Most Underated and Overated match of 2010


Championship Contender
So what is the most Overated WWE match of 2010? And what is the most Underated?


As far as overated the first match that popped into my head was Shawn Michaels and Undertaker at Wrestlemania. I know I will get bad rep for this but honestly I do not care because this has to be said. The match was not as good as everyone claims. Not that I am saying it wasn't good but it wasn't spectacular. I personally liked the one at Wrestlemania 25 way better than as far as match quality. The Wrestlemania 26 match had a better story and was built up better but the match was not as good. I do however respect both men for giving it their all that night. Both men were older and Taker had nagging injuries he was working on. It was the best they could give us but I didn't enjoy since I remember the one from the year before so much. Once again not saying it wasn't good but it was really overated, in my opinion.


I had to think about this one a little more but I have decided to go with Jack Swagger vs Rey Mysterio from the Money in the Bank pay per view. I saw it for the first time the other night as I was watching WWE Classics On Demand and I was telling a friend about how good I thought it was. I am not saying it was a classic but it was a very good outing between the two and should have been given a lot more credit because it was deserved. I was very suprised.

What are your thoughts?
Overrated match of the Year: Raw Money in the Bank @ Money in the Bank

Wow, this matched was average. Especially, after the great Smackdown MITB match earlier in the night. Also, the build up for this match was epic. If you don't know what I'm talking about. Youtube "Airbourne into RKO" and tell me after that you wouldn't have been thought this wouldn't be great. Instead we got an average match that never go off the ground and only WOW! moment was an RKO into Airbourne.

Underrated match of the Year: Daniel Bryan vs The Miz @ Night of Champion

What a match, if you haven't seen it I highly recommend that you check it out. A very old school style match, in that, both wrestlers showed some very technical moves and were able to entertaining all the way threw.
So what is the most Overated WWE match of 2010? And what is the most Underated?


As far as overated the first match that popped into my head was Shawn Michaels and Undertaker at Wrestlemania. I know I will get bad rep for this but honestly I do not care because this has to be said. The match was not as good as everyone claims. Not that I am saying it wasn't good but it wasn't spectacular. I personally liked the one at Wrestlemania 25 way better than as far as match quality. The Wrestlemania 26 match had a better story and was built up better but the match was not as good. I do however respect both men for giving it their all that night. Both men were older and Taker had nagging injuries he was working on. It was the best they could give us but I didn't enjoy since I remember the one from the year before so much. Once again not saying it wasn't good but it was really overated, in my opinion.

I agree with you 100 0/0. I watched the mania 25 match again on thursday and I still feel the markout moments in the end. The old school story they told, Taker landing on his head and still carrying on in the match like it never happened, The big moves MEANING something @ the end of the match is just a wrestling classic.

For my underrated match of 2010 Im going to go with Angle vs Anderson from Lockdown. Them 2 nearly killed each other in that match, The cage was used well too I just wish TNA didn't book EVERYONE to bleed on the ppv because if it was only Angle that showed some colour it would of added more to the match. But we also got the moonsault of the top of the cage so that was cool too :worship:
For my underrated match of 2010 Im going to go with Angle vs Anderson from Lockdown. Them 2 nearly killed each other in that match, The cage was used well too I just wish TNA didn't book EVERYONE to bleed on the ppv because if it was only Angle that showed some colour it would of added more to the match. But we also got the moonsault of the top of the cage so that was cool too :worship:

Read the top. It says WWE.

Now on to topic.

Overrated I have to go with The Undertaker vs HBK. Yes it was amazing but it didn't live up to the expectations. Like most sequels it didn't beat the original. I think that it could've been better in a few spots

Underrated This one is odd, but I have to say the smackdown MITB match. Everyone was watching for the raw one, but it shocked the hell out of me when Kane won. There were some awesome spots and the ending was unpredictable.
The most overrated match so far of 2010 would have to be the Sheamus vs. Triple H at Wrestlemania XXVI. There's no doubt that the match was about putting the younger guy with less expirience over in Sheamus. In that case, it served its purpose. But the match in my opinion really was nothing but two big guys with a lot of similarities hitting and stomping away at each other. If Triple H really wanted to put over Sheamus, what a better place to do it then Wrestlemania. Everyone makes this match out to be one of Sheamus' best match. I think that has to do with it being at a Wrestlemania. Sheamus has had better matches on RAW then he did with that match. Totally overrated.

I'm sure I'm about to pick a match which noi one else will pick. The match's duration was only around eight minutes--but still a very underrated match of 2010. The match I'm refering to is Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan on the premier of NXT, Febuary 23, 2010. The Best in the World vs The Best in the World. The American Dragon vs. The Lion Hart. Chris Jericho vs Daniel Bryan. It was the very first NXT. Jericho was World Heavyweight Champion at the time and this was the main event on NXT Episode #1. WWE put a lot of faith into Bryan to deliver in this match. Now you have to remember, a lot of younger, or older for that matter, WWE fans have not seen Daniel Bryan in action. Bryan went all out. Minutes into the match he takes a dive through the ropes but Jericho moves slamming Bryan into the announcer's table This was the moment where everyone feel in love with DB. Bryan tried some submissions and for a moment, I thought Jericho would've tapped, But being the Champ he is, he didn't. Bryan put up a hell of a fight but lost submitting to the Walls of Jericho Lion Tamer, which no shame in doing that. I'm telling you, this match is worth watching. It really proved both of these guys are the best in the world at what they do. A very underrated, true classic between two greats.
Overated - Undertaker vs Kane Bragging Rights, Buried Alive.
For one, the match want a real match to happen at bragging rights, at least wait till suvivor series, but imprtantly, all the hype to the match was basicallyfor nothing, as the match didnt even have one put the opponent in the burial bit (?). Instead, Nexus (who still to this day, i have no idea why they did it) come out and take all the focus off the match...wasnt the best i have to say.

Underated - Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler, Bragging Rights - Now, at the same PPV in which the Most Overated match took place, so did the underated. Bryan vs Ziggler was a fantastic match, both having all aspects of the buisness in one match. High Flying, 2-counts galore, moves hit out of no-where, it was such as shame that no-one really cared bout this match, because i would chose this for match of the year...I'm Just Sayin...
Overrated: Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels, just because the first one was better, not cause it was bad or something. I also would pick any Kane Vs Undertaker match in their recent feud, just because the inring action was lousy.

Underrated: I have to go with Bryan Vs Ziggler in bragging rights or Bryan Vs Miz in Night of Champions, if i have to pick ill go with bryan vs ziggler
Overrated: shawn michaels vs. undertaker at WM 26 just because it wasnt as good as WM 25

Underrated: definitely Trent Barreta vs. Curt Hawkins on Superstars this week. Both worked very well, and their was some well placed and perfectly executed high spots with barreta especially doing that fl;ip over th ropes onto hawkins.
A lot of these "overrated" matches other than the HBK/Taker ones are overrated? Really? I haven't heard anyone hype up these matches. If anything I've ONLY heard negative criticism about some of them (like the Kane/Taker match or HHH/Sheamus.. I never heard anyone say either were good so how are they overrated?) Make sure you know what overrated means.

For overrated I too would go with Taker/HBK but it wasn't a bad match. Just not as great as everyone made it seem.

As for underrated... Definitely The Miz vs Morrison vs Bryan match. I never hear ANYONE talk about this match over the US Title and yet I think it was the best match Miz has been a part of, at least in 2010. Morrison and Bryan were spectacular and Miz was uh... there. But it was a great match that I really enjoyed and I never ever see anyone talking about it.
Overrated is hard to call. I mean how many matches these days does anybody give any credit to? So overrated I would have to say any match with Sheamus because he doesn't deserve to be anywhere but jobbing on Superstars.

Underrated is absolutely the Angle/Anderson Lockdown cage match. Of course the moonsault was the highlight but both guys really gave the best performance of their careers that night and gave a legitimacy to their feud and is really probably the reason I continued to watch TNA at the time.
Overrated- I think I will have to go with the RAW Mitb ladder match. I enjoyed it, but everyone say's it was the Match of the night when I sincerley thought the Smackdown MITB ladder match was much more exciting and had better spots.

Underrated- I'm gonna go with John cena vs Wade barret at the HITC PPV. This match was Awesome! and the crowd was going nut's, it's rare that you see a crowd so into a match nowadays. Both guy's really digged into they're move-set and pulled out a Very exciting match.
Underrated is absolutely the Angle/Anderson Lockdown cage match. Of course the moonsault was the highlight but both guys really gave the best performance of their careers that night and gave a legitimacy to their feud and is really probably the reason I continued to watch TNA at the time.

This is a thread about WWE's most overrated and underrated matches in 2010.

Now with that said, in my opinion, the most overrated match this year was Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 26. The match is viewed as match of the year, but the match did not live up to the standards set by their match the year before.

The most underrated match was Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz at Night of Champions. The match had me on the edge of my seat and was incredibley great.
This is a thread about WWE's most overrated and underrated matches in 2010.

Now with that said, in my opinion, the most overrated match this year was Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 26. The match is viewed as match of the year, but the match did not live up to the standards set by their match the year before.

The most underrated match was Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz at Night of Champions. The match had me on the edge of my seat and was incredibly great.

Well just to be fair, I really don't think anyone was actually EXPECTING this match to be better than last year's. Even though it wasn't as great as last years, I still think it was one of the best Technical Wrestling matches of this year, with some pretty Exciting moments towards the end.

I also agree with you About Miz vs Bryan, Very underrated match.
Well just to be fair, I really don't think anyone was actually EXPECTING this match to be better than last year's. Even though it wasn't as great as last years, I still think it was one of the best Technical Wrestling matches of this year, with some pretty Exciting moments towards the end. .

I probably should have rephrased what I had said, the main reason why I felt it was overrated was about 2 minutes into the match, Undertaker injures his knee and is basically hobbling for the rest of the match.

Now I know sequels usually aren't as good as the original, but I just felt that it wasn't really exciting until the end (though HBK's defiance at the end was classic) I just wasn't all the happy with the overall of the match.

BTW, great sig.
I agree with practically everyone else here: Undertaker vs. HBK at 'Mania was decent, but not great. I'm sure it will probably win "Match of the Year" at the Slammys, but I feel as though there have been lots of matches this year that were better--not saying it was bad though, by any means. Definitely entertaining, but hardly a "classic".

For underrated, I was going to go with Miz vs. DBD at NOC, as it was fucking great and no one talks about it, BUT, the one I never hear anyone mention that I absolutely LOVED was Edge vs. Christian on the 5/17 commercial free Raw. This kicked the living shit out of their ladder match in '01. It went back and forth and had a few surprise moments, sound technical wrestling, great counters and some nicely executed spots. These are two guys who know each other very well and it was acknowledged by Cole and Lawler and also made apparent in the ring as they told a very nice story. They put on a fucking clinic for 15 minutes that everyone in WWE should have been taking notes on and every fan needs to see. It's not on YouTube, but it is on Daily Motion, so look it up there if you haven't seen it or want to re-watch it.

Major props also to Bryan vs. Ziggler at Bragging Rights, which is my pick for Match of the Year, but I feel that it's acknowledged as being great more than the other two that I mentioned.
I think its harder to say an underrated match than overrated as the WWE is so top heavy in that the midcard guys like Bryan and Ziggler have been having the best matches on the last few PPV's but are hardly acknowledge by the WWE.

Anyway on to topic, more due to the result and the killer to momentum after such a great build, im going to go with the 7 on 7 Team Raw V Nexus at Sumerslam. It was a good match but I just feel WWE dropped the ball by having Cena win, as really to this point other than a couple of tag matches, its the only PPV since Nexus formed that any of them other than Barrett has been in an actual match.

Now to underrated, I agree with a lot of the previous guys, Bryan V Miz at NOC, Edge V Christian on Raw, Jericho V Bryan on NXT and Bryan V Ziggler at Bragging Rights. I however am going to go with Jericho V Evan Bourne from the Fatal 4 Way PPV. Not only was it probably Bourne's biggest win in WWE (remember Jericho was World Champ 2 months before) but the match was excellent and Jericho made Bourne look like a real star.
Overrated: I don't really have one, but I will say that the Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels wasn't really overrated IMO. The reason being that everyone knows the first one was better. Not many people were saying the rematch was way better. So I don't see how it could be overrated. Ok maybe a little.

Underrated: Ziggler vs Bryan at Bragging Rights. It was a very good match and I feel it's a shame that they made Ziggler lose 3 times to the same guy in clean fashion. That made him look weak IMO. I also don't like Bryan so it sucks even more for me.
Overrated- HBK/Taker. I think by now everyone knows why.

Underrated- I'm surprised few people mentioned Edge/Christian at 5/17. It was a great match with nice technical moves and even though I was only watching the highlights, it kept me at the edge of my seat.
Other mentions are Bryan/Ziggler and Bryan/The Miz.
overrated". i wanna say vince mcmahon vs bret hart, cuz it was god awfaul, but noone expected shit anyways, so undertaker/hbk is my choice, even though it was pretty good,

underrated, bryan/ziggler, miz/bryan, and miz/Morrison/bryan isn't underrated?, I hear everyone talking bout it all the time, i think the Chris master vs Dolph ziggler from superstars was great, christian vs edge is also good. one i think no one remembers was daniel Bryan vs Batista beat the clock, it was good match, almost though bryan was gonna win this one.
another mention vs rey mysterio vs dolph ziggler at smackdown,elimination chamber qualifier, idk if it was this year or last. but it was freaking great!
Why do you consider Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker overrated ? I don't get it. It's the best match of the year, period. Also, it's one of the best matches in WWE history and the best main event match in WrestleMania history besides Steve Austin vs. The Rock from WrestleMania X-Seven.

What's wrong with the match ? I rewatched it recently and i think it's a five star classic. This match had the added emotion of the stipulations and the building, the psychology and the pacing were top quality.

The most overrated match of the year has to be John Cena vs. Batista from WrestleMania XXVI. Most people are impressed with the work, but for me it's just a series of spots with big powerful moves and no story whatsoever. I find their Last Man Standing Match more entertaining, which in my opinion is the most underrated match of the year. I don't mind the duct tape finish at all.
Do you guys change your mind every 3 months? I don't remember any time more than 2 ppl before this topic saying Undertaker vs Shawn michaels was overrated!!

John Cena vs Batista I quit match. I mean I heard alot say it was good and had some good moments, but Ive seen none.


I agree wit everyone as ziggler vs Bryan was way underrated. I also agree with the second that miz vs Bryan was underrated. (And I hate Bryan alot!!) So ill throw another one, Orton vs Dibiease vs Cody Rhodes, simply because l loved the match and no one did even like it.
Underrated- I'm gonna go with John cena vs Wade barret at the HITC PPV. This match was Awesome! and the crowd was going nut's, it's rare that you see a crowd so into a match nowadays. Both guy's really digged into they're move-set and pulled out a Very exciting match.

I love you, whoever you are. =)

I don't understand why Cena vs Barrett at HIAC doesn't get much love on the internetz. It wasn't just two bozos trading signature spots and finishers for 10-30 minutes. It was one of the few matches all year that actually had a freaking storyline for it. There was so much riding on the line for BOTH guys. Cena was fighting for his freedom; Wade was fighting for his only allies. Wade's facial expressions went from confident he could be Cena to frustrated that he hadn't beaten Cena to completely stunned that he hadn't beaten Cena yet. Every near fall had the crowd on the edge of their seats, you didn't know what would happen next! Wade kicking out of a freaking AA was the highlight of the match because you only need one hand to count the guys who have kicked out of that move since 2004.

As for overrated, part of me wants to say any and every John Morrison match, but that's pretty vague. Even for my standards. :p

Imma go with Taker vs Shawn at WM. It was like they were trying hard to redo their WM 25 match, but completely forgot that both guys were 5 steps behind in the ring. Blow spots, what seemed like 50 fucking finisher kick outs, and a really forced atmosphere just were off putting to me. I did like the ending and all, but the rest of the match? Blah.
Honestly..I really don't know what's underrated or overrated anymore...but I'll tell you this. For a non-PPV match...I was extremely impressed and entertained by the King of the Ring finals with Sheamus and Morrison. Great pace and flow of the match with many near falls and great crowd energy. One of my favorite matches so far this year.

It probably won't get the respect it deserves because it wasn't on I guess this will make it underrated for years to come. Great job by both guys.
My overrated match of the year is Orton vs Barrett at Survivor Series. the build-up and hype for this match was so huge and I was expecting Barrett to prove he belongs in the main event. But alas it was punching and kicking for 15 minutes. I think because both men work slow, methodical styles that they just didn't gel well together. Even the ending with John Cena being fired was a bit ehh, wasn't as exciting as I expected.

Most Underrated Match The Six Pack Challenge at Night of Champions. There was hype for this match but I haven't heard many people praise it like it should be. The whole match was so unpredictable you never knew what the fuck was going to happen. Jericho being eliminated in the first 5 minutes, Edge and Sheamus teaming up, Barrett eliminating Cena, and Orton getting the win. Great match that I was skeptical of when I first heard it but it was really good imo and was only really talked about the day after the NOC.
The most overrated match of the year is Kane vs Undertaker at Hell in A Cell. The build to it was phenomenal. The re-introduction of Paul Bearer was a nice touch, but the match itself was a complete bore. Watching Kane chase Bearer across the ring was comical, and the ending was cartoon corny with the blinding light from the urn. A match with such a phenomenal build deserved so much better then this.

The most underrated match of the year was John Cena vs Batista at Wrestlemania 26. It fell a bit under the radar because it was sandwiched in between Edge/Jericho and Undertaker/HBK, but it was certainly the better of the title matches. Heel Batista was clicking on all cylinders, and Cena got the best match of his career out of him since HHH at Wrestlemania 21. The rocker dropper into the Batista bomb was sweet, and Cena rolling through out of the Batista bomb into the STF for the tap out victory was a nice sequence. A really great match that told a great story but was somewhat overlooked because of its card placement.

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