Most Underated and Overated match of 2010

Overrarted: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker @ WrestleMania 26. Sloppy stuff that is only getting Match of the Year votes left and right because of who was in it and the consequences of the outcome. But the match was nothing special.

Underrated: CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio from February 12. Tight ring work with a red hot crowd. Probably the best match these two have ever had with one another and the aftermath was a delicious cherry on top. Overlooked because it was on free television.
I love you, whoever you are. =)

I don't understand why Cena vs Barrett at HIAC doesn't get much love on the internetz. It wasn't just two bozos trading signature spots and finishers for 10-30 minutes. It was one of the few matches all year that actually had a freaking storyline for it. There was so much riding on the line for BOTH guys. Cena was fighting for his freedom; Wade was fighting for his only allies. Wade's facial expressions went from confident he could be Cena to frustrated that he hadn't beaten Cena to completely stunned that he hadn't beaten Cena yet. Every near fall had the crowd on the edge of their seats, you didn't know what would happen next! Wade kicking out of a freaking AA was the highlight of the match because you only need one hand to count the guys who have kicked out of that move since 2004.

As for overrated, part of me wants to say any and every John Morrison match, but that's pretty vague. Even for my standards. :p

Imma go with Taker vs Shawn at WM. It was like they were trying hard to redo their WM 25 match, but completely forgot that both guys were 5 steps behind in the ring. Blow spots, what seemed like 50 fucking finisher kick outs, and a really forced atmosphere just were off putting to me. I did like the ending and all, but the rest of the match? Blah.
While I fully understand where you come from on the finsher fest point, I just cannot see Cena vs Barrette being that good. Its your opinion and thats fine, but seriously, what you praise that match for (which I do not see) HBK vs Taker had that in spades. Taker vs HBK 2(The Mania matches) will go down in history as one of the greatest stories ever told in a ring and it was by miles one of Undertakes greatest performances. HBK was golden as always, but Taker really blew me away.

Anyway, overrated has to go to Raw Money in the Bank. Mainly because it wasnt that great a match and most people only overrated it because its when The Miz ruined the WWE further by getting a push. LoL. People like bums I guess. :p

Underrated is tough. I could say most Intercontinental matches on Smackdown as I do believe they are. Drew Mac is dreadful (aside from his amazing music) but Dolph Ziggler has put the title up and over to a place it has not been in a while. With that said, Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan, not the PPV match, nor the Raw match, but their SD! match. Will go underrated because its on the B show that not many people watch.
Overrated: I think this should go to HBK vs. Taker because quite frankly None of 2010 matches were praised that much by IWC.I don't mean it wasn't good but there were lots of other matches that could be considered this good.

Underrated : Jericho vs Evan Bourne was a great one which seems to be forgotten by people.Smackdown MITB is also underrated because of Raw's.
So many claim that the Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels WM 26 match was the most
Over-rated match of the year. Half of them simply gave the reason being.

"Well, it wasn't as good as 25."
My response is simply "Fuck You."

Everyone knows that it wasn't quite as good. Does that make it over rated? HELL NO.
It was still one of the top matches put on this year, plus the build-up and the ending were fantastic. Just because it wasn't as good as the original doesn't make over-rated.
If it had been a terrible match, you'd be absolutely correct. But it wasn't. It was still an excellent preformance. One of the Top 5 matches this year. And I doubt I'm "overrating it".
Overrated - The SD elimination chamber match. This match was given a lot of praise at the time, and whilst it was a good match, I didn't think it was anything special. Infact, at the time I thought the RAW chamber match was better, and after recently rewatching the PPV, I still feel that way. I think what ruined it for me was the ending. Don't get me wrong, it was the right thing to do so HBK vs Taker II could be set up. The problem was that it was so predictable that when it actually occured, it was a bit underwhelming. Good match, but not great.

Underrated - Team WWE vs Nexus. I know this match was highly praised at the time, but it has sort of been forgotten over the past few months, and those who do mention it just complain about SuperCena winning. I thought this match was excellent, and I rank it as my third favourite match of the year. The crowd were hot, and the match entertained me for every second of its duration. Great Stuff.
Overated- Randy Orton Vs Wade Barrett with John cena as the special guest referee at survivor series.
The way this match was being built-up with John Cena decision really made me thought that we were in for a great match with a shock at the end.The match turned out to be shocking because of how much is was dissapointing. The match was medicore and John Cena just letting Orton win was very underwhelming.
Underated- Chris Jericho Vs Evan Bourne at Fatal Four Way
This was Jericho's best match since wrestlemania where he had to use his old school moveset to try and put the underdog Bourne away. Great Match all round and Evan Bourne's best match ever

Wrestlemania XXVI - HBK vs. The Undertaker

Not just because the first one was better. The first one was a million times better. This one didn't really do anything for me at all. It didn't have a WM feel for me. I was very disappointed with this match. I thought it was sloppy and it felt thrown together.


Hell In A Cell 2010 - John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

This really was a great match. We finally got to see what Barrett could do and he showed off a great arsenal of moves. Many you hardly see anymore. Except his elbow drop.....terrible. It was pretty much Barrett carrying Cena, but it was MUCH MUCH better than I expected. The finish was overrated, but the match was underrated.


Royal Rumble 2010 - ECW Title Match
Christian (c) vs. Ezekiel Jackson

I was really impressed with this match, thought it was the best match of the night. I wasn't really excited about it heading in, but I got really into it as the match went on. I was highly impressed with Jackson.

Vince McMahon vs Bret "The Hitman" Hart at WrestleMania XXVI
It was as boring as hell. It's build-up was strong and I expected a huge match but it just spoiled WrestleMania. 20 Harts beating a vulnerable Vinnie Mac was just hard to digest. The match was slow and two oldies going at it at WM is not a match anyone would want to see.


Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler on RAW
Zero build-up. Awesome match. The highlight of Daniel Bryan's career. It was just a superb match and both men gave their best. Both men showcased their talent and let everybody know that they are the future. Awesome. Just AWESOME!!
It's got to be HBK V Taker. There was so much hype and then it wasn't as good as their previous match. They just seemed too old. It was a good match, just blown up to be much better than it actually was.

I think it was the Money In The Bank Match At WrestleMania 26. It was unexpected that Jack Swagger won it and it had some awesome action. Kofi used ladders as stilts for God's sake, how can anyone deny that awesomeness. Christian and Matt Hardy brawling throughout was also well built up with Christian saying if they wanted to win they'd have to do it together and then just them beating each other up instead.
Under-Rated MATCHES

For me, there were a few:

John Cena vs Wade Barrett at Hell in a CellGREAT match. Terrific consequences. Tremendous build up to the match all the way. You couldn't deny the crowd participation with the announcers even getting involved. Striker acknowledging the Cena cynics with the "Let's go Barrett" chants and the "Let's go Cena" division. The stunned reactions on the crowd when Cena lost, was quite memorable.

Chris Jericho vs Yoshi Tatus Superstars
I don't remember what date this was on, but oh my goodness. :worship: This was one of those rare gems that makes you glad to watch it once in a while. I don't think to this day, anything has ever quite measured up to that par of a match. Each man was quite equally matched in technicality. I do think that was one of the best matches in quite some time, without any of the smarmy comments from the commentators, and it was pure wrestling at its finest in a while. Even King and Cole were pretty quiet throughout the bout. I don't think that quite got the praise it should have.


Undertaker vs HBK WM26
Granted, I'm a huge fan of both, but I do agree it was quite ostentatious the amount of the press it received. However, I won't deny the respect I have for both of those wrestlers. Even though it was a redux from the year before, with more dire consequences, and we know that it will still be someone this next year looking to end his streak again.
I'm finding it hard to think of any matches that are 'overrated', because quite frankly i don't see anyone hyping particular matches unless it's in the PPV aftermath thread. I imagine after TLC i'll be able to think of one.....

I don't seem to see much love for Kofi/Ziggler at Summerslam though. Probably because it ended with a Nexus run-in and had no finish, but up until that point, those two guys were putting on a damn fine match, and personally, i enjoyed all the matches in that little series. Hell, Dolph's been impressing me all year!

And i don't see how people can say Taker/HBK II is overrated. If people say it was 'the best match ever' then it'd be overrated. If people say 'it's the best WM match ever' it'd be overrated. But instead just about every single person agrees that it wasnt as good as WM25. So if the overall consensus is that the sequel didn't like up to expectations, how is it overrated? How can something be overrated when everyone agrees that there is something better than that?

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