how they'll play out. They could just as easily burn out and fade away into nothing. And while all of them are phenomenal athletes, I don't see Vince putting the company on their shoulders.
I'm going for a guy who lights up in the room when he takes off his shirt. The guy is young, and just won his 2nd title. A lot of the veterans like him, because he steps it up, and puts on some matches. I think he is 27. He has another 15 years left, so, he might get up to the 19 or 20 title reigns. Don't worry though. I'm sure HHH and Cena will get 15 plus title runs before their career is over.
Not knocking the thread, but it doesn't matter anymore. The number of reigns any single wrestler has is a non-issue. These are the days of hot-potato titles. It only matters that [enter wrestlers name here] has achieved that level. Once at that level number of reigns isn't important.
Having said that, to answer you question I'd have to go with Cena. I think he'll beat out Trips over the long haul because he's the face of the company and has more in ring years ahead of him than does HHH. This is probably a copy of what some said so credit to y'all.
I have to say it would be Cena. Let's face it he already has nine reigns and he's only 33. He has at least another 10 to 15 years left in him. If he only wins the world title once a year starting now he would have already have more than 20 reigns and I think it's safeto say he will win the title more than just once a year. Cena has said time and time again that he will never leave the WWE and if he really does mean what he say than it's pretty much guaranteed that he will retire with more than 20 world title reigns.
It's out of three choices really. Cena, Edge and HHH.

John Cena
He already has 9 title reigns to his name, but the always seem to be quite long reigns, 4 months or more. This means he can't really have more than 2 reigns a year. It will take him three years to overtake HHH at that rate, if Hunter doesn't get another title.

He has won all 9 of his titles in only 3 years. He is the ULTIMATE transitional champion. If WWE need a heel champion he can be the guy, if they need a face champion, he can play that role as well. He can have a lot of reigns in a short period of time, as he has done in the past.

He currently leads the way on 13 title reigns, but he's only held the title twice in three years. He seems to be more interested in putting people over right now (I know I will get heat for that, but look at how long it has been since he was involved in a title fued, it was vs Orton at WM 25)
don't think he will get many, if any more title reigns, but he deserves to lead the way. He's a better all round performer than ither Cena or Edge. He's better than Cena in the ring, better than Edge on the mic.

I don't honestly think he will manage it, but I think he deserves it. My vote is HHH
I think we're missing something here folks - WWe is not the only organisation with world title recognition. Should WWe move HHH ahead of Flair, you could well see Kurt Angle (11 reigns) keep ahead of him - especially if Ric maintains his relationship with TNA.
Im going to go for Cena. He is the guy that sells the most merchandise so will always need to be featured prominently. He is also the companies top guy and is always a safe bet for them to put the title on. Plus the heels are always interchanged to feud with him, even a few face v face PPV title matches are involving him. This is because of the amount he is booed. He can wrestle faces without it being too awkward. Plus it seems that all the new guys created (Sheamus, Miz) have to go through him to get to the top and this means that they more often than not trade the title with each other.
Who just lost the title? Who holds the title for prolly 6months out of every freakin year? Sure triple hhh has a lead on cena but cena has prolly 8-10more yrs in the wwe cena could get 2 title reigns per year for the next 10 yrs by my math that would make him a 29time champ now granted he wont be shoved down our throats as bad once he gets older buts hes got quite a few more years as the top dog in the company. I just dont see any way that cena doesnt finish with more titles then anyone else. Barring injury cena will be on top when its all said and done
Of all the people you have mentioned, I definitely have to go for John Cena.

I am a huge Triple H mark and anything that he has over the rest of the roster is just another win for me. Right now, it is the amount of Championship wins but there is no way that Triple H will ever hold onto that re cord given the speed at which John Cena has managed to amass the Championship that he has. He is a 9-time World Champion and he shows absolutely no signs of slowing down. Personally, I can’t see them giving the Championship to anyone other than John Cena when Sheamus does inevitable lose it and that would mean that he is a 10-time Champion! Just saying that is absolutely crazy.

He is still very young for a wrestler and is nowhere near ready to give up wrestling or move onto new pastures. He sucks as a film star and wont even contemplate leaving the WWE for Hollywood considering how the last two movies he have been in have absolutely bombed at the box office. I would say that he has at least another 5-10 years if he paces himself and doesn’t get a career threatening injury. If you consider how quickly he has achieved his 9 title runs thus far, there is simply no question about the fact that he is definitely going to be getting a whole lot more. Edge is a 9 time Champion right now too but that was only for one reason and that reason is because he was the biggest star on Smackdown for a long, long time. He carried Smackdown for years and won the Championship with ease.

Now he is on Raw, he will fin that he is crowded out of the title picture and will find it hard to expand on his 9 reigns. Cena is the WWE’s darling though and as long as he is still wrestling for WWE, he will always be considered for the Championship. Triple H is past his best years now and whilst he is still feuding with people like Sheamus, I doubt he will expand on his 13 reigns, at least not by much. He looks to be much more focussed on trying to get some talent over, even if it is begrudgingly. 13 times is the most in recent history but he looks to be stepping away from the Championship right now and might never win it again. I have no doubt that John Cena will get at least another 4 reigns and at least match Triple H, if not beyond.
I voted for other because i think Ric Flair will retire with the most which is 22 WORLD TITLES! I dont care what anyone says, or what anyone recognizes. The fact is that Ric Flair has won (or been awarded) 22 World Championships. look it up for yourselfs

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